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      • Arkan for Studies, Research and Publishing

        Arkan is an independent research center established in Egypt in February 2017, aiming to drive scientific research movement forward, promote its various tools in Social Science and Humanities, and support their active individuals and institutions.Arkan is one of the most promising emerging research centers and publishers in Egypt and the Middle East and has a staff of nearly 100 people. It cooperates with individuals, institutions and entities as a scientific, cultural, awareness-raising research center in a way that never exceeds the center's vision, mission, work fields and general objectives.Arkan entered into many interactions with eminent thinkers and academics not to mention international business partners. Further, it is a member of the Egyptian Publishers’ Association and Arab Publishers’ Association and it is to become one of the main actors in the various cultural and scientific forums and book fairs throughout the world in the years to come.To find out more, visit our website:

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      • International Monetary Fund

        IMF’s print and digital publications present the research, policy advice, and data on economic and financial sector issues at the global, regional, and country levels.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        A neoliberal revolution?

        Thatcherism and the reform of British pensions

        by Hugh Pemberton, James Freeman, Aled Davies

        This book examines the Thatcher government's attempt to revolutionise Britain's pensions system in the 1980s and create a nation of risk-taking savers with an individual stake in capitalism. Drawing upon recently-released archival records, it shows how the ideas motivating these reforms journeyed from the writings of neoliberal intellectuals into government and became the centrepiece of a plan to abolish significant parts of the UK's welfare state and replace these with privatised personal pensions. Revealing a government that veered between political caution and radicalism, the book explains why this revolution failed and charts the malign legacy left by the evolutionary changes that ministers salvaged from the wreckage of their reforms. The book contributes to understanding of policy change, Thatcherism, and international neoliberalism by showing how major reforms to social security could reflect neoliberal thought and yet profoundly disappoint their architects.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Resource Activation in Psychotherapy, Coaching and Counseling

        by Miriam Deubner-Böhme, Uta Deppe-Schmitz

        People who have good access to their own resources and can thus meet their basic physical and psychological needs are satisfied and well equipped to get through even difficult times in a healthy way. Resource activation therefore plays a central role in therapy, coaching and counseling. It helps clients to rediscover buried resources and to use available resources for particular and everyday challenges. The fan contains 210 resource-activating questions that can directly be asked to clients and are formulated accordingly. The questions are related to strategies for strengthening physical and mental health, positive experiences, and the activation of resources in various areas of life, such as partnership, family, work, and leisure. The fan is ideal for preparing counseling and therapy sessions. For:• psychotherapists• coaches• counselors• psychiatrists• supervisors• trainers

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2021

        Higher education in a globalising world

        Community engagement and lifelong learning

        by Peter Mayo

        This book focuses on current policy discourse in Higher Education, with special reference to Europe. It discusses globalisation, Lifelong Learning, the EU's Higher Education discourse, this discourse's regional ramifications and alternative practices in Higher Education from both the minority and majority worlds with their different learning traditions and epistemologies. It argues that these alternative practices could well provide the germs for the shape of a public good oriented Higher Education for the future. It theoretically expounds on important elements to consider when engaging Higher Education and communities, discussing the nature of the term 'community' itself. Special reference is accorded to the difference that lies at the core of these ever-changing communities. It then provides an analysis of an 'on the ground project' in University community engagement, before suggesting signposts for further action at the level of policy and provision. This book is relevant to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4, Quality education

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2021

        There is no soundtrack

        Rethinking art, media, and the audio-visual contract

        by Ming-Yuen S. Ma

        There is no soundtrack is a study of how sound and image produce meaning in contemporary experimental media art by artists ranging from Chantal Akerman to Nam June Paik to Tanya Tagaq. It contextualises these works and artists through key ideas in sound studies: voice, noise, listening, the soundscape and more. The book argues that experimental media art produces radical and new audio-visual relationships challenging the visually dominated discourses in art, media and the human sciences. In addition to directly addressing what Jonathan Sterne calls 'visual hegemony', it also explores the lack of diversity within sound studies by focusing on practitioners from transnational and diverse backgrounds. As such, it contributes to a growing interdisciplinary scholarship, building new, more complex and reverberating frameworks to collectively sonify the study of culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2011

        Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte

        by Kamo no Chomei, Nicola Liscutin

        Erdbeben, Tsunami, Taifune – immer wieder wird Japan von Naturgewalten überfallen, die in ihrer ungeheuerlichen zerstörerischen Macht ganze Landstriche, Ortschaften und ihre Einwohner vernichten. In ihrer Berichterstattung bemühen ausländische Journalisten gerne Kamo no Chomeis Worte von der Flüchtigkeit des menschlichen Lebens und der menschlichen Behausungen, um ihr Entsetzen, insbesondere aber einen „typisch japanischen” Stoizismus angesichts dieser Katastrophen zu beschreiben. Die Schreckensbilder, die uns in den vergangenen Wochen aus Japan erreichten, scheinen in der Tat den Chomei über achthundert Jahre früher skizzierten Naturkatastrophen verblüffend ähnlich. Die 'Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte' sind damals wie heute gleichermaßen aktuell. Japan im zwölften Jahrhundert. Großbrände, Wirbelstürme und Erdbeben haben die Hauptstadt Kyoto zerstört, Seuchen breiten sich aus, die Leichen der Verhungerten türmen sich an den Straßenrändern. Eindrucksvoll schildert der Mönch Kamo no Chomei (1155-1216) das Inferno und die Naturkatastrophen, von denen die Hauptstadt heimgesucht wird, das Elend und die Not der Menschen werden lebendig – 'all diese Geschehnisse lehrten mich, die Mühsal, in dieser Welt zu leben, die Vergänglichkeit und Zerbrechlichkeit des menschlichen Körpers und der menschlichen Behausungen zu begreifen.' Nach den Erfahrungen von Elend, Tod und Vergänglichkeit zieht sich Kamo no Chomei im Alter von fünfzig Jahren von Hof und Amt zurück, um ein Schüler Buddhas zu werden. Er kehrt der Welt den Rücken und baut sich in den Bergen eine schlichte Klause, in der er die 'Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte' beginnt. Er berichtet von seinem Einsiedlerleben in der Abgeschiedenheit, seine Gedanken kreisen um das Ideal des einfachen Lebens, um die Abkehr von den materiellen Werten und um die Frage, ob ihm in seiner kontemplativen Zurückgezogenheit die Überwindung der weltlichen Bindungen geglückt ist.

      • Trusted Partner

        Resource Activating Coaching

        A Guide for Coaches, Counsellors, and Trainers

        by Miriam Deubner-Böhme, Uta Deppe-Schmitz

        This title offers coaches, counsellors, and trainers a variety of strategies that will allow them to enable their clients to find and use their resources, incorporate them into the coaching process, and use them to effect change.To use the full range of benefits resource activation brings along, this title shows a variety of methods to identify and work with clients’ resources. It contains exercises to break through entrenched patterns, enhance the mood, and pause. It enables clients to consciously make decisions and make optimal use of their existing resource potential and to use it in challenging situations. One chapter is also dedicated to the use of resource activating exercises in group settings.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2005

        Democracy, social resources and political power in the European Union

        by Niilo Kauppi

        In this book Kauppi develops a structural constructivist theory of the European Union and critically analyses, through French and Finnish empirical cases, the political practices that maintain the Union's 'democratic deficit'. Kauppi conceptualises the European Union as both an arena for political contention and a nascent political order. In this evolving, multi-levelled European political field, individuals and groups construct material and symbolic structures of political power, grounded in a variety of social resources such as nationality, culture, and gender. The author shows how the dominance of both executive political resources and domestic political cultures has prevented the development of European democracy. Supranational executive networks have become more autonomous, reinforcing the dominance of the resources they control. At the same time, national political cultures condition the political status of elected institutions such as the European parliament. The book is particularly suited for undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of European Politics, European Union Studies and International Relations. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2011

        The Unorthodox Imagination in Late Medieval Britain

        by Sophie Page, Julian Hoppit

        The unorthodox imagination in late medieval Britain explores how medieval people responded to images, stories, beliefs and practices which were at odds with the normative world view, from the heretical and subversive to the marvellous and exotic. The chapter by Jean-Claude Schmitt examines why some unorthodox images were viewed as provocative and threatening and explores how successfully ecclesiastical authorities contained their impact. The power of unorthodoxy to provoke wonder, scepticism or disapproval provides an opportunity to view medieval culture from fresh perspectives. The essays in this volume show that unorthodoxy was embedded in mainstream medieval culture, from stories of fairies and witches which promoted orthodox moral values to the social conformity of practitioners of ritual magic. This book provides a guide to understanding medieval unorthodoxy and the roles played by experience and imagination in medieval encounters with the unorthodox. It will be essential reading for anyone interested in the exotic, provocative and deviant in medieval culture. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2023

        Shakespeare's resources

        by John Drakakis

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        100 Cards for Coaching with Resource Activation

        by Deppe-Schmitz, Uta; Deubner-Böhme, Miriam

        This set of cards includes 70 color photos and 30 question cards. The combination of pictures and questions allows for the use in a wide range of activities in coaching, which are presented in the enclosed booklet. The card set is also the ideal complement to the book “Coaching with Resource Activation”, which explains the possibilities of using the cards in more detail. In addition, the card set can also be used for resource activation in the context of therapy. For:• coaches• therapists• counselors• trainers

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2011

        Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte

        by Nicola Liscutin, Nicola Liscutin, Kamo no Chomei

        Erdbeben, Tsunami, Taifune – immer wieder wird Japan von Naturgewalten überfallen, die in ihrer ungeheuerlichen zerstörerischen Macht ganze Landstriche, Ortschaften und ihre Einwohner vernichten. In ihrer Berichterstattung bemühen ausländische Journalisten gerne Kamo no Chomeis Worte von der Flüchtigkeit des menschlichen Lebens und der menschlichen Behausungen, um ihr Entsetzen, insbesondere aber einen „typisch japanischen“ Stoizismus angesichts dieser Katastrophen zu beschreiben. Die Schreckensbilder, die uns in den vergangenen Wochen aus Japan erreichten, scheinen in der Tat den Chomei über achthundert Jahre früher skizzierten Naturkatastrophen verblüffend ähnlich. Die »Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte« sind damals wie heute gleichermaßen aktuell. Japan im zwölften Jahrhundert. Großbrände, Wirbelstürme und Erdbeben haben die Hauptstadt Kyoto zerstört, Seuchen breiten sich aus, die Leichen der Verhungerten türmen sich an den Straßenrändern. Eindrucksvoll schildert der Mönch Kamo no Chomei (1155-1216) das Inferno und die Naturkatastrophen, von denen die Hauptstadt heimgesucht wird, das Elend und die Not der Menschen werden lebendig – »all diese Geschehnisse lehrten mich, die Mühsal, in dieser Welt zu leben, die Vergänglichkeit und Zerbrechlichkeit des menschlichen Körpers und der menschlichen Behausungen zu begreifen.« Nach den Erfahrungen von Elend, Tod und Vergänglichkeit zieht sich Kamo no Chomei im Alter von fünfzig Jahren von Hof und Amt zurück, um ein Schüler Buddhas zu werden. Er kehrt der Welt den Rücken und baut sich in den Bergen eine schlichte Klause, in der er die »Aufzeichnungen aus meiner Hütte« beginnt. Er berichtet von seinem Einsiedlerleben in der Abgeschiedenheit, seine Gedanken kreisen um das Ideal des einfachen Lebens, um die Abkehr von den materiellen Werten und um die Frage, ob ihm in seiner kontemplativen Zurückgezogenheit die Überwindung der weltlichen Bindungen geglückt ist.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        The construction of public opinion in a digital age

        by Catherine Happer

        This book presents a new conceptual model for understanding the role of the media in the construction of public knowledge, belief and opinion in the context of a radically changed communications infrastructure. Drawing on a series of empirical studies conducted over nearly a decade, Happer deploys evidence of a 'disconnect' between neoliberal media and the public which is rooted in a disaffection with a mainstream political culture which has failed to deliver the societal outcomes promised. As people are pushed towards alternative digital sources, new communities of opinion are produced in ways which polarise publics and ultimately limit the potential for social change. Offering an innovative and urgently needed new sociological analysis, this book is required reading for an inter-disciplinary field of media, journalism, and politics/IR which has largely abandoned questions of media power and public opinion management, as well as policymakers, science communicators and journalists. Key points of the book: 1) public opinion formation and why people may come to different positions through the development of a new model 2) the societal outcomes produced when a widespread disconnect between journalism and public opinion emerges 3) the atomisation of opinion and its relations to newly constructed opinion communities (with consideration of the role of class) 4) the turn to digitally available alternatives which enable new, less visible power agents to exert control.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 1981

        El coronel no tiene quien le escriba

        by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Giovanni Pontiero

        Gabriel García Márquez has been described as the greatest writer in Spanish since Cervantes, and El coronel no tiene quien le escriba is considered to be one of his best works. This reflective and atmospheric novel is set in a small Colombian town where the frustrated and stubborn Colonel, a veteran of the 'War of a Thousand Days', is still, after thirty years, waiting for the letter authorising payment of his war pension. The old soldier and his wife mourn the brutal killing of their only son, and the story of their struggle against poverty and sickness culminates in the Colonel's defiant refusal to part with his cherished fighting cock, however serious the consequences. The moving narrative pays tribute to the resilience of human nature and man's will to survive in the face of heavy odds. The novel also throws light on the turbulent religious and political troubles in Latin America. Now revised to include an updated chronology and bibliography, Giovanni Pontiero's acclaimed critical edition provides English-speaking students with an introduction to, and notes on the text, and a selected vocabulary. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Resource Activation

        A Manual for Psychotherapy, Coaching, and Counseling

        by Christoph Flückiger, Günther Wüsten

        At the beginning of therapy or counselling, people seeking help often find themselves in a state of total hopelessness. The task of the therapist is to reactivate confidence in their own ability to act, trying to bring out and then utilizing the existing strengths and abilities of the clients. This manual, demonstrates specific ways in which personal resources can be taken into account during therapy and counselling and integrated into existing therapy concepts. The featured interventions, case studies, and worksheets are written in a way that is easy to understand and presented in a manner that makes them simple to put into practice. Target Group: For psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and counsellors.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1987

        Die heilende Kraft der Imagination

        Gedanken, Vorstellungen und innere Bilder als heilende Kraft in der modernen Medizin - Grundlagen und Methoden einer neuen Heilkunst

        by Achterberg, Jeanne / Übersetzt von Kroh, Marion B

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