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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2025
Threads of labour
Tapestry of an ex-industrial community
by Lisa Taylor
Charting a collaborative art-based project using carpet-making skills and the industrial heritage of the region, the book investigates how a cleaved ex-industrial community used arts methodologies as a cohesion strategy. Drawing on images from the company's archives, the book mines the history of Firths Carpets Limited, a firm that carpeted interiors across the globe from the mid-1800s. Women's labour and tastes were business critical to the production and sale of Firths carpets. Drawing on the author's personal connection to the village, an ethnographic sensibility and novel research techniques, ex-worker responses to a village radically altered by ruination are explored. Ex-workers felt nostalgia for the dignity of work and a sense of homesickness in a village ghosted by industrial spectres of the past. Threads of Labour argues that left-behind deindustrialised places require acts of social re-making if their communities are to survive.
Promoted ContentBusiness, Economics & LawJune 2024
The labour movement in Lebanon
Power on hold
by Lea Bou Khater
The labour movement in Lebanon: Power on hold narrates the history of the Lebanese labour movement from the early twentieth century to today. Bou Khater demonstrates that trade unionism in the country has largely been a failure, for reasons including state interference, tactical co-optation, and the strategic use of sectarianism by an oligarchic elite, together with the structural weakness of a service-based laissez-faire economy. Drawing on a vast body of Arabic-language primary sources and difficult-to-access archives, the book's conclusions are significant not only for trade unionism, but also for new forms of workers' organisations and social movements in Lebanon and beyond. The Lebanese case study presented here holds significant implications for the wider Arab world and for comparative studies of labour. This authoritative history of the labour movement in Lebanon is vital reading for scholars of trade unionism, Lebanese politics, and political economy.
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The ArtsFebruary 2006Digging up stories
Applied theatre, performance and war
by James Thompson, Martin Hargreaves
In 'Digging up stories', James Thompson explores the problems of theatre practice in communities affected by war and exclusion. Each chapter or 'story' is written in a lively and accessible style and draws on a range of contemporary performance theories. The chapters discuss: - participatory theatre in refugee camps - theatre workshop and stories of a massacre - traditional dance-dramas in an insurgent controlled village - 'Forum' theatre with the Mahabharata - ethical issues - the struggle to teach the author to dance 'Digging up stories' documents a range of theatre practice and includes project reports, ethnographic accounts, performance analysis and diary-style reflection. Taken from Thompson's research and practice in Sri Lanka, these diverse examples question the link between applied theatre, traditional performance and performances in everyday life. The book blurs lines between research and travel writing to create rich and provocative accounts of applying theatre in a troubled setting. ;
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August 2012Im Labor der Utopie
Theodor Herzl und das "Altneuland"-Projekt
by Clemens Peck
Theodor Herzl, geboren 1860 in Budapest, schrieb mit »Der Judenstaat« (1896) die entscheidende Abhandlung für die Gründung eines autonomen jüdischen Staatswesens. Das Buch war eine Abwehrreaktion gegen den in Europa sich verschärfenden Antisemitismus, den Herzl besonders als Paris-Korrespondent während der Dreyfus-Affäre erleben musste. Sechs Jahre später erschien sein Roman »Altneuland«, in dem er seine Ideen eines jüdischen Staates in Palästina literarisierte, reflektierte und modifizierte. Herzl schrieb die Utopie, »um zu zeigen, dass es keine ist«. In seinem Buch geht es nicht um Literatur oder Politik – es geht um beides gleichermaßen. Es changiert zwischen Roman und Leben, Imagination und Realisierung. Clemens Peck folgt Herzls Bewegung zwischen diesen beiden Polen – den Experimenten im Labor der Utopie. Er lotet die Leistungen des Romans vor dem Hintergrund des Utopie-Diskurses um 1900 erstmals ausführlich aus und gewinnt neue Einsichten nicht nur über den Roman, sondern auch über die schillernde Person des jüdischen Schriftstellers und Journalisten.
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Humanities & Social SciencesAugust 2018Labour united and divided from the 1830s to the present
by Yann Béliard, Emmanuelle Avril
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Humanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2025Missing persons, political landscapes and cultural practices
Violent absences, haunting presences
by Laura Huttunen
This book examines human disappearances anthropologically in various contexts, ranging from enforced disappearances under oppressive governments and during armed conflicts to disappearing undocumented migrants and, finally, to people who go missing under more everyday circumstances. Two focuses run through the book: the relationship between the state and disappearances, and the consequences of disappearances for the families and communities of missing persons. The book analyses both the circumstances that make some people disappear and the variety of responses that disappearances give rise to; the latter include projects focused on searching for the missing and identifying human remains, as well as political projects that call for accountability for disappearances. While providing empirical examples from a variety of places, with Bosnia-Herzegovina as they key empirical site, the book develops an analytic grip on the slippery category of the 'disappeared'.
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July 2009Die Sage von Sleepy Hollow
und andere unheimliche Geschichten
by Washington Irving, Erika Gröger
Washington Irving ist der »Erfinder« und erster Vertreter der amerikanischen Short story. Vor allem seine unheimlichen Geschichten wie »Die Legende von Sleepy Hollow« und »Rip van Winkle« sind bis heute äußerst populär und wurden mehrfach verfilmt. »Sleepy Hollow« erzählt die Geschichte eines kopflosen Reiters, der ein ganzes Dorf in Angst und Schrecken versetzt. Niemand, der ihm begegnet, kommt mit dem Leben davon. Die Sammlung enthält zudem die Storys »Rip van Winkle«, »Der Geisterbräutigam«, »Die Sage vom arabischen Sterndeuter« sowie »Die Sage vom Vermächtnis des Mauren«.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2019Labour united and divided from the 1830s to the present
by Emmanuelle Avril, Yann Béliard
Spanning a period which stretches from the 19th century to the present day, this book takes a novel look at the British labour movement by examining the interaction between trade unions, the Labour Party, other parties and groups of the Left, and the wider working class, to highlight the dialectic nature of these relationships, marked by consensus and dissention. It shows that, although perceived as a source of weakness, those inner conflicts have also been a source of creative tension, at times generating significant breakthroughs. The book brings together labour historians and political scientists who provide a range of case studies as well as more wide-ranging assessments of recent trends in labour organising. It will therefore be of interest to academics and students of history and politics, as well as to practitioners, in the British Isles and beyond.
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Business, Economics & LawFebruary 2022The labour movement in Lebanon
by Lea Bou Khater, Simon Mabon
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Humanities & Social SciencesApril 2025The return of the housewife
Why women are still cleaning up
by Emma Casey
An illuminating look at the world of cleanfluencers that asks why the burden of housework still falls on women. Housework is good for you. Housework sparks joy. Housework is beautiful. Housework is glamorous. Housework is key to a happy family. Housework shows that you care. Housework is women's work. Social media is flooded with images of the perfect home. TikTok and Instagram 'cleanfluencers' produce endless photos and videos of women cleaning, tidying and putting things right. Figures such as Marie Kondo and Mrs Hinch have placed housework, with its promise of a life of love and contentment, at the centre of self-care and positive thinking. And yet housework remains one of the world's most unequal institutions. Women, especially poorer women and women of colour, do most low-paid and unpaid domestic labour. In The return of the housewife, Emma Casey asks why these inequalities matter and why they persist after a century of dramatic advances in women's rights. She offers a powerful call to challenge the prevailing myths around housework and the 'naturally competent' woman homemaker.
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Sociology & anthropologyFebruary 2017Environment, labour and capitalism at sea
'Working the ground' in Scotland
by Penny McCall Howard. Series edited by Alexander Smith
This book explores how fishers make the sea productive through their labour, using technologies ranging from wooden boats to digital GPS plotters to create familiar places in a seemingly hostile environment. It shows how their lives are affected by capitalist forces in the markets they sell to, forces that shape even the relations between fishers on the same boat. Fishers frequently have to make impossible choices between safe seamanship and staying afloat economically, and the book describes the human impact of the high rate of deaths in the fishing industry. The book makes a unique contribution to understanding human-environment relations, examining the places fishers create and name at sea, as well as technologies and navigation practices. It combines phenomenology and political economy to offer new approaches for analyses of human-environment relations and technologies. It contributes to the social studies of fisheries through an analysis of how deeply fishing practices and social relations are shaped by political economy. It will be read in universities by social scientists and anthropologists and also by those with an interest in maritime Scotland.
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Sociology: death & dyingMay 2017Human remains and identification
Mass violence, genocide, and the ‘forensic turn’
by Series edited by Jean-Marc Dreyfus, Élisabeth Anstett. Edited by Élisabeth Anstett, Jean-Marc Dreyfus
Human remains and identification presents a pioneering investigation into the practices and methodologies used in the search for and exhumation of dead bodies resulting from mass violence. Previously absent from forensic debate, social scientists and historians here confront historical and contemporary exhumations with the application of social context to create an innovative and interdisciplinary dialogue, enlightening the political, social and legal aspects of mass crime and its aftermaths. Through a ground-breaking selection of international case studies, Human remains and identification argues that the emergence of new technologies to facilitate the identification of dead bodies has led to a "forensic turn", normalising exhumations as a method of dealing with human remains en masse. However, are these exhumations always made for legitimate reasons? Multidisciplinary in scope, this book will appeal to readers interested in understanding this crucial phase of mass violence's aftermath, including researchers in history, anthropology, sociology, forensic science, law, politics and modern warfare. The research program leading to this publication has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n° 283-617.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2012The Second Labour Government
A reappraisal
by John Shepherd
This new edited collection of essays focuses on the history of Labour's second period in office during the 1929-1931 global financial crisis. Contributions by leading historians and younger academics bring fresh perspectives to Labour's domestic problems, electoral and party matters, relations with the Soviet Union and ideological questions. An important range of new historical research provides a much-needed reappraisal of Ramsay MacDonald's second Labour government, which impressed few with its conventional policies for tackling mass unemployment. Oswald Mosley, John Maynard Keynes and Ernest Bevin's alternative economic strategies are critically studied in key essays. A more positive side of the government's policies is also adeptly revealed on consumerism and agriculture. Significant new light is adroitly shed on the 1929 general election, the first fought on a universal franchise. The intricate politics of the Parliamentary Labour Party and the disaffiliation of the Independent Labour Party are convincingly explored. The influence of the Soviet Union on Labour's thoughts and actions is analysed in valuable accounts of Labour's foreign policy and Labour's turn to socialism after 1931. An important fresh account of opposition politics breaks new ground on the reaction of Tory politicians, including Harold Macmillan, to MacDonald's government. The volume concludes with an absorbing analysis of the myths surrounding '1931' in Labour history. This timely volume makes accessible a major reassessment of existing knowledge and new scholarship that will appeal to students and teachers of British political and social history. It is essential reading for sixth form and university courses on twentieth-century history. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesSeptember 2008The Labour governments 1964–1970 volume 3
Economic policy
by Jim Tomlinson
Available in paperback for the first time, this book is the third in the three volume set The Labour governments 1964-1970 and concentrates on Britain's economic policy under the Labour governments in the 1960s. It assesses the origins, development and outcomes of the attempts made by the 1964-1970 Labourgovernments under Harold Wilson to modernise the British economy. This is the first comprehensive and archivally-based work to offer a detailed study of this modernisation project. The book places the project in the context of Labour's economic ideas as they had developed since the 1940s as well as the economic legacy they inherited from the previous thirteen years of Conservative rule. After outlining this context and providing a summary narrative of economic policy over this period, the international aspect of Labour's approach to the economy is analysed. The core of the book then goes on to look in detail at the policies directly concerned with modernisation. Following the agenda set by the national plan of 1965, policies on planning, investment and the firm, technical change, the labour market and the nationalised industries are all analysed. In addition, the productivity campaign of the late 1960s is shown to have encapsulated many of the underlying ideas but also many of the problems of Labour's approach to economic policy. The final section of the book asks how the pursuit of modernisation affected Labour's pursuit of "social justice", before offering an overall assessment of Labour's period of office. The book will be of special interest to contemporary historians, economic historians and those interested in the history of the Labour party. Together with the other books in the series, on domestic policy and international policy, it provides a complete picture of the development of Britain under the premiership of Harold Wilson. ;
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2021Critical race theory and inequality in the labour market
by Ebun Joseph
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Humanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2017Labour and the politics of Empire
Britain and Australia 1900 to the present
by Neville Kirk, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie
This is a pathbreaking comparative and trans-national study of the neglected influences of nation, empire and race upon the development and electoral fortunes of the Labour Party in Britain and the Australian Labor Party from their formative years of the 1900s to the elections of 2010. Based upon extensive primary and secondary source-based research in Britain and Australia over several years, it makes a new and original contribution to the fields of labour, imperial and 'British world' history. The book offers the challenging conclusion that the forces of nation, empire and race exerted much greater influence upon Labour politics in both countries than suggested by 'traditionalists' and 'revisionists' alike. The book will appeal to undergraduates, postgraduates, scholars in history and politics and all those interested in and concerned with the past, present and future of Labour politics in Britain, Australia and more generally.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMay 2024Land and labour
The Potters’ Emigration Society, 1844-51
by Martin Crawford
Land and labour provides the first full-length history of the Potters' Emigration Society, the controversial trade union scheme designed to solve the problems of surplus labour by changing workers into farmers on land acquired in frontier Wisconsin. The book is based on intensive research into British and American newspapers, passenger lists, census, manuscript, and genealogical sources. After tracing the scheme's industrial origins and founding in the Potteries, it examines the migration and settlement process, expansion to other trades and areas, and finally the circumstances that led to its demise in 1851. Despite the Society's failure, the history offers unique insight into working-class dreams of landed independence in the American West and into the complex and contingent character of nineteenth-century emigration.