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      • MidnightSun Publishing

        MidnightSun Publishing has grown out of a disenchantment with the established publishing houses in Australia. We know there are plenty of fabulous manuscripts about unusual topics floating around, but publishing new and unknown writers poses a big risk. MidnightSun is prepared to take that risk.   We want our readers to be entertained. We want to challenge, excite, enrage and overwhelm. Therefore, we publish books in any genre that have touched us in some way. Because we are a new publishing company, striving to become established, we expect our writers to be enthusiastic about their own work and able to promote it in the wider community.

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      • Cherche Midi Editeur / Belfond

        Hello I am in charge of foreign rights at Le Cherche midi éditeur and Belfond. Le Cherche midi is a mainstream publisher presenting literature, women's fiction, thrillers, self help, documents... with always accurate topics.  Belfond is a historical fiction publisher which has two series: Literary fiction (Belfond Pointillés) and Commercial Fiction (novels and thrillers).  I would be pleased to introduce our Fall rights list with you. :)

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Crime, Law and Society in the Later Middle Ages

        by Anthony Musson, Edward Powell

        This book provides an accessible collection of translated legal sources through which the exploits of criminals and developments in the English criminal justice system (c.1215-1485) can be studied. Drawing on the wealth of archival material and an array of contemporary literary texts, it guides readers towards an understanding of prevailing notions of law and justice and expectations of the law and legal institutions. Tensions are shown emerging between theoretical ideals of justice and the practical realities of administering the law during an era profoundly affected by periodic bouts of war, political in-fighting, social dislocation and economic disaster. Introductions and notes provide both the specific and wider legal, social and political contexts in addition to offering an overview of the existing secondary literature and historiographical trends. This collection affords a valuable insight into the character of medieval governance as well as revealing the complex nexus of interests, attitudes and relationships prevailing in society during the later Middle Ages.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2000

        The towns of Italy in the later Middle Ages

        by Rosemary Horrox, Trevor Dean, Simon Maclean

        The towns of Italy in the later middle ages presents over one hundred fascinating documents, carefully selected and coordinated from the richest, most innovative and most documented society of the European Middle Ages. No other English language sourcebook has the same geographical or chronological range. This collection is carefully structured around the crisis of the fourteenth century and arranged in contrasting groups of texts. By connecting documents in translation to recent scholarship and debates, it addresses five key areas of medieval urban history: the physical environment, civic religion, economy, society and politics. Offers students well-translated and effectively contextualised documents along with some guidance to the secondary work of Italian scholars which is largely inaccessible to undergraduate students. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The towns of Italy in the later Middle Ages

        by Trevor Dean

        The towns of Italy in the later middle ages presents over one hundred fascinating documents, carefully selected and coordinated from the richest, most innovative and most documented society of the European Middle Ages. No other English language sourcebook has the same geographical or chronological range. This collection is carefully structured around the crisis of the fourteenth century and arranged in contrasting groups of texts. By connecting documents in translation to recent scholarship and debates, it addresses five key areas of medieval urban history: the physical environment, civic religion, economy, society and politics. Offers students well-translated and effectively contextualised documents along with some guidance to the secondary work of Italian scholars which is largely inaccessible to undergraduate students.

      • Trusted Partner
        Medieval history
        November 2011

        Jewish Women in Europe in the Middle Ages

        A quiet revolution

        by Simha Goldin

        Goldin's study explores the relationships between men and women within Jewish society living in Germany, northern France and England among the Christian population over a period of some 350 years. Looking at original Hebrew sources to conduct a social analysis, he takes us from the middle of the tenth century until the middle of the second half of the fourteenth century, when the Christian population had expelled the Jews from almost all of the places they were living. Particularly fascinating are the attitudes towards women, as well as their changes in social status. By examining the factors involved in these issues, including views of the leadership, economic influences, internal power politics and gender struggles, Goldin's book provides a greater understanding of the functioning of these communities. This volume will be of great interest to historians of medieval Europe, gender and religion.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2025

        Slave trading in the Early Middle Ages

        Long-distance connections in northern and east central Europe

        by Janel M. Fontaine

        This book examines slave trading in northern and eastern central Europe from the seventh century through the eleventh century, tracing its growth, climax, and decline. Demand from the Islamic world in the ninth and tenth centuries prompted changes in warfare, trade logistics, and administrative responses to slavery in the slaving zones centred on the British Isles and the Czech lands. This study establishes slave trading as a core driver of connectivity and presents a model for this practice in politically fragmented areas of Europe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2020

        Knowledge, mediation and empire

        James Tod's journeys among the Rajputs

        by Florence D'Souza, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        This study of the British colonial administrator James Tod (1782-1835), who spent five years in north-western India (1818-22) collecting every conceivable type of material of historical or cultural interest on the Rajputs and the Gujaratis, gives special attention to his role as a mediator of knowledge about this little-known region of the British Empire in the early nineteenth century to British and European audiences. The book aims to illustrate that British officers did not spend all their time oppressing and inferiorising the indigenous peoples under their colonial authority, but also contributed to propagating cultural and scientific information about them, and that they did not react only negatively to the various types of human difference they encountered in the field.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        Black middle-class Britannia

        by Ali Meghji

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        August 2007

        The public culture of the Victorian middle class

        Ritual and authority in the English industrial city 1840–1914

        by Simon Gunn

        The public culture of the Victorian middle class looks at the creation of a distinctive 'high' culture in the industrial cities of Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester in the mid-nineteenth century and its incipient decline from the 1880s. The history of urban bourgeois culture has been relatively unexplored and under-theorised compared to popular culture. This volume therefore represents a significant contribution both to the study of middle-class cultural forms and to an understanding of the relationship between culture and power. In particular, it argues for the importance of ritualised modes of social behaviour in understanding the construction of authority in the nineteenth-century city. As well as many original arguments, the book provides a clear and useful overview of the public cultures of Victorian 'respectability'. The book will be of interest to scholars and students in the areas of social history, cultural history, urban history, cultural studies, urban studies and the sociology of culture. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2010

        In Strange Countries: Middle English Literature and its Afterlife

        Essays in memory of J. J. Anderson

        by Anke Bernau, David Matthews

        These essays by senior scholars in medieval studies celebrate the career of J.J. Anderson, editor, critic, and co-founder of the Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture series, who taught in medieval studies at the University of Manchester for forty years. The essays are rooted in medieval literature but frequently range beyond the confines of the Middle Ages. They reflect the breadth of Anderson's own scholarly interests, especially in drama and Arthurian literature. There is a particular focus on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Pearl, poems which preoccupied him throughout his scholarly life. There are also new reconsiderations of La?amon's Brut, Mirk's Festial, the Passion plays, and the manuscripts of the Pore Caitif. Moving beyond the traditional purview of medieval literature, several contributors trace the afterlives of medieval themes in later literature. These essays include a consideration of the twinned trajectories of the medieval heroes Robin Hood and King Arthur from medieval literature to modern television, a comparison of La?amon's Brut and Tennyson's Idylls of the King, and a recreation of the Bishop Blase procession which took place in industrial Bradford. Contributors are Rosamund Allen, Ralph Elliott, Alexandra Johnston, Stephen Knight, Peter Meredith, Susan Powell, Gillian Rudd, Alan Shelston, and Kalpen Trivedi. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Peacemaking in the Middle Ages

        Principles and practice

        by J. E. M. Benham

        Peacemaking in the Middle Ages explores the making of peace in the late-twelfth and early thirteenth centuries based on the experiences of the kings of England and the kings of Denmark. From dealing with owing allegiance to powerful neighbours to conquering the 'barbarians', this book offers a vision of how relationships between rulers were regulated and maintained, and how rulers negotiated, resolved, avoided and enforced matters in dispute in a period before nation states and international law. This is the first full-length study in English of the principles and practice of peacemaking in the medieval period. Its findings have wider significance and applications, and numerous comparisons are drawn with the peacemaking activities of other western European rulers, in the medieval period and beyond. This book will appeal to scholars and students of medieval Europe, but also those with a more general interest in kingship, warfare, diplomacy and international relations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Peacemaking in the Middle Ages

        Principles and practice

        by S. H. Rigby, J. E. M. Benham

        Peacemaking in the Middle Ages explores the making of peace in the late-twelfth and early thirteenth centuries based on the experiences of the kings of England and the kings of Denmark. From dealing with owing allegiance to powerful neighbours to conquering the 'barbarians', this book offers a vision of how relationships between rulers were regulated and maintained, and how rulers negotiated, resolved, avoided and enforced matters in dispute in a period before nation states and international law. This is the first full-length study in English of the principles and practice of peacemaking in the medieval period. Its findings have wider significance and applications, and numerous comparisons are drawn with the peacemaking activities of other western European rulers, in the medieval period and beyond. This book will appeal to scholars and students of medieval Europe, but also those with a more general interest in kingship, warfare, diplomacy and international relations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2019

        Hermits and anchorites in England, 1200–1550

        by E. A. Jones

        This source book offers a comprehensive treatment of solitary religious lives in England in the late Middle Ages. It covers both enclosed recluses (anchorites) and free-wandering hermits, and explores the relationship between them. Although there has been a recent surge of interest in the solitary vocations, especially anchorites, this has focused almost exclusively on a small number of examples. The field is in need of reinvigoration, and this book provides it. Featuring translated extracts from a wide range of Latin, Middle English and Old French sources, as well as a scholarly introduction and commentary from one of the foremost experts in the field, Hermits and anchorites in England is an invaluable resource for students and lecturers alike.

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        Children's & YA

        Heart of Mist

        by Katrin Lange

        A girl torn between two brothers. Regardless of which one she falls in love with it will be disastrous for the other. Christopher and Adrian have sworn that no girl will ever come between them again, because there is a sleeping monster inside Adrian, just waiting to hurt his brother. But then Jessa comes to High Moor Grange… Jessa would do anything to find her sister Alice, who has been registered as missing for five years. High Moor Grange is the first clue she has been given after all this time – but apart from a ruin shrouded in mist, all she finds there are the owners of this dilapidated manor house. Jessa suspects that they both know more about Alice’s disappearance than they admit. Christopher wants nothing more than to be rid of her, and constantly gets on her nerves with his arrogance – and even his warm-hearted brother Adrian seems to be harbouring some secrets. Jessica knows that she ought to stay away from the twin brothers, because instead of finding answers at High Moor Grange, she finds herself in danger of losing her heart in a battle against a 200-year-old curse. Dark, irresistible and deeply romantic – a modern Beauty and the Beast story by the queen of emotions!

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2009

        The Go-Between


        by L. P. Hartley, Maria Wolff

        Während der Sommerferien auf dem Landgut der Eltern seines Schulfreundes wird der dreizehnjährige Leo zum Überbringer heimlicher Liebesbotschaften zwischen Ted, dem Pächter und Marian, der schönen Tochter des Schloßherrn, deren Verlobung mit Lord Trimingham kurz bevorsteht. Doch gegen seinen Willen zieht es Leo immer tiefer in den Strudel des gefährlichen Spiels von Verlangen und Verrat, von versprochener und verbotener Liebe und schließlich steht er vor der ersten großen Gewissensentscheidung seines jungen Lebens. The Go-Between ist ein raffiniert konstruierter Roman über die Strapazen des Erwachsenwerdens und die Gefühlsverwirrungen der Jugend, eine fein beobachtete Gesellschaftsanalyse und eine wunderbare Liebesgeschichte.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2014

        Ageing selves and everyday life in the north of England

        Years in the making

        by Cathrine Degnen

        Seeking to explore what it means to grow older in contemporary Britain from the perspective of older people themselves, this richly detailed ethnographic study engages in debates over selfhood and people's relationships with time. Based on research conducted in a former coal mining village in South Yorkshire, England, Cathrine Degnen explores how the category of 'old age' comes to be assigned and experienced in everyday life through multiple registers of interaction, including that of social memory, in a postindustrial context of great social transformation. Challenging both the notion of a homogenous relationship with time across generations and the idea of a universalised middle-aged self, Degnen argues that the complex interplay of social, cultural and physical attributes of ageing means that older people can come to have a different position in relation to time and to the self than younger people, unseating normative conventions about narrative and temporality.

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