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        Humor in Psychiatric Care

        by Jonathan Gutmann

        How can humor be used to engage with and help people suffering from mental illness? This practical handbook explains the concept of humor in psychiatric treatment and sets out the case for employing it. The author outlines how nurses can assess who might benefit from the use of humor and for whom it would be out of place, and provides a toolkit of humorous interventions for daily nursing practice.   Target Group: Practicing nurses, psychiatric nurses, care clowns

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        Textbook Ambulant Psychiatric Nursing

        by Ingo Tschinke, Udo Finklenburg, Béatrice Gähler, Tim Konhäuser (Eds.)

        The authors explain professional principles and basic nursing attitudes and describe the nursing process of ambulant psychiatric nursing. They outline therapeutic offers of psychotherapy, family and peer group work, participation support and structuring offers in complex diseases. Finally, they present specific treatment settings for children,adolescents, adults, and the elderly, supplemented by forensic and transcultural offers.

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        July 2024

        On trial

        Testing new drugs in psychiatry, 1940–1980

        by Marietta Meier, Magaly Tornay, Mario König

        The heroic story of the invention of antidepressants is a key part of the psychopharmaceutical turn. On Trial revolves around one of its pioneers, psychiatrist Roland Kuhn, who practiced in Münsterlingen, a state-run psychiatric hospital in Switzerland. Kuhn became famous for the 'discovery' of the first antidepressant, Tofranil, and more recently notorious for his numerous trials on often unsuspecting patients. Largely based on the extensive and previously inaccessible sources of Kuhn's private archive, the book delves into the early days of industry-sponsored clinical research in psychiatry. It examines how the clinic, patients, doctors, nursing staff, corporations, and authorities interacted in the trials. Conducted from the 1940s to 1980s, the Münsterlingen drug trials are historicised and situated in the period's evolving landscape of experimentation.

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        August 2016

        Depression-Care for Nursing and Health Care Professionals

        by Thomas Hax-Schoppenhorst

        Depression is one the most common mental disorders and nurses and other health professions meet people struggling with depression at any age and from any background. Until now, there has not been a comprehensive book on how nursing professionals can treat their patients that suffer from depression. This title now offers a multiprofessional, multidemensional and ressource-focussed approach that can close this gap. It provides professionals with background information on depression and its causes, practical information on how to deal with patients from different stages of life, from children to seniors, and explains what different approaoches can be used (e.g. Mindfulness) to help those suffering from depression. Target Group: Psychiatric Nurses

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2021

        Intellectual disability

        A conceptual history, 1200–1900

        by Patrick McDonagh, C. F. Goodey, Timothy Stainton

        This collection explores the historical origins of our modern concepts of intellectual or learning disability. The essays, from some of the leading historians of ideas of intellectual disability, focus on British and European material from the Middle Ages to the late-nineteenth century and extend across legal, educational, literary, religious, philosophical and psychiatric histories. They investigate how precursor concepts and discourses were shaped by and interacted with their particular social, cultural and intellectual environments, eventually giving rise to contemporary ideas. Intellectual disability is essential reading for scholars interested in the history of intelligence, intellectual disability and related concepts, as well as in disability history generally.

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        Intoduction to Affect Phobia Therapy

        by Dr. Quin van Dam

        A fear of one’s own emotions can lead people to develop what has been termed emotion- or affect phobia. To deal with this specific kind of phobia, Affect Phobia Therapy (APT) has proven to be useful. In APT, psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, and experimental techniques are combined to help the patient to learn to accept and manage emotions again. Research shows that especially people suffering from anxiety or depression and people with avoidant or dependent personality disorders benefit from this method. This book offers a practical explanation of this evidence-based therapeutic method. The eight chapters focus on all different aspects of APT and the underlying theoretical concepts are illustrated with example patient-therapist dialogues.   Target Group: psychologists, psychotherapists, students

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        October 2020

        Birds in the Mind

        Life Stories from Adolescents with Mental Health Issues

        by Bernd Gomeringer,Jessica Sänger, UlrikeSünkel, Gottfried M.Barth, Max Leutner

        Mental health problems in children and adolescents are a taboo subject. “As ever, there are social misgivings”, says child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Robin Funke. “Many families find it tough when they first come to us. They feel this is a failure.” But what is it like living with depression, compulsive behaviour, anxiety and panic attacks, or with eating disorders, bulimia or anorexia? Schirm e. V., the friends association for child and adolescent psychiatry in Tübingen (Germany), asked young patients to share their stories. A moving book was created about living with mental health problems, about the dayto- day routine in psychiatric practice and the power of confidence.

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        Psychotropic Drugs in General Practice

        How to recognise, understand and treat patients successfully

        by PD Dr. Daniel Schüpbach and Dr. Otto Dietmaier

        The purpose of this book is to support general practitioners in finding the optimum, guideline-compliant therapy for their patients. The focus is on the clinical pictures of depression, psychosis as well as anxiety and sleep disorders and the handling of psychiatric emergencies. The reader will learn everything about the epidemiology, aetiology, diagnosis and medical treatment of these diseases, about switching therapy and about treatment in pregnancy and lactation. All the available psychotropic drugs and their pharmacological properties are described in detail – including key specific features of active substances and drug safety aspects. The table of substances in the appendix provides a clear summary of the information and simplifies the choice of the appropriate drug. The extras: - 13 factsheets with concise, summarised information to cope with tricky situations in the practice - The authors take the current treatment guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland into account and name examples of proprietary medicinal products in the three countries.

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        Why ADHD is Not a Disease

        A polemic

        by Amrei Wittwer

        In some European countries, one in four children is now diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) due to their socially disruptive behaviour. The treatment usually consists of suppressing the symptoms with psychostimulants such as Ritalin. This treatment does not improve school performance, but it curbs the children’s creativity and may stigmatise them for their entire lives. Taking an opposing viewpoint, ADHD expert Dr. Amrei Wittwer focuses on the physical and psychological well-being of the affected children. Because almost all “ADHD patients“ are facing difficulties in relationships with adults, she considers that a solution begins with the children’s domestic and school environments, instruction of parents and teachers, and by using therapeutic approaches rather than simply sedating the children. “Children are our future”, is a common theme in Sunday speeches. Anyone who takes this point seriously, whether or not they themselves are immediately affected, should think about this important topic.

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        Health & Personal Development
        June 2016

        Studying Successfully with ADHD

        A Pratical Guide for Parents

        by Stefanie Rietzler, Fabian Grolimund

        For children with ADHD and their parents, the school years are often difficult. Children may avoid homework they dislike, involve their parents in endless discussions of the point or pointlessness of particular exercises, dawdle and daydream their time away, or explode with frustration if they get something wrong or cannot do something.   This book provides parents with concrete and practical help. It shows you how you can:   • improve your child’s concentration and stamina• increase your child’s motivation to learn and study• reduce frustration, arguments, and tears over homework• control chaos and forgetfulness• help your child succeed by using smart learning methods• develop your child’s strengths• help your child cope with failure and maintain self-confidence• establish a good relationship with the school.     For: • parents / relatives of children with ADHD• therapists• learning coaches• teachers

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        Health & Personal Development

        Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs for Children and Adolescents

        by Dean Elbe, Kalyna Z. Bezchlibnyk-Butler, Adil S. Virani

        Quick and comprehensive information on psychotropic drugs for children and adolescents. The “Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs for Children and Adolescents” is a unique resource to help you make the right choices about psychotropic medications for younger patients. The ffth edition of this widely acclaimed reference has been fully updated and expanded. • Updated information on psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents • U nique comparison charts (dosages, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interactions …) that allow you to see at a glance which medication is the most suitable for each patient • Instantly recognizable icons in full color throughout, a llowing you to quickly fnd all the information you seek • G eneral information on medications, availability, and indications • D rug action, dosing, pharmacokinetics, and related areas• Warnings and precautions • P atient­related information, such as lab monitoring recommendations, nursing implications, and patient advice• Clearly written patient and caregiver information sheets as printable PDF fles

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        Health & Personal Development

        Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults

        A Practical Guide for Adults with ASD

        by Annelies Spek

        Lately, autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in adults have received more and more attention. A decade ago, autism was only recognised and diagnosed in children. Oddly enough, the fact that ASD could also occur in adults has been neglected for a long time. By now it has become clear that the symptoms of ASD change over the lifetime. Though people with ASD definitely have many strengths (eye for detail, perseverance, sincerity, a sense of humour, reliability, and consistency), they also have shortcomings. This book brings the reader up to date about ASD. In Part 1, the causes of ASD are described, both in nature and nurture. This part also includes a discussion about information processing in relation to ASD. Part 2 deals with the behavioural aspects as described in the DSM-5. In Part 3, several important themes are discussed, such as the diagnostic process, sexuality, gender differences, and changes that people with ASD experience throughout their lives.    ‘I wish I had read this book 15 years ago. I finally understand why people respond to me the way they do.’ Joost, diagnosed with ASD.   Target Group: adults with autism, relatives, therapists.

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        Mental and Behavioral Disorders in Early Childhood

        Textbook on Basics, Clinic and Therapy

        by Rüdiger Kißgen, Kathrin Sevecke (Eds.)

        One in five children in a kindergarten class is at risk for mental health problems. By making a diagnosis as early as possible, the child may receive targeted support and be strengthened in his or her further development. This textbook aims at increasing competence in the expert treatment of mental disorders and behavioral problems in early childhood. After a compact presentation of child development in the first six years of life, possible clinical disorders are presented, stringently structured according to classification, prevalence, causes, diagnosis, and therapy. The disorders that are covered in this book include autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, affective disorders, sleep, eating, and crying disorders, trauma, stress, and deprivation disorders, and attachment and relationship disorders of early childhood.

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        Generalized Anxiety Disorder

        A Guide for the Overly Anxious

        by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

        People with a generalized anxiety disorder experience large parts of their surrounding as threatening and are disproportionately worried. Because of the physical discomfort associated with anxiety, e.g. restlessness, dizziness, and sleep disorders, many sufferers believe they are physically ill.   This guide carefully examines the specifics of the disorder and compares these with other anxiety disorders. The reader receives information about the etiology and maintenance of the generalized anxiety disorder as well as disorders that are often accompanied by generalized anxiety disorder.   The guide informs the reader on how the disorder can be managed and contains examples and exercises that can be done out of the comfort of the own home to provide relief.   Target Group: people who suffer from anxiety and their family members, psychotherapists, coaches

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        Agoraphobia and Panic Disorder

        by Silvia Schneider/Jürgen Margraf

        Agoraphobia and panic disorder are among the most frequent mental disorders and without adequate professional help the quality of life of those who are affected and their family members can suffer greatly. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the understanding and treatment of the two disorders, so today, despite their severity, extremely successful treatment is available, which is presented in this volume.   Apart from an introduction and detailed description of the disorders as well as etiological models, this title provides concrete treatment information for practitioners.   Case studies guide the reader through the different phases of therapy from diagnostics to relapse prevention. Information on dealing with difficult situations as well as numerous examples of the specific procedure for the individual therapy steps makes this book a valuable resource in treating patients suffering from agoraphobia and panic disorder.   Target Group: psychotherapists, specialists for psychiatry and psychotherapy, specialists for psychosomatic medicine, clinical psychologists, coaches, students and teachers of psychology

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Diagnosis of Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

        by Jan Gysi

        People with complex post-traumatic stress disorder often find themselves in a pattern of loss of control, helplessness, and dependency. A therapy that focuses on individual symptoms such as depression or a “simple” post-traumatic stress disorder often does not do them justice. Even more so when the wrong diagnosis is made due to false assumptions or a lack of information. What all must be ensured for the diagnosis to be made: is there a threat of intrafamilial or external violence? Is existential stability guaranteed during therapy? Are there investigations of legal proceedings in the background? With brilliantly structured overviews, this book helps even experienced diagnosticians to keep track of the variety of diagnostic options to be considered or ruled out and not to overlook anything.Axis I: Personality disordersAxis II: Specific stress-related disordersAxis III: Structural dissociation of personality: dissociativeand partial dissociative identity disorderAxis IV: Dissociative symptomsAxis V: Comorbid disorders For:• psychiatrists• psychologists• psychotherapists specializing in PTSD

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        Episodic Depression

        Successful and Effective Treatment in Practice

        by Ulrich Leutgeb

        With medical help, the troublesome symptoms of episodic depression (e.g., insomnia, agitation) can be alleviated right at the start of a treatment program. Drawing on his extensive practical experience, the author describes the details of treatment, the effects of commonly used drugs, the role of psychotherapy, and the latest research findings in layman’s terms. This can help those suffering from episodic depression and their family members understand the disorder and prepare for therapy.   Target Group: Anyone affected by episodic depression and their relatives; psychiatrists and psychotherapists; physicians treating patients with depression.

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        April 2024

        Depression Is not SomethingThat Just Happens

        10 self-empowerment conceptsfor burnout, depression and trauma

        by Barbara Günther-Haug

        A crisis does not make a disease. It only becomes dangerous when we get stuck – in the ways of thinking and acting that are rooted in our fears and desires, but not in reality. That way, we wear ourselves out for nothing; exhaustion and frustration increase, and may even end in depression. This book sheds a light on ten main stress situations that may be the reason for depression. It goes far beyond the usual explanations of the symptoms of depression or individual stories, and is a treasure trove for people who want to understand what has caused them to wear themselves out mentally and how they can lift themselves out of this low.

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