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      • Publishing House Nova Knjiga

        Nova knjiga insists to create good connection between comercial and elite.We pay close attention to all aspects of the publishing business according to the highest standards and criteria always taking care of the high quality of the translation, covers and textblock.Publishing sectors: fiction, non-fiction, classics, children books. Nova knjiga has a network of own bookstores in biggest towns which covers Montenegrin market. Beside the publishing we have great developed network of wholesale and we are main suppliers of the books in Montenegro. We provide to all companies in Montenegro and region easy way to buy all our editions and editions of other publishing houses.

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      • Ambre Communication Agency

        I am focusing on selling rights of Editions de l'Isatis (Montreal) and am looking for new contacts, publishers or agents, to present my rights list (children, teens and YA books).

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2014



        by Bettina Suleiman

        Freizeit? Schlaf? Kein Kommentar. Dafür lebt Marina mit Anfang Dreißig den Traum einer ganzen Forschergeneration. Für ein Millionenprojekt der UN experimentieren sie und ihr Mentor Griffin mit Gorillas, die zwar wie Menschen aufwachsen. Aber sollten Gorillas auch Rechte haben? Was wären die Konsequenzen? Marina driftet immer tiefer ab in die Welt ihres Mentors, die von Fördergeldern bewegt wird. Im letzten Moment beschließt sie zu handeln – und manipuliert die Forschungsergebnisse. Auf einer Insel im Roten Meer läuft die Auswilderung der Tiere an. Das Problem: Die Gorillas wollen ihre Freiheit nicht mehr; einige werden depressiv; bald schon der erste Todesfall. Die UN macht Druck. Ihre Karriere, Griffin, alles steht vor dem Aus. Und Marina erkennt, dass sie viel weniger für die Freiheit der Gorillas kämpft als für ihre eigene. »Auswilderung« ist ein kühnes literarisches Debüt, wie es lange keines gab: Coming of Age in Zeiten des konditionierten Egoismus. Ein spannendes Porträt unserer Gegenwart, abgründig, unterhaltsam, bewusstseinserweiternd.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023


        by Antonia Michaelis

        Der Sommer, nach dem alles anders war. Wenn man jung ist, fühlt sich das Leben an wie eine Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle: Dein Herz klopft so heftig, dass es einfach Liebe sein muss – oder doch Angst? Wer weiß das schon? Es ist heiß auf Usedom in jenem Sommer 2022, der Ostseestrand ist warm unter den Zehen und Finnley Kovalsky, 17, Förderschüler im letzten Schuljahr, will raus: aus der Platte, aus dem Grau, rein ins Abenteuer. Wie sein Freund Neil und der gutmütige Leif. Und plötzlich ist da auch das ukrainische Mädchen Ulja. Doch wohin verschwindet sie ständig? Und was hat es mit dem mysteriösen Oberst und immer mehr Militär auf der Insel auf sich? Mit den Gerüchten über einen bevorstehenden russischen Angriff? Während einer der Freunde die Insel militärisch verteidigen will, zweifelt der andere an den Behauptungen aus dem Netz. Und über all dem flirrt die Liebe zwischen Ulja und den Jungs in der Sommerluft – bis Finnley sich entscheiden muss, ob er bereit ist, für seine Überzeugungen alles aufs Spiel zu setzen. Was, wenn deine erste Liebe deine letzte ist? Ein mitreißender Coming-of-Age-Roman über Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Freundschaft und Freiheit. Finnley, Neil und Leif haben reale Vorbilder. Voll authentisch: ein hochaktuelles Jugendbuch ab 14 Jahren. Kennst du „Tschick“ oder „Die Welle“? Dann wirst du diese Sommergeschichte lieben. So hart wie bittersüß: Wer manipuliert, wer informiert, wer überlebt?

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        How to Survive the First Years of School

        by Petra Jansen, Stefanie Richter

        With a pinch of humor, the authors tell the story of Julia, her husband Peter, and their little whirlwind Alexander, who is starting elementary school. How do the three of them deal with this new stage in Alexander’s life? What problems do they encounter and what do they find stressful? The book sets out to help parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents understand how children of elementary school age develop. Professionals who work with children of this age may also find it of interest. Petra Jansen and Stefanie Richter are both parents and psychologists. Through the fictional Julia they share their subjective experience as mothers, while also providing background information based on scientific studies. They demonstrate in a clear and entertaining way that some of the problems experienced by children of this age are not unexpected and are no cause for despair.     Target Group: Parents of children in their early years at school.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Find me in the Storm

        by Kira Mohn

        Not a single soul as far as the eye can see. Just sea, cliffs and the beach. And a lighthouse. It’s a wondrously beautiful place – not that Airin has a chance to enjoy it. The lighthouse has been converted into a cosy living space available for rent, and 24-year-old Airin has to look after the property while at the same time running her own bed and breakfast in Castledunn. It’s a lot of work for one person, but normally everything runs smoothly. Until Joshua, the nephew of the lighthouse owner, moves in. Arrogant and priggish, he complains ceaselessly about everything. Airin feels like strangling him. Or kissing him. Who cares, just as long as he stops talking!   16+ years The third volume of a unique romance trilogy about three young women, a lighthouse and love. All titles can be read separately! Rousing characters and a fine dry humor For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Colleen Hoover! More than 60.000 copies of this series were sold!

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2024

        Women and madness in the early Romantic novel

        Injured minds, ruined lives

        by Deborah Weiss

        Women and madness in the early Romantic novel returns madness to a central role in feminist literary criticism through an updated exploration of hysteria, melancholia, and love-madness in novels by Mary Wollstonecraft, Eliza Fenwick, Mary Hays, Maria Edgeworth, and Amelia Opie. This book argues that these early Romantic-period novelists revised medical and popular sentimental models for female madness that made inherent female weakness and the aberrant female body responsible for women's mental afflictions. The book explores how the more radical authors-Wollstonecraft, Fenwick and Hays-blamed men and patriarchal structures of control for their characters' hysteria and melancholia, while the more mainstream writers-Edgeworth and Opie-located causality in less gendered and less victimized accounts. Taken as a whole, the book makes a powerful case for focusing on women's mental health in eighteenth- and nineteenth- century literary criticism.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Ideas of poverty in the Age of Enlightenment

        by Niall O’Flaherty, Robin Mills

        This collection of essays examines the ways in which poverty was conceptualised in the social, political, and religious discourses of eighteenth-century Europe. It brings together experts with a wide range of expertise to offer pathbreaking discussions of how eighteenth-century thinkers thought about the poor. Because the theme of poverty played important roles in many critical issues in European history, it was central to some of the key debates in Enlightenment political thought throughout the period, including the controversies about sovereignty and representation, public and private charity, as well as questions relating to crime and punishment. The book examines some of the most important contributions to these debates, while also ranging beyond the canonical Enlightenment thinkers, to investigate how poverty was conceptualised in the wider intellectual culture, as politicians, administrators and pamphlet writers grappled with the issue.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2010

        An age of wonders

        Prodigies, politics and providence in England 1657–1727

        by William Burns, Kim Latham

        Monstrous births, rains of blood, apparitions of battles in the sky - people in early modern England found all of these events to carry important religious and political meanings. In An age of wonders, available in paperback for the first time, William E. Burns explores the process by which these events became religiously and politically insignificant in the Restoration period. The story involves the establishment of early modern science, the shift from 'enthusiastic' to reasonable religion, and the fierce political combat between the Whigs and the Tories. This historical study is based on close readings of a variety of primary sources, both print and manuscript. Burns claims that prodigies lost their religious meaning and became subjects of scientific enquiry as a result of political struggles, first by the supporters of the restored monarchy and the Church of England against Protestant dissenters, and then by the Whig defenders of the Revolution of 1688 against the Tories and the Jacobites. By integrating religious and political history with the history of science, An age of wonders will be of great use to those working in the field of early modern history. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        Divisible by Itself and One / Teilbar durch sich selbst und eins

        by Kae Tempest, Rike Scheffler

        Der neue Gedichtband von Kae Tempest ist eine Öffnung: Nach der Einsamkeit und dem Stillstand der Corona-Jahre, nach dem Coming-out als nicht-binär/trans erzählt Tempest ehrlich und präzise von Verletzlichkeit und Selbstentblößung, von Zweifel und Hoffnung. Von unerfüllbaren Rollenerwartungen und der Ablehnung des eigenen Körpers, von der Flucht in den Rausch und dem Glück, wenn sich zwei Hände am Rand einer Bühne überraschend begegnen. Vom seltsamen Anblick der*des kranken Geliebten, nackt über eine Schüssel gebeugt, kurz vor der Trennung. Von der Kraft der Veränderung und dem lange entbehrten Gefühl von Zugehörigkeit und Gemeinschaft. Denn wo, wenn nicht dort, wäre Halt zu finden. Schon durch das Wissen: Man ist nicht allein. – »I’m right beside you.«

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Politicising and gendering care for older people

        Multidisciplinary perspectives from Europe

        by Anca Dohotariu, Ana Paula Gil, Lubica Volanská

        This book offers a new critical framework for understanding the processes of politicising and gendering care for older people and their manifestations in several European contexts. It interrogates how care for older adults varies across time and place while searching for an in-depth comprehension of how it becomes an arena of political struggle and the object of public policy in different countries and at various societal and political levels. It brings together multidisciplinary contributions that examine the issue of care for older people as a political concern from many angles, such as problematising care needs, long-term care policies, home care services, institutional services and family care. The contributions reveal the diversity of situations in which the processes of politicising and gendering care for older adults overlap, contradict or reinforce each other while leading to increased gender (in)equalities on different levels.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        Ageing and new intimacies

        Gender, sexuality and temporality in an English salsa scene

        by Sarah Milton

        The 'baby boom' generation, born between the 1940s and the 1960s, is often credited with pioneering new and creative ways of relating, doing intimacy and making families. With this cohort of men and women in Britain now entering mid and later life, they are also said to be revolutionising the experience of ageing. Are the romantic practices of this 'revolutionary cohort' breaking with tradition and allowing new ways of understanding and doing ageing and relating to emerge? Based on ethnographic fieldwork in salsa classes and life history interviews, this book documents the meanings of desire and romance, and 'new' intimacies, among women in mid and later life. Challenging notions of the revolutionary 'baby boomers', it details how these practices, experiences and identities are intersected and informed by age, class, whiteness, and a pervasive concern to remain respectable.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Sex, politics and empire

        A postcolonial geography

        by Richard Phillips

        Colonial governments, institutions and companies recognised that in many ways the effective operation of the Empire depended upon sexual arrangements. For example, nuclear families serving agricultural colonization, and prostitutes working for single men who powered armies and plantations, mines and bureaucracies. For this reason they devised elaborate systems of sexual governance, such as attending to marriage and the family. However, they also devoted disproportionate energy to marking and policing the sexual margins. In Sex, Politics and Empire, Richard Phillips investigates controversies surrounding prostitution, homosexuality and the age of consent in the British Empire, and revolutionises our notions about the importance of sex as a nexus of imperial power relations.

      • Trusted Partner

        Brave new city

        Smart Cities - a survaillance-nightmare?

        by Peter Schaar

        The dream of the ideal city is as old as the city itself. Since real cities often develop chaotically, the idea of perfecting them, even tearing them down if necessary, and rebuilding them according to the prevailing patterns of thought is an obvious one. The latest manifestation of this utopia is the smart city - the intelligent city, packed with the latest technology and extensively digitised. But will air taxis and hyperloops, ubiquitous sensors, access control systems and data-driven management really make the city of the future a better place to live? Are they the answer to the enormous challenges facing today's fast-growing metropolises? Or will the supposed administrative paradise ultimately mutate into a digital juggernaut?

      • Trusted Partner

        Does Movement Really Make Us Smart?

        by Petra Jansen, Stefanie Richter

        Media reports often praise movement as a cure-all. But apart from its undisputed positive effect on health, does movement really make us smarter? Consider a national football team, for example – are these excessively sports-driven players automatically the smartest people? Should we simply replace all school subjects with sports? The authors provide a detailed summary of the latest scientific findings on the influence of movement on cognitive ability. They describe the effects of movement, on old age, embodiment, emotion, school as well as other factors that influence cognition. Target Group: teachers, lecturers, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists, movement therapists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)


        by Stefanie Sargnagel

        "Hi everyone! My name is Steffi (Stefanie) and I am starting this book today to speak freely about my life. Here’s a little about me: I live in Vienna, Austria, in a nice little flat in a cosy council estate, which has a lot of Rottweilers who I think are really cute. I went through a lot of stuff between the age of 16 and 20. Once a crazy person tried to kill me – I still have a scar on my hand to prove it.’" Stefanie Sargnagel is an Internet star, an audience magnet and a unique author. This is her first book, pretty much a classic coming-of-age novel.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Religion and life cycles in early modern England

        by Caroline Bowden, Emily Vine, Tessa Whitehouse

        Religion and life cycles in early modern England assembles scholars working in the fields of history, English literature and art history to further our understanding of the intersection between religion and the life course in the period c. 1550-1800. Featuring chapters on Catholic, Protestant and Jewish communities, it encourages cross-confessional comparison between life stages and rites of passage that were of religious significance to all faiths in early modern England. The book considers biological processes such as birth and death, aspects of the social life cycle including schooling, coming of age and marriage and understandings of religious transition points such as spiritual awakenings and conversion. Through this inclusive and interdisciplinary approach, it seeks to show that the life cycle was not something fixed or predetermined and that early modern individuals experienced multiple, overlapping life cycles.

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