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Promoted ContentMay 2023
Homoeopathy for Cats and Dogs
by Dr. Daniela Birkelbach
Alternatives or supplements to conventional medicine for cats and dogs? Yes, homoeopathy provides holistic therapeutic approaches for our four-legged friends too! Whether they are suffering from anxiety, conjunctivitis, or a tick bite, this book describes the appropriate homoeopathic remedies. The author draws on her many years of experience as an animal healer and presents the most important symptoms and their treatment using homoeopathy.This handy paperback fits into a lab coat pocket and provides:- Basic information on homoeopathy for dogs and cats- Symptoms from A to Z- Characteristics of the most important single-remedy homoeopathic preparations
Promoted Content2021
Homoeopathy Add-on
Complementary recommendations to conventional medicine
by Dr. Markus Wiesenauer
Vitamin A acid for acne, beta-blockers for high blood pressure, triptans for migraine – even patients treated with synthetic chemical substances may derive great benefit from a complementary homoeopathic medication, since it can - reduce the duration and dose of the allopathic medication, - increase tolerability and treatment adherence, - decrease undesirable effects, - accelerate recovery. This book directs the reader to the correct homoeopathic add-on medication for 70 common indications. Hot off the press are the sections on the homoeopathic treatment of local and systemic reactions to vaccines and the elimination of vaccine excipients. In addition, QR codes lead to the taster version of the German online database “HVKompass Homoeopathie” (guidance on advising people about homoeopathy)
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Indications and remedy-related recommendations
by Matthias Eisele, Dr. Karl-Heinz Friese, Gisela Notter and Anette Schlumpberger
Whether for the home medicine cabinet or to treat symptoms: Homoeopathy is an integral part of the counselling service!■ Part I shows the homoeopathic treatment options for 129 diseases.■ Part II gives the indications, characteristics and modalitiesfor 171 homoeopathic remedies.The sixth edition has been updated and supplementedwith additional indications and monographs.The bestseller in pocket book format – always by your side!
Trusted Partner2023
Medicinal Drugs
406 index cards
by Prof. Dr. Matthias F. Melzig and Dr. Joscha Kummer
Eyebright, Asian holly oak, butcher‘s broom – pharmaceutical drugs play an important role in the studies and profession of pharmacists, and must be learned. The author duo has compiled profiles for 406 important medicinal drugs, including - coloured image of the physical appearance, - name, family, ingredients, effect, application, - synonyms and instructions for use. New in the 2nd edition: - update of all profiles, - over 80 new drugs, including TCM and homeopathy. Thanks to the photo and fact sheet, the drugs can be internalised in no time at all – optimal for exams and practice!
Trusted Partner2020
Veterinary Diseases and their Treatment
Dogs, cats, horses, pigs, cattle
by Dr. Wolfgang Daubenmerkl
Flea dermatitis in dogs, runny noses in cats, colic in horses – when our four-legged friends suffer, the owners suffer with them and want to find the best possible treatment. Alongside conventional medicine, natural remedies and homoeopathic treatments also offer opportunities for treating animals – but which of them have proved effective? An experienced veterinarian and alternative practitioner draws on his wealth of knowledge and explains ■ Typical clinical pictures with causes, symptoms and their diagnosis ■ Tried and tested proposed treatments from conventional medicine, homoeopathy, phytotherapy and other procedures ■ Basic principles, such as structure and function of organs, nerve and hormone systems, blood circulation Here the reader can quickly find the most effective method of treatment!
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Trusted PartnerJanuary 2014
Medical Pluralism and Homoeopathy in India and Germany (1810–2010)
A Comparison of Practices
by Herausgegeben von Dinges, Martin
Trusted Partner2024
Complementary Medicine
Advice recommendations for self-medication
by M. Schlenk, G. Bauer, H. Blaschke, B. Emde, Dr. M. Glöckler,M. Müller-Frahling and N. Schlesinger
Diversity in consultations Self-medication offers a wide range of therapy options that can be used in a targeted manner. This volume contains therapy recommendations for a specific clinical picture from the areas of - Phytotherapy - Homeopathy (single and complex remedies) - Anthroposophic medicine - Aromatherapy - Schuessler salts - Spagyrics - Bach flower therapy as well as recommendations on food supplements and the microbiome. For over 100 self-medication indications, suggested preparations for all the above-mentioned therapeutic approaches have been compiled in a compact, pocket-sized format. The 3rd edition has been greatly expanded and updated to include advice options. The highlight: In addition to the recommendations from complementary medicine, the reader is also always told how to treat according to the allopathic approach. This guarantees that users will always find the right medicine for the purpose.