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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017

        Aktienkapital und Aktien-Emissionskurs bei industriellen Unternehmungen.

        (Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen 176).

        by Moral, Felix

      • Trusted Partner
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      • Business, Economics & Law
        April 1905

        Creating Capital

        Money-making as an aim in business

        by Fredrick L. Lipman

        The object of this paper is to discuss money-making; to examine its prevalence as an aim among people generally and the moral standards which obtain among those who consciously seek to make money.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Der Süden / Bene

        Spanische Bibliothek

        by Adelaida García Morales, Anne Sorg-Schumacher, Imme Bergmaier

        Der Vater tot, die Mutter fort, das Haus verwaist. Nach dem Suizid ihres Vaters sucht die Erzählerin von Der Süden das Zwiegespräch mit dem Verstorbenen. Wer war der Mann, der dem Kind so rätselhaft erschien? Ein Zauberer, der mit seiner Wünschelrute Verborgenes aufspürt? Ihr Verbündeter gegen die verbitterte Mutter? Auf der Suche nach seinem Geheimnis begibt sie sich in den Süden – doch was anfangen mit Antworten, die zu spät kommen? Karges Land, verrümpelte Turmzimmer, Eukalyptuswälder – abgründig sind die Schauplätze der Kindheit, die Adelaida García Morales in Bene erzählt. Ein mysteriöses neues Dienstmädchen bringt das eintönige Familienleben ins Wanken. Bene ist verwandt mit Bettlern, vorlaut, frivol – und darf doch bleiben. Ist es die Milde des Vaters oder steckt mehr dahinter? Zwischen Aberglauben, Antiziganismus und Albträumen forscht die Erzählerin nach der Wahrheit. Adelaida García Morales' Novellen sind magische Beschwörungen der Vergangenheit. Lakonisch und eindringlich erzählen sie von Familie, Leid und obsessiver Liebe. Wie, fragen sie unaufhörlich, kann man Trauer in Sinn verwandeln?

      • Historical fiction
        February 1905

        Les Misérables

        by Victor Hugo

        Examining the nature of law and grace, the novel elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. Les Misérables has been popularized through numerous adaptations for the stage, television, and film, including a musical and a film adaptation of that musical.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2024

        Governance, democracy and ethics in crisis-decision-making

        The pandemic and beyond

        by Caroline Redhead, Melanie Smallman

        This book is a powerful addition to a developing literature informed by arts and humanities research carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic. Investigating the impacts of crisis governance and decision-making on people and populations, the book brings together microbial organisms and humans, children and data, decision-making and infection prevention, publics and process, global vaccine distribution and citizens' juries. Through its eight chapters, the book stimulates broadly-drawn discussions about exceptional executive powers in an emergency, the role of trust, and the importance of the principles of good governance - such as selflessness, ethics, integrity, accountability and honesty in leadership. The lessons drawn out in this book will support future decision-makers in both ordinary times and extra-ordinary emergencies.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1978

        Theorietechnik und Moral

        by Niklas Luhmann, Stephan H. Pfürtner

        "Die Beiträge zu diesem Band haben ihren Ausgangspunkt in der Frage, ob eine moralfreie Theorie der Moral möglich und ob sie wissenschaftlich boten ist. Angesichts einer langen, ergebnislosen Diskussion der Wertfreiheit der Wissenschaft wird dieses Thema hier nicht wissenschaftstheoretisch weiterbehandelt. Statt dessen versuchen die Autoren vorzuführen, wie verschiedene Auffassungen zu diesem Thema durchführbar sind. Die vier Zugangsweisen, die sie wählen, sind: funktionale Analyse; ein Herauspräparieren der Grenzen, die der wissenschaftlichen Begriffsbildung durch die Besonderheit des Gegenstandes der Moral gezogen sind; eine Fallanalyse; Typenbildung. Das Ziel ist, mit der theorietechnischen Ausarbeitung möglicher Optionen Klarheit über die Möglichkeit einer moralfreien Theorie der Moral und über Moral se zu gewinnen."

      • Trusted Partner

        Ethics for European Psychologists

        by Geoff Lindsay, Haldor Øvreeide, Casper Koene

        Guidance for psychologists on ethical dilemmas that mattertoday• New updated edition• Based on the Meta-code of Ethics of the EuropeanFederation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA)• Full of practical examplesThe understanding of and adherence to professional ethicsis fundamental in navigating the moral encounters and dilemmasthat all psychologists face in their daily work, whetherin research or professional practice. Core values and principlesremain stable. However, as more complex andconflicting societal contexts come into play, the individualpsychologist and the professional community need supportin upholding a solid moral integrity. The volume is a welcomeresource for any psychologist or student wanting to foresee,prevent, and professionally manage, in an ethically responsibleway, the moral challenges that arise.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2022

        Spenser's ethics

        by Andrew Wadoski

      • Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        February 1905

        Little Women

        by Louise May Alcott

        Little Women "has been read as a romance or as a quest, or both. It has been read as a family drama that validates virtue over wealth", but also "as a means of escaping that life by women who knew its gender constraints only too well".[6]:34 According to Sarah Elbert, Alcott created a new form of literature, one that took elements from Romantic children's fiction and combined it with others from sentimental novels, resulting in a totally new format. Elbert argued that within Little Women can be found the first vision of the "All-American girl" and that her multiple aspects are embodied in the differing March sisters.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Worrier state

        Risk, anxiety and moral panic in South Africa

        by Nicky Falkof

        Risk, anxiety and moral panic are endemic to contemporary societies and media forms. How do these phenomena manifest in a place like South Africa, which features heightened insecurity, deep inequality and accelerated social change? What happens when cultures of fear intersect with pervasive systems of gender, race and class? Worrier state investigates four case studies in which fear and anxiety appear in radically different ways: the far right myth of 'white genocide'; so-called 'Satanist' murders of young women; an urban legend about township crime; and social theories about safety and goodness in the suburbs. Falkof foregrounds the significance of emotion as a socio-political force, emphasising South Africa's imbrication within globalised conditions of anxiety and thus its fundamental and often-ignored hypermodernity. The book offers a bold and creative perspective on the social roles of fear and emotion in South Africa and thus on everyday life in this complex place.

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