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      • Dotnik Studio Private Limited

        Dotnik Studio Company is one of the well-renowned company in the industry of the Digital Product Design, User Experience Research and Development segment, the same is being run by Industry Leaders and Experts. The organization has it’s registered office space in New Delhi which holds a talent pool of highly specialized fully-remote team that spans its presence across the globe.Dotnik Studio is a full-service Digital Product Design and Development Studio delivering delightful brands, products, and user experiences. Dotnik Studio Company is a Dedicated Research, Design, and Development Company for next-gen SaaS startups, businesses, and individuals.Request a free quote:

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      • BSP Books Private Limited

        BSP Books Pvt. Ltd.: This new entity will be responsible for promoting and marketing books of BS Publications and PharmaMed Press and also exclusives taken from foreign publishers. BSP Books Pvt. Ltd. Have dedicated team of field executives under a Marketing Head with a clear mandate to make our books reach wider audiences within India and abroad. BS Publications was started in 1999, with the aim of creating useful student, friendly and quality textbooks to satisfy the needs of B.Tech. Students, who were joining the numerous professional engineering colleges established across in India by various Technical Universities. Our publishing program is focused in 5 key areas. Textbooks Reference Books Classics Reprints Low Priced Editions of Foreign Books Conference Proceedings PharmaMed Press: This new imprint under Pharma Book Syndicate publishes books Textbooks, Reference books, Classic Reprints, International Journal in the interdisciplinary areas of Pharmacy, Medical & Life Sciences, Chemistry, Biotechnology for the students and reference books for the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Industry.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2006

        Das Zeichen der Vier

        Krimiklassiker. Hörspiel

        by Holmes, Sherlock / Produzent Titania Medien

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Nomos und Narrativ

        Studien zur Theorie des Rechts

        by Robert Cover, Benedict Vischer

        Um den Sinn und die Kraft des Rechts zu erschließen, müssen wir weit über die formalen Bausteine staatlicher Rechtsordnungen hinausblicken. Ausgehend von der amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung und der jüdischen Rechtstradition erkunden Robert Covers bahnbrechende Essays die existenzielle Dichte rechtlicher Weltformung. Nachgezeichnet wird das Wechselspiel von Visionen, Narrativen, tätiger Hingabe und Gewalt, in dem eine unaufhebbare Vielfalt gesellschaftlicher Perspektiven um den Sinn des Rechts ringt. Kaum ein juristischer Autor hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine so breite interdisziplinäre Rezeption erfahren wie Cover. Mit diesem Band wird sein Werk nun erstmals in deutscher Sprache zugänglich gemacht.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2024

        Nomos und Narrativ

        Studien zur Theorie des Rechts

        by Robert M. Cover, Benedict Vischer

        Um den Sinn und die Kraft des Rechts zu erschließen, müssen wir weit über die formalen Bausteine staatlicher Rechtsordnungen hinausblicken. Ausgehend von der amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung und der jüdischen Rechtstradition erkunden Robert Covers bahnbrechende Essays die existenzielle Dichte rechtlicher Weltformung. Nachgezeichnet wird das Wechselspiel von Visionen, Narrativen, tätiger Hingabe und Gewalt, in dem eine unaufhebbare Vielfalt gesellschaftlicher Perspektiven um den Sinn des Rechts ringt. Kaum ein juristischer Autor hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine so breite interdisziplinäre Rezeption erfahren wie Cover. Mit diesem Band wird sein Werk nun erstmals in deutscher Sprache zugänglich gemacht.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        My Father's Secret

        The BND, my family and I

        by Corinna von Bassewitz

        For a long time, Corinna von Bassewitz believed her father was a soldier, later on that he was a diplomat. Then, at the age of 16, she learnt something unbelievable: he had been a secret agent for the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND, Germany's Federal Intelligence Service). Once the secret had been at least partly uncovered, she became something of a spy herself and eventually found some confidential documents in her parents' attic. Later, she realised that her father had been living as a double agent for the FRG and the GDR. So what effect does it have on a girl if her father conceals his true identity and eventually disappears without trace? Along with her family history, the author provides multi-layered and exciting insights into the historical context of the Cold War. A very personal book, intriguingly told and emotionally touching.

      • Trusted Partner
        Self-help & personal development

        Do Whatever You Want to Do!

        How a Flatworm Demonstrates the Way to Satisfaction and Freedom

        by M. Storch

        Many people don't know what they want. In this book, a little worm shows the reader how to live life the best way possible. It shows, how often decisions or even entire lifestyles are determined by what is “intimated” by parents, friends, the media, or even the latest fad. Ultimately, the worm shows the reader, that it is only possible to be happy and free, if one knows what one wants and actually actively pursue this. Target Group: For people who want to improve their lives, psychologists, and therapists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Living with lodgers

        Household economy and social relations in working-class Victorian England

        by Vicky Holmes

        For the Victorian working class, lodging in someone else's home was commonplace. Yet, despite their prevalence, lodgers and their householders have received little scholarly attention. Drawing on hundreds of coroners' inquests reported in the Victorian press, Living with lodgers traverses many domestic dwelling lodgings in England at this time, providing an extraordinary, intimate portrayal of the lives of the inhabitants therein.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2009

        Consumerism and the Co-operative movement in modern British history

        Taking stock

        by Lawrence Black, Nicole Robertson

        Despite the abundance and quality of recent historical writing on consumerism, it cannot be said that the modern Co-operative movement (Co-op) has been well served. It has also been by-passed in studies that locate Britons' identity in their consumption. The reasons for this can be found in the widely perceived decline of the Co-op since the 1950s, but also in various historiographical agendas that have resulted in its relative invisibility in modern British history. This book, by demonstrating the variety of broader issues that can be addressed through the Co-op and the vibrancy of new historical research into consumption, seeks to remedy this. Taking stock, both of the Co-op in a broader context and of new approaches to the history of consumption, combines the work of leading authorities on the Co-op with recent scholarly research. It explores the Co-op's distinctive interface between everyday issues and grander idealistic concerns. The chapters intersect to examine a broad range of themes, notably: the politics of consumerism including consumer protection, ethical and fair trading and alternatives to corporate commerce; design and advertising; the Co-op's relations with other components of the labour movement; and its ideology, image and memory. The collection looks at the Co-operative movement locally (through specific case studies), nationally and also in comparison to the European movement. This collection will appeal to academics, researchers, teachers and students of the economic, cultural and political history of twentieth-century Britain. It will also be of interest to academics and students of business studies, and co-operative members themselves. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2022

        Private property and the fear of social chaos

        by Aidan Beatty

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2011

        Public Private Partnerships in Ireland

        Failed experiment or the way forward?

        by Rory Hearne, Rob Kitchin

        Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have come to public attention in recent years in Ireland with the impact of toll roads, the collapse of social-housing projects and their use in the provision of courts buildings, schools, water/waste water treatment plants, hospitals, light rail and other public infrastructure and services. This book provides a ground breaking and unique analysis of the development of such PPPs internationally, with a detailed focus on the rationale behind their introduction and outcomes in Ireland. The detailed evidence outlined from the author's extensive research (including interviews with senior central and government officials, private sector, community and trade union representatives and the Irish Minister for Environment) highlights the important role PPPs are playing in the implementation of privatisation and neoliberalism. The book also provides considerable practical lessons from individual PPP projects. It is therefore an essential read for students, academics of politics, economics, sociology, geography and policy practitioners in Ireland, and further afield. It is of considerable interest to anyone concerned with the progress of Irish society, its economy and, indeed public services and governance internationally. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2011

        Public Schools and Private Education

        The Clarendon Commission 1861–64 and the Public Schools Acts

        by Colin Shrosbree

        The great public schools are central to any discussion of English secondary education. Founded as public endowments, they are the basis of private education. Set apart from the other grammar schools by the Clarendon Commission of 1861, their influence on the state system has been enormous. Severed from the national provision of public education, they have put prestige and ancient endowments at the service of wealth and patronage. This book, available in paperback for the first time, shows how this came to pass. How the schools' attempts at reform, reliance on fees, the defence of the Classics, public criticism of Eton, European ideas and foreign economic competition led to the Carendon Commission. How Lord Clarendon himself, in conflict with Palmerston over foreign policy, came to lead the Commission and attempt curricular reform. How the Public Schools Acts created a separate school system for the benefit of Eton and how the Lords sought to establish that system for the upper classes. How the fee-paying, class-based principles of the Commission influenced the other grammar schools and all later English education. How the Public schools Acts reduced the influence of local parents and how new governors were appointed nationally. How Shrewsbury School, an example of an endowed grammar school with strong local connections, came to be part of the public school system. It is not the conflict between state education and private schools that makes so much discussion of English education bitter and controversial. It is the loss to state education of the public schools - the original political purpose of the Acts - and the impoverishment of national education by the class divisions of Victorian legislation. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1980

        Die Bienenfabel oder Private Laster, öffentliche Vorteile

        by Bernard Mandeville, Walter Euchner

        Bernard Mandevilles in der Bienenfabel formulierte scharfsichtige Analyse der Gesellschaft seiner Zeit, vor allem die darin vertretene Auffassung vom Wesen der Ethik - private Laster, öffentliche Vorteile -, und der Essay über die Armenschulen lösten noch unter seinen Zeitgenossen eine lebhafte Diskussion aus. Wie viele Philosophen des beginnenden bürgerlichen Zeitalters war Mandeville davon überzeugt, daß am Anfang allen Philosophierens über gesellschaftliche Zustände die Erforschung der menschlichen Natur »so, wie sie in Wirklichkeit ist, nicht, wie sie sein sollte«, stehen müsse.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        April 2011


        The projected image in contemporary art

        by Amelia Jones, Tamara Trodd, Marsha Meskimmon

        Projected-image art occupies an increasingly important place in the contemporary art-world. But does the projected image have its own specificity, beyond the histories of experimental film and video on the one hand, and installation art on the other? What is a projected image, and what is the history of projected-image art? These questions and others are explored in this thoughtful collection of nine essays by leading international scholars of film and projected-image art. Clearly structured in three sections - 'Histories', 'Screen', 'Space' - the book argues for recognition of the projected image as a distinctive category in contemporary art, which demands new critical and theoretical approaches. The contributors explore a range of interpretive perspectives, offering new insights into the work of artists including Michael Snow, Carolee Schneemann, Pipilotti Rist, Stan Douglas, Gillian Wearing, Tacita Dean, Jane and Louise Wilson, amongst others. The Introduction supplies a concise summary of the history of projected-image art and its interpretation, and there is a focus throughout the book on detailed analysis of individual artworks. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Magic Owls in Featherland (1). Athenaria's Secret

        by Ina Brandt/Irene Mohr

        Flora is very excited: together with her magic owl Goldwing, she is to be part of a new team. The owl rulers of the Magical Kingdom have summoned them to Featherland, a hidden place in a mysterious monastery. There they meet the snowy owl Nordis, the spectacled owl Claro and, of course, Jona, who always tries to compete with Flora. How will they ever manage to make a team? It’s not long before they are given their first job: during the night of the next full moon they must help one another to awaken the magic of Featherland – and this proves to be more difficult than expected. Because suddenly Claro disappears from the face of the earth. And without him, no magic can ever succeed…

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        November 2017

        Vivien Leigh

        Actress and icon

        by Kate Dorney, Maggie B. Gale

        This edited volume provides new readings of the life and career of iconic actress Vivien Leigh (1913-67), written by experts from theatre and film studies and curators from the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. The collection uses newly accessible family archives to explore the intensely complex relationship between Vivien Leigh's approach to the craft of acting for stage and screen, and how she shaped, developed and projected her public persona as one of the most talked about and photographed actresses of her era. With key contributors from the UK, France and the US, chapters range from analyses of her work on stage and screen to her collaborations with designers and photographers, an analysis of her fan base, her interior designs and the 'public ownership' of Leigh's celebrity status during her lifetime and beyond.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Engendering whiteness

        White women and colonialism in Barbados and North Carolina, 1627–1865

        by Cecily Jones

        Engendering whiteness represents a comparative analysis of the complex interweaving of race, gender, social class and sexuality in defining the contours of white women's lives in Barbados and North Carolina during the era of slavery. Despite their gendered subordination, their social location within the dominant white group afforded all white women a range of privileges. Hence, their whiteness, as much as their gender, shaped these women's social identities and material realities. Crucially, as the biological reproducers of whiteness, and hence the symbolic and literal embodiment and bearers of the state of freedom, they were critical to the maintenance and reproduction of the cultural boundaries of 'whiteness', and consequently the subjects of patriarchal measures to limit and control their social and sexual freedoms. Engendering whiteness draws on a wide variety of sources including property deeds, wills, court transcripts, and interrogates the ways in which white women could be simultaneously socially positioned within plantation societies as both agents and as victims. It also reveals the strategies deployed by elite and poor white women in these societies to resist their gendered subordination, to challenge the ideological and social constraints that sought to restrict their lives to the private domestic sphere, to protect the limited rights afforded to them, to secure independent livelihoods, and to create meaningful existences. A fascinating study that with be welcomed by historians of imperialism as well as scholars of gender history and women's studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        February 2009

        The secret life of romantic comedy

        by Celestino Deleyto

        The secret life of romantic comedy offers a new approach to one of the most popular and resilient genres in the history of Hollywood. Steering away from the rigidity and ideological determinism of traditional accounts of the genre, this book advocates a more flexible theory, which allows the student to explore the presence of the genre in unexpected places, extending the concept to encompass films that are not usually considered romantic comedies. Combining theory with detailed analyses of a selection of films, including To Be or Not to Be (1942), Rear Window (1954), Kiss Me Stupid (1964), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) and Before Sunset (2004), the book aims to provide a practical framework for the exploration of a key area of contemporary experience - intimate matters - through one of its most powerful filmic representations: the genre of romantic comedy. Original and entertaining, The secret life of romantic comedy is perfect for students and academics of film and film genre. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        The secret life of romantic comedy

        by Celestino Deleyto

        The secret life of romantic comedy offers a new approach to one of the most popular and resilient genres in the history of Hollywood. Steering away from the rigidity and ideological determinism of traditional accounts of the genre, this book advocates a more flexible theory, which allows the student to explore the presence of the genre in unexpected places, extending the concept to encompass films that are not usually considered romantic comedies. Combining theory with detailed analyses of a selection of films, including To Be or Not to Be (1942), Rear Window (1954), Kiss Me Stupid (1964), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) and Before Sunset (2004), the book aims to provide a practical framework for the exploration of a key area of contemporary experience - intimate matters - through one of its most powerful filmic representations: the genre of romantic comedy. Original and entertaining, The secret life of romantic comedy is perfect for students and academics of film and film genre.

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