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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2022

        Private property and the fear of social chaos

        by Aidan Beatty

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2020

        Play time

        by Daisy Black, David Matthews, Anke Bernau, James Paz

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1990

        Das Ende der politischen Utopie?

        by Richard Saage

        »Die Politik Gorbatschows hat tiefgreifende Veränderungen in der Sowjetunion eingeleitet. Sie ermöglicht nicht nur radikale Reformen in Staat und Wirtschaft der osteuropäischen Länder; sie scheint auch die Grundlagen der kommunistischen Utopie nachdrücklich in Frage zu stellen. Angesichts der Krise des sozialistischen Projekts im Osten wie im Westen dürfte es angebracht sein, über die historische Dimension und die aktuelle Bedeutung der ihm zugrunde liegenden Utopie nachzudenken. Ebendies ist das Thema der in diesem Band enthaltenen Studien Richard Saages.«

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1978

        Die fünfte Dimension

        Eine Erzählung

        by Wolfgang Komm

        Wer redet? Sabetzky, der Geschichtenerzähler, der Fantast, Linkshänder mit der schönen Rasierklingennarbe, der, den die Schule zum Rechtshänder dressierte und zerbrach? Oder der Erzähler, der Maler, der schreiend seine erfolgreiche erste große Ausstellung verläßt und Sabetzky nachfährt, nach München, in die Diskothek »Fifth Dimension«, wo der Freund am Ende seines Weges als Kellner untergekommen ist? Im Zug, während der langen sonntäglichen Fahrt durch Westdeutschland, erinnert er sich an die Stationen seines Lebens. Im preußisch strengen Vaterhaus stirbt die lebendige Mutter qualvoll langsam an Krebs. Der mißratene dritte Sohn zieht aus, geht auf die Kunstakademie, bleibt auch dort Fremdling. Er arbeitet in einer Werbeagentur, wird als Wandmaler gemanagt, paßt sich an, hat Erfolg und haßt sich dafür. Er arbeitet auf eine Ausstellung hin - aus der er dann flüchtet, nach München. Dort findet er Sabetzky in seinem Zimmer, tot. Er wird Sabetzkys Job, Kellner in der Fünften Dimension, übernehmen. Aber wie der Linkshänder, die Brüder, wurde er eingespannt, zurechtgerückt, fixiert, zum Schweigen gebracht. Es gibt keinen Ausweg. Die fünfte Dimension bietet keinen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        The colonisation of time

        by Giordano Nanni

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Engendering whiteness

        White women and colonialism in Barbados and North Carolina, 1627–1865

        by Cecily Jones

        Engendering whiteness represents a comparative analysis of the complex interweaving of race, gender, social class and sexuality in defining the contours of white women's lives in Barbados and North Carolina during the era of slavery. Despite their gendered subordination, their social location within the dominant white group afforded all white women a range of privileges. Hence, their whiteness, as much as their gender, shaped these women's social identities and material realities. Crucially, as the biological reproducers of whiteness, and hence the symbolic and literal embodiment and bearers of the state of freedom, they were critical to the maintenance and reproduction of the cultural boundaries of 'whiteness', and consequently the subjects of patriarchal measures to limit and control their social and sexual freedoms. Engendering whiteness draws on a wide variety of sources including property deeds, wills, court transcripts, and interrogates the ways in which white women could be simultaneously socially positioned within plantation societies as both agents and as victims. It also reveals the strategies deployed by elite and poor white women in these societies to resist their gendered subordination, to challenge the ideological and social constraints that sought to restrict their lives to the private domestic sphere, to protect the limited rights afforded to them, to secure independent livelihoods, and to create meaningful existences. A fascinating study that with be welcomed by historians of imperialism as well as scholars of gender history and women's studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2008

        Immigration and European integration

        Towards fortress Europe

        by Andrew Geddes, Dimitris Papadimitriou, Simon Bulmer, Andrew Geddes, Peter Humphreys

        Migration is at the heart of the contemporary European Union. This new edition addresses three key questions that underpin EU responses to migration policy. First, what role does the EU play in the regulation of migration? Second, how and why have EU measures developed to promote the integration of migrants and their descendants? Third, what impact do EU measures on migration and asylum have on new member states and non member states? The updated edition covers important recent developments, addressing new migration flows and the external dimension of EU action on migration and asylum and placing in all these in the context of a 'wider' Europe. Andrew Geddes provides comprehensive analysis of the EU's free movement framework, of the development of co-operation on immigration and asylum policy, of the mobilisation by groups seeking to represent migrant's interests in EU decision-making, the interface between migration, welfare and the EU's social dimension, and the impact of enlargement on migration and asylum. This innovative and original analysis of the European dimension of immigration policy is essential reading for scholars of European integration, the politics of immigration and the prospects for new patterns of migrant inclusion at member state and EU level. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        The Clock Can Go

        The end of the culture of obedience

        by Karlheinz A. Geißler

        For more than 500 years, the clock has dictated the rhythm of life in the Western World. Clocks were impossible to miss: they were on church towers, at railway stations and factories, they struck the hours and urged people to hurry. But these days, clocks and the punctuality they insisted upon are on the retreat. Nowadays, we are rarely asked “What is the time?” and it is no longer customary to present golden watches or clocks to commemorate important life events. Now we rely on mobile devices and displays to tell us the time, the steady stroke of the rigid clock has been replaced by a more flexible network: we stream TV programmes when we feel like it, we listen to podcasts at any time; chatting, flirting and dating no longer requires prior agreement on time and place. However, what will follow after we have freed ourselves from the chains of the clock god? Emeritus Professor of Economics and time expert Karlheinz A. Geißler shows us that when the influence of the clock disappears, liberating perspectives emerge for experiencing time in social relationships – beyond time pressure and dictates of punctuality.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Time and Relative Dissertations in Space

        Critical Perspectives on Doctor Who

        by Edited by David Butler

        Time and relative dissertations in space takes the reader on a rich and varied study of one of the greatest television programmes of all time: Doctor Who. This book is the first study of Doctor Who to explore the Doctor's adventures in all their manifestations: on television, audio, in print and beyond. Although focusing on the original series (1963-89), the collection recognises that Doctor Who is a cultural phenomenon that has been 'told' in many ways through a myriad of texts. Combining essays from academics as well as practitioners who have contributed to the ongoing narrative of Doctor Who, the collection encourages debate with contrasting opinions on the strengths (and weaknesses) of the programme, offering a multi-perspective view of Doctor Who and the reasons for its endurance.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2008

        Time and world politics

        Thinking the present

        by Kimberly Hutchings, Simon Tormey, Jon Simons

        This book offers the first authoritative guide to assumptions about time in theories of contemporary world politics. It demonstrates how predominant theories of the international or global 'present' are affected by temporal assumptions, grounded in western political thought, that fundamentally shape what we can and cannot know about world politics today. The first part of the book traces the philosophical roots of assumptions about time in contemporary political theory. The second part examines contemporary theories of world politics, including liberal and realist International Relations theories and the work of Habermas, Hardt and Negri, Virilio and Agamben. In each case, it is argued, assumptions about political time ensure the identification of the particular temporality of western experience with the political temporality of the world as such and put the theorist in the unsustainable position of holding the key to the direction of world history. In the final chapter, the book draws on postcolonial and feminist thinking, and the philosophical accounts of political time in the work of Derrida and Deleuze, to develop a new 'untimely' way of thinking about time in world politics. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2024

        Thierry and Theodoret

        John Fletcher, Philip Massinger and Nathan Field

        by Domenico Lovascio

        Enthusiastically praised by Charles Lamb and A. C. Swinburne but unjustly neglected since the early twentieth century, Thierry and Theodoret dramatizes events from medieval French history. With its disenchanted depiction of royalty, its eerie instability in terms of genre, and its black comic overtones, Thierry and Theodoret strikes as a distinctive specimen of tragic drama in the Jacobean mould and ranks as one of the most powerful plays in the canon of John Fletcher and his collaborators. This Revels Plays volume is the first fully annotated critical edition of the play, and the first to attribute it to Nathan Field alongside Fletcher and Philip Massinger. It provides a thorough introduction reassessing the play's engagement with its sources - including Shakespeare - and discusses the dating, authorship, and reception of this bizarrely captivating play, pointing the way for future scholarship, especially of a historical or gender-based nature.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2005

        Mind Time

        Wie das Gehirn Bewusstsein produziert

        by Benjamin Libet, Jürgen Schröder

        Fast nichts ist uns Menschen so wichtig wie unser subjektives, bewußtes Innenleben – und doch wissen wir relativ wenig über seine Genese.Benjamin Libet gehört zu den Pionieren auf dem Gebiet der Bewußtseinsforschung und hat zahlreiche Experimente durchgeführt, die gezeigt haben, wie das Gehirn Bewußtsein produziert. In seinem 2004 erschienenen und jetzt auf deutsch vorliegenden Buch Mind Time präsentiert er erstmals eine eigene Deutung seiner berühmten »Libet-Experimente«, die die aktuelle Debatte über die Bedeutung der Hirnforschung für unser Menschenbild überhaupt erst angestoßen haben.Im Zentrum der Experimente steht der Nachweis, daß jedem bewußten Prozeß ein unbewußter, jedoch meßbarer Prozeß zeitlich vorausgeht. Diese zeitliche Differenz – die Mind Time – läßt den Schluß zu, daß unbewußte Prozesse in unserem Gehirn unser Bewußtsein steuern und nicht umgekehrt das Bewußtsein »Herr im Haus« ist. Die vermeintlichen freien Willensakte etwa sind längst initiiert, bevor uns ein Handlungswunsch überhaupt gegenwärtig ist. Libet behandelt die weitreichenden Folgen seiner Entdeckung nicht nur für die Willensfreiheit, sondern auch für die Identität der Person und die Beziehung zwischen Geist und Gehirn. Klar und verständlich dargestellt, ermöglichen Libets Experimente und Theorien es sowohl Spezialisten als auch interessierten Laien, an einem der spannendsten Forschungsprogramme dieser Tage teilzuhaben – der Erforschung des menschlichen Bewußtseins.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2019

        Das Herz der Zeit: Die unsichtbare Stadt

        The Heart of Time: The Invisible City

        by Monika Peetz

        15 year-old Lena discovers an ancient clock among her dead parents’ old things and accidentally activates the timepiece’s mechanism. Far away in the invisible city, a place not of this world, a boy takes notice of her: Dante. He is curious to find the daughter of the legendary woman who once left the time-travellers society to live a mortal life. When Lena learns about the mechanisms of time, she decides to change her own fate and travels back to the night, her parents died. Only too late she realises that meddling in her own life automatically affects the lives of everyone else around her too. The story reaches its peak when Lena has to decide between getting her parents back and saving the life of her best friend Bobbie.   12+ years The first volume of an enthralling new fantasy trilogy with two headstrong time-travellers English sample translation available!

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2024

        The business of time

        A global history of the watch industry

        by Pierre-Yves Donzé

        The business of time presents a comprehensive history of the global watch industry from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Watch production in the twenty-first century is concentrated in three countries: Switzerland, Japan and China. The industry is dominated by a dozen or so large companies, including the Swatch Group, Richemont, LVMH, Seiko and Fossil. But a hundred years ago the picture was dramatically different. Over the course of a century, Great Britain, France, the United States and Russia saw the manufacture of watches disappear from their territory. At the same time, Hong Kong went from being a subcontractor of watch components to an intermediary between Chinese factories and the world market. Revealing the conditions that drove the spread of watch production around the globe, The business of time explains how multinationals emerged to dominate the industry and highlights how Swiss companies were able to establish themselves as the undisputed leader in luxury watches.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2019

        Das Herz der Zeit: Die Nacht der Eulen

        The Heart of Time: The Night of the Owls

        by Monika Peetz

        Lena is having a hard time adjusting to ordinary life. How can she forget Dante, the boy whose eyes are different colours? But she soon has much bigger worries. On a school trip she realises that her pursuers haven’t given up after all. At the last minute, Lena manages to pass the chronometer she uses to travel through time to her friend Bobbie. A fateful mistake.  Fleeing, Bobbie stumbles into the past and becomes trapped in the year 1900. While she fights her way as a papergirl, Lena breaks her promise and returns to the invisible city to look for help – and Dante. Soon all three of them are on a mission to prevent their enemies from constructing chronometers to travel through time themselves. But they’re always a step ahead and the whole invisible world is in danger…   12+ years The first volume of an enthralling new fantasy trilogy with two headstrong time-travellers English sample translation available!

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Find me in the Storm

        by Kira Mohn

        Not a single soul as far as the eye can see. Just sea, cliffs and the beach. And a lighthouse. It’s a wondrously beautiful place – not that Airin has a chance to enjoy it. The lighthouse has been converted into a cosy living space available for rent, and 24-year-old Airin has to look after the property while at the same time running her own bed and breakfast in Castledunn. It’s a lot of work for one person, but normally everything runs smoothly. Until Joshua, the nephew of the lighthouse owner, moves in. Arrogant and priggish, he complains ceaselessly about everything. Airin feels like strangling him. Or kissing him. Who cares, just as long as he stops talking!   16+ years The third volume of a unique romance trilogy about three young women, a lighthouse and love. All titles can be read separately! Rousing characters and a fine dry humor For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Colleen Hoover! More than 60.000 copies of this series were sold!

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2000

        The Vietnam wars

        by Kevin Ruane, Harry Bennett

        This source book chronicles the history of the most controversial conflict of the 20th century, beginning with the birth of the Vietnamese communist party in 1930 and ending with the Vietnamese revolution in 1975. The text combines short essays with original documents to illustrate the debate. Alongside the dominating American intervention, the study also focuses on the international dimension of the conflict, particularly the role of the Soviet, Chinese and British; but it is the Vietnamese perspective that remains key. ;

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