Quasis publishes books in the genres of imagination literature: fantasy, science fiction, supernatural thriller and magical realism.
View Rights PortalQuasis publishes books in the genres of imagination literature: fantasy, science fiction, supernatural thriller and magical realism.
View Rights PortalMetis list includes both fiction and nonfiction. Some literary authors are Gerbrand Bakker, John Berger, Maurice Blanchot, Anne Carson, Rana Dasgupta, Carlos Fonseca, Georgi Gospodinov, Alasdair Gray, Ursula K. LeGuin, Norman Manea, Javier Marias, Georges Perec, Per Petterson, Andrei Platonov, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Marguerite Yourcenar. Metis nonfiction list -in History Society Philosophy, Literary Criticism, Arts and People, Critical Science, Gender Studies series- features works of prominent authors such as Benedict Anderson, Alain Badiou, Etienne Balibar, Walter Benjamin, Wendy Brown, Susan Buck-Morss, Judith Butler, Byung Chul-Han, David Harvey, Kojin Karatani, Tim Parks, Adam Phillips, Jacques Rancière, Edward Said, Renata Salecl, Immanuel Wallerstein, Slavoj Zizek and Alenka Zupancic. World-class literary theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin, Gyorgy Lukacs and Tzvetan Todorov, philosophers such as Roland Barthes, Paul Ricoeur and Ludwig Wittgenstein and psychoanalytic masters including Didier Anzieu, Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, Jacques Lacan and D.W. Winnicott are amongst the authors Metis has published.
View Rights PortalThis volume provides a novel platform to re-evaluate the notion of open-ended intimacies through the lens of affect theories. Contributors address the embodied, affective and psychic, sensorial and embodied aspects of their ongoing intimate entanglements across various timely phenomena. This fascinating collection asks how the study of affect enables us to rethink intimacies, what affect theories can do to the prevailing notion of intimacy and how do they renew and enrich theories of intimacy in a manner which also considers its normative and violent forms. Lively and thought-provoking, this collection contributes to timely topics across the social sciences, representing multiple disciplines from gender studies, sociology and cultural studies to anthropology and queer studies. By so doing, it advances the value of interdisciplinary perspectives and creative methodologies to understanding affective intimacies.
Does the coil interfere with MRI? Is a latex allergy the reason for condom intolerance? Does the contraceptive patch stay on whilst swimming? The subject of contraception raises far more questions in the pharmacy than those about the price of a particular contraceptive pill. This book brings together questions from customers about the basic principles, problems and risks of the different methods of contraception: ■ Natural family planning ■ Barrier methods ■ Intrauterine devices (IUD) ■ Hormonal contraceptives ■ Morning after pill (emergency pill) With the aid of patient- and customer-friendly formulated answers and a clarification of the pharmacological and medical background, all questions about the pill, ring, condoms and more can be faced without any problems!
From a psychological perspective, there are many aspects to negotiating. Given the right knowledge of backgrounds and mechanisms, it is an art form possible to get to grips with and put into practice. In an entertaining and informative way, this book introduces the reader to the basics of communication and body language, cooperative negotiation, strategic negotiation, the different personalities of negotiators, and negotiating. Using practical exercises and valuable practical tips, this book takes the reader through the main psychological strategies and methods so he can negotiate in a flexible, goal-oriented, and successful manner. Target Group: For people who want to improve their negotiating skills.
Maths is not everyone’s cup of tea. This may change from now on! This textbook explains the most important types of arithmetic quite simply. One learns ■ what basic arithmetic methods there are, ■ why stoichiometry is important, and ■ how to perform complex calculations for the medicinal formula. The price determination of medicinal products is also included. Videos demonstrate and explain the calculation steps exactly and comprehensibly via QR code, so that nothing can go wrong. A collection of formulas provides the pharmacy-specific calculation methods that can be quickly looked up. You can deepen your knowledge with the help of exercises. The solutions are available via QR code.
This book aims to examine the nature of and resistance to gendered urban violence among Brazilian women in London and in the favelas of Maré, Rio de Janeiro. Drawing on the conceptualisation of translocational gendered urban violence framework, it highlights the importance of examining direct forms of gender-based violence across private, public and transnational spheres as interlinked with structural, symbolic and infrastructural violence. The book also explores the embodied and spatialised nature of gendered urban violence, explored through artistic engagements and arts-based methods. In developing a translocational feminist tracing methodological and epistemological approach across the social sciences and the arts, the book argues for the importance of a collaborative approach among academic, civil society organisations, artists and creative researchers with a view to engendering empathetic transformation to address gendered urban violence in the long-term.
The Marte-Meo Method, developed by the Dutch educational counselor Maria Aarts, is a resource and solution focused communication- and video-analysis-method that supports care takers as well as patients in their daily (challenging) interactions. The method uses short film clips from real life situations and analyses these together with the participants. Using this method, inter personal skills as well as the quality of nursing improve and participants learn how to strengthen the emotional competence of those in need of their care. Target Group: Nurses, Nurse Educators
The absurdity of bureaucracy offers a humorous ethnographic account of policy implementation set in contemporary Danish bureaucracy. Taking the reader deep into the hallways of governmental administration and municipal caseworkers' offices, the book sets out to explore what characterizes policy implementation as a mode of human agency. Using the notions of absurdity and sense-making as lenses through which to explore the dynamic relationship between a policy and its effects, the book reclaims 'implementation studies' for the qualitative sciences and emphasizes the existential dilemma that any policymaker and implementer must confront. Following step-by-step the planning and implementation of the randomized controlled trial, Active - Back Sooner, the book sets out to show that 'going wrong' is not a question of implementation failure but is in fact the only way in which implementation may happen.
Migration is one of the key issues in Ireland today. This book provides a new and original approach to understanding contemporary Irish migration and immigration, showing that they are processes that need to be understood together rather than separately. It uses a wide range of data - from statistical reports to in-depth qualitative studies - to show these connections. The book focuses on four key themes - work, social connections, culture and belonging - that are common to the experiences of immigrants, emigrants and internal migrants. It includes a wide selection of case studies, such as the global GAA, the campaign for emigrant voting, and the effects of migration on families. Clearly written and accessible, this book is an invaluable resource for students and scholars of Irish migration. It also has broader relevance, as it suggests a new approach to the study of migration nationally and internationally.
In defence of councillors is an unashamed defence of local representative democracy and of those elected to serve as councillors from the often ill-informed, ill-judged and inaccurate criticism made by the media, government and public, of councillors' personal, political and professional roles. By using qualitative research from a number of related projects, the book examines the roles, functions and responsibilities of councillors and the expectations placed upon them by citizens, communities and government. It also examines the impact council membership has on other facets of the councillor's life. The book examines how councillors develop strategies to overcome the constraints and restrictions on their office so as to be able to govern their communities, balance their political and public life and democratise and hold to account a vast array of unelected bodies that spend public money and develop public policy without the electoral mandate and legitimacy held by our councillors. ;
In defence of councillors is an unashamed defence of local representative democracy and of those elected to serve as councillors from the often ill-informed, ill-judged and inaccurate criticism made by the media, government and public, of councillors' personal, political and professional roles. By using qualitative research from a number of related projects, the book examines the roles, functions and responsibilities of councillors and the expectations placed upon them by citizens, communities and government. It also examines the impact council membership has on other facets of the councillor's life. The book examines how councillors develop strategies to overcome the constraints and restrictions on their office so as to be able to govern their communities, balance their political and public life and democratise and hold to account a vast array of unelected bodies that spend public money and develop public policy without the electoral mandate and legitimacy held by our councillors.
This instructive study examines how a transnational discourse on 'modern' social policy - based the guiding principles of 'activation' and an 'activating welfare state' - intervenes in the concepts and practices of citizenship. What are the consequences of this reorientation for citizenship? How does it relate to patterns of exclusion and inequality inherent in each historical citizenship formation? What exactly is the EU's role in this context? The detailed qualitative study focuses on the European Employment Strategy - and in particular its gender equality dimension - as a central process where the activation agenda is constructed and equipped with meanings. It traces how this discourse is received and translated into practices of citizenship in three EU member states - Germany, the UK, and Hungary. The activation of citizenship in Europe will be principally of interest to academics and practitioners in the fields of European integration, social policy, and citizenship. ;
In this book Tatjana van Strien, the author of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), presents a scientific alternative for all the ‘miracle solutions’ to lose weight. Based on more than 25 years of scientific research, she offers a self-test-method which enables readers to explore what is the cause of their eating problem, what they can do about it, and ultimately lose weight and keep it off. Target Group: people who want to lose weight, dieticians, doctors, psychologists.
Cultural warfare and trust: fighting the Mafia in Palermo concentrates on a central issue in research on democratic processes: the development of generalised trust. The existence of generalised trust and confidence in a society is decisive for economic development and an effective democracy. Is it possible to fight persistent values of distrust and non-cooperation? Is it possible to support the development of generalised trust through public action and education? The book addresses these questions by examining political efforts to combat Palermo's Mafia-controlled heritage and to turn a tradition of non-cooperation and distrust into cooperation and trust. In particular, it focuses on the school program launched in Palermo during the mid-1990s, which was designed to break the Mafia's territorial and mental control. Combining theories on social capital and civic education, the author presents and analyses new quantitative and qualitative research carried out in seven public schools in Palermo. This book will be valuable to students, academics and researchers interested in social capital and trust, Italian politics, civic education, organised crime, local government and democratic practice. ;
Die Schwierigkeit in verschiedenen Bereichen sozilogischer Forschungstechnik, die Cicourel untersucht, beruht unter anderem darauf, daß der Sozialwissenschaftler bei der Anwendung seiner Methoden - Inhaltsanalyse, Befragung, teilnehmende Beobachtung usw. - »aus der Rolle des kommunizierenden Mitspielers nicht ganz heraustreten kann« (Habermas). Nach Habermas ist Cicourels Verdienst, die Probleme von Methode und Messung nicht auf die Ebene der Forschungstechnik abgeschoben, sondern erkenntnistheoretisch ins Bewußtsein gehoben zu haben.