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Ukrainian Publishing House “RANOK” founded in 1997 is prominent for its endless love for books and reading.
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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2024
Coup in Damascus
Husni al-Za'im and the birth of Syrian military rule
by Carl Rihan
Coup in Damascus is a history of Syria's first military regime. It plots the the fall of Syria's democracy and the rise of its military rulers, particularly Husni al-Zaim, whose brief rule in 1949 represented a profoundly transformative moment for the Syrian nation. It is a history of the thoughts, intentions and motives of political actors underpinning the events that have marked Syria's history after the first Arab-Israeli war, and focuses mainly on the interaction between local, regional and international actors. Unlike most histories of the modern Middle East that tackle broad intervals and that focus on the sequences of events, this history seeks to reconstruct the thought processes behind the events, and anchor them within the epoch's existing political and socioeconomic conditions. It draws on several methodological influences, particularly R.G. Collingwood's 'history as re-enactment of the past'.
Promoted ContentOctober 2009
Meine Abenteuer als Welttorhüter
by Pfannenstiel, Lutz / Zusammen mit Putsch, Christian
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Trusted PartnerJanuary 1996
Der große Coup
Aus den geheimen Tage- und Nachtbüchern des Johann Peter Eckermann
by Sparschuh, Jens
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Trusted Partner1992
Ursinis grosser Coup
Ein Tatsachenroman über die moderne Mafia
by Russo, Enzo / Übersetzt von Raith, Werner
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Trusted PartnerMarch 1998
Der Putsch, der nie stattfand
by Muñoz Molina, Antonio / Übersetzt von Zurbrüggen, Willi
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Trusted PartnerThe ArtsJanuary 2019
Diane Kurys
by Carrie Tarr
This is the first book written on Diane Kurys. It is essential for study of women filmmakers in France/Europe. An original and concise reading of Kurys' work.