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      • Semente Editorial

        Semente Editorial has the intention to buy other rights and expand its titles to the international markets. We bought our first rights at the end of 2019, in Spanish, at the Guadalajara Book Fair

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        French London

        by Saskia Huc-Hepher, Alexander Smith

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2024

        Approaches to emotion in Middle English literature

        by Carolyne Larrington

        Over the last twenty-five years, the 'history of emotion' field has become one of the most dynamic and productive areas for humanities research. This designation, and the marked leadership of historians in the field, has had the unlooked-for consequence of sidelining literature - in particular secular literature - as evidence-source and object of emotion study. Secular literature, whether fable, novel, fantasy or romance, has been understood as prone to exaggeration, hyperbole, and thus as an unreliable indicator of the emotions of the past. The aim of this book is to decentre history of emotion research and asks new questions, ones that can be answered by literary scholars, using literary texts as sources: how do literary texts understand and depict emotion and, crucially, how do they generate emotion in their audiences - those who read them or hear them read or performed?

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2013

        Sigmund Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams

        by Laura Marcus

        Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams, published in 1900, has been one of the most influential texts of the modern era, fundamentally changing the ways in which people have thought about their waking lives as well as their dreams. This book, more than any other in Freud's massive oeuvre, has shaped a vast amount of work in linguistics and semiotics, literary studies, film theory, psychology, philosophical hermeneutics and the history of ideas. This influence is reflected in the editor's introduction, which includes a substantial discussion of the theory and practice of representation, and the six essays specially commissioned for this volume. The contributors are renowned for their knowledge of Freudian theory and for their interdisciplinary expertise in a wide range of fields. They examine, for example, the relationship of Freud's text to theories of interpretation, autobiography and literary production. The book as a whole gives a clear sense both of the context of Freud's text and of its influence throughout the twentieth century. This volume is an ideal introduction to Freud's work for students and teachers of English and other literatures, philosophy and social and cultural studies, as well as the wider audience concerned with psychoanalysis and its cultural ramifications. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1990

        Traditionen Humboldts

        by Jürgen Trabant

        Das Sprachdenken Wilhelm von Humboldts, das im Verlauf der Geschichte von Sprachphilosophie und Linguistik durch reduktionistische Lektüren vor allem dazu gedient hat, die disparatesten theoretischen Unternehmungen zu legitimieren, wird in den letzten Jahren zunehmend aus seinem spezifischen philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Kontext rekonstruiert und als Ganzes rezipiert, das heißt als einzigartige synthetische Verbindung transzendentalphilosophischer Reflexion in der Nachfolge Kants mit empirischer sprachwissenschaftlicher Forschung. Der Reichtum des Humboldtschen Sprachdenkens verdankt sich der Vielzahl von Traditionen, die in diesem anthropologisch-linguistischen Projekt zusammenlaufen, sowie der Art und Weise, wie Humboldt diese Traditionen verarbeitet. Einige Linien deses Geflechts der verschiedensten sprachphilosophischen und linguistischen Fragestellungen, die zu Humboldt hinführen, aber auch solche Diskussionsstränge, die von ihm ausgehen, werden in Traditionen Humboldts nachgezeichnet. Bei diesen um Humboldt als Zentrum kreisenden Erkundungen wird auf die Beziehungen zu solchen Autoren und Fragestellungen besonderer Wert gelegt, die bisher weniger beachtet worden sind, wie etwa das Verhältnis zu Leibniz, zu Vico, zu Hegel oder wie die Fragen nach der Entstehung neuer Sprachen und der Rolle des Hörens oder wie Humboldts grammatologische Überlegungen. Jürgen Trabant, geb. 1942, ist Professor für romanische Sprachwissenschaft an der Freien Universität Berlin. Veröffentlichungen: Zur Semiologie des literarischen Kunstwerks (1970); Elemente der Semiotik (1976); (Hg. zus. m. A. Eschbach) History of Semiotics (1973); (Hg.) Wilhelm von Humboldt: Über die Sprache (1985); (Hg. zus. m. W. Busse) Les Idéologues (1986); Apeliotes oder Der Sinn der Sprache (1986); (Hg.) Beiträge zur Geschichte der romanischen Philologie in Berlin (1987); Zeichen des Menschen (1989); Aufsätze zur Textlinguistik, Semiotik, Sprachphilosophie und Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft; Herausgeber der semiotischen Zeitschrift Kodikas/Code.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2010

        The flâneur and his city

        Patterns of daily life in Paris 1815–1851

        by Richard D. E. Burton, Mike Thompson

        The book provides a 'flâneur's eye view' of Parisian life in the first half of the nineteenth century: dress, cafés and restaurants, but also shops and passages, the omnibus, bals publics and carnival. The author provides general conclusions about the private and public spheres in 'le vieux Paris'. Like the flâneur, the author concentrates less on factual information for its own sake - which may be found in the secondary works cited in the text and footnotes - than on the 'semiological' or anthropological significance of the cultural forms in question. Links are drawn between cultural institutions and class relations in pre-1850 Paris, with particular emphasis on cultural inequality, on the persistence of cross-class contacts, and the growing differences between classes as reflected in behaviour and attitudes. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        March 2006

        Art history

        A critical introduction to its methods

        by Michael Hatt, Charlotte Klonk

        Art History: A critical introduction to its methods provides a lively and stimulating introduction to methodological debates within art history. Offering a lucid account of approaches from Hegel to post-colonialism, the book provides a sense of art history's own history as a discipline from its emergence in the late-eighteenth century to contemporary debates. By explaining the underlying philosophical and political assumptions behind each method, along with clear examples of how these are brought to bear on visual and historical analysis, the authors show that an adherence to a certain method is, in effect, a commitment to a set of beliefs and values. The book makes a strong case for the vitality of the discipline and its methodological centrality to new fields such as visual culture. This book will be of enormous value to undergraduate and graduate students, and also makes its own contributions to ongoing scholarly debates about theory and method. ;

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