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        October 2022

        Ernst Haeckel

        Zoologist, artist, philosopher and freethinker

        by Rainer Willmann

        Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) is one of the most famous and influential researchers of all times. This brilliant biography by Rainer Willmann recounts Haeckel's fascinating life for science and his fight for freedom of thought. Haeckel is a vehement advocate of Darwinian doctrine and develops it further, which is why he is fiercely attacked not only by the church but also by his fellow scientists. Among other things, we owe to Haeckel the freedom of research and teaching that we take so much for granted. That he was also a talented artist is proven by his drawings of marine organisms ... The gripping and highly interesting life story of an extraordinary freethinker and scientist.

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        The Arts
        August 2016

        The Right Formula

        The story of the National Graphene Institute

        by David Taylor

        In the corner of a Manchester laboratory in 2004, two scientists stumbled on a major discovery while pulling pieces of Sellotape apart - graphene. This is the story of those scientists, Professors Andre Geim and Kostya Novosolev, their eureka moment, subsequent Nobel Prizes and investigation into the wonder material's potential uses. But it is also the tale of the building they created with architects Jestico + Whiles and others to push graphene's potential ever further. This is the story of the National Graphene Institute.

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        Geography & the Environment
        May 2020

        Into the woods

        An epistemography of climate change

        by Meritxell Ramírez-i-Ollé

        This book is a detailed exploration of the working practices of a community of scientists exposed in public, and of the making of scientific knowledge about climate change in Scotland. For four years, the author joined these scientists in their sampling expeditions into the Caledonian forests, observed their efforts in the laboratory to produce data from wood samples and followed their discussions of a graph showing the evolution of the Scottish temperature over the past millennium in conferences, workshops and peer-review journals. This epistemography of climate change is of broad social and academic relevance - both for its contextualised treatment of a key contemporary science, and for its original formulation of a methodology for investigating expertise.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2012

        Rescaling the state

        Devolution and the geographies of economic governance

        by Mark Goodwin, Martin Jones, Rhys Jones

        Rescaling the state provides a theoretically-informed and empirically-rich account of the process of devolution undertaken in the UK since 1997, focusing in particular on the devolution of economic governance. Using case studies from England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, the book examines the purported reasons for, and the unintended consequences of, devolution. As well as comparing policy and practice across the four devolved territories, the book also explores the pitfalls and instances of good practice associated with devolution in the UK. Rescaling the state is an important text for all social scientists - particularly political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists and human geographers - interested in the devolution of power in the UK and, indeed, all instances of contemporary state restructuring. It is also a significant book for all policy-makers interested in understanding the increasing complexity of the policy landscapes of economic governance in the UK. ;

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        Young Scientists

        30 Forschende und ihre Wege in die Wissenschaft

        by Miriam Holzapfel

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        February 2006

        Pro/Engineer - Tipps und Techniken

        Für alle Wildfire-Versionen

        by Berg, Wolfgang

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2009

        Christian Science im Lande Luthers

        Eine amerikanische Religionsgemeinschaft in Deutschland, 1894-2009

        by Waldschmidt-Nelson, Britta

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024

        Manchester minds

        A university history of ideas

        by Stuart Jones

        A bicentennial celebration of brilliant thinkers from The University of Manchester's history. The year 2024 marks two centuries since the establishment of The University of Manchester in its earliest form. The first of England's civic universities, Manchester has been home and host to a huge number of influential thinkers and generated world-changing ideas. This book presents a rich account of the remarkable contribution that people associated with The University of Manchester have made to human knowledge. A who's who of Manchester greats, it presents fascinating snapshots of pioneering artists, scholars and scientists, from the poet and activist Eva Gore-Booth to the economist Arthur Lewis, the computer scientist Alan Turing and the physicist Brian Cox.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2014

        Letters from an American Botanist

        The Correspondences of Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Mühlenberg (1753–1815)

        by Schönhofer, Matthias

      • Trusted Partner

        The Geography of Health

        The Spatial Dimension of Epidemiology and Treatment

        by Jobst Augustin, Daniela Koller

        This title is the first interdisciplinary book about geography and health that takes scientific methods and questions into account making it a great manual of international health geography research. The topics include: • spatial statistical analysis • mobility analysis in health research • GIS and mapping tools • cartographic visualization • health mapping • cancer epidemiology • morbidity • climate change and health – the example of Germany • global change and infectious diseases Target Group: Health scientists, geographers, doctors (epidemiologists)

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        The Humane Idea

        Rudolf Virchow and Hermann von Helmholtz. The legacy of the Charité

        by Ernst Peter Fischer, Detlev Ganten

        Two of today’s leading scientists, Ernst Peter Fischer and Detlev Ganten, reconfirm the legacy of two influential 19th-century researchers. To mark the 200th birthday of Rudolf Virchow (1821–1902) and Hermann von Helmholtz (1821–1894), they explain why pioneering research and holistic thinking are still relevant for health science and practice, and for a sustainable balance of people, society and the environment. The historical achievement of Virchow and Helmholtz continues today with the work of researchers like Emmanuelle Charpentier and Christian Drosten, so ensuring that the humane idea continues to be fruitful in the future. An insight into the history of medical science.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        Body Image and Body Image Disturbances

        by Andreas Uschok

        Nurses encounter patients whose body image reality has been changed by disease, injuries or traumas on a daily basis. In a world where a flawless body is so highly valued, these patients may struggle to adapt to and accept these changes which can lead to body image disturbances. This handbook provides all those professionals caring for people with amputations, skin disorders, stoma, breast cancer and other diseases with information on the concept of body image and how to assess it, as well as describe possible symptoms and causes of body image disturbances and offers interventions to improve patients’ body image. Target Group: health scientists, geographers, doctors (epidemiologists).

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2010

        Shaping a global women's agenda: women's NGOs and global governance, 1925–85

        by Karen Garner

        Drawing on a wide range of archival sources, Karen Garner documents international women's history through the lens of the long-established Western-led international organisations that defined and dominated women's involvement in global politics from the 1925 founding of the Joint Standing Committee of Women's International Organisations up through the UN Decade for Women (1976-85). Documenting specific global campaigns in episodes that span the twentieth century, Garner includes biographical information about lesser known international leaders as she discusses important historic debates regarding feminist goals and strategies among women from the East and West, North and South. This interdisciplinary study addresses questions of interest to historians, political scientists, international relations scholars, sociologists, and feminist scholars and activists whose work promotes women's and human rights. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2019

        Labour united and divided from the 1830s to the present

        by Emmanuelle Avril, Yann Béliard

        Spanning a period which stretches from the 19th century to the present day, this book takes a novel look at the British labour movement by examining the interaction between trade unions, the Labour Party, other parties and groups of the Left, and the wider working class, to highlight the dialectic nature of these relationships, marked by consensus and dissention. It shows that, although perceived as a source of weakness, those inner conflicts have also been a source of creative tension, at times generating significant breakthroughs. The book brings together labour historians and political scientists who provide a range of case studies as well as more wide-ranging assessments of recent trends in labour organising. It will therefore be of interest to academics and students of history and politics, as well as to practitioners, in the British Isles and beyond.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2023

        Intimacy and mobility in an era of hardening borders

        Gender, reproduction, regulation

        by Haldis Haukanes, Frances Pine

        This book is a collection of articles by anthropologists and social scientists concerned with gendered labour, care, intimacy and sexuality, in relation to mobility and the hardening of borders in Europe. Interrogating the relation between physical, geopolitical borders and ideological, conceptual boundaries, it offers a range of vivid and original ethnographic case studies that will capture the imagination of anyone interested in gendered migration, policies of inclusion and exclusion, and regulation of reproduction and intimacy. The book presents ethnographic and phenomenological discussions of people's changing lives as they cross borders, how people transgress and reshape moral boundaries of proper gender and kinship behaviour, and moral economies of intimacy and sexuality. It also focuses on migrants' navigation of social and financial services in their destination countries, putting questions about rights and limitations on citizenship at the core.

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