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      • Sounds True

        Sounds True was founded in 1985 by Tami Simon with a clear mission: to disseminate spiritual wisdom. Since starting out as a project with one woman and her tape recorder, we have grown into a multimedia publishing company with more than 110 employees, a library of more than 3000 titles featuring some of the leading teachers and visionaries of our time, and an ever-expanding family of customers from across the world. From bestselling authors to new voices in spiritual wisdom, our products represent a variety of popular topics, including meditation, mindfulness, yoga, shamanism, psychology, health and healing, along with a line of children’s books.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        The films of Luc Besson

        Master of spectacle

        by Susan Hayward, Philip Powrie

        This fascinating collection looks at the career and films of Luc Besson, one of the most acclaimed figures in international cinema. Contributions have been assembled from all over the world, and their different approaches reflect this geographical diversity. Films covered range from Besson's first feature, La Dernier Combat, to the international blockbusters The Fifth Element and Joan of Arc. The essays range from looking at costume design to musical scores, and the final chapter offers a transcript of a previously unpublished interview with the man himself. He is the only French director to have crossed over successfully during the 1990s into the blockbuster spectacular we associate with Hollywood cinema and yet this is only the second book in English on this major international director. The films of Luc Besson will make fascinating reading for anyone interested in the career and films of the 'master of spectacle'.

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        September 2016

        Drachenreiter 2. Die Feder eines Greifs

        by Cornelia Funke, Eduardo García, Eduardo García, Rainer Strecker, Cornelia Funke, Cornelia Funke,

        Der Drachenreiter kehrt zurück: Fortsetzung von Cornelia Funkes erfolgreichstem Kinderroman! Zwei Jahre nach ihrem Sieg über Nesselbrand erwartet Ben, Barnabas und Fliegenbein ein neues Abenteuer: Der Nachwuchs des letzten Pegasus ist bedroht! Nur die Sonnenfeder eines Greifs kann ihre Art noch retten. Gemeinsam mit einer fliegenden Ratte, einem Fjordtroll und einer nervösen Papageiin reisen die Gefährten nach Indonesien. Auf der Suche nach dem gefährlichsten aller Fabelwesen merken sie schnell: sie brauchen die Hilfe eines Drachens und seines Kobolds. „Die Feder eines Greifs“ ist Hörgenuss vom Feinsten: spannend, magisch und fantastisch. Mitreißend gelesen von Rainer Strecker und Cornelia Funke mit einem atmosphärischen Soundtrack aus Musik und Geräuschen.

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        May 2010


        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Roman Rhode

        »Die Straßen in Havanna«, schrieb der kubanische Schriftsteller Alejo Carpentier, »bieten ein fortwährendes Schauspiel: Theater, Karikatur, Drama, Komödie oder was auch immer.« So verwundert es nicht, daß gerade Künstler und Intellektuelle sich von der pulsierenden Atmosphäre der Hafenstadt inspirieren ließen. In den prächtigen Hotels der Altstadt logierten Jean-Paul Sartre, Ry Cooder und Albert Einstein. Ernest Hemingway erkor Havanna sogar zu seinem ständigen Wohnsitz. Den Soundtrack zu dem Treiben auf den Straßen liefern bis heute Rumba und Son Cubano – die mit dem Buena Vista Social Club unvergeßlich wurden. Auf den Spuren bedeutender Autoren entdeckt der Leser die verborgenen, magischen Orte der »Perle der Karibik«.

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        The Arts
        February 2019

        Alain Robbe-Grillet

        by John Phillips

        Placing Robbe-Grillet's filmic oeuvre in the related contexts of both his novelistic work and the different historical and cultural periods in which his films were made, from the early 1960s to the present, the book traces lines of influence and continuity throughout his work, which is shown to exhibit a consistent preoccupation with an identifiable body of themes, motifs and structures. Close readings of all the films are skilfully combined with a thematic approach, ranging across the entire filmic corpus. The book also contains chapters on cinematography and technique. Ultimately, this lucid, comprehensive and fascinating study shows Robbe-Grillet's contribution to the evolution of the cinematic art both in France and internationally to have been considerably more important than previously acknowledged.

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        Film, TV & radio
        May 2012

        Screening songs in Hispanic and Lusophone cinema

        by Edited by Lisa Shaw and Robert Stone

        In this volume, eighteen experts from a variety of academic backgrounds explore the use of songs in films from the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking worlds. This volume illustrates how - rather than simply helping to tell the story of - songs in Hispanic and Lusophone cinema commonly upset the hierarchy of the visual over the aural, thereby rendering their hearing a complex and rich subject for analysis. Screening songs... constitutes a ground-breaking, interdisciplinary collection. Of particular interest to scholars and academics in the areas of Film Studies, Hispanic Studies, Lusophone Studies and Musicology, this volume opens up the study of Hispanic and Lusophone cinema to vital, new, critical approaches. The soundtracks of films as varied as City of God, All About My Mother, Bad Education and Buena Vista Social Club are analysed alongside those of lesser-known works that range from the melodramas of Mexican cinema's golden age to Brazilian and Portuguese musical comedies from the 1940s and 1950s. Fiction films are studied alongside documentaries, the work of established directors like Pedro Almodóvar, Carlos Saura and Nelson Pereira dos Santos alongside that of emerging filmmakers, and performances by iconic stars like Caetano Veloso and Chavela Vargas alongside the songs of Spanish Gypsy groups, Mexican folk songs and contemporary Brazilian rap.

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