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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2006

        Marathon und Plataiai

        Zwei Perserschlachten als 'lieux de mémoire' im antiken Griechenland

        by Michael Jung

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        April 2021

        Der Marathon-Pater

        60.000 Kilometer gegen die Armut

        by Breer, TobiasHajek, Jutta

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        September 1999

        Marathon: Das 4-Stunden-Programm

        Vom Anfang bis zum Finish

        by Petersen, Ole

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        Health & Personal Development
        July 2021

        Everything harder than everyone else

        by Jenny Valentish

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        June 2023

        Attika. Die Schlacht von Marathon

        Historischer Roman

        by Iggulden, Conn

        Aus dem Englischen von Urban Hofstetter

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        Children's & YA

        The Magical Pharmacy (4). The Contest of a Thousand Talents

        by Anna Ruhe/ Claudia Carls

        A world full of scents – and an adventure full of magic, racing hearts and dangers! Luzie Alvenstein can sense it right down to her fingertips: there is something wrong with the invitation she is holding in her hand. Her rival Elodie de Richemont has invited her to enter the “Contest of a thousand talents” – a competition for the world’s finest scent pharmacists. Of course the only thing Elodie is interested in is finding new talents to run her scent pharmacies. But Luzie has no choice. Together with Mats, Leon and Daan de Bruijn she goes to England in order to take part in the competition. What begins as a great game soon develops into a fight for survival – and this threatens to rob Luzie of everything she has ever loved… This is the fourth volume in the bestselling series of children’s books for boys and girls aged 10+. Written by the highly successful author Anna Ruhe and with atmospheric and beautifully detailed black-and-white illustrations by Claudia Carls.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2018

        Die Philosophie des Laufens

        by M. W. Austin, Peter Reichenbach

        Schuhe an und los: Es gibt gute Gründe dafür, warum Laufen Volkssport Nummer 1 geworden ist. Ob im Wald, im Park, auf der Straße, ob vor oder nach der Arbeit, im Sommer, im Winter und natürlich bei Wettkämpfen – laufen kann man überall und jederzeit, es ist vielseitig und für jeden einfach und günstig machbar. Aber es steckt noch mehr dahinter. Laufen schult unseren Charakter und verhilft uns zu größerer Freiheit, erweitert unseren Horizont und lehrt uns viel über uns selbst und die Welt um uns herum. Davon erzählen hier kenntnisreich internationale Autoren aus verschiedenen Disziplinen – Philosophen, Journalisten und Sportler. Sie erklären uns, wieso Freundschaften unter Läufern auch für andere Bereiche des Lebens wichtig sind, berichten vom Laufen mit Apps und davon, welchen Unterschied es macht, auf einem Laufband oder im Freien zu laufen. Sie schildern uns die Parallele zwischen Schmerz und Freude beim Laufen und im Leben, erzählen, wie es sich anfühlt, zum ersten Mal an einem Marathon teilzunehmen – und zeigen, warum ein kurzer Trainingslauf am Wochenende genauso glücklich machen kann.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2015

        Chronicles of the Investiture Contest

        by T. J. H. McCarthy

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2016

        University engagement and environmental sustainability

        by Michael Osborne, Patricia Inman, Diana Robinson

        Universities have a key role to play in contributing to environmental development and combating climate change. The chapters within this volume detail the challenges faced by higher education institutions in considering environmental sustainability, and provide both a broad view of university engagement and a detailed examination of various projects. As part of this series in association with the Place and Social Capital and Learning (PASCAL) International Observatory, the three key PASCAL themes of place management, lifelong learning and the development of social capital are considered throughout the book. While universities have historically generated knowledge outside of specific local contexts, this book argues that it is particularly important for them to engage with the local community and to consider diverse perspectives and assets when looking at issues within an ecological context. The chapters in this volume provide new perspectives and frames of reference for transforming universities by engaging in the development of resilient communities.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        The Battle for Water

        In the century of drought

        by Jürgen Rahmig

        — Water as a reason for war and a political instrument of power — Unique overview of global water conflicts — Foreword by Wolfgang Ischinger Every year, droughts in African countries cause hundreds of thousands of deaths and much suffering. Europe also experienced drought in 2022's summer of record temperatures. Without water, there can be no life. More and more people are suffering from water shortages. Climate change is fuelling the distribution battles for water; violent conflicts over this precious resource are the order of the day. Whether the protests in Iraq, the war in Syria, in the Himalayas, the Nile conflict and in many other places, water is already a reason for war and is being misused as a political instrument of power. The construction of huge dams, the targeted closure of locks, river diversions, water and land grabbing bring wars over the "blue gold" with them. In a unique overview, journalist Jürgen Rahmig describes the struggle for water in the 21st century. Where do dangers lurk today; where will they be tomorrow, and how can we prevent wars over precious water?

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        Political structure & processes
        May 2017

        The Europeanisation of Conflict Resolutions

        Regional integration and conflicts from the 1950s to the 21st century

        by Series edited by Emil Kirchner, Boyka Stefanova, Thomas Christiansen

        This book is about the EU's role in conflict resolution and reconciliation in Europe. The central argument of the book is that the evolution of the policy mix, resources, framing influences and political opportunities through which European integration affects conflicts and processes of conflict resolution demonstrates a historical trend through which the EU has become an indispensable factor of conflict resolution . It begins with the pooling together of policy-making at the European level for the management of particular sectors (early integration in the European Coal and Steel Community) through the functioning of core EU policies (Northern Ireland) to the challenges of enlargement (Cyprus) and the European perspective for the Western Balkans (Kosovo). The book will be of value to academics and non-expert observers alike with an interest in European integration and peace studies.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2009

        Tensions in the struggle for sexual minority rights in Europe

        Que(e)rying political practices

        by Nico Beger

        Tensions in the struggle for sexual minority rights in Europe, newly available in paperback, is the first queer and poststructuralist reading of political rights concepts in the specific European transnational context. In the last thirty years Europe has seen the rise of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender movements fighting nationally and transnationally for participation rights in society. In addition academic theorists have increasingly paid attention to the epistemological and ontological roles gender and sexuality play in modern politics. However, in the political process of arguing for rights the centrality of those roles is mostly hidden from view in official institutional and movement discourses. This book investigates the conceptual themes of lesbian, gay and transgender rights and lobby politics in Europe and their open and hidden relations to binary and hierarchical orders of dominance. It contributes to an understanding of the conditions upon which politics of inclusion, participation, social justice and equality rest and why struggles for sexual minority rights have been so difficult and slow. It illuminates how the paradigms of political discourse constitute, consolidate and contest the meaning and cultural significance of gender and sexuality on modern, democratic, capitalist European societies. ;

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