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      • World for kids

        Our passion is to show kids, how colourful and fascinating the world is. There is not only one way to live but so many. We love curious children and we do the books they need to explore the world. So we do travel books for kids and novels for the journey in a hammock.

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        Socially Competent Kids

        How to Stimulate the Eight Key Social and Emotional Skills of your Child

        by Steven Pont

        What makes children truly happy? The answer to that question is simple, but challenging: their social-emotional competences. Socially competent kids feel good and are more successful in different aspects of life.   One of the most important tasks of a parent is therefore to support their children in developing social skills. This book shows parents how to encourage the social-emotional development of their children. It distinguishes eight skills: awareness of the self, social awareness, self-management, goal oriented behaviour, relational skills, personal responsibility, decision making, and positive thinking.   After giving a clear introduction on social-emotional development, the author explains these skills in more detail in eight chapters. Each chapter contains a detailed real-life example, psychological background information, and practical interventions ready for use by parents, teachers and other caretakers. The interventions and examples are aimed at four to twelve year olds.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Child, nation, race and empire

        Child rescue discourse, England, Canada and Australia, 1850–1915

        by Margot Hillel, Shurlee Swain, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        Child, nation, race and empire is an innovative, inter-disciplinary, cross cultural study that contributes to understandings of both contemporary child welfare practices and the complex dynamics of empire. It analyses the construction and transmission of nineteenth-century British child rescue ideology. Locating the origins of contemporary practice in the publications of the prominent English Child rescuers, Dr Barnardo, Thomas Bowman Stephenson, Benjamin Waugh, Edward de Montjoie Rudolf and their colonial disciples and literature written for children, it shows how the vulnerable body of the child at risk came to be reconstituted as central to the survival of nation, race and empire. Yet, as the shocking testimony before the many official enquiries into the past treatment of children in out-of-home 'care' held in Britain, Ireland, Australia and Canada make clear, there was no guarantee that the rescued child would be protected from further harm.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2010

        Understanding British and European political issues

        Second edition

        by Neil McNaughton

        This new edition will be essential reading for all students studying politics at A2 level, as it covers the important issues as required by the main examining boards, and has been specifically tailored to the brand new Edexcel Route A specification. Fully updated to include the global recession and other recent political developments, it looks at the important issues in British politics since 1945. It is also useful as an introductory reader for all those who are interested in the field. Neil McNaughton is a seasoned writer at this level. He examines, on a chapter by chapter basis, the key issues of British politics today; economic policy, the Welfare State, law and order, environment policy, Northern Ireland, issues concerning women, European integration and the European Union, and the impact of the European Union on Britain. In each case he describes the issues in detail and places them in their political context. Written in an accessible style, with helpful features such as summaries, definition, tables and boxes to illuminate the points made and suggestions for additional reading and research, this book is urgently needed as students grapple with the issues thrown up by the new examinations. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2023

        Imagining the Irish child

        Discourses of childhood in Irish Anglican writing of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

        by Jarlath Killeen

        This book examines the ways in which ideas about children, childhood and Ireland changed together in Irish Protestant writing of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It focuses on different varieties of the child found in the work of a range of Irish Protestant writers, theologians, philosophers, educationalists, politicians and parents from the early seventeenth century up to the outbreak of the 1798 Rebellion. The book is structured around a detailed examination of six 'versions' of the child: the evil child, the vulnerable/innocent child, the political child, the believing child, the enlightened child, and the freakish child. It traces these versions across a wide range of genres (fiction, sermons, political pamphlets, letters, educational treatises, histories, catechisms and children's bibles), showing how concepts of childhood related to debates about Irish nationality, politics and history across these two centuries.

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        Mental and Behavioral Disorders in Early Childhood

        Textbook on Basics, Clinic and Therapy

        by Rüdiger Kißgen, Kathrin Sevecke (Eds.)

        One in five children in a kindergarten class is at risk for mental health problems. By making a diagnosis as early as possible, the child may receive targeted support and be strengthened in his or her further development. This textbook aims at increasing competence in the expert treatment of mental disorders and behavioral problems in early childhood. After a compact presentation of child development in the first six years of life, possible clinical disorders are presented, stringently structured according to classification, prevalence, causes, diagnosis, and therapy. The disorders that are covered in this book include autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, affective disorders, sleep, eating, and crying disorders, trauma, stress, and deprivation disorders, and attachment and relationship disorders of early childhood.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Time-Out in Child Behavior Management

        by Corey C. Lieneman, Cheryl B. McNeil

        Practical, evidence-based guide to using time-out safely and effectively• Written by leading experts• Highlights applied research• Reviews parent training programs• Details parent–child interaction therapy• Addresses controversial issues• Includes downloadable tools This book is essential reading for anyone who works with children and their families. It is a compact, comprehensive guide to understanding, administering, and teaching caregivers to implement time-out effectively for child behavior management. Readers will learn about time-out’s history and scientific research base, particularly with respect to child age, cultural groups, and presenting concerns. Practitioners will appreciate the focus on applied research highlighting the efficacy of specific time-out parameters, such as duration, location, and handling escape. In addition, the book presents overviews of behavioral parent training programs that include time-out and thoroughly examines controversial issues related to time-out. The appendix provides the clinician with hands-on tools and a list of further resources.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        August 2005

        Child soldiers in International law

        by Matthew Happold, Iain Scobbie, Jean D'Aspremont, Dominic McGoldrick

        Can the use of children as soldiers be effectively regulated at an international level? 'Child soldiers in international law' examines how international law has developed to deal with this problematic and emotive issue. Happold looks at the rules restricting the recruitment of children into armed forces - rules which, though important, are often flouted - but also at the wider legal issues arising from child soldiering: to what extent can child soldiers be held criminally liable for their conduct? How should they be treated when captured? How are states obliged to demobilise and reintegrate them into their societies? It also identifies a move away towards enforcement, through the prosecution of those who recruit child soldiers, and proposals for Security Council sanctions against governments and groups who breach their international obligations by using children in armed conflicts. This study will be essential reading for those concerned with public international law, human rights, and the United Nations and peacekeeping. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Kid Normal (3). Auf sie mit Gebrüll!

        by James, Greg; Smith, Chris

        „So lustig, das ist schon beinahe kriminell!“ The Independent Was haben Kid Normal und die Supernullen mit Hackpastete gemein? Ganz klar: Wenn Murph und seine Freunde die Welt retten, fühlen sie sich danach wie durch den Fleischwolf gedreht. Gerade jetzt wird ihre Heldenkraft gebraucht wie nie zuvor - doch all ihre Missionen scheitern (natürlich) kläglich! Währenddessen verfolgt der Bösewicht und Erzrivale der Supernullen, Elster, einen tödlichen Plan. Er will Murph und die Supernullen ein für alle Mal ausschalten. Und wieder einmal ist es an Murph, dem Jungen ohne Superkraft, die Welt zu retten: Denn Normalsein ist die neue Superkraft! Herrlich schräg und voller Action: Der kuriose Lesespaß für alle Mädchen und Jungen ab 9, die Superhelden-Geschichten, Turbulenzen und rasante Abenteuer von Helden und Bösewichten lieben. Zum Losprusten komisch und mit Lautlach-Witzen am laufenden Band wird dieser Heidenspaß von einem Buch genial illustriert von Raimund Frey. In der Reihe „Kid Normal“ sind bisher erschienen: Kid Normal. So sehen Helden aus! (Band 1) Kid Normal. Die Schurken sind los! (Band 2)

      • Trusted Partner
        Social work
        February 2013

        Children’s rights and child protection

        Critical times, critical issues in Ireland

        by Edited by Deborah Lynch and Kenneth Burns

        This topical book, now available in paperback, comprehensively draws together diverse perspectives from key leaders in the field to address critical issues for children in relation to their rights, welfare and protection at a critical time in Ireland. The broad array of chapters addresses the changing and complex landscape of policy, practice and law. It discusses the politics of children's rights, the impact of child abuse within the Catholic Church, diverse approaches to service delivery and professional practice, the media and representations of child protection practice and the relationship between research evidence and practice. It offers a critique of governance in children's services and identifies key barriers to fundamental progress in the area of children's rights and the protection of children. This original book fills a gap in publications in this area in Ireland. It is vital reading for academics, practitioners, managers, students and policy-makers, as well as being accessible to individuals with a broad interest in child welfare and protection.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2024

        Kosmo Kids

        ALLseits im Einsatz

        by Nicolas Gorny, Lena Heger

        Einfach galaktisch: Science Fiction für Vorschulkinder Endlich Astronaut: Kelvin hat es geschafft und ist jetzt ein Kosmo Kid! Im Auftrag der Unendliche Weiten Erforschung darf er nun fremde Galaxien entdecken. Mit seiner galaktisch-guten Crew düst er los: Die Mechanikerin Astra, die alles reparieren kann, was ihr in die Finger kommt und in einem Schwebestuhl sitzt, weil sie nicht laufen kann. Der Yeti-Ritter Knurr, der zwar keine menschliche Sprache spricht, aber stark ist und gut kochen kann. Und das Roboterkind Nullkommanix - das Superhirn der Crew. Ihre aufregenden Abenteuer lassen sie keine Lichtsekunde durchschnaufen! Sie helfen bei einem galaktischen Notruf, retten kuschlige Alienhunde und halten sich glibberige Bösewichte vom Leib. Dieses rasante Science Fiction Vorlesebuch für Vorschulkinder ab 5 Jahren macht einfach nur Spaß. Ein wunderbares Abenteuer im Weltraum mit genialen Illustrationen und viel Witz – auch für nerdige Erwachsene! Die Kosmo Kids sind allseits im Einsatz! „Star Wars“ für Kleine: Die Kosmo Kids begeistern Kinder ab 5 Jahren für Science Fiction. Galaktischer Lesespaß: Vorlesebuch für kleine Weltraum-Fans, genial illustriert mit vielen Details zum Entdecken. Sympathische Helden: Die Freunde Kelvin, Astra, Knurr und Nullkommanix halten zusammen. Für Klein und Groß: Eine lustige Weltraumgeschichte für Vorschulkinder, garniert mit Witzen für nerdige Erwachsene. Mit seiner lustigen Weltraumgeschichte und nerdigen Witzen ist Kosmo Kids ein geniales Vorlesebuch für Vorschulkinder ab 5 Jahren und deren Eltern. Ein witziges, erstes Science Fiction Abenteuer und ein galaktischer Geschichtenspaß für gemeinsame Vorlesestunden.

      • Trusted Partner

        Integrating Digital Tools Into Children’s Mental Health Care

        by Deborah J. Jones, Margaret T. Anton

        How to use digital tools in children’smental healthcare according to the latestevidence• Expert authors examine theevidence-base• Provides hands-on exercises forselecting digital tools• Includes downloadable handoutsand formsPractitioners need to know the evidencebehind using digital mentalhealth approaches and tools, includingtelemental health visits. This accessiblebook provides that help, as the authorsguide the reader through the rationale,options, and strategies forincorporating digital tools into children’smental healthcare drawing ontheir extensive knowledge of both currentresearch and clinical practice.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Children’s rights in crisis

        Multidisciplinary, transnational, and comparative perspectives

        by Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr.

        This book rigorously investigates the contemporary state of children's rights and the multifaceted challenges facing children, uncovering the complexities at their core. In 1989, the United Nations introduced the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), ratified by 196 nations, promising a world where children's rights would reign supreme. In practice, however, realising these rights proves intricate and often precarious. Policies may shine on paper, but their implementation grapples with the challenges posed by global governance structures, national strategies, and local factors. Over three decades since the CRC's inception, this book scrutinises the true efficacy of international commitments, shedding light on underexplored issues and revealing shortcomings in both discourse and actions. With diverse, interdisciplinary perspectives, it recognises the profound influence of global and transnational forces in generating outcomes that impact children's rights and welfare.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2007

        The child at risk

        paedophiles, media responses and public opinion

        by Anneke Meyer, Chantal Hamil

        Paedophilia continues to be a public and emotive topic in contemporary Britain which is capable of generating great and varying levels of interest, concern and condemnation. The child at risk charts these social responses and unravels their underlying dynamics through detailed empirical research and theoretical analysis. Anneke Meyer looks beyond the media and 'moral panics' for explanations of emotive social responses and the paradox pervading them (the paradox of increased regulation, of paedophiles and children, coinciding with continuing popular concern). Drawing on and developing a wide range of theoretical frameworks, the book identifies a number of dynamics which produce concern and renders regulation designed to reduce fears ineffective. These dynamics include the moral rhetoric of childhood and the exposition of the crisis of neo-liberalism and conceptualisations of 'the paedophile' as a dangerous pervert. As a result the book points beyond its immediate subject and furthers understanding in the areas of risk, childhood and governance, as well as collective concerns and emotions. It will be essential reading in sociology, media studies and for those interested in media representation and governance. ;

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        Is the Brain Rational?

        The Findings of a Neuropsychologist

        by L. Jäncke

        This book takes the reader on a fascinating journey, demonstrating in an understandable and entertaining way how the brain affects our thoughts, actions, and feelings - and that this sometimes only peripherally involves reason. It shows, that the subconscious actually exists and how it affects us, how we arrive at both right and wrong decisions, how our memory works, how fragile it can be, and yet also how robust. Using insightful experiments and the latest research results, including many examples, this book presents the reader what an incredibly impressive thinking organ the brain actually is – even if it is not a purely “rational machine”.   Target Group: For people interested in the results of research into the workings of the brain in the areas of decision-making, memory, and consciousness.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2017

        Conflict, peace and mental health

        by David Bolton

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        The Arts
        February 2019

        Contemporary Korean cinema

        Culture, identity and politics

        by Hyangjin Lee

        The first in-depth, comprehensive study of Korean cinema offering original insight into the relationships between ideology and the art of cinema from East Asian perspectives. Combines issues of contemporary Korean culture and cinematic representation of the society and people in both North and South Korea. Covers the introduction of motion pictures in 1903, Korean cinema during the Japanese colonial period (1910-45) and the development of North and South Korean cinema up to the 1990s. Introduces the works of Korea's major directors, and analyses the Korean film industry in terms of film production, distribution and reception. Based on this historical analysis, the study investigates ideological constructs in seventeen films, eight from North Korea and nine from South Korea.

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