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      • Contrappunto House of Books Literary Agency

        Contrappunto House Of Books accompanies its authors in every aspect of their publishing journey: review and editing of the manuscript, negotiation with potential publishers, promotion, press and communication office. Thanks to its professional staff, the company covers the entire publishing chain, providing authors with a path that combines the creative aspect of writing with editorial and commercial ones. Contrappunto House Of Books goes beyond the traditional concept of a literary agency, working on the development of the Personal Branding of each author. The Agency also works along with publishers on the promotion of their catalogs, enhancing the "mission" of each brand. From the work on the text to that of promotion, from the organization of events to the participation in book fairs, Contrappunto traces an original path for each individual author.

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      • Gyeonggi Content Agency

        GCA supports the planning, production, distribution, overseas expansion of contents including videos and films, music, publishing, webtoons and animations, games, etc

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Birth controlled

        Selective reproduction and neoliberal eugenics in South Africa and India

        by Amrita Pande

        This book analyses the world of selective reproduction by a critical analysis of three modes of controlling birth, namely contraception, reproductive violence, and repro-genetic technologies. All population control policies target and vilify women (Black women in particular), and coerce them into subjecting their bodies to state and medical surveillance; Birth controlled argues that assisted reproductive technologies and repro-genetic technologies employ a similar and stratified burden of blame and responsibility based on gender, race, class and caste. The book draws on gender studies, sociology, medical anthropology, politics, science and technology studies, theology, public health and epidemiology to provides a critical, interdisciplinary and cutting-edge dialogue around the interconnected issues that shape reproductive politics in an ostensibly 'post-population control' era.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        The business of birth control

        by Claire L. Jones

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2025

        Teenage intimacies

        Young women, sex and social life in England, 1950-80

        by Hannah Charnock

        Teenage Intimacies offers a new account of 'sexual revolution' in mid-twentieth century England. Rather than focusing on 'Swinging London', the book reveals the transformations in social life that took place in school playgrounds, local cinemas, and suburban bedrooms. Based on over 300 personal testimonies, Teenage Intimacies traces the everyday experiences of teenage girls, illuminating how romance, sex and intimacy shaped their young lives. The book shows how sex became embedded in ideas about 'growing up' and explores how heterosexuality influenced young women's social lives and vice versa. It offers new explanations of why sexual mores shifted in this period, revealing the pivotal role that young women played in changing sexual values, cultures and practices in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2023

        A woman's place?

        by Ciara Meehan

      • Trusted Partner

        Negotiating with Confidence –Psychological Strategies and Methods

        With 20 Exercises for Self-Learning

        by T. Fritzsche

        From a psychological perspective, there are many aspects to negotiating. Given the right knowledge of backgrounds and mechanisms, it is an art form possible to get to grips with and put into practice. In an entertaining and informative way, this book introduces the reader to the basics of communication and body language, cooperative negotiation, strategic negotiation, the different personalities of negotiators, and negotiating. Using practical exercises and valuable practical tips, this book takes the reader through the main psychological strategies and methods so he can negotiate in a flexible, goal-oriented, and successful manner.   Target Group: For people who want to improve their negotiating skills.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2015

        Marte Meo Method in Nursing

        by Claudia Berther, Therese Niklaus Loosli

        The Marte-Meo Method, developed by the Dutch educational counselor Maria Aarts, is a resource and solution focused communication- and video-analysis-method that supports care takers as well as patients in their daily (challenging) interactions. The method uses short film clips from real life situations and analyses these together with the participants. Using this method, inter personal skills as well as the quality of nursing improve and participants learn how to strengthen the emotional competence of those in need of their care. Target Group: Nurses, Nurse Educators

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2019

        Managing diabetes, managing medicine

        Chronic disease and clinical bureaucracy in post-war Britain

        by Martin D. Moore, Keir Waddington, David Cantor

        This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Through its study of diabetes care in twentieth-century Britain, Managing diabetes, managing medicine offers the first historical monograph to explore how the decision-making and labour of medical professionals became subject to bureaucratic regulation and managerial oversight. Where much existing literature has cast health care management as either a political imposition or an assertion of medical control, this work positions managerial medicine as a co-constructed venture. Although driven by different motives, doctors, nurses, professional bodies, government agencies and international organisations were all integral to the creation of managerial systems, working within a context of considerable professional, political, technological, economic and cultural change.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2023

        Hari Kunzru

        by Kristian Shaw, Sara Upstone

        This book is the first edited collection to focus on the work of contemporary author Hari Kunzru. It contains major new essays on each of his novels - The Impressionist, Transmission, My Revolutions, Gods Without Men, White Tears and Red Pill - as well as his short fiction and non-fiction writings. The collection situates Kunzru's work within current debates regarding postmodernism, postcolonialism, and post-postmodernism, and examines how Kunzru's work is central to major thematic concerns of contemporary writing including whiteness, national identity, Britishness, cosmopolitanism, music, space, memory, art practice, trauma, Brexit, immigration, covid-19, and populist politics. The book engages with current debates regarding the politics of publishing of ethnic writers, examining how Kunzru has managed to shape a career in resistance of narrow labelling where many other writers have struggled to achieve long-term recognition.

      • Trusted Partner
        Film theory & criticism
        December 2000

        100 years of European cinema

        Entertainment or ideology?

        by Diana Holmes, Alison Smith

        Cinema provides entertainment, but it also communicates a set of values, a vision of the world or an ideology. From its beginnings more than a century ago, European cinema has dealt with the tension between these two functions in a variety of ways: at the extremes, dictatorial regimes have sweetened the pill of ideology with the sugar of entertainment. Meanwhile, spectators have persisted in seeking out, above all, the pleasure film can provide. Now available again in paperback, this book explores the complex relationship between entertainment, ideology and audiences in European film, through studies that range from the Stalinist musicals of the 1930s, to cinematic representations of masculinity under Franco, to recent French films and their Hollywood remakes. Diverse and entertaining, this study is addressed to students of film - especially French, German, Russian or Spanish - and to those readers and academics interested in both the history of cinema and in European culture.

      • Trusted Partner

        Up and Down

        by Johanna Selge

        The graphic novel uses expressive, humorousimages to make the topics ofmental health, depression and anxietydisorders in children and young peopleunderstandable. The first part of thenovel tells the story of 16-year-oldNoah.The second part provides informationto better understand mentalprocesses and strategies to deal withchallenges in a self-effective way. Withits preventative programme, “Up andDown” aims to strengthen the resilienceof all young people.

      • Trusted Partner

        Drugs as Micronutrient Robbers

        What your doctor and pharmacist ought to tell you

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        Many of us have to take drugs on a regular basis. But birth control pills, antibiotics, blood pressure medication, statins, diabetes medication, diuretics, anti-cancer drugs, gastrointestinal remedies or preparations against osteoporosis can all rob the body of essential vitamins and minerals. Often, drug-related micronutrient deficiency is the unrecognized cause of drug side effects. Symptoms such as exhaustion, depression, lack of concentration, irritability, sleep disorders or even dementia can result. Such problems can be prevented. Informed patients can take preventive measures, avoid unwanted side effects and make their drug therapy more effective. This guide explains what to watch out for and how to improve quality of life.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Pills, Healers, Globules

        Big Deals with Alternative Medicine

        by Beate Frenkel

        The market is growing for homeopathic remedies, diets and all kinds of miracle cures. Although homeopathic practitioners in Germany are largely unregulated, their supporters are growing in number. An industry has sprung up around alternative medicine that draws on the mistrust towards the pharmaceutical industry, medicine and the media. Many products are as harmless as they are ineffective – but some are dangerous or even lethal. Beate Frenkel investigates: where is the source of this boom? What role do conspiracy theories play as well as the influence of the internet? Why do politicians and the German Medical Association take so few preventive steps? Powerful examples are backed up with statements from doctors, patients and alternative medicine practitioners.

      • Trusted Partner

        Preventing Migraines Naturally

        by Dr. C. Gaul

        Migraine, a widespread disease Migraine is the second most common headache disorder in western industrialised countries. Pulsating headache attacks occur at more or less frequent intervals, usually on one side of the head. Women are up to three times more likely to be affected than men. In a quarter of patients, the disease begins in childhood and adolescence, and the onset of migraine attacks after the age of 45 is rather unusual. Most migraine attacks occur between the ages of 20 and 40. This self-help book provides migraine patients with up-todate medical and scientifically sound information on how to - be able to relieve headaches and migraines efficiently and sustainably using natural remedies, - reduce the frequency of pain attacks, and - better manage headaches and migraines with simple preventive measures. Improve your quality of life!

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2022

        Birth controlled

        by Amrita Pande, Srila Roy, Nicky Falkof

      • Trusted Partner

        Losing Weight and Keeping it off

        A Method With Lasting Results

        by Tatjana van Strien

        In this book Tatjana van Strien, the author of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), presents a scientific alternative for all the ‘miracle solutions’ to lose weight. Based on more than 25 years of scientific research, she offers a self-test-method which enables readers to explore what is the cause of their eating problem, what they can do about it, and ultimately lose weight and keep it off.   Target Group: people who want to lose weight, dieticians, doctors, psychologists.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1974

        Methode und Messung in der Soziologie

        by Aaron V. Cicourel, Frigga Haug

        Die Schwierigkeit in verschiedenen Bereichen sozilogischer Forschungstechnik, die Cicourel untersucht, beruht unter anderem darauf, daß der Sozialwissenschaftler bei der Anwendung seiner Methoden - Inhaltsanalyse, Befragung, teilnehmende Beobachtung usw. - »aus der Rolle des kommunizierenden Mitspielers nicht ganz heraustreten kann« (Habermas). Nach Habermas ist Cicourels Verdienst, die Probleme von Methode und Messung nicht auf die Ebene der Forschungstechnik abgeschoben, sondern erkenntnistheoretisch ins Bewußtsein gehoben zu haben.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1984

        Die Regeln der soziologischen Methode

        by Emile Durkheim, René König, René König, René König

        In seiner umfangreichen Einleitung, einer zusammenfassenden Darstellung der Wirkung Durkheims, sagt René König über die Bedeutung der Regeln der soziologischen Methode: »Wir sind der Überzeugung, daß in diesem Buch Durkheims eine ähnlich wichtige Schöpfung für die Soziologie vorliegt wie in Descartes` Discours de la méthode von 1637 für die allgemeine Philosophie, ohne daß man jedoch darum behaupten wollte, daß sich die Philosophie insgesamt darin erschöpfte, eine Entfaltung des Cartesianismus zu sein. Gewiß, ohne Descartes kommt man in die neuzeitliche Philosophie nicht hinein; sein methodischer Zweifel eröffnet alleresrt jene Dimension des Denkens, die das neuzeitliche Philosophieren vom mittelalterlichen Interpretieren abhebt. Aber gerade damit beginnt auch die definitive und nicht mehr aufhebbare Abwendung von der Alten Welt; zunehmend entdeckt das neue Denken sein autonomes dialektisches Gesetz und sieht sich nicht mehr in methodisch bedingter Abwehrstellung gegen das Gewesene, sondern in seinem eigenen Element. Ähnlich kommt man ohne Durkheim nicht in die Soziologie hinein; sein Grundsatz, ›Soziales nur durch Soziales zu erklären‹, ist der Beginn aller Soziologie als selbstständiger Wissenschaft.«

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