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        Covid, Influenza and more

        How do I strengthen my immune system?

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. med. Michael F. Holick

        Many patients are confused in the coronavirus crisis and ask what they can do to prevent themselves and their family from contracting the SARS-Cov-2 virus. There are now several studies that prove the influence of micronutrients such as zinc, selenium and various vitamins on the immune system and specifically on the course of viral diseases. In this brochure, successful author Uwe Gröber, pharmacist and head of the Academy for Micronutrient Medicine in Essen, has compiled his recommendations for strengthening the immune system. Here you can learn -why micronutrients may be considered for combatting the coronavirus, -how the micronutrients are dosed and applied, and -what effects micronutrients have on the immune system. This strengthens the immune system in the fight against the coronavirus!

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        Textbook of Korean Medicine

        Medicinal drugs and formulations

        by Dr. Kenny Kuchta, Prof. Dr. Hans Wilhelm Rauwald, Hans Rausch and Dr. Raimund Royer

        The consistent and evidence-based development of Korean medicine in many clinical application areas has significantly improved its international status in recent years. The basis for this development is one of the most important medical books in Korea, the „Donguibogam“, a clinical lexicon of applications compiled about 400 years ago; at that time the traditional work also enjoyed the highest recognition in China. In 2009 it was included in the „Memory of the World“ register of UNESCO. Even now after 400 years, it still serves as a manual for writing prescriptions for many physicians in Korea, and testifies that the understanding of nature and human disease patterns is still current and clinically applicable even in the modern industrialised world. This work provides ■ understanding for Korean medicine, ■ many selected medicinal formulations and their fields of application, ■ the description and evaluation of important traditional single remedies, ■ the corresponding drug monographs with information on analytical testing

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        Self-help & personal development

        Do Whatever You Want to Do!

        How a Flatworm Demonstrates the Way to Satisfaction and Freedom

        by M. Storch

        Many people don't know what they want. In this book, a little worm shows the reader how to live life the best way possible. It shows, how often decisions or even entire lifestyles are determined by what is “intimated” by parents, friends, the media, or even the latest fad. Ultimately, the worm shows the reader, that it is only possible to be happy and free, if one knows what one wants and actually actively pursue this. Target Group: For people who want to improve their lives, psychologists, and therapists.

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        Till Stress Do Us Part

        Resilience in Relationships

        by Guy Bodenmann

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        Drugs as Micronutrient Robbers

        What your doctor and pharmacist ought to tell you

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        Many of us have to take drugs on a regular basis. But birth control pills, antibiotics, blood pressure medication, statins, diabetes medication, diuretics, anti-cancer drugs, gastrointestinal remedies or preparations against osteoporosis can all rob the body of essential vitamins and minerals. Often, drug-related micronutrient deficiency is the unrecognized cause of drug side effects. Symptoms such as exhaustion, depression, lack of concentration, irritability, sleep disorders or even dementia can result. Such problems can be prevented. Informed patients can take preventive measures, avoid unwanted side effects and make their drug therapy more effective. This guide explains what to watch out for and how to improve quality of life.

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        October 2016

        Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler

        Grundlagen, Praxis, Antlitzanalyse

        by Müller-Frahling, Margit; Kasperzik, Birte

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        September 2011

        Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler

        Grundlagen, Praxis, Antlitzanalyse

        by Deutscher Apotheker Verlag

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        November 2019

        Migrant architects of the NHS

        South Asian doctors and the reinvention of British general practice (1940s-1980s)

        by Julian Simpson, Keir Waddington

        Migrant architects of the NHS draws on forty-five oral history interviews and extensive archival research to offer a radical reappraisal of how the National Health Service was made. It tells the story of migrant South Asian doctors who became general practitioners in the NHS. Imperial legacies, professional discrimination and an exodus of UK-trained doctors combined to direct these doctors towards work as GPs in some of the most deprived parts of the UK. In some areas, they made up over half of the general practitioner workforce. The NHS was structurally dependent on them and they shaped British society and medicine through their agency. Aimed at students and academics with interests in the history of immigration, immigration studies, the history of medicine, South Asian studies and oral history. It will also be of interest to anyone who wants to know more about how Empire and migration have contributed to making Britain what it is today.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        Dog politics

        Species stories and the animal sciences

        by Mariam Motamedi Fraser

        Do dogs belong with humans? Scientific accounts of dogs' 'species story,' in which contemporary dog-human relations are naturalised with reference to dogs' evolutionary becoming, suggest that they do. Dog politics dissects this story. This book offers a rich empirical analysis and critique of the development and consolidation of dogs' species story in science, asking what evidence exists to support it, and what practical consequences, for dogs, follow from it. It explores how this story is woven into broader scientific shifts in understandings of species, animals, and animal behaviours, and how such shifts were informed by and informed transformative political events, including slavery and colonialism, the Second World War and its aftermath, and the emergence of anti-racist movements in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The book pays particular attention to how species-thinking bears on 'race,' racism, and individuals.

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        December 1966

        Ernst Beling als Strafrechtsdogmatiker.

        Seine Lehren zur Begriffs- und Systembildung.

        by Plate, Hartwig

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        February 1966

        Parteifinanzierung und Grundgesetz.

        Rechtsfragen von Rechenschaftspflicht und Staatszuschüssen.

        by Plate, Heiko

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        January 1995

        Der weisse Falke

        Der Kinderkreuzzug nach Jerusalem

        by Plate, Herbert

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        Mutschler’s Drug Actions

        Pharmacology – Clinical Pharmacology – Toxicology

        by Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerd Geisslinger, Dr. Sabine Menzel, Prof. Dr. Thomas Gudermann, Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hinz and Prof. Dr. Peter Ruth. Founded by Prof. Dr. Dr. Dres. h.c. Ernst Mutschler

        For half a century, “Mutschler” has been the standard reference work on pharmacology and toxicology – always forward-looking and at the cutting edge. The 11th edition continues this approach: ■ Up-to-the-minute: new drugs, including biologicals, relevant guidelines in the context of evidence-based medicine ■ Clearly structured: completely new layout with the focus on indication-related pharmacotherapy; uniformly constructed concise chapters ■ Well-illustrated: with many figures and tables, completely revised ■ Easy to remember: readily understandable explanations – even of complex issues ■ Critical: objective, independent assessment of the clinical value of drugs and drug groups ■ Comprehensive: with short introductions into the principles of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology in the individual chapters ■ Reliable: full coverage of the subjects usually tested in the medical and pharmaceutical state examinations   The proven source for complete knowledge about the actions of drugs: for students and practitioners.

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