Rights2 Small Publisher Showcase
The Small Publisher Rights Showcase contains a carefully curated selection of books being published by small and independent publishers from across the UK.
View Rights PortalThe Small Publisher Rights Showcase contains a carefully curated selection of books being published by small and independent publishers from across the UK.
View Rights PortalRights & Brands is a 360 licensing and publishing agency bringing Nordic rights and brands to a global arena. Starting from a strategic base in literature, art and design, R&B’s platform is built on knowledge, passion and people. Using all aspects of character representation and branding, from publishing and PR to licensing, merchandising and digital development, with a worldwide network of sub-agents and over 800 clients, R&B’s international insight and business capacity is unique.
View Rights PortalThis book offers the first examination of extremist Heathenry and occultism in the UK and how anti-racist Heathens act to counter this discourse. It explores the spectrum of Heathen practice today and the historical origins of racist Heathenry in nineteenth century Germanic romanticism and twentieth century folkish nationalism. Treating each of the three main extremist Heathen organisations, the book extends the analysis to the neo-Nazi occult organization the Order of the Nine Angles (O9A), and the wider racist Heathen cultural scene in Black Metal and Dark Folk music. The authors balance this with discussion of how inclusivist Heathens are countering this discourse, from visible protests at far-right rallies to inter-faith forums and an active presence on social media platforms. The book makes an important contribution to the intersecting fields of new religious movements, nationalist history and racist politics.
— How politics are increasingly influencing the rule of law in Germany — Systematic failures of democracy to protect itself — Based on numerous interviews with different members of Germany's legal system Ever since the right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” (AfD) secured representation in the Bundestag and in all state parliaments, Germany’s judiciary is facing a new challenge for which it is unprepared: AfD-affiliated judges and public prosecutors are attracting attention through right-wing biased decisions and investigations. Other members of the legal system cause further damage by ignoring the right-wing extremist and anti-Semitic background of crimes and thus punishing offenders too leniently or not at all. Both the judiciary and policy-makers have so far underestimated the new danger from the right. As a result protection against the appointment of right-wing legal professionals has been insufficient. Joachim Wagner systematically analyses numerous examples from German courts in recent years. He calls on the democratic judiciary to remember the principles of a well-fortified democracy.
This book, newly available in paperback, reveals the Conservative Party's relationship with the extreme right between 1945 and 1975. For the first time, this book shows how the Conservative Party, realising that its well known pre-Second World War connections with the extreme right were now embarrassing, used its bureaucracy to implement a policy of investigating extreme right groups and taking action to minimise their chances of success. The book focuses on the Conservative Party's investigation of right-wing groups, and shows how its perception of their nature determined the party bureaucracy's response. The book draws a comparison between the Conservative Party machine's negative attitude towards the extreme right and its support for progressive groups. It concludes that the Conservative Party acted as a persistent block to the external extreme right in a number of ways, and that the Party bureaucracy persistently denied the extreme right within the party assistance access to funds and representation within party organisations. It reaches a climax with the formulation of a 'plan' threatening its own candidate if he failed to remove the extreme right from the Conservative Monday Club.
WRONG ist ein Band mit kleineren interventionistischen Texten, die in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren, der Zeit der Arbeit am Buch SCHLUCHT, entstanden sind. WRONG: Auftritt, Vortrag, Lehre, Interview, Kritik: alles falsch, alles immer wieder: wrong. Und doch ist es wichtig, daß man sich als Autor auch direkt, mit solchen Textaktionen, am öffentlichen Gespräch beteiligt, lebendig, wirr, flirrend, das Ich ungeschützt präsentiert, nicht nur in die finale Totengestalt des Werks hineinkonzentriert. So schreiben, wie man reden würde, wenn man dem Gegenüber schnell erklären will, was man zu Joachim Bessing denkt, zu Michel Houellebecq, zu Albert von Schirnding oder zum Rechtsstreit des Suhrkamp Verlags mit dem Investor Barlach. In den Interviews geht es um die eigenen Bücher, den Fotoband elfter september 2010, den Roman Johann Holtrop oder das Theaterstück Reich des Todes. In zwei Reden und zwei Aufsätzen – der Antrittsvorlesung »Leben und Schreiben«, der Rede »Büchnerpreis«, der Produktionspoetik »Spekulativer Realismus« und der Rezeptionspoetik »Absoluter Idealismus« – hat Rainald Goetz seine Autorschaft grundlegend zu bestimmen versucht, aber vom Gestus her auch hier inspiriert von der Direktheit der mitmenschlichen Begegnung und dem Darlegungsfuror in mündlicher Rede. Dadurch ist WRONG ein helles Buch geworden.
A unflinching audit of the damage done by fourteen years of Conservative government. What went wrong with Britain? presents a comprehensive account of the devastating legacy left by the Conservative government. Shining a light into every dark corner, the book exposes the full extent of the damage inflicted on the country's economy, social fabric and political integrity. When the Conservatives were voted out of government in July 2024, they left behind a miserable record of rising poverty, inequality and division. This book reveals the forces that have driven the country to the point of crisis, from austerity and economic mismanagement to sheer political dysfunction. Each chapter offers new insights into the far-reaching consequences of government policies that prioritised ideology, personal ambition and party politics over the public good. Examining the rise of populism, the politics of Brexit, the UK's response to the pandemic and the steady erosion of public trust, this shocking account of the legacy of Conservative government from 2010 to 2024 is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand exactly what went wrong with Britain.
This 1926 survey, written by a distinguished social and economic historian, examines the role of religion in the rise of capitalism. Arguing that material acquisitiveness is morally wrong and a corrupting social influence, the author draws upon his profound knowledge of labor and politics to show how concentrated wealth distorts economic policies. Colorful but credible, this study offers a timeless vision of alternative means toward a just economic, social, and intellectual order.
The right and the recession considers the ways in which conservative activists, groupings, parties and interests in the US and Britain responded to the financial crisis and the 'Great Recession' that followed in its wake. The book looks at the tensions and stresses between different ideas, interests and institutions and the ways in which they shaped the character of political outcomes. In Britain, these processes opened the way for leading Conservatives to redefine their commitment to fiscal retrenchment and austerity. Whereas public expenditure reductions had been portrayed as a necessary response to earlier overspending they were increasingly represented as a way of securing a permanently 'leaner' state. The book assesses the character of this shift in thinking as well as the viability of these efforts to shrink the state and the parallel attempts in the US to cut federal government spending through mechanisms such as the budget sequester. ;
Exile, its pain and possibility, is the starting point of this book. Women's experience of exile was often different from that of men, yet it has not received the important attention it deserves. Women in exile in early modern Europe and the Americas addresses that lacuna through a wide-ranging geographical, chronological, social and cultural approach. Whether powerful, well-to-do or impoverished, exiled by force or choice, every woman faced the question of how to reconstruct her life in a new place. These essays focus on women's agency despite the pressures created by political, economic and social dislocation. Collectively, they demonstrate how these women from different countries, continents and status groups not only survived but also in many cases thrived. This analysis of early modern women's experiences not only provides a new vantage point from which to enrich the study of exile but also contributes important new scholarship to the history of women.
In The Path of the Law, Holmes discusses his personal philosophy on legal practice. The Common Law is a series of lectures that established Holmes's reputation as a witty and articulate writer.
This book is the first investigation on how official organizers built and sustained the national militant campaign of the Women's Social and Political Union between 1903 and 1918. Whilst the overall policy of the Union was devised by an ever-decreasing circle of women, centred around the mother-daughter team of Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst, much of its actual activity, including its more extreme militant actions such as arson, was devised and implemented by these organizers who worked in the provinces and in London. Women of the right spirit reveals organizers to be a diverse bunch of women, whose class backgrounds ranged from the aristocratic to the extremely impoverished. It describes the ways in which they were recruited and deployed, and the work they undertook throughout Britain. The exhausting pace of their itinerant life is revealed as well as the occasions when organizers fell out with their employers or their own branches. Taking the story of the WSPU's workers up to the end of the First World War, it considers what directions they took when votes for women became a reality. The book will appeal to academics, postgraduates and undergraduates with an interest in women's history, as well as a more general readership wishing to understand the extent of support for the votes for women campaign and the mechanisms through which it organized. ;
A moving exploration of the life and work of the celebrated American writer, blending biography and memoir with literary criticism. Since James Baldwin's death in 1987, his writing - including The Fire Next Time, one of the manifestoes of the Civil Rights Movement, and Giovanni's Room, a pioneering work of gay fiction - has only grown in relevance. Douglas Field was introduced to Baldwin's essays and novels by his father, who witnessed the writer's debate with William F. Buckley at Cambridge University in 1965. In Walking in the dark, he embarks on a journey to unravel his life-long fascination and to understand why Baldwin continues to enthral us decades after his death. Tracing Baldwin's footsteps in France, the US and Switzerland, and digging into archives, Field paints an intimate portrait of the writer's life and influence. At the same time, he offers a poignant account of coming to terms with his father's Alzheimer's disease. Interweaving Baldwin's writings on family, illness, memory and place, Walking in the dark is an eloquent testament to the enduring power of great literature to illuminate our paths.
The level of domestic abuse has been increasing for years, but often only cases of physical abuse hit the headlines. Hardly anyone talks about the mental, or psychological, abuse that usually precedes a physical or sexual assault. Those affected do not usually recognise the destructive dynamic in their relationship until far too late. In this book, three case histories illustrate the typical forms of mental abuse in relationships. In addition, experts explain the topic from psychological, therapeutic, political and legal perspectives, and the head of a counselling centre for male victims of mental abuse also has his say. An important and startling book.
This book is a result of the author's search for these facts and truths as a student and farmer and his endeavor as a teacher to present them in a simple manner to others. The object in presenting the book to the general public is the hope that it may be of assistance to farmers, students and teachers, in their search for the fundamental truths and principles of farming.
The book offers interdisciplinary analyses of the impact of Brexit on the rights of EU27 citizens in the UK, Britons in the UK and the EU, and third-country nationals. It combines a historical examination of citizenship and migration between the UK, Europe and the Commonwealth with the analysis of policies and of the experiences of the different groups impacted by Brexit. The book discusses Brexit within the larger history and dynamics of UK and EU citizenship and migration. The individual chapters look at how Brexit is transforming the citizenship rights of different groups, including issues of loss of citizenship and experiences of naturalisation. They further examine the fears of the groups impacted, and larger issues of belonging, marginalisation, political orientations and mobilisations that cross legal status, nationality, ethnicity, race and class.
Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Fake-Date oder große Liebe – wer weiß das schon so genau? Jamie Westenberg und Bea Wilmot haben rein gar nichts gemeinsam außer den traumatischen Erinnerungen an ihre erste Begegnung. Doch als die Menschen, die ihnen am nächsten stehen, versuchen Amor zu spielen und sie zu einem Date überreden, wird den beiden klar, dass sie noch eine Gemeinsamkeit haben: ein unbestreitbares Bedürfnis nach Rache. Bald steht ihr Plan fest: Sie wollen ein falsches Date vortäuschen und ihre Freunde davon überzeugen, dass sie total verliebt sind. Es folgt ein spektakulär inszeniertes Schlussmachen, um dem Verkupplungswahn ein für alle Mal ein Ende zu setzen. Jamie und Bea legen den Auftritt ihres Lebens hin – doch je länger sie die Liebenden spielen, desto einfacher wird es. Lovestory zum Mitfiebern voll spannender Kontraste: „Two Wrongs make a Right“. Autorin Chloe Liese ließ sich von Shakespeares romantischer Komödie „Viel Lärm um nichts“ inspirieren – und schrieb eine sehr moderne, absolut hinreißende Story. Für New Adults ab 16 Jahren: sexy Liebesgeschichte um verbotene Gefühle und vermeintliche Gegensätze, die zu Verbündeten werden. Dieses Buch bringt dich mit viel Herzenswärme und Humor gleichzeitig zum Lachen und zum Weinen, denn: „Every way you were my opposite only made me want you more“. Eine neue BookTok-Entdeckung für alle Fans der Liebesromane von Ali Hazelwood und Helen Hoang. Genial ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, trendig illustriertem Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen.