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        November 2013

        »Der zarte Faden, den die Schönheit spinnt«

        Hundert Gedichte

        by Edward Vere, Earl of Oxford, Kurt Kreiler

        Überrascht blicken wir auf das Werk eines jungen Autors des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts, den die englische Literaturgeschichte nicht kennt oder als Marginalie behandelt. Seine Gedichte besitzen Strahlkraft, Intelligenz und Entschiedenheit. Der Dichter – Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford (1550–1604) – verbirgt seinen Namen von Anfang an hinter dem Schleier diverser Pseudonyme: Meritum petere grave, Fortunatus Infoelix, Ferenda Natura, Spraeta tamen vivunt, My lucke is losse, Phaeton. Ab 1593 (im Herbst dieses Jahres erscheint unter dem Namen William Shakespeare ein Versepos, »Venus and Adonis«) ist es dann nur noch eines: William Shakespeare. Diese hundert Gedichte eines rollenkundigen Spötters und sprachspielverliebten Dialektikers, die fast ausnahmslos um das Mit- und Gegeneinander von Liebe und Zurückweisung, Sehnsucht und Widerwillen, Leidenschaft und Bezähmung kreisen, sind eine Neuerscheinung in der Welt der Literatur. Sie gewinnen ihren Wert nicht durch die Zuschreibung an William Shakespeare. Umgekehrt: Ihre Qualität stützt die These, dass Edward de Vere ab 1593 unter dem Pseudonym William Shakespeare publizierte.

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        October 2006

        Fortunatus im Unglück

        Die Aventiuren des Master F. I.

        by Edward Vere, Earl of Oxford, Chris Hirte, Kurt Kreiler, Kurt Kreiler

        Als Buch im Buch, versteckt in einer anonym publizierten literarischen Anthologie des Jahres 1573, erschien die erste englische Novelle, The Adventures of Master F. I., deren virtuose Dialoge zwischen Verspieltheit und Strenge, höfischem Frost und seelischem Fieber oszillieren. Im Raffinement der Darstellung, in der virtuosen Beiläufigkeit und poetischen Dichte sind die Aventiuren unvergleichlich. Das bald vom Markt verschwundene Buch erschien zwei Jahre später in »gereinigter« Version unter dem Namen des Soldatendichters George Gascoigne. In der historisch-philologischen Analyse des Nachworts entwickelt Kurt Kreiler eine Indizienkette, die auf die Autorschaft eines großen anderen schließen läßt. Danach heißt der Verfasser der Aventiuren Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford (1550 bis 1604), der von seinen Zeitgenossen als der »Beste im Fach Komödie« gerühmt wurde und in unserer Zeit als Anwärter auf die Autorschaft Shakespeares gilt. Der Übersetzung wurde die erste Ausgabe von 1573 zugrunde gelegt. Fortunatus Infoelix, ein galanter Ritter des 16. Jahrhunderts, weilt zu Gast in einem Schloß und verliebt sich in die Schwiegertochter des Hausherrn. Lady Elynor reizt den amourösen Belagerer durch die Doppeldeutigkeit ihres Widerstands. Die Zeremonien der Liebesverschwörung werden jäh unterbrochen, als eine zweite Frau den glücklichen Unglücklichen zum Tanz verführt. Wenn sie sich anderntags Master Infoelix als verständnisvolle Freundin andient, so nur deshalb, um sein »Liebesexperiment« geschickt zu steuern …

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2024

        The history of emotions

        by Rob Boddice

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        July 2021

        The World of the North

        Between Ragnarok and welfare utopia: A cultural-historical deconstruction

        by Bernd Henningsen

        — Analysis of how we view Europe's North and how this image emerged — An outsider's perspective on Nordic societies and their self image — Serves as an introduction into Northern European culture and society Our image of Northern Europe has been shaped by projections and desires in the long history of encounters: berserkers and war atrocities, bad weather, beautiful nature, stable political systems, social welfare, equality and prosperity, peacefulness, low corruption, hygge and Bullerby – all this is part of the Nordic narrative. But what about the religious, linguistic and ethnic homogeneity, what about the muchvaunted Nordic cooperation? How do politics "work" in the North? Why are Northern Europeans the happiest people?

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2014

        Roger II and the creation of the Kingdom of Sicily

        by Graham Loud

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        Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs

        by Ric M. Procyshyn, Kalyna Z. Bezchlibnyk-­Butler, David D. Kim (Eds.)

        Quick and comprehensive information on psychotropic drugs for adults. The “Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs” has become a standard reference and working tool for psychiatrists, psy­chologists, physicians, pharmacists, nurses, and other men­tal health professionals Independent, unbiased, up­to­date Packed with unique, easy­-to-­read comparison charts and tables (dosages, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interac­tions …) for a quick overview of treatment options Succinct, bulleted information on all classes of medica­tion: on-­ and off-­label indications, (US FDA, Health Canada), recommended dosages, US and Canadian trade names, side effects, interactions, pharmacodynamics, precautions in the young, the elderly, and pregnancy, nursing implications, and much more – all you need to know for each class of drug Potential interactions and side effects summarized in comparison charts With instantly recognizable icons and in full color throughout, allowing you to fnd at a glance all the information you seek Clearly written patient information sheets available for download as printable PDF files

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        The Practice of Pharmacy

        Textbook for pharmacy interns Handbook for the pharmacy

        by Dr. Michael Sax, founded by Dr. Herbert Gebler and Dr. Gerd Kindl

        After pharmacy studies have ended, the fascinating world of the pharmacy awaits – simultaneously varied and challenging. This is no problem with this well-established standard work to hand! The 7th edition, with a new editor and new structure, goes through the various stages of pharmacy operation. Beginning with the social mandate to supply medicines and then considering the organisational and economic orientation of a pharmacy, one delves ever deeper into its inner workings. In every area, the appropriate specific information can be found about pharmaceutical law and practice – whether this concerns the back office, over-the-counter medicines, dispensary and dispensing, or the supply of care homes, or preparation of cytotoxic drugs. In addition to the important topic “Dispensing of drugs and medical devices on prescription”, particular attention is paid to the principal activity in the pharmacy – giving advice on self-medication. The contents are based on the regulations for registration of pharmacists and the guidelines of the Federal Chamber of Pharmacists for the practical training of pharmacy interns in the pharmacy. The Practice of Pharmacy safely navigates the user through the practical training year and is the ideal preparation for the 3rd State Examination! Returnees, pharmacies that provide training and pharmacists of many years’ experience, will also benefit from this textbook and reference work.

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        The Geography of Health

        The Spatial Dimension of Epidemiology and Treatment

        by Jobst Augustin, Daniela Koller

        This title is the first interdisciplinary book about geography and health that takes scientific methods and questions into account making it a great manual of international health geography research. The topics include: • spatial statistical analysis • mobility analysis in health research • GIS and mapping tools • cartographic visualization • health mapping • cancer epidemiology • morbidity • climate change and health – the example of Germany • global change and infectious diseases Target Group: Health scientists, geographers, doctors (epidemiologists)

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2024

        Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 100/2

        Higher Learning and Civic Cultures of Knowledge: Manchester 1824–2024

        by Stuart Jones

        The John Rylands Library houses one of the finest collections of rare books, manuscripts and archives in the world. The collections span five millennia, have a global reach and cover a wide range of subjects, including art and archaeology; economic, social, political, religious and military history; literature, drama and music; science and medicine; theology and philosophy; travel and exploration. For over a century, the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library has published research that complements the Library's special collections.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2016

        Hincmar of Rheims

        Life and work

        by Rachel Stone, Charles West

        Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims (d. 882) is a crucial figure for all those interested in early medieval European history in general, and Carolingian history in particular. For forty years he was an advisor to kings and religious controversialist; his works are a key source for the political, religious and social history of the later ninth century, covering topics from papal politics to the abduction of women and the role of parish priests. For the first time since Jean Devisse's biography of Hincmar in the 1970s, this book offers a three-dimensional examination of a figure whose actions and writings in different fields are often studied in isolation. It brings together the latest international research across the spectrum of his varied activities, as history-writer, estate administrator, hagiographer, canonist, pastorally engaged bishop, and politically minded royal advisor. The introduction also provides the first substantial English-language survey of Hincmar's whole career.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century

        Lives of Pope Leo IX and Pope Gregory VII

        by I. Robinson

        The eleventh-century papal reform transformed western European Church and society and permanently altered the relations of Church and State in the west. The reform was inaugurated by Pope Leo IX (1048-54) and given a controversial change of direction by Pope Gregory VII (1073-85). This book contains the earliest biographies of both popes, presented here for the first time in English translation with detailed commentaries. The biographers of Leo IX were inspired by his universally acknowledged sanctity, whereas the biographers of Gregory VII wrote to defend his reputation against the hostility generated by his reforming methods and his conflict with King Henry IV. Also included is a translation of Book to a Friend, written by Bishop Bonizo of Sutri soon after the death of Gregory VII, as well as an extract from the violently anti-Gregorian polemic of Bishop Benzo of Alba (1085) and the short biography of Leo IX composed in the papal curia in the 1090s by Bishop Bruno of Segni. These fascinating narrative sources bear witness to the startling impact of the papal reform and of the 'Investiture Contest', the conflict of empire and papacy that was one of its consequences. An essential collection of translated texts for students of medieval history.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2016

        The annals of Lampert of Hersfeld

        by I. Robinson

        This is a translation of the eleventh-century Latin Annals of Lampert, monk of Hersfeld, with detailed commentary and introduction. No translation has hitherto been published in English, despite the fact that it is one of the best known of all the narrative sources of the Middle Ages, constantly mentioned in the English secondary literature. Lampert produced the most detailed account of the events of 1056-77 (the minority of Henry IV of Germany and the first decade of his personal rule), a period of crisis and rebellion culminating in the conflict between the king and Pope Gregory VII. He is widely regarded as 'the unrivalled master among medieval historians' and 'a superb story-teller', noted for his vivid characterisation and narrative. An English translation of this work is of the greatest value to teachers and students of medieval history and also of interest to the general reader of European literature.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Afterlives of war

        by Michael Roper

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Hariulf’s History of St Riquier

        by Kathleen Thompson

        A new and accessible translation of Hariulf's History of St Riquier, this book examines the history of a monastic community from the seventh to the eleventh century. It covers the ascetic life of the founding saint and the development of the community under the Carolingians in the late eighth and ninth centuries. There were setbacks when the house was sacked by the Vikings and the founder's relics were stolen for political ends, but it recovered in the tenth and eleventh centuries and developed the links with both the Norman and English courts that enable Hariulf to make interesting observations about the Norman Conquest of England. Hariulf's description of the monastic site with its three churches and the liturgical arrangements practised there, as well as the relics, treasures, books and endowments of a great monastic foundation, make his history an important source for monastic history.

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