machiavelli edition
Der Verlag machiavelli edition wurde 2012 in Köln gegründet. Er publiziert Texte zur europäischen Literatur, Poesie, Kunst, Wissenschaft, Geschichte und Politik.
View Rights PortalDer Verlag machiavelli edition wurde 2012 in Köln gegründet. Er publiziert Texte zur europäischen Literatur, Poesie, Kunst, Wissenschaft, Geschichte und Politik.
View Rights PortalThe most recent project 2020 is our cat series- 52 cat books in all genres and all sizes (including miniature books with short stories). One book every week beginning with March 2020. The series bestseller: Loving Reaper (author and artist Jenny Jinya), a comic that sold more than 2000 during the first 4 weeks. Read the comic online for free!
View Rights PortalAlice Miller wurde am 12. Januar 1923 in Polen geboren. Sie studierte in Basel Philosophie, Psychologie und Soziologie. Nach der Promotion machte sie in Zürich ihre Ausbildung zur Psychoanalytikerin und übte 20 Jahre lang diesen Beruf aus. 1980 gab sie ihre Praxis und Lehrtätigkeit auf, um zu schreiben. Seitdem veröffentlichte sie 13 Bücher, in denen sie die breite Öffentlichkeit mit den Ergebnissen ihrer Kindheitsforschungen bekannt machte. Sie verstand ihre Suche nach der Realität der Kindheit als einen scharfen Gegensatz zur Psychoanalyse, die in der alten Tradition das Kind beschuldigt und die Eltern schont. Alice Miller ist am 14. April 2010 im Alter von 87 Jahren verstorben. Alice Miller wurde am 12. Januar 1923 in Polen geboren. Sie studierte in Basel Philosophie, Psychologie und Soziologie. Nach der Promotion machte sie in Zürich ihre Ausbildung zur Psychoanalytikerin und übte 20 Jahre lang diesen Beruf aus. 1980 gab sie ihre Praxis und Lehrtätigkeit auf, um zu schreiben. Seitdem veröffentlichte sie 13 Bücher, in denen sie die breite Öffentlichkeit mit den Ergebnissen ihrer Kindheitsforschungen bekannt machte. Sie verstand ihre Suche nach der Realität der Kindheit als einen scharfen Gegensatz zur Psychoanalyse, die in der alten Tradition das Kind beschuldigt und die Eltern schont. Alice Miller ist am 14. April 2010 im Alter von 87 Jahren verstorben.
In all ihren Büchern seit dem Welterfolg Das Drama des begabten Kindes hat Alice Miller zu zeigen versucht, daß die an Kindern ausgeübte Gewalt irgendwann auf die Gesellschaft zurückschlägt. Die neuesten Entdeckungen über die Entwicklung des menschlichen Gehirns haben ihre analytischen Arbeiten inzwischen nicht nur vollauf bestätigt, sondern sie auch zum Weiterdenken angeregt. Die Erkenntnis, daß unser Körper ein vollständiges Gedächtnis unserer sämtlichen Kindheitserfahrungen enthält, die unser Bewußtsein allerdings leugnet, half ihr, die Dynamik der emotionalen Blindheit zu verstehen und ihre heutigen Vorstellungen über Psychotherapie in Evas Erwachen in einfacher, zugänglicher Form zu erklären.
As human and machine agency become increasingly intermingled and digital media is overlaid onto the urban landscape, The machinic city argues that performance art can help us to understand contemporary urban living. Dias analyses interventions from performance artists such as Blast Theory, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and Rimini Protokoll, which draw from a rich history of avant-garde art movements to create spaces for deliberation and reflection on urban life, and speculation on its future. While cities are increasingly controlled by autonomous processes mediated by technical machines, Dias analyses the performative potential of the aesthetic machine, as it assembles with media, capitalist, human and urban machines. The aesthetic machine of performance art in urban space is examined through its different components - design, city and technology actants. This unveils the unpredictable nature and emerging potential of performance art as it unfolds in the machinic city.
The Arc and the machine is a timely and original defence of narrative in an age of information. Stressing interpretation and experience alongside affect and sensation it convincingly argues that narrative is key to contemporary forms of cultural production and to the practice of contemporary life. Re-appraising the prospects for narrative in the digital age, it insists on the centrality of narrative to informational culture and provokes a critical re-appraisal of how innovations in information technology as a material cultural form can be understood and assessed. The book offers a careful exploration of narrative theory, a sophisticated critique of techno-cultural writing, and a series of tightly focused case studies. All of which point the way to a restoration of a critical - rather than celebratory approaches - to new media. The scope and range of this book is broad, its argumentation careful and exacting, and its conclusions exciting. ;
What is it like to live next door to a British Army base? England's military heartland provides an eye-opening account of the sprawling military presence on Salisbury Plain, drawing on a wide range of voices from both sides of the divide. Targeted for expansion under government plans to reorganise the UK's global defence estate, the Salisbury 'super garrison' offers a unique opportunity to explore the impact of the military footprint in a particular place. But this is no ordinary environment: as well as being the world-famous site of Stonehenge, the grasslands of Salisbury Plain are home to rare plants and wildlife. How does the army take responsibility for conserving this unique landscape as it trains young men and women to use lethal weapons? Are its claims that its presence is a positive for the environment anything more than propaganda? This book investigates these questions against the backdrop of a historic landscape inscribed with the legacy of perpetual war.
A considered investigation of a long-standing army base's impact on the British countryside. What is it like to live next door to a British Army base? Beyond the barracks provides an eye-opening account of the sprawling military presence on Salisbury Plain, drawing on a wide range of voices from both sides of the divide. Targeted for expansion under government plans to reorganise the UK's global defence estate, the Salisbury 'super garrison' offers a unique opportunity to explore the impact of the military footprint in a particular place. But this is no ordinary environment: as well as being the world-famous site of Stonehenge, the grasslands of Salisbury Plain are home to rare plants and wildlife. How does the army take responsibility for conserving this unique landscape as it trains young men and women to use lethal weapons? Are its claims that its presence is a positive for the environment anything more than propaganda? Beyond the barracks investigates these questions against the backdrop of a historic landscape inscribed with the legacy of perpetual war.
This new collection of essays presents the latest thoughts of one of the world's leading ethnographic filmmakers and writers on cinema. It will provide essential reading for students in cinema studies, filmmaking, and visual anthropology. The dozen wide-ranging essays give unique insights into the history of documentary, how films evoke space, time and physical sensations, and the intellectual and emotional links between filmmakers and their subjects. In an era of reality television, historical re-enactments, and designer packaging, MacDougall defends the principles that inspired the earliest practitioners of documentary cinema. He urges us to consider how the form can more accurately reflect the realities of our everyday lives. Building on his own practice in filmmaking, he argues that this means resisting the pressures for self-censorship and the inherent ethnocentrism of our own society and those we film.
Colonial war played a vital part in transforming the reputation of the military and placing it on a standing equal to that of the navy. The book is concerned with the interactive culture of colonial warfare, with the representation of the military in popular media at home, and how these images affected attitudes towards war itself and wider intellectual and institutional forces. It sets out to relate the changing image of the military to these fundamental facts. For the dominant people they were an atavistic form of war, shorn of guilt by Social Darwinian and racial ideas, and rendered less dangerous by the increasing technological gap between Europe and the world. Attempts to justify and understand war were naturally important to dominant people, for the extension of imperial power was seldom a peaceful process. The entertainment value of war in the British imperial experience does seem to have taken new and more intensive forms from roughly the middle of the nineteenth century. Themes such as the delusive seduction of martial music, the sketch of the music hall song, powerful mythic texts of popular imperialism, and heroic myths of empire are discussed extensively. The first important British war correspondent was William Howard Russell (1820-1907) of The Times, in the Crimea. The 1870s saw a dramatic change in the representation of the officer in British battle painting. Up to that point it was the officer's courage, tactical wisdom and social prestige that were put on display.