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      • Holiday House & Pixel+Ink

        Since its beginnings in 1935 as the first American publishing house founded with the purpose of publishing only children’s books, HOLIDAY HOUSE has been proud to gather together talented authors and illustrators and to publish quality books for children. Known for having a deep list of timeless and award-winning books for children and young adult readers, Holiday House launched its first eponymous imprints, Margaret Ferguson Books and Neal Porter Books, in 2018.   PIXEL+INK is a new publisher devoted exclusively to series publishing for children ages 3-13. We’ll have everything from picture books to chapter books to middle grade and graphic novels. Every one of our properties is full of heart and humor. We invite you into our world.

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      • Holland Park Press

        Holland Park Press is a privately-owned independent company publishing and selling literary fiction: novels, novellas, short stories; and poetry. It was founded in 2009. It is run by brother and sister, Arnold and Bernadette Jansen op de Haar, who publish an author not just a book. Holland Park Press specialises in finding new literary talent by accepting unsolicited manuscripts from authors all year round and by running competitions. It has been successful in giving older authors a chance to make their debut and in raising the profile of Dutch authors in translation.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        April 2023

        My Most Beautiful Holidays

        Relaxation Stories for Children

        by Weber, Jutta Maria

        The fast pace and the many stimuli of today's world, as well as the pressure to meet deadlines and perform, can easily lead to stress symptoms in children. It is therefore all the more important to support children in regenerating after stress, to help them achieve inner balance and to create islands of calm for them.The stories in this book immerse children from 5 to 12 years in experiences close to nature and help them to relax. The book contains three story series for reading aloud, each with a stay on a holiday farm as the frame story. The children are invited to go on journeys in their imagination, to perceive things attentively and to feel their own sensations quite consciously. In their imagination, they explore places in the midst of nature, make contact with the animals on the holiday farm and form friendships.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 1999

        The Shoemaker's Holiday

        by Thomas Dekker

        by David Bevington, Robert Smallwood, Stanley Wells, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich

        Thomas Dekker's The Shoemaker's Holiday is one of the most popular of Elizabethan plays, entertaining, racy and vivid in its characterisation. Revealing a vital portrait of Elizabethan London and the interaction of social classes within the city, its social commentary is on the whole optimistic, though darker tones are discernible. The play has the whole optimistic, though darker tones are discernible. The play has had a lively history of performance on both the professional and amateur stage; the roles of Simon and Madgy Eyre in particular have proved worthy vehicles for the talents of such performers as Sir Donald Wolfit and Dame Edith Evans, and a notable production was directed by Orson Wells. The editors offer a study of the text; a historical and critical introduction, which includes a study of the play's relationship with contemporary life and drama and of its place in Dekker's work; a stage history' a detailed commentary and a reprint of source materials. ;

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        Children's & YA

        The Little Moody Monster (2). A Four-Legged Visitor

        by Julia Boehme/ Franziska Harvey

        Hurray! Moritz can look after Grandma’s dog Charly because she’s going on holiday. So at last Moritz has a pet of his own, even if it’s only for a few days. Milo, Moritz’s new friend, is also wild about Charly. There’s only one creature who is not at all pleased, and that’s the Moody Monster. Until Charly suddenly disappears…

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2012

        Empty Mind

        by John Cage, Marie Luise Knott, Walter Zimmermann

        »In welchem Käfig man sich auch befindet, man muß ihn verlassen«, lautete das Credo von John Cage (1912 bis 1992), dem international bekanntesten experimentellen Komponisten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Weniger bekannt ist sein literarisches Werk, das gleichberechtigt neben dem musikalischen steht. Cage ließ sich von Erik Satie, Robert Rauschenberg, James Joyce, Merce Cunningham und Marcel Duchamp inspirieren − verwandten Geistern, mit denen er Zeit seines Lebens täglich umging. Indem er seine poetisch-philosphischen Versuche musikalischen Verfahren unterwarf, verwandelte er Vorträge über das Komponieren, über den Zufall oder die Kategorie der Unbestimmtheit in Ereignisse, schwebend, der Festlegung entzogen – nicht anders als die Musik der Absichtslosigkeit, von der er träumte. John Cage als Wortkünstler harrt hierzulande noch der Entdeckung. »Empty Mind« versammelt eine Auswahl poetischer Schlüsseltexte, an denen sich die unerschöpfliche Freude, neue Wege zu gehen, Grenzen zu überschreiten, ablesen läßt. Eine Freude, die ansteckend wirkt − auch auf all jene, die sich noch nie mit seinem Werk beschäftigt haben.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Royal Horses (1). Crown Heart

        by Jana Hoch

        His world is that of the Royals – full of scandals and secrets. Falling in love with him was never part of her plan. Their paths cross at the royal stud farm... Greta just wants to get away: away from her school and away from the friends who have so endlessly disappointed her. The holiday job at the royal stud farm comes at just the right time for her. She might not have any interest in horses – and even less in princes and princesses – but the royal family’s palace still makes her heart beat faster. But on the very first day she quarrels with Edward, the horse trainer. He guesses that she is hiding a secret and wants to do whatever it takes to bring it out in the open. When, shortly afterwards, Prince Tristan appears at the stud farm, Greta’s life is completely turned upside down. She notices all too late that she is in the process of falling in love – and specifically with the boy that she actually wants to stay away from. Humorous and romantic, glamorous and exciting: ‘Royal Horses’ is the perfect love story for all readers from 12 to 99 years-old. Greta and Edward‘s story continues! Volume 2, ‘Crown Dream’ will be out in autumn 2020.

      • Trusted Partner
        Plays, playscripts
        October 2004

        The Knight of the Burning Pestle

        Francis Beaumont

        by Sheldon P. Zitner

        This play is a celebration of London life and theatre in which Francis Beaumont's comic genius is given free rein. A grocer, his wife and their two apprentices attending the theatre in holiday mood interrupt and finally replace a fatuous love comedy with their own heart's desire: exotic spectacle and sound English sentiment. This edition presents an accurate modern-spelling text, with full historical and critical introduction and a detailed commentary. The introduction analyses the character of Beaumont's wit and his unsentimental critique of society and of society's stage image. It also places 'The Knight' in the contexts of Jacobean comedy and the work of the children's theatrical troupes. An appendix on the songs and a concern for details of production make this edition especially useful to actors and directors, as well as students of Renaissance drama.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2015

        Doc Holiday

        Als Schiffsarzt über die sieben Weltmeere

        by Wittmann, Fritz, Wittmann,

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        The Holiday Switch

        Vielleicht braucht Liebe doch Ferien

        by Julia McKay

      • Trusted Partner
        Social & cultural history
        October 2000

        Women's leisure in England 1920–60

        by Claire Langhame

        This insightful book offers a timely assessment of the complex relationship between women and leisure in England, drawing upon recent feminist theory. Departing from approaches which focus on particular activities or institutions, it places everyday experiences at its centre, presenting a wide-ranging and lively account of changing perceptions, representations and experiences of leisure across the period 1920-60. It addresses the nature of leisure within women's lives, examining shifting understandings of the concept and identifying areas of definitional ambiguity such as the 'family' holiday, shopping and handicrafts. Focusing upon experiences of leisure across the life cycle, it provides a detailed assessment of the particular forms of leisure enjoyed by women at distinct stages of their lives, including cinema-going, dancing, socialising and home-based pursuits. The book demonstrates that experiences and perceptions of leisure were fundamentally structured along life cycle lines: leisure in youth was often characterised by freedom and independence whilst leisure in adulthood became a vehicle for service and duty to others.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Barefoot Crew and the Stolen Granny

        by Jörg Steinleitner/ Daniela Kohl

        Something smells of adventure: summer holidays in the country can be like a whodunnit – where else can you find a missing Granny together with a real treasure and eight bare feet? Jörg Steinleitner brings his readers a true sense of well-being, in a world full of adventure. With varied and powerful illustrations by bestselling illustrator Daniela Kohl. Whoever thinks that summer holidays in the village are boring is mistaken: on the very first day of the holidays, Tanne’s Granny Schnitzel disappears without trace. It’s a good job that Corvin (9), Kiki (10), Ben (10) and Tanne (11) were just about to form a gang: the Barefoot Crew. And soon they have more than just bare feet and a kidnapped Granny to contend with – there’s also a real treasure! A hugely exciting criminal case with a breathtaking natural backdrop, together with varied feel-good factors that prompt readers to dream, discover and share in the story’s thrills. Best-suited for boys and girls aged 8+.

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Empty Your Mind

        Die universelle Weisheit des Kung Fu

        by Lee, Bruce

        Übersetzt von Bernhard Kleinschmidt

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Never give up - vertrau dir selbst

        Meine Erfolgsformel gilt auch für dich

        by Kamps, Gülcan

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Quiz Yourself Smart! Bees and Our Nature

        by Friederun Reichenstetter/ Helen Seeberg/ Hans-Günther Döring

        Where do bees get the wax for their honeycombs from? What does the bee dance mean? Why are bees important for us humans? General knowledge for primary school children! Who will be quiz king? The life of the little honeybee and its environment is full of surprises. Do you know your way around the native animal world? Discover their secrets, research how animals live and what distinguishes them. One quiz question – three possible answers. Plus all sorts of fascinating facts on the reverse page. For one or more players aged 6+.

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