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      • Editions Difaf

        Editions Difaf, a Lebanese publishing house founded in 2012, in response to the market need of modern and classic Arabic literature, comparative literature and novels in Philosophy and related subjects. The house has faced great challenges and was able to present hundreds of intellectual titles, linguistics and novels. Many of the publishing house books was shortlisted for the following leading literary awards (Sheikh Zayed Book Award, the Booker prize, Naguib Mahfouz) and has become an important source in the studies issued by Arab scholars. Behind this literature is a committee of reviewers who carefully select books eligible for publishing. Editions Difaf created partnership agreements to overcome distribution barriers and governmental censorship. Moreover, the publishing house focused throughout the past years on translating non-Arabic literature. Panda is a part of Edition Difaf which focuses on publishing children's books. Up till now more than 120 titles were published to serve the youth in the Arab countries.

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      • Difference Engine

        Independent comics publisher based in Singapore, founded in 2018. They are inspired by stories from Asia.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1977

        Marbode of Rennes' (1035–1123) "De lapidibus"

        Considered as a Medical Treatise with Text, Commentary and C. W. King's Translation. Together with Text and Translation of Marbode's Minor Works on Stones Together with text and transl. of Marbode's Minor works on stones by John M. Riddle

        by Herausgegeben von Riddle, John M.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        Spread the Love. Adventskalender

        by Laura Labas, Mimi Heeger, Gabriella Santos de Lima, Isabel Clivia, Laura Cardea

        Voller Liebe durch den Advent Dieser Adventskalender bringt dich in Weihnachtsstimmung. In der hübsch gestalteten Box mit abnehmbarer Banderole befinden sich 24 Karten, auf denen eine Tageschallenge zu einer guten Tat einlädt. Die kleinen Aufgaben stupsen dich sanft aus der Komfortzone, ohne unangenehme Gefühle. Sie könnten beispielsweise so aussehen: „Mache heute 3 Menschen ein Kompliment“. Die Verfasserinnen dieser Karten sind unsere Moon-Notes-Autorinnen Mimi Heeger, Laura Labas, Gabriella Santos de Lima, Laura Cardea und Isabell Clivia! Wem das noch nicht reicht: Entferne die Banderole, schreibe persönliche Worte auf die Box und verschenke ein bisschen Liebe. Spread the Love Adventskalender: Ein achtsamer Adventskalender ohne Schokolade Gutes tun im Advent: Wunderschöne Adventskalender-Box mit 24 inspirierenden Ideen für Romance- und New-Adult-Fans ab 16 Jahren. Achtsamkeitsübungen für jeden Tag: 24 kleine und herzerwärmende Challenges machen die Adventszeit zu einer Zeit der Selbstreflexion und des bewussten Handelns. Hochwertiges Design: Die einzigartig gestaltete Adventskalender-Box kann auch als individuelle Geschenkverpackung verwendet werden. Mit Liebe konzipiert: Von unseren Expertinnen der Liebe für alle Romance-Fans entworfen. Mach auch du deinen Advent zu etwas Besonderem und lass dich von diesem wunderbaren Adventskalender inspirieren. Eine magische Vorweihnachtszeit ist garantiert!

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Multiple Sclerosis

        by Pearl B. Werfel, Ron E. Franco-Durán, Linda J. Trettin

        This innovative book will help both mental health and medical professionals empower patients or clients to live well with multiple sclerosis (MS). It is a practical, evidence-based, culturally relevant guide to the most effective current medical, psychological, and neuropsychological diagnostic methods and interventions. The book describes a biopsychosocial, multidisciplinary, and integrative approach to treatment and provides information on psychological, mind-body, and complementary interventions for symptom management and to increase quality of life. Both seasoned practitioners and students will find this volume useful in helping clients cope with this complex, unpredictable, and chronic neurological disorder. Target Group: clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counselors, students.

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        Biography & True Stories
        September 2024

        Bedsit land

        The strange worlds of Soft Cell

        by Patrick Clarke

        A rich and revealing examination of the legendary pop duo Soft Cell. Soft Cell are not your average pop band. Marc Almond and Dave Ball may be best known for the string of hits they released in 1981, but the powerful first phase of their collaboration embraced a staggering array of sounds, influences and innovations that would change the face of music to come. In Bedsit land, Patrick Clarke plunges into the archives and interviews more than sixty contributors, including the band members themselves, to follow Soft Cell through the many strange and sprawling worlds that shaped their extraordinary career. They lead him from the faded camp glamour of the British seaside to the dizzying thrills of the New York club scene. From transgressive student performance art to the sleaze and squalor of pre-gentrified Soho. From the glitz of British showbiz to the drug-addled chaos of post-Franco Spain. He emerges on the other side with the most in-depth, innovative and entertaining account of the duo ever written.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2024

        Dick of Devonshire

        By Thomas Heywood

        by Kate Ellis

        Dick of Devonshire by Thomas Heywood dramatises England's disastrous 1625 Cadiz expedition through the story of a foot-soldier turned national hero. For the first time, The Revels Plays publishes a scholarly modern-spelling edition of this unduly overlooked play, together with an anthology of its source material. The play, written in 1626, exists in only one contemporary manuscript, now contained in MS Egerton 1994. There is no evidence that the work was printed or performed in its time, and until now, its authorship has remained uncertain. Ellis's critical introduction analyses new data that uncovers the play's authorship, playing company, and playhouse for the first time, as well as exploring the occasion of the play, its textual and theatrical histories, and its stagecraft. Commentary notes guiding the modern reader include explanatory glosses, literary references, and notes on historical context.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2025

        The Jacobites and the Grand Tour

        Educational travel and small-states' diplomacy

        by Jérémy Filet

        In the first monograph to fully examine the intersecting networks of Jacobites and travellers to the continent, Filet considers how small states used official diplomacy and deployed soft power - embodied by educational academies - to achieve foreign policy goals. This work uses little-known archival materials to explain how and why certain small states secretly supported the Jacobite cause during the crucial years surrounding the 1715 rising, while others stayed out of Jacobite affairs.At the same time, the book demonstrates how early modern small states sought to cultivate good relations with Britain by attracting travellers as part of a wider trend of ensuring connections with future diplomats or politicians in case a Stuart restoration never came.This publication therefore brings together a study of Britain, small states, Jacobitism, and educational travel, in its nexus at continental academies.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2010

        The rise and fall of the Scottish cotton industry, 1778–1914

        'The secret spring'

        by Anthony Cooke

        This is the first full-length history of the Scottish cotton industry, from its beginnings in the late eighteenth century to its premature decline in the years leading up to the First World War. The book examines the industry chronologically and through themes such as precursors, technology, capital and employers, markets, labour and work, placed within their broader economic and scoial contexts. Its account of the cotton industry is set within important historiographical debates such as proto-industrialisation, the speed of industrial change, the diffusion of technology, the labour process, paternalism, workplace control, entrepreneurship and theories of industrial decline. Cotton was Scotland's premier industry during the Industrial Revolution and this book will be wlecomed by specialists, students and interested readers alike. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1992

        Invention - Innovation - Diffusion

        Die Entwicklung des Spar- und Sparkassengedankens in Europa. Zweites Europäisches Kolloquium für Sparkassengeschichte am 28./29. Mai 1990 in München

        by Herausgegeben von Pix, Manfred; Herausgegeben von Pohl, Hans

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1996

        Invention, Innovation und Diffusion.

        Eine Simulationsanalyse des Managements neuer Produkte.

        by Milling, Peter; Maier, Frank

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1993

        Die Diffusion integrativer Software-Systeme.

        Marketingrelevante Besonderheiten von Software und deren empirische Beschreibung im Rahmen eines Segmentierungsansatzes auf Basis der innerbetrieblichen Diffusion.

        by Roth, Georg

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1999

        Innovation und Diffusion von Normen.

        Grundlagen und Elemente einer evolutorischen Theorie des Institutionenwandels.

        by Okruch, Stefan

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 1987

        Kommunikation und Diffusion von Produktinnovationen im Konsumgüterbereich.

        Prognose der Erstkäufe bei kauffördernder und kaufhemmender Kommunikation mit Diffusionsmodellen.

        by Hesse, Hans-Werner

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 2015

        Networks of sound, style and subversion

        The punk and post–punk worlds of Manchester, London, Liverpool and Sheffield, 1975–80

        by Nick Crossley, Peter Martin

        This book examines the birth of punk in the UK and its transformation, within a short period of time, into post-punk. Deploying innovative concepts of 'critical mass', 'social networks' and 'music worlds', and using sophisticated techniques of 'social network analysis', it teases out the events and mechanisms involved in punk's 'micro-mobilisation', its diffusion across the UK and its transformation in certain city-based strongholds into a variety of interlocking post-punk forms. Nick Crossley offers a detailed review of prior work in this area, a rich exploration of new empirical data and a highly innovative and robust approach to the study of 'music worlds'. Written in an accessible style, this book is essential reading for anybody with an interest in either UK punk and post-punk or the impact of social networks on cultural life and the potential of social network analysis to explore this impact. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2008

        The encompassing city

        Streetscapes in early modern art and culture

        by Stuart Blumin

        The streetscape - the closely observed, faithfully rendered view of the city's streets, squares, canals, buildings and people - was a new artistic genre of the early modern era, a period in which the city itself was assuming new forms and taking on new roles in Europe and America. This unique book reopens the window of the early city view makers by tracing earlier forms of urban representation in European art into the sudden coalescence of the new genre in Italy and the Low Countries during the middle years of the seventeenth century. It explores the rapid expansion and diffusion of the genre through the eighteenth century, its appeal to such artists as Canaletto, Bernardo Bellotto, Francesco Guardi, and Giovanni Battista Piranesi, and its embrace of a culture of secular improvement more commonly understood through the writings of Enlightenment philosophes. To examine the long history of the genre is to learn much about the early modern city, and to rediscover many beautiful and long-forgotten works of art. ;

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