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      • Cultural Relics Press

        Cultural Relics Press was established in 1957, and is the only press dedicated to publishing archeology related books. It is committed to salvaging and protecting China’s cultural heritage and publicizing the content and artistic charm of traditional Chinese culture. Over the past 60 years, it has published about 7000 kinds of books on culture and archeology”. Its publications on traditional Chinese culture are well received across the world. It is the first press to engage in cultural exchange abroad and cooperate with counterparts in Europe, the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It has collaborated with partners in UK, USA, Italy, Japan, former Yugoslavia, Taiwan. More than 300 awards has been received at home and abroad, including, among others, National Book Award, China Book Award, and “Most Beautiful Books in the World” (Leipzig).

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      • Book Cultural Center

        The Book Cultural Center is a publishing house established in Morocco, Casablanca, created in 2016. With over 42 years of experience in the industry, we are specialized in Arabic literature, social science and novels. We have more than 250 titles. Our books are distributed in all Arabic countries and we participate in more than 10 bookfairs a year. Our establishment is a reference and a pioneer in the Arabic world.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2010

        Photography and memory in Mexico

        Icons of Revolution

        by Andrea Noble

        Photography and memory in Mexico traces the 'life stories' of some of the famous photographic images made during the 1910 revolution, which have been repeatedly reproduced across a range of media in its aftermath. Which photographs have become icons of the revolution and why these particular images and not others? What is the relationship between photography and memory of the conflict? How do we construct a critical framework for addressing the issues raised by iconic photographs? Placing an emphasis on the life, afterlife and also the pre-life of those iconic photographs that haunt the post-revolutionary landscape, Andrea Noble approaches them as dynamic objects, where their rhetorical power is derived from a combination of their visual eloquence and their ability to coordinate patterns of identification with the memory of the revolution as a foundational event in Mexican history. Richly-illustrated, this book will be of interest to all those interested in photography, memory studies, and Mexican cultural history. ;

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        Film theory & criticism
        July 2013

        Memory and popular film

        by Edited by Paul Grainge

        One of the first books to put memory at the centre of analysis when exploring the relationship between film culture and the past. Provides a sustained, interdisciplinary perspective on memory and film from early cinema to the present, drawing from film studies, American studies and cultural studies. Adopts a resolutely cultural perspective and unlike psychoanalytic or formalist approaches to memory, explores questions of culture, power and identity. Contributes to the growing debate about the status and function of the past in cultural life and discourse, discussing issues of memory in film, and of film as memory. Considers such well known films as Forrest Gump, Pleasantville, and Jackie Brown.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2015

        Sites of imperial memory

        Commemorating colonial rule in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

        by Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie

        Europe's great colonial empires have long been a thing of the past, but the memories they generated are still all around us. They have left deep imprints on the different memory communities that were affected by the processes of establishing, running and dismantling these systems of imperial rule, and they are still vibrant and evocative today. This volume brings together a collection of innovative and fresh studies exploring different sites of imperial memory - those conceptual and real places where the memories of former colonial rulers and of former colonial subjects have crystallised into a lasting form. The volume explores how memory was built up, re-shaped and preserved across different empires, continents and centuries. It shows how it found concrete expression in stone and bronze, how it adhered to the stories that were told and retold about great individuals and how it was suppressed, denied and neglected. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Political oppression & persecution
        July 2014

        Co-memory and melancholia

        Israelis memorialising the Palestinian Nakba

        by Ronit Lentin

        The 1948 war that led to the creation of the State of Israel also resulted in the destruction of Palestinian society when some 80 per cent of the Palestinians who lived in the major part of Palestine upon which Israel was established became refugees. Israelis call the 1948 war their 'War of Independence' and the Palestinians their 'Nakba', or catastrophe. After many years of Nakba denial, land appropriation, political discrimination against the Palestinians within Israel and the denial of rights to Palestinian refugees, in recent years the Nakba is beginning to penetrate Israeli public discourse. This book, available at last in paperback, explores the construction of collective memory in Israeli society, where the memory of the trauma of the Holocaust and of Israel's war dead competes with the memory claims of the dispossessed Palestinians. Against a background of the Israeli resistance movement, Lentin's central argument is that co-memorating the Nakba by Israeli Jews is motivated by an unresolved melancholia about the disappearance of Palestine and the dispossession of the Palestinians, a melancholia that shifts mourning from the lost object to the grieving subject. Lentin theorises Nakba co-memory as a politics of resistance, counterpoising co-memorative practices by internally displaced Israeli Palestinians with Israeli Jewish discourses of the Palestinian right of return, and questions whether return narratives by Israeli Jews, courageous as they may seem, are ultimately about Israeli Jewish self-healing rather than justice for Palestine.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2006

        The My Lai massacre in American history and memory

        by Kendrick Oliver

        On 16 March 1968, two US infantry companies entered a Vietnamese village and in the course of a single morning killed over 400 of its unarmed, unresisting inhabitants . . . This is the first book to examine the response of American society to the My Lai massacre and its ambiguous place in American national memory. Kendrick Oliver argues that the massacre revelations left many Americans untroubled. It was only when the soldiers most immediately responsible came to be tried that opposition to the conflict grew, for these prosecutions were regarded by supporters of the war as evidence that the national leaders no longer had the will to do what was necessary to win. Oliver goes on to show that, contrary to interpretations of the Vietnam conflict as an unhealed national trauma or wound, many Americans have assimilated the war and its violence rather too well, and they were able to do so even when that violence was most conspicuous and current. US soldiers have been presented as the conflict's principal victims, and this was true even in the case of My Lai. It was the American perpetrators of the massacre and not the Vietnamese they brutalized who became the central object of popular concern. Both the massacre and its reception reveal the problem of human empathy in conditions of a counter-revolutionary war - a war, moreover, that had always been fought for geopolitical credibility, not for the sake of the Vietnamese. This incisive enquiry into the moral history of the Vietnam war should be essential reading for all students of the conflict, as well as others interested in the war and its cultural legacies. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2024

        Graveyard Gothic

        by Eric Parisot, David McAllister, Xavier Aldana Reyes

        Graveyard Gothic is the first sustained consideration of the graveyard as a key Gothic locale. This volume examines various iterations of the Gothic graveyard (and other burial sites) from the eighteenth century to the twenty-first, as expressed in numerous forms of culture and media including poetry, fiction, TV, film and video games. The volume also extends its geographic scope beyond British traditions to accommodate multiple cultural perspectives, including those from the US, Mexico, Japan, Australia, India and Eastern Europe. The seventeen chapters from key international Gothic scholars engage a range of theoretical frameworks, including the historical, material, colonial, political and religious. With a critical introduction offering a platform for further scholarship and a coda mapping potential future critical and cultural developments, Graveyard Gothic is a landmark volume defining a new area of Gothic studies.

      • Trusted Partner
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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        British culture after empire

        Race, decolonisation and migration since 1945

        by Josh Doble, Liam Liburd, Emma Parker

        British culture after Empire is the first collection of its kind to explore the intertwined social, cultural and political aftermath of empire in Britain from 1945 up to and beyond the Brexit referendum of 2016, combining approaches from the fields of history, English and cultural studies. Against those who would deny, downplay or attempt to forget Britain's imperial legacy, the various contributions expose and explore how the British Empire and the consequences of its end continue to shape Britain at the local, national and international level. As an important and urgent intervention in a field of increasing relevance within and beyond the academy, the book offers fresh perspectives on the colonial hangovers in post-colonial Britain from up-and-coming as well as established scholars.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2025

        Intimate afterlives of empire

        Memory and decolonisation in autobiography

        by Astrid Rasch

        Through close readings of almost twenty autobiographies written after the break-up of the British Empire, the book examines how individuals engage with the changing narrative landscape brought about by decolonisation. It considers the autobiographies less for what they may teach us about the moment remembered and more as windows on the act of remembering. This adds a crucial dimension to our understanding of the legacies of colonialism and how the ongoing process of decolonisation is reflected on the level of the individual. It argues that autobiographers are at once influenced by and seek to influence the cultural memory of empire and its legacies, and the authors' own position in both. Situated at the intersection of imperial/decolonisation history, memory studies, and life writing studies, the book uncovers this intimate afterlife of empire.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2022

        Memory and the future of Europe

        by Peter J. Verovšek

      • Trusted Partner
        Art treatments & subjects
        January 2010

        Understanding heritage and memory

        by Tim Benton

        Written by an interdisciplinary team of scholars, this authoritative text explores the emotive issues surrounding the commemoration of war and atrocity, and the profound challenges for conservators posed by 'virtual', 'intangible' and 'multicultural' heritage. New international case studies demonstrate that while interest in the memorialisation of the great national upheavals of the last century has never been more acute, many of the problems of conserving the past in diverse and disparate societies remain to be resolved. Aimed primarily at students in heritage studies and professionals in heritage industries, this book is one of three in the Understanding Global Heritage series.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2021

        Mutinous memories

        by Matt Perry, Maire Cross

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2021

        Making home

        Orphanhood, kinship and cultural memory in contemporary American novels

        by Maria Holmgren Troy, Elizabeth Kella, Helena Wahlstrom, Maria Holmgren Troy

        Making home explores the figure of the orphan child in a broad selection of contemporary US novels by popular and critically acclaimed authors Barbara Kingsolver, Linda Hogan, Leslie Marmon Silko, Marilynne Robinson, Michael Cunningham, Jonathan Safran Foer, John Irving, Kaye Gibbons, Octavia Butler, Jewelle Gomez and Toni Morrison. The orphan child is a continuous presence in US literature, not only in children's books and nineteenth-century texts, but also in a variety of genres of contemporary fiction for adults. Making home examines the meanings of this figure in the contexts of American literary history, social history and ideologies of family, race and nation. It argues that contemporary orphan characters function as links to literary history and national mythologies, even as they may also serve to critique the limits of literary history, as well as the limits of familial and national belonging.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2021

        Culture matters

        by Robert Hendershot, Steve Marsh

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2021

        Revolution remembered

        Seditious memories after the British civil wars

        by Edward Legon, Jason Peacey

        After the Restoration, parliamentarians continued to identify with the decisions to oppose and resist crown and established church. This was despite the fact that expressing such views between 1660 and 1688 was to open oneself to charges of sedition or treason. This book uses approaches from the field of memory studies to examine 'seditious memories' in seventeenth-century Britain, asking why people were prepared to take the risk of voicing them in public. It argues that such activities were more than a manifestation of discontent or radicalism - they also provided a way of countering experiences of defeat. Besides speech and writing, parliamentarian and republican views are shown to have manifested as misbehaviour during official commemorations of the civil wars and republic. The book also considers how such views were passed on from the generation of men and women who experienced civil war and revolution to their children and grandchildren.

      • Trusted Partner

        Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests: Attention, Executive Functions, and Memory

        by Prof. Dr. Vitor Geraldi Haase / Annelise Júlio Costa (Eds.)

        This Compendium describes the neuropsychometric basis, construction, and usage of a variety of widely used neuropsychological tests, covering the domains of attention, executive functions, and memory.   This title provides a comprehensive overview over the essential aspects of neuropsychological assessment with test recommendations for certain patients or research objectives.   It is a source for beginning and advanced neuropsychologists to make informed decisions when selecting tests. The tests presented in this title have been adapted in a wide range of countries and can be used very efficiently in neuropsychological diagnostics.   Target Group: clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, teachers and students

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