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The Royal College of Psychiatrists
Royal College of Psychiatrists publish a wide range of books on mental health for both psychiatrists and the general public, along withtheir flagship journal the British Journal of Psychiatry.
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Promoted ContentLiterature & Literary StudiesFebruary 1997
A Game at Chess
Thomas Middleton
by T.H. Howard-Hill
For many years Middleton's "A Game at Chess" was more notorious than read, considered rather a phenomenon of theatrical history than a pre-eminent piece of dramatic writing. "A Game at Chess" was a nine days' wonder, an exceptional play of King James' reign on account of its unprecedented representation of matters of state usually forbidden on the stage. The King's Men performed the play uninterruptedly between 5th and 14th August, 1624 at their Globe Theatre, attracting large audiences, before the Privy Council closed the theatre by the King's command. More recently, growing interest in the connections of economics and politics with authorship have promoted readings that locate the play so firmly within its historical context as propaganda that, again, its worthwhile literary and theatrical qualities are neglected. In writing "A Game at Chess", Middleton employed the devices of the neoclassical comedy of intrigue within the matrix of the traditional oral play. What might have seemed old-fashioned allegory was rejuvenated by his adoption of the fashionable game of chess as the fiction within which the play was set. The product of Middleton's experienced craftsmanship is at once deceptively simple and surprisingly complex. ;
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Negotiating with Confidence –Psychological Strategies and Methods
With 20 Exercises for Self-Learning
by T. Fritzsche
From a psychological perspective, there are many aspects to negotiating. Given the right knowledge of backgrounds and mechanisms, it is an art form possible to get to grips with and put into practice. In an entertaining and informative way, this book introduces the reader to the basics of communication and body language, cooperative negotiation, strategic negotiation, the different personalities of negotiators, and negotiating. Using practical exercises and valuable practical tips, this book takes the reader through the main psychological strategies and methods so he can negotiate in a flexible, goal-oriented, and successful manner. Target Group: For people who want to improve their negotiating skills.
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MedicineJune 2025Head in the game
Sociocultural analyses of brain trauma in sport
by Stephen Townsend, Murray G. Phillips, Gary Osmond, Rebecca Olive
Head in the game brings together international scholars from multiple humanities, social science, and scientific disciplines to critically examine one of the most vexing issues in global sport: concussion. It argues that science and medicine alone cannot solve the concussion crisis: sociocultural factors must also be considered. This edited collection draws attention to the ways that social, cultural, historical, political, literary, philosophical, and legal factors have shaped the concussion crisis in sport. Head in the game is essential reading for those who want to understand how the concussion crisis came to be, and provides guidance for developing ethical and evidence-based solutions in the future.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMarch 2017The imperial game
by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie
This anthology examines the fortunes of cricket in various colonies as the sport spread across the British Empire. It helps to explain why cricket was so successful, even in places like India, Pakistan and the West Indies where the Anglo-Saxon element remained in a small minority. It demonstrates, perhaps better than any other single work, how awesome was the power of cultural imperialism. Even when former subjects threw off the political yoke of the Europeans, they still adhered tenaciously to the sporting and recreational models that the imperialists had introduced. 'The Imperial Game' provides an invaluable insight into how cricket developed powerful social, cultural and even political connotations in a colonial environment. This is a fascinating study of cricket as a cultural phenomenon, and traces its changing meaning in all the continents in which Britain once exercised power. The book is a collection of essays by six of the world's leading scholars in the field of sports history, and will be of value not onle to students examining the historical sociology of sport, but also to those with a general interest in social history. This study will also appeal to cricket enthusiasts the world over.
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Children's & YASilver Flood (1). The Mystery of Ray´s Rock
by Alex Falkner/ Torben Weit
The seven children are completely cut off from civilisation, mobile phones don’t work anymore and there’s no sign of help. Strange things happen on the island. Plants and animals grow unnaturally fast, their supplies are raided ... And as other groups of school children emerge, a life and death race begins for Eddie, Milla and their classmates to be rescued from the island. The first instalment of the ‘Silver Flood’ duology: a dangerous adventure with exciting plot twists and scare-factor. For all readers of survival and adventure stories aged 10+. Fast-paced reading for boys and girls, for outdoor kids and all those on their way! The final volume 2, GONE MISSING ON RAY’S ROCK, will be published on 7th April 2020!
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Literature & Literary StudiesJune 2025Critical games
On play and seriousness in academia, literature and life
by Tim Beasley-Murray
Critical Games is about the games we play (whether we know it or not), the ways we play them (for fun, but also to win, and to gain approval from others), and what happens when they get out of hand. The book interrogates the theory of play and gaming, with a particular focus on the games played by literary authors and literary critics. Drawing on (often self-critical) autobiography, as well as readings in texts across a range of languages, Tim Beasley-Murray plays with academic conventions to highlight what is at stake in them, turning to the Game of Literature, from Kafka to Carrère, to seek models and warnings of the outcomes of taking games too seriously, or not taking them seriously enough.
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Humanities & Social SciencesOctober 2023The illusion of the Burgundian state
by Élodie Lecuppre-Desjardin, Christopher Fletcher
On 25 January 1474, Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, appeared before his subjects in Dijon. Robed in silk, gold and precious jewels and wearing a headpiece that gave the illusion of a crown, he made a speech in which he cryptically expressed his desire to become a king. Three years later, Charles was killed at the battle of Nancy, an event that plunged the Great Principality of Burgundy into chaos. This book, innovative and essential, not only explores Burgundian history and historiography but offers a complete synthesis about the nature of politics in this region, considered both from the north and the south. Focusing on political ideologies, a number of important issues are raised relating to the medieval state, the signification of the nation under the 'Ancien Regime', the role of warfare in the creation of political power and the impact of political loyalties in the exercise of government. In doing so, the book challenges a number of existing ideas about the Burgundian state.
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The ArtsJuly 2024Italian graphic design
Culture and practice in Milan, 1930s-60s
by Chiara Barbieri
Italian graphic design offers a new perspective on the subject by exploring the emergence and articulation of graphic design practice, from the interwar period through to the appearance of an international graphic design discourse in the 1960s. The book asks how graphic designers learned their trade and investigates the ways in which they organised and made their practice visible while negotiating their collective identity with neighbouring practices such as typography, advertising and industrial design. Attention is drawn to everyday design practice, educational issues, mediating channels, networks, design exchange, organisational strategies and discourses on modernism. Drawing on a wide range of primary sources and placing an emphasis on visual analysis, this book provides a model for a contextualised graphic design history as an integral part of the history of design and visual culture.
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Humanities & Social SciencesMarch 2025Straight nation
Heteronormativity and other exigencies of postcolonial nationalism
by Pavan Mano
In Straight Nation, Pavan Mano reveals the logic of straightness that sits at the heart of postcolonial nationalism in Singapore. Mano rejects the romantic notion of the nation as a haven of belonging, showing it to be a relentless force that is allied with heteronormativity to create a host of minoritized and xenologized figures. Through meticulous exploration and close reading of a swathe of texts, Mano unveils the instrumental role of sexuality in structuring the national imaginary. The book adroitly demonstrates how queerness is rendered foreign in postcolonial Singapore and functions alongside technologies of "race", gender, and class. A provocative critique of narrow contemporary identity politics and its concomitant stymying of a more ambitious political critique, Straight Nation sets out an argument that moves beyond the negativity of traditional critique into a space of (re)thinking, (re)building and (re)imagining.
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Literature & Literary StudiesFebruary 2024Sir Philip Sidney: The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia
The New Arcadia, Second Revised Edition
by Victor Skretkowicz, Elisabeth Chaghafi, J. B. Lethbridge
Shipwrecks, gory battle scenes, cross-dressing, toxic relationships, abduction, torture (psychological and physical), comical country bumpkins, and, of course, love and poetry -Sir Philip Sidney's witty pastoral romance The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia is the classic that has it all in terms of entertainment factors. Modern readers mostly know Arcadia in its complete 'old' version, but it is the New Arcadia (published in 1590) that was the most influential and most widely imitated literary text of the sixteenth century. While preserving the basic plot - a ruler attempts to escape an alarming oracle by moving his family to the countryside and engaging in shepherd-cosplay until the arrival of two foreign princes triggers a chain of events leading to the fulfilment of the oracle - this version adds further narrative strands and introduces ambitious revisions that showcase Sidney's stylistic brilliance as a prose writer.
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October 2021The Dating Game
by Kathy Tailor, Moon Notes
Tilda findet sich widerwillig in der verrückten Welt der Reality-TV-Dating-Shows wieder, als sie ihrer Zwillingsschwester Maxime einen großen Gefallen tut. Maxime, die sich unerwartet in den charmanten Junggesellen Florian während ihrer Teilnahme an "The Dating Game" in Portugal verliebt hat, muss überraschend zurück nach Deutschland und überredet Tilda, in der Show ihre Rolle einzunehmen und Florian für sich zu gewinnen. Trotz ihrer anfänglichen Abneigung gegen das Vorhaben – und dem Fakt, dass sie ihr Jurastudium und den Job in einer Kneipe hat – lässt Tilda sich auf das Abenteuer ein, getrieben von der Enttäuschung über ihren Mitbewohner Nik, mit dem sie eine leidenschaftliche Nacht verbracht hat, der nun jedoch andere Frauen datet. Die Teilnahme an der Show entpuppt sich als ein Spießrutenlauf voller Täuschungen und Emotionen, vor allem, da Tilda ständig in Gefahr läuft, enttarnt zu werden – nicht zuletzt durch den aufmerksamen Kameramann Ben, der ihr Lügengerüst gefährlich ins Wanken bringt. Während sie versucht, Florian zu umgarnen, findet Tilda sich in einem Wirbel aus Gefühlen, Lügen und der bedrohlichen Nähe der ständigen Überwachung durch Kameras wieder. Die Herausforderung, sich als ihre Schwester auszugeben, führt sie nicht nur zu unerwarteten Einsichten über sich selbst und das, was sie wirklich vom Leben will, sondern stellt auch ihre Gefühle, ihre Werte und letztlich ihre Entscheidungen über Liebe und Loyalität auf die Probe. Turbulente emotionale Achterbahnfahrt, die Tilda vor die Herausforderung stellt, ihre Identität zu verbergen, während sie von Kameras umgeben ist und ständig Gefahr läuft, entlarvt zu werden. Tauche ein in die Welt des Reality-TV, wo Tilda nicht nur mit der Aufgabe kämpft, Florian für sich zu gewinnen, sondern auch mit ihren eigenen Gefühlen und der Enttäuschung über ihren Mitbewohner Nik konfrontiert wird. Geschichte voller Humor, Herz und der Suche nach der wahren Liebe, die zeigt, wie weit man für Geschwister und für die Chance auf Glück zu gehen bereit ist. Entdecke in diesem romantischen New-Adult-Liebesroman wie Tilda durch ihre Teilnahme an der Show wichtige Erkenntnisse über sich selbst, das Leben und die Liebe gewinnt, während sie versucht, das Lügengerüst vor dem kritischen Blick des Kameramanns Ben zu schützen.
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March 2022Cards of Love 2. Der Zauber der Welt
by Nena Tramountani, Moon Notes, Lea Melcher
Giulietta erwacht in einem mysteriösen Zimmer im Grand Hotel in Venedig, ohne zu wissen, was mit ihr geschehen ist. Nach und nach kommt sie zu der erschreckenden Erkenntnis, dass sie in eine Tarotfigur verwandelt wurde und nun über besondere Fähigkeiten verfügt. Diese Gabe bringt jedoch nicht nur Vorteile mit sich, denn ihr rachsüchtiger Onkel macht ihr das Leben schwer, indem er andere Kartenfiguren gegen sie aufbringt. Er verbreitet die Lüge, dass Giulietta die Macht besitzt, sie alle für immer in die Karten zu verbannen, was dazu führt, dass sich Giulietta in einer Welt voller Misstrauen und Verrat wiederfindet. Ihre verzweifelte Suche nach Verbündeten und die Frage, wem sie noch trauen kann, prägen ihr Schicksal in dieser magischen Welt. Die Geschichte entfaltet sich in einer Atmosphäre voller Magie und Geheimnisse, in der die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Tarot verschwimmen. Giulietta muss lernen, mit ihrer neuen Identität und den damit verbundenen Kräften umzugehen, während sie gleichzeitig versucht, die Intrigen ihres Onkels zu durchschauen und sich gegen die Angriffe der anderen Kartenfiguren zur Wehr zu setzen. Ihre Reise ist geprägt von Selbstfindung, Mut und der Entdeckung tieferer Wahrheiten über ihre Familie und die Welt der Tarotkarten. Während sie versucht, ihre Gegner auszumanövrieren und ihre eigene Freiheit zu sichern, steht Giulietta vor der alles entscheidenden Frage: Kann sie in einer Welt voller Magie und Verrat wahre Verbündete finden und ihr Schicksal zum Guten wenden? Fesselnde Fantasy-Geschichte, die in der magischen Kulisse Venedigs spielt und die geheimnisvolle Welt der Tarotkarten zum Leben erweckt. Spannende Handlung mit einer starken weiblichen Hauptfigur, Giulietta, die entdeckt, dass sie in eine Tarotfigur verwandelt wurde und nun außergewöhnliche Kräfte besitzt. Einzigartiger Plot, der Elemente der Selbstfindung, Magie und Intrigen meisterhaft miteinander verwebt, während Giulietta lernt, ihre neuen Fähigkeiten zu beherrschen und sich gegen ihre Feinde zur Wehr setzt. Tiefe Charakterentwicklung, die Leserinnen und Leser auf eine emotionale Reise mitnimmt, auf der Vertrauen, Verrat und die Suche nach Verbündeten in einer Welt voller Geheimnisse zentrale Themen sind. Der finale Band der „Cards of Love“-Dilogie, der eine starke Liebesgeschichte mit spannenden Wendungen und überraschenden Enthüllungen bietet. Perfekt für Fans von Fantasy-Romanen, die sich nach einer innovativen Geschichte sehnen, in der Tarot und Spiritualität eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Begeisterte Leserrezensionen heben hervor, dass der zweite Band sogar noch packender und fesselnder als der erste ist, mit unerwarteten Entwicklungen, die die Leser bis zur letzten Seite in Atem halten. Wunderschön gestaltetes Buch, das nicht nur durch seinen Inhalt, sondern auch durch seine äußere Aufmachung besticht – ein echter Hingucker im Bücherregal. Empfohlen für Leserinnen und Leser, die sich für Tarot, mystische Geschichten und starke, charaktergetriebene Handlungen begeistern. Ein Muss für alle, die eine gelungene Mischung aus Magie, Liebe und Abenteuer suchen und dabei tief in die faszinierende Welt der Tarotkarten eintauchen möchten.
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August 2016Nursing and psychology/psychiatry
by Klaus Kaufmann Mall
Why do people act and behave the way they do? What is going on inside of them? To answer these questions, which may be going through many nursing professionals’ minds, basic psychological knowledge is essential. This title will help all those confronted with these kinds of questions in their daily nursing practice. It provides an overview, using case studies, over the most common mental illnesses, outlining symptoms, causes, progression, and treatment options. This title highlights the mental illnesses as well as provides insight into challenges and opportunities the nursing profession provides for those working in the field. Target Group: Nursing practitioners, Nursing Students.
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Health & Personal DevelopmentJanuary 2017The Memo Training Program
by Regula Everts, Barbara Ritter
Memo is a circus elephant who lives in Switzerland, but because it is too cold for him there, he wants to return to his home country of Botswana. Unfortunately, though, Memo is very forgetful. So it’s a good thing that he has lots of friends among the other circus animals who teach him memory techniques to help him on his adventurous journey. Target Group: parents; teachers; social workers specializing in education; school psychological and medical services; psychiatric services for children; student teachers The memory training program with Memo the elephant is based on neuroscientific principles and has been developed, used, and successfully tested at the University Children’s Hospital in Bern, Switzerland. The program focuses on teaching effective memory strategies and improves the working memory. Its six simple units have been shown to produce sustainable improvement in learning in children from the age of seven. Memo Training is the product of a major research project conducted at the Inselspital in Bern by the neuropsychologists PD Dr. Regula Everts and Dr. Barbara Ritter.
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MedicineMarch 2024Doing psychiatry in postwar Europe
Practices, routines and experiences
by Gundula Gahlen, Henriette Voelker, Volker Hess, Marianna Scarfone
Doing psychiatry engages with the history of European psychiatry in the second half of the twentieth century through a close and fresh look at the practices that contributed to reshape the mental health field. Case studies from across Europe allow readers to appreciate how new 'ways of doing' contributed to transform the field, beyond the watchwords of deinstitutionalisation, the prescription of neuroleptics, centrality of patients and overcoming of asylum-era habits. Through a variety of sources and often adopting a small-scale perspective, the chapters take a close look at the way new practices emerged and at how they installed themselves, eventually facing resistance, injecting new purposes and contributing to enlarging psychiatry's fields of expertise, therefore blurring its once-more-defined boundaries.
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September 2022Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge
Pappbilderbuch mit abgerundeten Ecken für Kinder von 1 bis 3 Jahren
by Attilio Cassinelli, Attilio Cassinelli, Vivien Danne
»Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand, wer ist die Schönste im ganzen Land?« Schneewittchen natürlich! Doch das will die Königin nicht hören, also muss Schneewittchen flüchten. Zum Glück nehmen sie die sieben Zwerge auf – und auch ein Prinz wartet auf sie. Mit Attilios einzigartigen Illustrationen lässt sich der beliebte Märchen-Klassiker ganz neu erleben. Die beliebtesten Märchen und Kindergeschichten, leicht und verständlich erzählt im unverwechselbaren Stil von Attilio: kurze Texte, klares Design und helle Farben. Perfekt zum Vorlesen für Kleinkinder.
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MedicinePsychological and Neuropsychological Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
by Maria Cristina Triguero Veloz Teixeira / Cleonice Alves Bosa (Eds.)
This title discusses the psychological and neuropsychological background of autism spectrum disorder, as well as appropriate diagnostic tools. The assessments that this book introduces are sorted by development area (intellectual, adaptive, social, language, etc.). Additionally, this title provides professionals with a variety of case studies from clinical practice. Target Group: clinical psychologists, mental health professionals, psychiatrists, neurologists, pediatricians, speech therapists, students, teachers
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Geography & the EnvironmentJune 2025Demystifying informal urban design and planning
Insights from Asia
by Mahyar Arefi
Touting informal settlements or informality in general as illegal, crime-ridden, unsafe, filthy, chaotic, and formal developments as legal, orderly or safe, and so forth has not solved anything and informality as a way of life or an economic reality lingers and grows. Demystifying informal urban design and planning delves deeper into this conundrum and seeks to debunk some common misguided perceptions about it. Borrowing popular philosophical and political analogies from Isaiah Berlin and Gregory Treverton and others, it encourages urban designers and planners to become multitaskers like foxes rather than hedgehogs who can do one thing right. The book ends with some general takeaways on assuming more proactive roles in informal urban design issues and avoiding two potential pitfalls while interacting with them.