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      • Practical Inspiration Publishing

        The home of books that mean business

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      • Gema Insani

        Gema Insani is one of the largest publishing houses in Indonesia. The company was established in 1986 and has published various genres of books including children books, fiction andnon-fiction as well as books on Islam. Some titles have been translated into different languages and Gema Insani has maintained good relations with other publishing houses in Asia, Australia, and Europe. Gema Insani is always committed to serving the society by publishing valuable and innovative books. Beside the publishing books, Gema Insani has also involved in printing and other businesses.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        (Not So) Amazing Grace

        by Mercedes Helnwein, Moon Notes, Rita Gravert

        In "(Not So) Amazing Grace" von Mercedes Helnwein steckt Grace Welles im Sumpf Floridas in einem Internat fest und schwört sich, durch strenge, selbst auferlegte Einsamkeit zu überleben. Ihre abweisende Haltung funktioniert hervorragend, um potenzielle Freunde fernzuhalten, bis sie unerwartet einen neuen Schüler rettet und ihre Welt der Einsamkeit ins Wanken gerät. Der Neue, Wade Scholfield, entpuppt sich als jemand, der Grace zeigt, dass Schulregeln gebrochen werden können und dass tiefgründige Gespräche zu unerwarteten emotionalen Verbindungen führen. Zusammen mit Wade beginnt Grace zu entdecken, dass das Leben mehr zu bieten hat als ihre bisherige Isolation. Während Grace durch Wade lernt, sich dem Leben und anderen Menschen zu öffnen, steht sie gleichzeitig vor der Frage, was sie bereit ist, für ihre neu entdeckten Gefühle und Träume zu opfern. Die Geschichte entwickelt sich zu einer Erkundung von Freundschaft, Liebe und Selbstfindung gegen den Hintergrund des harten Alltags im Internat. Doch trotz der positiven Entwicklungen kommt es zu einem unerwarteten Wendepunkt, als Grace Wades Herz bricht, was die Leser*innen dazu bringt, über die Komplexität von Beziehungen und die Herausforderungen des Erwachsenwerdens nachzudenken. Helnweins Erzählung ist eine eindringliche Darstellung der Höhen und Tiefen jugendlicher Emotionen und der Suche nach Identität in einer oft unverständlichen Welt. Entdecke die tiefe und komplexe Welt von Grace Welles, einer jungen Frau, die lernt, ihre selbst auferlegte Einsamkeit zu überwinden. Faszinierende Kulisse eines Internats in den Sümpfen Floridas, wo die Regeln nicht immer das sind, was sie zu sein scheinen. Unkonventionelle Liebesgeschichte, die zeigt, wie tiefgründige Gespräche und gemeinsame Entdeckungen zu unerwarteten emotionalen Verbindungen führen können. Folge Grace auf ihrem Weg der Selbstfindung und des Erwachsenwerdens, während sie lernt, was es wirklich bedeutet, sich anderen zu öffnen und für ihre Träume zu kämpfen. Eine Geschichte über Freundschaft, erste Liebe und die schmerzhaften Lektionen, die das Leben zu bieten hat, perfekt für Fans von Rainbow Rowell und jugendlichen Romanen mit Tiefgang. Begleite Grace und Wade auf einer emotionalen Achterbahnfahrt, die dich zum Lachen, Weinen und Nachdenken bringen wird. "(Not So) Amazing Grace" von Mercedes Helnwein ist ein mitreißendes Debüt, das die Herausforderungen und Freuden des Heranwachsens mit einer außergewöhnlichen Hauptfigur erforscht.

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        Standardised extended instruction in the correct use of medicines and practicing the inhalation technique

        by Edited by Dr. Robert Jaeschke and Dr. Thomas Spindler. By Dr. Eric Martin, Dr. Wolfgang Kircher and Dr. Constanze Schäfer

        Only the correct use of inhalation devices guarantees an optimal effect. The editors and authors are experienced experts in supervising inhaled therapies for children and adults. They have different focuses and illuminate the topic from different perspectives: ■ administrative regulations and legal framework for providing the pharmaceutical service with advice on documentation and invoicing ■ current standards in the therapy of asthma and COPD as well as disease-specific features ■ physical-technical basics of inhalation ■ special features of inhalation devices in terms of technology and application ■ guidance on the practical implementation of the services offered in a pharmacy with SOP ■ assistance on the setting and communication for high-quality counselling and instruction Helpful working materials, such as device-specific leaflets to give to patients, and separate monitoring sheets or checklists for each device round off the package. These are available for download at

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2024

        Smart Pickings

        2nd Edition

        by Lynne Bianchi

        Smart Pickings (2nd Edition) further engages young readers with the world of science. It promotes talk between children, their classmates, teachers, parents, family and friends. The book introduces a range of diverse and inspirational scientists who have or are making a difference through their innovations and research. A book to encouraging us all to wonder, ask questions and ask 'Who are they?', 'How might I be like them?'

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Inspiration Bloomsbury

        Der Kreis um Virginia Woolf

        by Herausgegeben von Frick-Gerke, Christine

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2013

        Divine Substitution

        Humanity as the Manifestation of Deity in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East

        by Herring, Ph.D., Stephen L.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2017


        Wie Gedanken in den Kopf kommen und daraus Ideen entstehen

        by Mittelstraß, Bettina; Döring, Iris

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2006

        Political culture in later medieval England

        Essays by Simon Walker

        by Mike Braddick

        This is an important collection of pioneering essays penned by the late Simon Walker, a highly respected historian of late medieval England. One of the finest scholars of his generation, Walker's writing is lucid, inspirational, and has permanently enriched our understanding of the period. The eleven essays featured here examine themes such as kingship, lordship, warfare and sanctity. There are specific studies on subjects such as the changing fortunes of the family of Sir Richard Abberbury; Yorkshire's Justices of the Peace; the service of medieval man-at-arms, Janico Dartasso; Richard II's views on kingship, political saints, and an investigation of rumour, sedition and popular protest in the reign of Henry IV. An introduction by G.L. Harriss looks back across Walker's career, and discusses the historiographical context of his work. Both the new and previously published pieces here will be essential reading for those working on the late medieval period. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Political culture in later medieval England

        Essays by Simon Walker

        by Michael J. Braddick

        This is an important collection of pioneering essays penned by the late Simon Walker, a highly respected historian of late medieval England. One of the finest scholars of his generation, Walker's writing is lucid, inspirational, and has permanently enriched our understanding of the period. The eleven essays featured here examine themes such as kingship, lordship, warfare and sanctity. There are specific studies on subjects such as the changing fortunes of the family of Sir Richard Abberbury; Yorkshire's Justices of the Peace; the service of medieval man-at-arms, Janico Dartasso; Richard II's views on kingship, political saints, and an investigation of rumour, sedition and popular protest in the reign of Henry IV. An introduction by G.L. Harriss looks back across Walker's career, and discusses the historiographical context of his work. Both the new and previously published pieces here will be essential reading for those working on the late medieval period.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2018

        The Awful English Grammar

        Die schreckliche englische Grammatik

        by Taylor, Jeremy

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1998

        Inkarnation oder Inspiration?

        Christologische Grundfragen in der Diskussion mit britischer anglikanischer Theologie

        by Link-Wieczorek, Ulrike

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2014

        Divine love

        by Morny Joy

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999

        Orte der Inspiration - Quellen der Kraft

        Kozentrationspunkte zur Stärkung des seelischen Wohlbefindens schaffen und gestalten

        by Linn, Denise

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2013

        John Edwards (1637–1716) on Human Free Choice and Divine Necessity

        The Debate on the Relation between Divine Necessity and Human Freedom in Late Seventeenth-Century and Early Eighteenth-Century England

        by Yoo, Jeongmo

      • Trusted Partner

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