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      • Liels un Mazs

        LIELS UN MAZS is an independent, family-owned publishing house founded in 2004, based in Rīga, Latvia. Since the very beginning, our focus has been on publishing contemporary picture books and quality fiction created by the most talented Latvian writers and illustrators. In 2020, for the third year in a row, we have been shortlisted for the Bologna Prize for the Best Children’s Publishers of the Year for Europe. We also publish a list of thoughtfully selected translations from the best children’s authors.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        White Maze

        Du bist längst mittendrin

        by Perry, June

        *** Eure schöne neue Welt ist tödlich! *** Mit einem Schlag endet Vivians sorgenfreies Leben: Ihre Mutter Sofia wurde ermordet! Die erfolgreiche Game-Entwicklerin stand kurz vor dem Release eines bahnbrechenden Computerspiels. „White Maze“ wird mit neuartigen Lucent-Kontaktlinsen gespielt - dank ihnen erleben die Spieler virtuelle Game-Welten mit allen Sinnen. Aber warum zerstörte Vivians Mutter kurz vor ihrem Tod die Prototypen der Linsen? Zusammen mit dem schulbekannten Hacker Tom will Viv den Mord an Sofia aufklären. Dazu muss Viv selbst Lucent-Linsen einsetzen und tief in die virtuelle Welt eintauchen. Doch dort ist es für den Mörder ein Leichtes, die falsche Realität nach seinen Spielregeln zu manipulieren. Kann Vivian ihren eigenen Gefühlen vertrauen, wenn alles, was sie sieht, hört, riecht und schmeckt, bloße Lüge ist?

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 1971

        Die Ratte im Labyrinth

        Eine Science-fiction-Anthologie von Franz Rottensteiner

        by Franz Rottensteiner, Marie Thérèse Kerschbaumer, Klaus Staemmler, Rudolf Hermstein, Michael Maier

        Lem, Stanisl'aw: Die Ratte im Labyrinth. Deutsch von Klaus Staemmler. Colin, Vladimir: Die letzte Verwandlung des Tristan. Deutsch von Marie-Thérèse Kerschbaumer. Sturgeon, Theodore: Reife. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein. Gunn, James E.: Ein Ungeheuer namens Smith. Deutsch von Michael Maier. McLean, Katherine: Ein unmenschliches Opfer. Deutsch von Michael Maier. Lafferty, R.A.: Regierungsform und Brauchtum der Camiroi. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein. Blish, James: _. Kidd, Virginia: An der Wand der Jagdhütte. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Christian Dualist Heresies in the Byzantine World, c. 650-c. 1450

        by Janet Hamilton, Bernard Hamilton

        Christian dualism originated in the reign of Constans II (641-68). It was a popular religion, which shared with orthodoxy an acceptance of scriptual authority and apostolic tradition and held a sacramental doctrine of salvation, but understood all these in a radically different way to the Orthodox Church. One of the differences was the strong part demonology played in the belief system. This text traces, through original sources, the origins of dualist Christianity throughout the Byzantine Empire, focusing on the Paulician movement in Armenia and Bogomilism in Bulgaria. It presents not only the theological texts, but puts the movements into their social and political context.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2009

        Das Labyrinth der zärtlichen Kraft

        166 Liebesgeschichten. Mit einer DVD

        by Alexander Kluge, Thomas Combrink, Thomas Combrink

        Es gibt keine menschliche Eigenschaft, die älter und fürs Überleben notwendiger ist als die Liebe. Wer liebt, sagt man, ist verkauft mit Haut und Haar. Zugleich ist Liebe, so heißt es in Bizets Carmen, „frei wie ein Vogel“. Wie verschieden ist sie von anderen guten Dingen, von ruhiger Freundlichkeit, unerschütterlicher Ruhe, Vertragstreue und von ausgeglichenen Bilanzen! Sie ist ein ‚Attraktor’, unbezwinglich wie die Gravitation, nach der die Sterne tanzen. Zugleich aber der dunklen Energie ähnlich, die uns in eine unbekannte Zukunft vorwärtstreibt. In diesem Labyrinth der Gegensätze kann man sich verirren. In Zeiten der Not und der Finanzkrise versammelt sich die zärtliche Kraft an deren Gegenpol im Erzählten. Denn sie besitzt ihre ganz eigene Ökonomie. Die meisten der hier versammelten 166 Liebesgeschichten sind längst geschrieben. Sie verbargen sich bisher in den 2000 Texten von Alexander Kluge. „Basisgeschichten“ war einer ihrer Namen. Nun ordnen sie sich thematisch neu und in Gesellschaft neuer Geschichten und Reflexionen zu einem Flug über die Landkarten der Liebe. Auf einem Hochplateau endet dieser Flug, im Herzen des schönsten Liebesromans der nichtsentimentalen Tradition und einem Kardinaltext der Moderne über Beziehungsökonomie: der Princesse de Clèves der Madame de La Fayette. Mit einer DVD - Nachrichten vom Tausendfüßler. 21 unveröffentlichte Filme Länge: 158 Minuten Liebe baut ihre Gärten und Nester in den Formen der poetischen Kraft: Mit Hilfe von Büchern, von Filmen und Musikstücken. Zwei dieser Parameter fehlen in einem gedruckten Text. Deshalb ergänzt die folgende DVD die Geschichten durch bewegte Bilder, Filme und durch Schriften, die sich zu Musik bewegen. 1. Reimlexikon von 1826. Stichwort Liebe. (2’ 24’’) Die besten Reime von „Liebe“ bis „Getriebe“. Musik: If All of the Dead are Coming Ahead. Von Gustav & Band (Eva Jantschitsch). 2. Ein Liebespaar in Babylon. (2’ 27’’) Das Bergmädchen. Vor 6.000 Jahren. Das „Bergmädchen“ tr

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2012

        Saramago's labyrinths

        A journey through form and content in Blindness and All the Names

        by Rhian Atkin, Mike Thompson

        Saramago's labyrinths is the first book-length study to focus on the relationship between form and the content in Saramago's writing, paying particular attention to Ensaio sobre a Cegueira (Blindness) and Todos os Nomes (All the Names). Atkin provides a close textual analysis of Blindness and All the Names, and suggests that the labyrinth pervades Saramago's work, both in the form of the text, and as a literary and philosophical trope. She makes clear connections between these novels and Saramago's other literary works, and identifies ways in which Saramago causes the reader to return to and consider the philosophical, epistemological and ethical concerns and dilemmas that are recurrent in his literary output. Atkin's jargon-free approach to Saramago's complex ideas, and her thorough understanding of Portuguese history, culture and society, make this an accessible yet challenging guide to Saramago's fiction, for undergraduate and postgraduate students and scholars with or without prior knowledge of the Portuguese context. ;

      • Poetry
        July 1904

        Paradise Lost

        by John Milton

        Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. The first version, published in 1667, consisted of ten books with over ten thousand lines of verse. A second edition followed in 1674, arranged into twelve books (in the manner of Virgil's Aeneid) with minor revisions throughout and a note on the versification. The poem concerns the biblical story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Milton's purpose, stated in Book I, is to "justify the ways of God to men".

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2024

        Courteous exchanges

        Spenser's and Shakespeare's gentle dialogues with readers and audiences

        by Patricia Wareh

        Courteous Exchanges explores the significant overlap between Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene and Shakespeare's plays, showing how both facilitate the critique of Renaissance aristocratic identity. Moving from a consideration of Castiglione's Book of the Courtier as a text that encouraged reader engagement, the book offers new readings of Shakespeare's plays in conjunction with Spenser. It pairs Love's Labour's Lost, Much Ado About Nothing, The Merchant of Venice, and The Winter's Tale with The Faerie Queene in order to explore how topics such as education, gender, religion, race, and aristocratic identity are offered up to reader and audience interpretation.

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        Sociology & anthropology
        February 2017

        Environment, labour and capitalism at sea

        'Working the ground' in Scotland

        by Penny McCall Howard. Series edited by Alexander Smith

        This book explores how fishers make the sea productive through their labour, using technologies ranging from wooden boats to digital GPS plotters to create familiar places in a seemingly hostile environment. It shows how their lives are affected by capitalist forces in the markets they sell to, forces that shape even the relations between fishers on the same boat. Fishers frequently have to make impossible choices between safe seamanship and staying afloat economically, and the book describes the human impact of the high rate of deaths in the fishing industry. The book makes a unique contribution to understanding human-environment relations, examining the places fishers create and name at sea, as well as technologies and navigation practices. It combines phenomenology and political economy to offer new approaches for analyses of human-environment relations and technologies. It contributes to the social studies of fisheries through an analysis of how deeply fishing practices and social relations are shaped by political economy. It will be read in universities by social scientists and anthropologists and also by those with an interest in maritime Scotland.

      • Trusted Partner

        In the Dementia Maze

        A Graphic Novel

        by Albin Zauner

        Is it possible to tell in drawings how people with dementia experience, cope with, or fail in their everyday lives? The art therapist Albin Zauner has accom­plished this feat. The picture story comprises 84 drawings and is one of the frst graphic novels on the subject of dementia. The focus is not on the medical­pathologizing view of the dis­ease pattern or course, but on the pro­tagonist’s inner world of experience. The existential effects, the loss of spa­tial and temporal orientation, the memo­ry lapses and the breakdown of speech, permeate the old man’s world of experi­ence in symbolic image sequences.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1984

        Labyrinth Kindheit

        Beiträge zur Psychoanalyse des Kindes

        by Burlingham, Dorothy

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        The Arts
        July 2025

        The Fairy Tales of Jim Henson

        Keeping the best place by the fire

        by Andrea Wright

        The Fairy Tales of Jim Henson: The best place by the fire is the first book to specifically consider Henson, best known for the immensely popular The Muppet Show, as an important creator of screen fairy tales. In a chronological overview of Henson's career from the late 1950s to his death in 1990, it explores key themes, artistic practices and innovations that make his contribution to the genre unique. Drawing upon a range of fairy tale scholarship, it also situates Henson's work within the wider context of the genre, specifically its conventions, themes and inherent intertextuality.

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        Children's & YA

        The Candy Guild (2). The Lost Recipe

        by Tanja Voosen/ Viktoria Gavrilenko

        Magical sweets and real miracles? Elina has experienced them both in Belony, and now she can hardly wait to dip deeper into the world of the candy crafters. But it’s not long before a new problem arises, because just before Robin’s first candy crafting examination, his magic tool goes bust. Old Mr Snotty knows where they can get help, and he takes Elina and her friends to Bittersweet Avenue. It quickly becomes clear, though, that not all candy crafters are well disposed towards “ungifted” people. There are also rumours about the return of the mysterious Otherwise Society, which has tried once before to bring down the mighty Candy Guild. When Mr Snotty suddenly disappears without a trace, it’s up to Elina, Charlie and Robin to follow the clues he has left behind for them. They soon realize that there is a reason for his disappearance, because the Otherwise Society is looking for something in particular – and Elina, Charlie and Robin have the key to this something in their hands…

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2009

        Labyrinth des Zorns

        Stachelmanns fünfter Fall

        by Ditfurth, Christian von

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