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Holiday House & Pixel+Ink
Since its beginnings in 1935 as the first American publishing house founded with the purpose of publishing only children’s books, HOLIDAY HOUSE has been proud to gather together talented authors and illustrators and to publish quality books for children. Known for having a deep list of timeless and award-winning books for children and young adult readers, Holiday House launched its first eponymous imprints, Margaret Ferguson Books and Neal Porter Books, in 2018. PIXEL+INK is a new publisher devoted exclusively to series publishing for children ages 3-13. We’ll have everything from picture books to chapter books to middle grade and graphic novels. Every one of our properties is full of heart and humor. We invite you into our world.
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Promoted Content1996
Le test d'aptitudes pour les études de médecine
Adaptation française de la version originale dans son intégralité
by Herausgegeben von Centre pour le développement de tests et le diagnostic, Université de Fribourg, Suisse, in Zus.-Arb. mit d. Institut f. Test- u. Begabungsforschung, Bonn, Deutschland
Promoted ContentFebruary 2012
Test d'aptitudes pour les études de médecine II
Adaptation francaise de la version originale II
by Herausgegeben von Centre pour le développement de tests et le diagnostic, Université de Fribourg, Suisse, en collaboration avec ITB Consulting