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        Self-medication in Pregnancy and Breast-feeding

        Counselling handbook

        by Dr. Annette Abhau

        Cough, hay fever or herpes are at least as troublesome during pregnancy and breast-feeding as under normal “conditions” - and yet everything is different. Physiological changes to the body in pregnancy and lactation, together with the vulnerability of the unborn baby or infant, set particular requirements when selecting the correct, safe medication. Especially in the area of self-medication, the needs of pregnant and breast-feeding women for information are great and call for competent advice! This comprehensive handbook is the key: General information about pharmacotherapy, supplementary measures, vaccinations, questions about diet and infections in pregnancy and lactation creates a broad knowledge base. The core feature of the book are the traffic light tables, with precise recommendations for medicinal products for all types of treatment. All the important indications for selfmedication in pregnancy and lactation are listed and the tables are supported by detailed explanations of the individual assessments. The sections “Advice from medical specialists” are particularly useful, with additional tips from gynaecologists and “Footnotes” with relevant information on the use of prescription- only medicines – and as the ultimate practical tool: the enclosed sales counter leaflets with all traffic light tables to enable quick reference for first-class advice!

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        Theory of architecture
        November 2014

        The extended self

        Architecture, memes and minds

        by Chris Abel

        In his wide-ranging study of architecture and cultural evolution, Chris Abel argues that, despite progress in sustainable development and design, resistance to changing personal and social identities shaped by a technology-based and energy-hungry culture is impeding efforts to avert drastic climate change. The book traces the roots of that culture to the coevolution of Homo sapiens and technology, from the first use of tools as artificial extensions to the human body, to the motorized cities spreading around the world, whose uncontrolled effects are changing the planet itself. Advancing a new concept of the meme, called the 'technical meme,' as the primary agent of cognitive extension and technical embodiment, Abel proposes a theory of the 'extended self' encompassing material and spatial as well as psychological and social elements. Drawing upon research from philosophy, psychology and the neurosciences, the book presents a new approach to environmental and cultural studies that will appeal to a broad readership searching for insights into the origins of the crisis.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2023

        Suicide and the Gothic

        by William Hughes, Andrew Smith

        Suicide and the Gothic is the first protracted study of how the act of self-destruction recurs and functions within one of the most enduring and popular forms of fiction. Comprising eleven original essays and an authoritative introduction, this collection explores how the act of suicide has been portrayed, interrogated and pathologised from the eighteenth century to the present. The featured fictions embrace both canonical and the less-studied texts and examine the crisis of suicide - a crisis that has personal, familial, religious, legal and medical implications - in European, American and Asian contexts. Featuring detailed interventions into the understanding of texts as temporally distant as Thomas Percy's Reliques and Patricia Highsmith's crime fictions, and movements as diverse as Wertherism, Romanticism and fin-de-siècle decadence, Suicide and the Gothic provides a comprehensive and compelling overview of this recurrent crisis in fiction and culture.

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        The Arts
        October 2016

        The extended self

        by Chris Abel

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        Complementary Medicine

        Advice recommendations for self-medication

        by M. Schlenk, G. Bauer, H. Blaschke, B. Emde, Dr. M. Glöckler,M. Müller-Frahling and N. Schlesinger

        Diversity in consultations Self-medication offers a wide range of therapy options that can be used in a targeted manner. This volume contains therapy recommendations for a specific clinical picture from the areas of - Phytotherapy - Homeopathy (single and complex remedies) - Anthroposophic medicine - Aromatherapy - Schuessler salts - Spagyrics - Bach flower therapy as well as recommendations on food supplements and the microbiome. For over 100 self-medication indications, suggested preparations for all the above-mentioned therapeutic approaches have been compiled in a compact, pocket-sized format. The 3rd edition has been greatly expanded and updated to include advice options. The highlight: In addition to the recommendations from complementary medicine, the reader is also always told how to treat according to the allopathic approach. This guarantees that users will always find the right medicine for the purpose.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        Rules and ethics

        Perspectives from anthropology and history

        by Morgan Clarke, Emily Corran

        This book investigates the pronounced enthusiasm that many traditions display for codes of ethics characterised by a multitude of rules. Recent anthropological interest in ethics and historical explorations of 'self-fashioning' have led to extensive study of the virtuous self, but existing scholarship tends to pass over the kind of morality that involves legalistic reasoning. Rules and ethics corrects that omission by demonstrating the importance of rules in everyday moral life in a variety of contexts. In a nutshell, it argues that legalistic moral rules are not necessarily an obstruction to a rounded ethical self, but can be an integral part of it. An extended introduction first sets out the theoretical basis for studies of ethical systems that are characterised by detailed rules. This is followed by a series of empirical studies of rule-oriented moral traditions in a comparative perspective.

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        Self-control in Adults With Autism

        Dealing With Anger, Injustice, and Frustration

        by Jeroen Bartels

        This title helps people with autism to effectively cope with anger, frustration, and injustice. This practical book offers a training-program which can be completed alone, based on scientifically examined treatment methods. It is especially suited to be used together with a caretaker. The first part of the book clearly describes the connection between autism and self-control issues. The second part offers practical exercises which explain how to recognize anger in time and how strong emotions such as anger and frustration. Numerous tips, exercises and relatable examples help the reader to experience more direction and control.   Target Group: Adults with autism and involved caretakers

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2022

        The wood engravers' self portrait

        by Bethan Stevens

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Instruments of international order

        Internationalism and diplomacy, 1900-50

        by Thomas W. Bottelier, Jan Stöckmann

        During the first half of the twentieth century, world politics was reshaped in pursuit of a new international order. The ideological foundations of the 'new diplomacy' (and its fate during the interwar period) are well known. This book instead examines the practices of internationalism and diplomacy from the First Hague Conference of 1899 to the aftermath of the Second World War. By focusing on these practices, such as disarmament regimes or public diplomacy, and their use as instruments to build international order(s), it emphasises the constructed, contested, and experimental character of what subsequently became a standard repertoire of international politics. Essays from a range of interdisciplinary scholars address well-established principles such as self-determination, and also less prominent practices such as small arms control or parliamentary inquiry. The book makes a major contribution to the growing historiography on twentieth-century internationalism.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2012

        The independent man

        Citizenship and gender politics in Georgian England

        by Matthew McCormack, Pamela Sharpe, Penny Summerfield, Lynn Abrams, Cordelia Beattie

        'Independence' was an important ideal for men in Georgian England. In this period, however, the word meant much more than simply the virtues of self-sufficiency and impartiality. Most people believed that obligations absolutely compromised freedom and conscience, whereas 'independence' was associated with manly virtue and physical vigour. Fundamentally, the political world was thought to consist of 'independent men', exercising their consciences and standing up for the general good. As such, Georgians thought about political action and masculine virtue very differently to the ways in which we do today. In study, newly available in paperback, Matthew McCormack establishes the links between the histories of masculinity and politics, highlighting the centrality of 'manly' ideals in the political world and - conversely - the role of politics in the operation of gender ideology. ;

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        When Great AchiWhen Great Achievements Lead to Great Self-doubtevements Lead to Great Self-doubt

        The Impostor Self-image and its Effects

        by Sonja Rohrmann

        They are successful high performers and to the outsider they appear to be capable, qualified, and skilled. Nevertheless, despite obvious evidence of their actual capacities, some of them fear that they will not be able to repeat their successes. They tend to attribute career success not to personal expertise but to excessive effort or uncontrollable factors such as luck. People with the impostor self-image or “imposter syndrome” are convinced that they are not as intelligent and capable as they ap-pear to others and that they have arrived in their positions undeservedly. They thus experience themselves as “frauds” or “impostors” and fear that sooner or later they will be exposed as such.This book examines the characteristics of the impostor self-image, how it can be identified, how widespread it is, how it develops, its links with other personality traits, and its effects. Finally, the question of countering the impostor self-image is explored, along with how people can arrive at a realistic assessment of their own skills, counter self-doubt, and achieve greater psychological well-being.   For: • interested lay people• academic specialists and practitioner

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Independent Kashmir

        by Christopher Snedden

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        September 1999

        Das Ende der Beziehung


        by Self, Will

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