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      • Mediatoon Licensing

        Mediatoon Foreign Rights sells international publishing rights to comic books, graphic novels, and illustrated books for all ages.   We represent the following Media-Participations group publishers: Dargaud, Le Lombard, Dupuis, Kana, Lucky Comics, Little Urban, as well as independent publishers: Ankama, Les  Edtitions de La Gouttière, Petit à Petit.   We sell rights to renowned works of the Ninth Art such as Lucky Luke, Blake and Mortimer, Valérian, Thorgal, Spirou, and Blacksad. Works from our catalogue have found their way into dozens of languages and have won awards and prizes in contests around the world. Our department is also responsible for handling the foreign rights for derivative editions of the animation series produced by the Media-Participations group.   We have a network of around 1,900 businesses, publishers, sub-agents and scouts, with over 4,300 individual contacts in 81 countries. Contracts are signed annually for an average of 1,600 titles.

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      • AGO Media

        AGO Media, based in Lomé (Togo), is a young independent company created by writers and illustrators for the production and distribution of comic books and animated films.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2023

        Sleep and its spaces in Middle English literature

        Emotions, ethics, dreams

        by Megan Leitch

        Middle English literature is intimately concerned with sleep and the spaces in which it takes place. In the medieval English imagination, sleep is an embodied and culturally determined act. It is both performed and interpreted by characters and contemporaries, subject to a particular habitus and understood through particular hermeneutic lenses. While illuminating the intersecting medical and moral discourses by which it is shaped, sleep also sheds light on subjects in favour of which it has hitherto been overlooked: what sleep can enable (dreams and dream poetry) or what it can stand in for or supersede (desire and sex). This book argues that sleep mediates thematic concerns and questions in ways that have ethical, affective and oneiric implications. At the same time, it offers important contributions to understanding different Middle English genres: romance, dream vision, drama and fabliau.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2015

        Knowledge, mediation and empire

        by Florence D'Souza

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2024

        Italian graphic design

        Culture and practice in Milan, 1930s-60s

        by Chiara Barbieri

        Italian graphic design offers a new perspective on the subject by exploring the emergence and articulation of graphic design practice, from the interwar period through to the appearance of an international graphic design discourse in the 1960s. The book asks how graphic designers learned their trade and investigates the ways in which they organised and made their practice visible while negotiating their collective identity with neighbouring practices such as typography, advertising and industrial design. Attention is drawn to everyday design practice, educational issues, mediating channels, networks, design exchange, organisational strategies and discourses on modernism. Drawing on a wide range of primary sources and placing an emphasis on visual analysis, this book provides a model for a contextualised graphic design history as an integral part of the history of design and visual culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2009

        The Go-Between


        by L. P. Hartley, Maria Wolff

        Während der Sommerferien auf dem Landgut der Eltern seines Schulfreundes wird der dreizehnjährige Leo zum Überbringer heimlicher Liebesbotschaften zwischen Ted, dem Pächter und Marian, der schönen Tochter des Schloßherrn, deren Verlobung mit Lord Trimingham kurz bevorsteht. Doch gegen seinen Willen zieht es Leo immer tiefer in den Strudel des gefährlichen Spiels von Verlangen und Verrat, von versprochener und verbotener Liebe und schließlich steht er vor der ersten großen Gewissensentscheidung seines jungen Lebens. The Go-Between ist ein raffiniert konstruierter Roman über die Strapazen des Erwachsenwerdens und die Gefühlsverwirrungen der Jugend, eine fein beobachtete Gesellschaftsanalyse und eine wunderbare Liebesgeschichte.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2022

        William Blake's Gothic imagination

        by Chris Bundock, Elizabeth Effinger

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        October 2020

        Medium, Bote, Übertragung

        Kleine Metaphysik der Medialität

        by Sybille Krämer

        Was ist ein Medium? Die zeitgenössische Mediendebatte rekonstruiert Medien zumeist in Begriffen technischer Mittel und Apparate und (v)erklärt sie zum archimedischen Punkt unseres Weltverhältnisses. Das neue Buch von Sybille Krämer unternimmt einen Perspektivenwechsel: Was bedeutet es, wenn wir Medien nicht als Mittel, sondern als Mitte und Mittler bestimmen? Die Antwort darauf wird durch das »Botenmodell« gegeben, das Übertragung als ein kulturphilosophisches Schlüsselkonzept ausweist. Der Bote erscheint in diesem Zusammenhang als die Figur eines Dritten, der zwischen heterogenen Welten plaziert ist und damit Kommunikation und Austausch ermöglicht. Die kulturstiftende Leistung des Übertragens wird am Beispiel der imaginären Figur des Engels, der Krankheitsübertragung durch Viren, der Eigentumsübertragung durch Geld, der Sprachübertragung in der Übersetzung, der Gefühlsübertragung in der Psychoanalyse und schließlich der Übertragung von Wahrnehmung und Wissen durch Zeugen analysiert. "Aisthetisierung" – im Sinne des Wahrnehmbarmachens eines Abwesenden bzw. eines Unsinnlichen – erweist sich dabei als die Elementaraufgabe von Medien. Sybille Krämer will mit ihrem Buch den Boden bereiten für eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit unserem demiurgischen Selbstverständnis als Homo faber bzw. Homo generator. Was bedeutet es, wenn wir uns eher als Bote denn als Macher und Konstrukteur begreifen?

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Proscribing peace

        by Sophie Haspeslagh

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2006

        El Caballero de Olmedo by Lope de Vega Carpio

        by Catherine Davies, Anthony Lappin

        El Caballero de Olmedo is a history play, a retelling of a folk talk, a celebrated piece of Golden Age drama, and also an intense mediation upon the power of desire, the deceits of eroticism and literary convention, the injustice of a world obsessed with appearance, and the tragic potential inherent in the courting of beautiful women. The introduction sets this play within the context of Baroque eroticism and sexual mores as well as dramatic practice. The text is presented with glosses to words unfamiliar to undergraduate students; the notes comprise summaries of acts and scenes from a dramatic point of view, and in-depth notes to problematic passages in the text, written with an undergraduate readership in mind. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2022

        Unofficial peace diplomacy

        by Lior Lehrs, J. Simon Rofe, Giles Scott-Smith

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Unofficial peace diplomacy

        Private peace entrepreneurs in conflict resolution processes

        by Lior Lehrs

        This book analyses the international phenomenon of private peace entrepreneurs. These are private citizens with no official authority who initiate channels of communication with official representatives from the other side of a conflict in order to promote a conflict resolution process. It combines theoretical discussion with historical analysis, examining four cases from different conflicts: Norman Cousins and Suzanne Massie in the Cold War, Brendan Duddy in the Northern Ireland conflict and Uri Avnery in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The book defines the phenomenon, examines the resources and activities of private peace entrepreneurs and their impact on the official diplomacy, and examines the conditions under which they can play an effective role in peace-making processes. This book is relevant to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16, Peace, justice and strong institutions.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2019

        Hermits and anchorites in England, 1200–1550

        by E. A. Jones

        This source book offers a comprehensive treatment of solitary religious lives in England in the late Middle Ages. It covers both enclosed recluses (anchorites) and free-wandering hermits, and explores the relationship between them. Although there has been a recent surge of interest in the solitary vocations, especially anchorites, this has focused almost exclusively on a small number of examples. The field is in need of reinvigoration, and this book provides it. Featuring translated extracts from a wide range of Latin, Middle English and Old French sources, as well as a scholarly introduction and commentary from one of the foremost experts in the field, Hermits and anchorites in England is an invaluable resource for students and lecturers alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2009

        Governance as social and political communication

        by Henrik Bang, Martin Hargreaves

        Governance is among the most used of new ideas in the social sciences, most notably in the fields of political science, public administration, sociology, social and political theory. As ever, debates within disciplines rarely transcend disciplinary boundaries. This volume, newly available in paperback, brings together authors from these fields to elaborate on the development of governance analysis in new conceptions of political and democratic communication. It not only seeks to identify, describe and evaluate the contribution of each discipline to a theory of communicative governance, but also lays the foundation of a multidisciplinary framework for studying the mediation in communicative governance of societal concerns for effectiveness, order and participation. The book is theoretical and comparative, drawing on authors and research in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the US. It adopts an anti-foundational approach to deconstruct the essentialist discourses endemic in each discipline and the disciplinary traditions of each country. Notions such as steering and control in public administration, identities and domination in sociology, and the community and self in social and political theory are analysed in depth. The book will demonstrate clearly how the distinctive traditions of each discipline lead them to construct overlapping, loosely coupled, and sometimes incommensurable ideas about the institutions, politics and policies of governance. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2012

        The cinema of Iciar Bollaín

        by Isabel Santaolalla, Nuria Triana-Toribio, Andy Willis

        Director, actress, scriptwriter and producer, Iciar Bollaín is one of the liveliest of contemporary young Spanish filmmakers and the first female director to have had a film (También la lluvia, 2010) shortlisted by the American Film Academy. Through detailed analysis of film form, socio-cultural contexts and conditions of production and consumption, the book opens up key issues on gender, production, film authorship, the mediation of socio-historical realities and the whole question of 'women's cinema'. Covering all aspects of her career, this book begins by taking in her work in front of the camera, beginning with her emergence as a teenage star in Victor Erice's El Sur (1983), and following on with discussions of her mature roles, such as Un paraguas para tres and Leo . Discussion of her work as a producer and director focus on production and form, as well as on the socio-historical contexts to which they belong. Film scholars and students interested in the increasingly prominent place of modern Spanish cinema will find this highly readable book an indispensable guide to an outstanding film-maker who in her directed films addresses some of the more vibrant of contemporary themes: female friendship in Hola, ¿estás sola?, immigration in Flores de otro mundo, domestic violence in Te doy mis ojos, tensions between public and private commitments in Mataharis, and socio-economic exploitation in También la lluvia. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2017

        The cinema of Iciar Bollaín

        by Nuria Triana-Toribio, Isabel Santaolalla, Andy Willis

        Director, actress, scriptwriter and producer, Iciar Bollaín is one of the liveliest of contemporary young Spanish filmmakers and the first female director to have had a film (También la lluvia, 2010) shortlisted by the American Film Academy. Through detailed analysis of film form, socio-cultural contexts and conditions of production and consumption, the book opens up key issues on gender, production, film authorship, the mediation of socio-historical realities and the whole question of 'women's cinema'. Covering all aspects of her career, this book begins by taking in her work in front of the camera, beginning with her emergence as a teenage star in Victor Erice's El Sur (1983), and following on with discussions of her mature roles, such as Un paraguas para tres and Leo . Discussion of her work as a producer and director focus on production and form, as well as on the socio-historical contexts to which they belong. Film scholars and students interested in the increasingly prominent place of modern Spanish cinema will find this highly readable book an indispensable guide to an outstanding film-maker who in her directed films addresses some of the more vibrant of contemporary themes: female friendship in Hola, ¿estás sola?, immigration in Flores de otro mundo, domestic violence in Te doy mis ojos, tensions between public and private commitments in Mataharis, and socio-economic exploitation in También la lluvia.

      • Trusted Partner
        Language teaching & learning (other than ELT)
        January 2011

        Querido Diego, Te abraza Quiela by Elena Poniatowska

        by Elena Poniatowska

        by Nathanial Gardner

        One of the threads that runs through Elena Poniatowska's oeuvre is that of foreigners who have fallen in love with Mexico and its people. This is certainly the case of Querido Diego, te abraza Quiela - a brief novel (so short it was originally published in its entirety in Octavio Paz's literary magazine Vuelta). The Russian exile and painter Angelina Beloff writes from the cold and impoverished post-war Paris to Diego Rivera, her spouse of over ten years. Beloff sends these letters to which there is no response during a time when the emancipation of women has broken many of the standard models and the protagonist struggles to fashion her own. Elena Poniatowska has (re)created these letters and within them one finds the unforgettable testimony of an artist and her lover during the valuable crossroads of a new time when Diego Rivera was forging a new life in his native country. In this edition, Nathanial Gardner comments on the truth and fiction Poniatowska has woven together to form this compact, yet rich, modern classic. Using archives in London, Paris and Mexico City (including Angelina's correspondence held in Frida Kahlo's own home) as well as interviews from the final remaining characters who knew the real Angelina, Gardner offers a mediation of the text and its historical groundings as well as critical commentary. This edition will appeal to both students and scholars of Latin American Studies as well as lovers of Mexican Literature and Art in general.

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