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      • Kia Persia Literary Agency

        KIA Literary Agency was founded in 2002 in Tehran with the aim of promoting and supporting fine literary works in all forms throughout the world. It brings about opportunities for authors, illustrators, publishers, translators, and those involved in this field to meet their counterparts. And at the same time, it introduces them to the world and will inform them of all the related events which take place in the world of art and literature.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2007

        the bodycoach - personal food coaching

        Figuroptimierung ohne Diät, Steigerung der Fitness, Ausstrahlung und Schönheit, Stressbewältigung und Anti-Aging

        by Bienert, Caroline; Carstensen, Regina

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        January 2008

        Die Pension in der Via Saffi

        Commissario Soneri blickt zurück

        by Varesi, Valerio / Deutsch Rother, Karin

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2025

        Straight nation

        Heteronormativity and other exigencies of postcolonial nationalism

        by Pavan Mano

        In Straight Nation, Pavan Mano reveals the logic of straightness that sits at the heart of postcolonial nationalism in Singapore. Mano rejects the romantic notion of the nation as a haven of belonging, showing it to be a relentless force that is allied with heteronormativity to create a host of minoritized and xenologized figures. Through meticulous exploration and close reading of a swathe of texts, Mano unveils the instrumental role of sexuality in structuring the national imaginary. The book adroitly demonstrates how queerness is rendered foreign in postcolonial Singapore and functions alongside technologies of "race", gender, and class. A provocative critique of narrow contemporary identity politics and its concomitant stymying of a more ambitious political critique, Straight Nation sets out an argument that moves beyond the negativity of traditional critique into a space of (re)thinking, (re)building and (re)imagining.

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        Notes for Personal Care Workers

        The Quick Reference Book on Caring for the Elderly

        by Sylke Werner

        This quick reference book explains what personal care is, why it is necessary, which competencies personal care workers require, and how to safely and professionally care for, engage, and support people in need of care and their relatives in their daily lives.   Target Group: Personal care workers, geriatric nurses

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Emigration from Scotland between the wars

        by Marjory Harper

        Emigration from Scotland has always been very high. However, emigration from Scotland between the wars surpassed all records; more people emigrated than were born, leading to an overall population decline. Why was it so many people left? Marjory Harper, whose knowledge is grounded in a deep understanding of the local records, maps out the many factors which worked together to cause this massive diaspora. After an opening section where the author sets the Scottish experience within the context of the rest of the British Isles, the book then divides the country geographically, starting with the Highlands, then coastal Scotland, and the urban Lowland highlighting in turn the factors that particularly influenced each of these areas. Harper then discusses the organised religious and political movements that encouraged emigration. By interweaving personal stories with statistical evidence Harper brings to life the reality behind the dramatic historical migration.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Arctic state identity

        Geography, history, and geopolitical relations

        by Ingrid A. Medby

        This book sets out to answer what it means to hold a formal title as one of the eight 'Arctic states'; is there such a thing as an Arctic state identity, and if so, what does this mean for state personnel? It charts the thoughtful reflections and stories of state personnel from three Arctic states: Norway, Iceland, and Canada, alongside analysis of documents and discourses. This book shows how state identities are narrated as both geographical and temporal - understood through environments, territories, pasts and futures - and that any identity is always relational and contextual. As such, demonstrating that to understand Arctic geopolitics we need to pay attention to the people whose job it is to represent the state on a daily basis. And more broadly, it offers a 'peopled' view of geopolitics, introducing the concept and framework of 'state identity'.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Identity or Not?

        by Jean-Pierre Wils (ed.)

        Questions of identity trigger controversial and highly emotional discussions in the political and social debate. The positions range from radically emancipatory perspectives to authoritarian and restorative efforts on the far right wing of politics. Liberal democracies are now opening up – slowly – as identity- and gender-sensitive forums. Opposite them are the 'new ethics' of illiberal democracies and totalitarian states that are aimed at ethnic homogeneity and gender uniformity. But that's not to say that there is unity in the liberal settings on the necessary degree of identity politics. Both language and gender politics are deeply controversial. Do we need an 'identity' and, if so, which one or how many? Can the identity debate be extended by means of other concepts?

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2025

        Beyond the Pale and Highland Line

        The Irish and Scottish Gaelic world

        by Simon Egan

        This book offers important new insights into the history and culture of the Gaelic-speaking world from the mid-fifteenth century through to the reign of James VI and I. Throughout this period, the reach of the English and Scottish crowns within these western regions was limited. The initiative lay with local communities and royal power was contingent upon negotiating with well-established and largely autonomous aristocratic lineages. Moreover, events within this western world could exert a powerful, often unpredictable, influence upon the affairs of the wider archipelago. Using a series of case studies, this collection examines the evolving relationship between Ireland and Scotland in rich detail. It demonstrates how this world interacted with the encroaching English and Scottish states and underlines the importance of paying closer attention to this neglected area of Irish and British history.

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        July 1983



        by Benito Pérez Galdós, Wilhelm Muster, Rafael Vega

        Der Protagonist dieses Romans, Don Ramón Villaamil, ist ein ins 19. Jahrhundert transportierter Don Quijote, der in verzweifeltem, tragikomischem Kampf um die Würde seiner Person der Korruption und Günstlingswirtschaft spanischer Prägung schließlich unterliegt. Der ehemalige Beamte der Steuerbehörde ist arbeitslos und versucht vergeblich, durch Bittbriefe eine neue Stellung zu erhalten, da ihm nur noch zwei Monate Arbeitszeit fehlen, um eine bescheidene Pension beziehen zu können. Seine Gattin, Doña Pura, frönt ihrem eigenen Interesse, der Oper. Ihre ledige Schwester Milagros, eine heruntergekommene Soubrette, lebt ebenfalls im Haushalt und „führt die Küche“. Die Tochter von Doña Pura und Don Ramón, Abelarda, die „Unbedeutende“, ist eine unscheinbare Person, die ihre einzige Chance darin sieht, einen ebenso farblosen Herren namens Ponce zu ehelichen, auf den eine kleine Erbschaft wartet. Den drei Frauen gemeinsam ist der Spitzname ›Miau‹, „denn sie haben so eine Fisonomie im Gesicht wie Katzen“, erklärt ein Schulfreund dem Luisito, Enkel von Don Ramón und Doña Pura, den man mit diesem Spitznamen in der Schule quält. Der anständige und ehrliche Don Ramón bleibt ohne Stellung, denn „Anständigkeit bedeutet manchmal dasselbe wie Dummheit“. Miau ist einer der frühen europäischen Romane, in denen der Einzelne der seelenlosen modernen Massenbürokratie entgegengestellt wird.

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        Biography & True Stories
        February 2024

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic since 1917

        by David Featherstone, Christian Høgsbjerg, Alan Rice

        Revolutionary lives of the Red and Black Atlantic brings to light the life histories of a wide range of radical figures whose political activity in relation to the black liberation struggle was profoundly shaped by the global impact and legacy of the Russian Revolution of October 1917. The volume introduces new perspectives on the intellectual trajectories of well-known figures and critical activists including C. L. R. James, Paul Robeson, Walter Rodney and Grace P. Campbell. This biographical approach brings a vivid and distinctive lens to bear on how racialised social and political worlds were negotiated and experienced by these revolutionary figures, and on historic black radical engagements with left political movements, in the wake of the Russian Revolution.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Insanity, identity and empire

        Immigrants and institutional confinement in Australia and New Zealand, 1873–1910

        by Catharine Coleborne

        Insanity, identity and empire examines the formation of colonial social identities inside the institutions for the insane in Australia and New Zealand. Taking a large sample of patient records, it pays particular attention to gender, ethnicity and class as categories of analysis, reminding us of the varied journeys of immigrants to the colonies and of how and where they stopped, for different reasons, inside the social institutions of the period. It is about their stories of mobility, how these were told and produced inside institutions for the insane, and how, in the telling, colonial identities were asserted and formed. Having engaged with the structural imperatives of empire and with the varied imperial meanings of gender, sexuality and medicine, historians have considered the movements of travellers, migrants, military bodies and medical personnel, and 'transnational lives'. This book examines an empire-wide discourse of 'madness' as part of this inquiry.

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