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Read the book and solve puzzles with your smart device to chose your own way through the Smart Books. Amazing new technology mixed with storytelling for the 8-13 year old kids.
View Rights PortalRead the book and solve puzzles with your smart device to chose your own way through the Smart Books. Amazing new technology mixed with storytelling for the 8-13 year old kids.
View Rights PortalMuddy Pearl is an independent publisher of thoughtful Christian books and lovely general-market gift titles. Established in 2013 in Edinburgh by Richard and Stephanie Heald, our editorial policy is to invest in developing new authors who have deep insights into life or a valuable story to share. We publish on parenting, politics, technology, love, loss and belief, all from a perspective of Christian faith, and seeking to know better the Lord we love and serve. We try to produce our books to the highest standard, drawing wherever possible on the traditional skills and resources available in Scotland.
View Rights PortalThis ground-breaking study is the first to systematically examine the politics and political culture of provincial Ireland. The book compares two distinct localities that provide differing perspectives on how politics and power manifested itself in provincial Ireland: Sligo in the north west and Limerick in the south west. Drawing on a wealth of previously unknown and under-utilised contemporary material, David Fleming focuses on individuals who were determined to shape the political landscape and those who were affected by their actions. The book challenges many accepted models of how Ireland and the Irish were governed. While the propertied élite dominated many aspects of the political process, individuals and groups from the professional, mercantile, rural and other sections of society - the 'middling orders' - were also active in local institutions and office-holding. Their story, recounted here, reveals a far more complex set of relationships. Politics and provincial people is a carefully constructed story of people's motivations, ideas, and actions, and offers new insights into the complexity of their lives and the Irish political landscape. ;
In early Christianity it was established that every church should have a light burning on the altar at all times. In this unique study, Eternal light and earthly concerns, looks at the material and social consequences of maintaining these 'eternal' lights. It investigates how the cost of lighting was met across western Europe throughout the whole of the Middle Ages, revealing the social organisation that was built up around maintaining the lights in the belief that burning them reduced the time spent in Purgatory. When that belief collapsed in the Reformation the eternal lights were summarily extinguished. The history of the lights thus offers not only a new account of change in medieval Europe, but also a sustained examination of the relationship between materiality and belief.
Alexander Mitscherlich wurde am 20. September 1978 70 Jahre alt. Seinem ungewöhnlichen Engagement ist es zu verdanken, dass die Psychoanalyse in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in ihren wissenschaftlichen, therapeutischen und sozialpsychologischen Wirkungsmöglichkeiten wieder Fuß fassen konnte. Mitscherlich hat nach der Periode der »Gegenaufklärung«, der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, sein ganzes Schaffen der Freiheit des Denkens und der Einübung in Toleranz gewidmet, unermüdlich gegen »hergestellte Dummheit« gekämpft und sich für den Wiederaufbau demokratischer Strukturen eingesetzt. Nach dem Studium der Geschichte, Philosophie, Kunstgeschichte und der Medizin vorm und im Krieg wurde er 1946 Privat-Dozent an der Heidelberger Universität. Zu den herausragenden Leistungen seiner weitgespannten Tätigkeiten gehört der Aufbau der Psychosomatischen Klinik Heidelberg, deren Direktor er von 1949-1967 war. Durch seine vielfältigen Kontakte zum Ausland und seinen Aufenthalt in England konnte er der psychoanalytischen Arbeit in dieser Klinik stets neue Impulse geben, sei es in Form der Vertiefung und Präzisierung psychoanalytischer Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und -techniken, sei es durch die Einführung der inzwischen auch in Deutschland etablierten Balintgruppen. Sein dominierendes wissenschaftliches Interesse galt damals der Entwicklung einer Theorie der psychosomatischen Erkrankungen, in deren Mittelpunkt er die Suche nach einem Zusammenhang zwischen körperlicher Erkrankung, (unbewussten) psychischen Prozessen und sozialen Umwelteinflüssen stellte. Seine Gabe, solchen Wechselwirkungen nachzuspüren und sie zum Gegenstand sowohl wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen als auch des öffentlichen Interesses zu machen, schlug sich in seinem kontinuierlichen Kampf gegen die »Unwirtlichkeit unserer Städte« nieder, ebenso wie in seiner Lehrtätigkeit als Professor an der Universität Heidelberg, die gekennzeichnet war vom ständigen Bemühen, eine »Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit« aus ihrer naturwissenschaftlich-einseitgen Isoliertheit in einen sozialwissenschaftlichen Kontext zu stellen – was ihm nicht nur Freunde bescherte. Noch in die Heidelberger Zeit fällt die Gründung des Sigmund-Freud-Instituts in Frankfurt, dessen Direktor Alexander Mitscherlich von 1959 bis 1976 war und das bis heute Ort seines Schaffens ist. Es war weltweit das erste staatliche Institut, das sich der psychoanalytischen Forschung und Lehre widmet. Hier gelang es Mitscherlich, die Interdisziplinarität von psychoanalytisch orientierter Medizin, Psychologie und Soziologie zu institutionalisieren. Seine Lehrtätigkeit als Psychoanalytiker konnte er am ersten deutschen Lehrstuhl für Psychoanalyse an der Frankfurter Universität fortsetzen. In der Festschrift zu seinem 70. Geburtstag wird Alexander Mitscherlich von Freunden aus der Zeit des Wiederaufbaus der Psychoanalyse in der BRD, von wissenschaftlichen Kollegen, Mitarbeitern und Schülern, die in ganz unterschiedlichem, doch stets durch die Psychoanalyse vermittelten Bezug zu ihm stehen, geehrt.
This book seeks to capture the complex experience of the white woman in colonial India through an exploration of gendered interactions over the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It examines missionary and memsahibs' colonial writings, both literary and non-literary, probing their construction of Indian women of different classes and regions, such as zenana women, peasants, ayahs and wet-nurses. Also examined are delineations of European female health issues in male authored colonial medical handbooks, which underline the misogyny undergirding this discourse. Giving voice to the Indian woman, this book also scrutinises the fiction of the first generation of western-educated Indian women who wrote in English, exploring their construction of white women and their negotiations with colonial modernities. This fascinating book will be of interest to the general reader and to experts and students of gender studies, colonial history, literary and cultural studies as well as the social history of health and medicine.
This volume offers a detailed examination of the stability of the late imperial regime in Russia. Students and scholars will appreciate the lively summaries of the latest scholarship in political, economic, social, cultural, and international history. Accessible yet insightful, contributions cover the historiography of complex topics such as peasants, workers, revolutionaries, foreign relations, and Nicholas II. In addition, there are original studies of some of the leading intellectuals of the time. The late imperial economy is examined through the writings of Tugan-Baranovsky. There is an account of M. N. Pokrovskii's radical interpretation of late imperial Russia's historical path of development. The state of the Russian theatre is studied through the lives of theatrical impresarios. Each chapter also highlights a unique interpretation, suggesting new lines of inquiry and research. This book will be compulsory reading for students of Russian and European history of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries seeking to better understand why Tsarism collapsed in 1917. ;
Songs of Protest, Songs of Love shows how songs can bring back voices from the past in a new way. The focus of the book is on rural Britain in a time of crisis. As the traditional rights of peasants were being jettisoned to enforce a new system of enclosure, rural labourers chanted out their concerns in songs of protest. These songs became increasingly strident and popular after the 1770s as rural life became even more precarious with fluctuating grain prices and uncertain employment opportunities. Many ballads in the eighteenth century were love songs. But these are also rich in social meaning. Many of these love songs celebrated the free and easy sexuality of rural workers, especially milkmaids and ploughmen, which was contrasted with the tepid and flaccid sex life attributed to urban aristocrats. The book will be of interest to scholars, advanced students and readers with an interest in cultural history and popular ballads. ;
This book provides a critical investigation of what has been termed the 'global justice movement'. Through a detailed study of a grassroots peasants' network in Asia (People's Global Action), an international trade union network (the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mining and General Workers) and the Social Forum process, it analyses some of the global justice movement's component parts, operational networks and their respective dynamics, strategies and practices. The authors argue that the emergence of new globally-connected forms of collective action against neoliberal globalisation are indicative of a range of place-specific forms of political agency that coalesce across geographic space at particular times, in specific places, and in a variety of ways. Rather than being indicative of a coherent 'movement', the authors argue that such forms of political agency contain many political and geographical fissures and fault-lines, and are best conceived of as 'global justice networks': overlapping, interacting, competing, and differentially-placed and resourced networks that articulate demands for social, economic and environmental justice. Such networks, and the social movements that comprise them, characterise emergent forms of trans-national political agency. The authors argue that the role of key geographical concepts of space, place and scale are crucial to an understanding of the operational dynamics of such networks. Such an analysis challenges key current assumptions in the literature about the emergence of a global civil society. ;