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        Drug Products in Nursing and Care Practice

        Safe handling of medication

        by Dr. Ulrich Räth and Friedhelm Kamann

        The assessment of nursing and care needs and the organisation and quality assurance of nursing care are key tasks performed by nursing staff. This also includes administering medication, something which requires sound organisation, control, implementation and documentation. Nurses observe whether medication is taken consistently, has the desired effect, and whether undesirable side effects occur. The drug product as a „special commodity“ – whether in inpatient long-term care, in outpatient care, or in hospital – requires special knowledge concerning - correct storage, - the pharmacological effect, and - appropriate application. This book is geared towards the diseases and symptoms of people requiring nursing or care. All the important facts concerning the use of medicines are presented here in an understandable manner, focusing on the essentials. Numerous illustrations and practical tips provide the link to everyday nursing care. It is the ideal textbook and reference work for nursing and care assistants as well as nursing professionals.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Out of his mind

        Masculinity and mental illness in Victorian Britain

        by Amy Milne-Smith

        Out of His Mind interrogates how Victorians made sense of the madman as both a social reality and a cultural representation. Even at the height of enthusiasm for the curative powers of nineteenth-century psychiatry, to be certified as a lunatic meant a loss of one's freedom and in many ways one's identify. Because men had the most power and authority in Victorian Britain, this also meant they had the most to lose. The madman was often a marginal figure, confined in private homes, hospitals, and asylums. Yet as a cultural phenomenon he loomed large, tapping into broader social anxieties about respectability, masculine self-control, and fears of degeneration. Using a wealth of case notes, press accounts, literature, medical and government reports, this text provides a rich window into public understandings and personal experiences of men's insanity.

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        April 2018

        What is “Good” Dementia Care?

        by Christoph Held

        People with dementia experience their condition as a big change in which, for example, new events are not linked to existing experiences and wishes, thoughts, and actions can no longer be connected to each other. This kind of experience of the self, due to the intergative function of the brainbeing temporarily or permanently lost, is called dissociative self-experience. Based on this understanding of dementia, the author develops an approach to effectively understand and support people with dementia in everyday activities. Typical everyday situations and behaviours are presented and reflected on in a practical context.

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        Transitional Care

        Nursing Theoretical Justifications and Practical Nursing Implementations

        by Claudia Bernhard-Kessler

        This transitional care practice manual offers nursing theory rationales and nursing practice implementations of transitional care. The author explains how to anticipate and avoid breaks in care when transferring from health care facilities and how to manage and stabilize life transitions, clarifies the concept of transitional care, its meaning, development, ethics, and training opportunities, and offers practical examples for planning and implementing transitional care from outpatient care, for institutionalization situations, and for people with chronic illnesses, immigrant backgrounds, long-covid syndrome, and self-neglect.

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        Palliative Care

        Handbook on Integrating Palliative Culture and Practice in Hospitals

        by Christoph Gerhard

        How can the most critically ill or dying people be cared for better in acute care hospitals with palliative care? How can palliative care be integrated into hospital treatment from an early stage in order to increase the quality of life of those affected or even to extend their life expectancy? The author shows how palliative care can positively transform hospital treatment.   Target Group: Palliative care doctors

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        Notes for Personal Care Workers

        The Quick Reference Book on Caring for the Elderly

        by Sylke Werner

        This quick reference book explains what personal care is, why it is necessary, which competencies personal care workers require, and how to safely and professionally care for, engage, and support people in need of care and their relatives in their daily lives.   Target Group: Personal care workers, geriatric nurses

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        A Fox in Your Mind

        A Book for Children with Social Anxiety

        by Joan Schaaf, Wiebke Andersen, Meera Roth, Marie-Luise Salzmann

        Lea sometimes is afraid to talk to other children and adults or speak in front of the class.  She prefers to run to her toy kangaroo Pocci rather than face frightening situations. If Lea avoids her fears, she turns into a fox, which makes everything worse. She is not the courageous and cheerful girl she would like to be. But luckily Pocci can help her, and together they thoroughly straighten up Lea’s thoughts and free her from her fears. The aim of this book is to make it easier for affected children to understand their fears. They are taught that they are not alone and how to overcome their fears. The book provides parents, siblings, and therapists with important information about emotional  isorders as well as practical tasks and exercises.   For: • children of primary school age (between 6 and 12 years) who suffer from social        anxiety • parents, relatives• therapists

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Politicising and gendering care for older people

        Multidisciplinary perspectives from Europe

        by Anca Dohotariu, Ana Paula Gil, Lubica Volanská

        This book offers a new critical framework for understanding the processes of politicising and gendering care for older people and their manifestations in several European contexts. It interrogates how care for older adults varies across time and place while searching for an in-depth comprehension of how it becomes an arena of political struggle and the object of public policy in different countries and at various societal and political levels. It brings together multidisciplinary contributions that examine the issue of care for older people as a political concern from many angles, such as problematising care needs, long-term care policies, home care services, institutional services and family care. The contributions reveal the diversity of situations in which the processes of politicising and gendering care for older adults overlap, contradict or reinforce each other while leading to increased gender (in)equalities on different levels.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Worrier state

        Risk, anxiety and moral panic in South Africa

        by Nicky Falkof

        Risk, anxiety and moral panic are endemic to contemporary societies and media forms. How do these phenomena manifest in a place like South Africa, which features heightened insecurity, deep inequality and accelerated social change? What happens when cultures of fear intersect with pervasive systems of gender, race and class? Worrier state investigates four case studies in which fear and anxiety appear in radically different ways: the far right myth of 'white genocide'; so-called 'Satanist' murders of young women; an urban legend about township crime; and social theories about safety and goodness in the suburbs. Falkof foregrounds the significance of emotion as a socio-political force, emphasising South Africa's imbrication within globalised conditions of anxiety and thus its fundamental and often-ignored hypermodernity. The book offers a bold and creative perspective on the social roles of fear and emotion in South Africa and thus on everyday life in this complex place.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Oral Health and Oral Care

        Practice Manual for Nurses, Nursing, Dental and Dental Prophylaxis Assistants

        by Thomas Gottschalck

        A healthy, cared­for mouth prevents the occurrence of oral diseases and systemic contingent diseases. Every day, professional hygienists are con­fronted with the oral care of their pa­tients and need to be informed of new developments in dentistry, pharmacol­ogy, technology, and care methods. This book offers sound action recom­mendations for hygienists and dental assistants with vivid illustrations. There are clear descriptions of the anatomical and physiological basics of oral mucosa, teeth, and the oral cavity ecosystem. Practical illustrations of the connections between oral health and general health, debilitating risks, handling modern den­tures, assessment of oral changes, oral approaches through basal stimulation and dietary recommendations are pro­vided. Consideration is also given to oral hygiene in special settings, for example, in the case of neurological, psychologi­cal, or mental impairments as well as people receiving geriatric, oncological, intensive, or palliative care.

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        Luna, the Little Owl

        And How She Learned to Overcome Her Seperation Anxiety

        by Winona Michel, Hannah Buschkamp, Carlotta Drerup, Finnja Schramm

        Luna, the little owl, is all alone at home, because her mother is out. She is completelyovercome by fear. Sole, the firefly, flies into her room, and they talk to each other about their fears. Sole explains to Luna why we are afraid, and that fear need not just be something bad, but can also be something helpful. Sole convinces Luna that fear is a completely natural feeling and gives her tips what she can do to feel better. The aim of this book is to make it easier for affected children to understandtheir fears. They are taught that they are not alone and how to overcome theirfears. The book provides parents, siblings, and therapists of children whohave separation anxiety with important information about the emotional disorderalong with practical tasks and exercises.     For: • children of primary school age (between 6 and 12 years) who suffer   from separation anxiety• parents, siblings• therapists

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        March 2016

        The Awful German Language

        by Mark Twain

        Auf seinen Reisen durch Europa, die er in A Tramp Abroad höchst amüsant schildert, macht Mark Twain auch Bekanntschaft mit der deutschen Sprache. Bemüht sich, sie zu erlernen, verzweifelt aber schier an Kasus, Parenthese, Satzstellung und Geschlecht: Die Steckrübe ist weiblich, das hübsche Mädchen aber nicht. Und ist es der Regen, die Regen oder das Regen? The Awful German Language bietet Trost für all jene, die sich mit den Schrecken der deutschen Sprache beschäftigen.

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        Work & Care – The Path to Compatibility Competence

        Reconciling Work and Caring for Family Members

        by Iren Bischofberger

        The book focuses on people who, in addition to their gainful employment, are also responsible for caring for sick, impaired, or very old relatives - in other words, “work & care”. This topic is at the intersection of two scarce resources - the private unpaid care potential for loved ones on the one hand and the employment potential of family members on the other. The author examines what the professional, operational, and political consequences are for nursing science and practice as well as for service providers and payers. She makes suggestions for the development of personal, family, and organizational compatibility competence on the levels of action time-out and regeneration, knowledge and empowerment, coordination and organization, exchange and accompaniment. Finally, she offers options for action for nursing science and sheds light on the field of activity of scientific policy advice.

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