We manage rights for science-fiction and fantasy legend Jack Vane (1916 - 2013) and selected titles by Tanith Lee, Michael Shea, Matthew Hughes, and others.
View Rights PortalWe manage rights for science-fiction and fantasy legend Jack Vane (1916 - 2013) and selected titles by Tanith Lee, Michael Shea, Matthew Hughes, and others.
View Rights PortalSparsile Books is an independent publisher, based in Glasgow, specialising in high quality fiction and non-fiction. We see publishing as an art in itself, and work closely with our authors to ensure that the books we publish give readers a unique vision of the world. Since our beginning in 2018, we have been fortunate to discover some truly exceptional writers, and look forward to developing many more.
View Rights PortalThis volume provides a novel platform to re-evaluate the notion of open-ended intimacies through the lens of affect theories. Contributors address the embodied, affective and psychic, sensorial and embodied aspects of their ongoing intimate entanglements across various timely phenomena. This fascinating collection asks how the study of affect enables us to rethink intimacies, what affect theories can do to the prevailing notion of intimacy and how do they renew and enrich theories of intimacy in a manner which also considers its normative and violent forms. Lively and thought-provoking, this collection contributes to timely topics across the social sciences, representing multiple disciplines from gender studies, sociology and cultural studies to anthropology and queer studies. By so doing, it advances the value of interdisciplinary perspectives and creative methodologies to understanding affective intimacies.
De Stijl was the title of a magazine founded in the Netherlands in 1917 and is now used to identify the abstract art and functional architecture of its major contributors: Mondrian, Van Doesburg, Van der Leck, Oud, Wils and Rietveld. This book is the first to emphasize the local context of De Stijl and explore its relationship to the distinctive character of Dutch modernism. Examines the connection between debates concerning abstraction in painting and spatiality in architecture and contemporary developments in the fields of urban planning, advertising, interior design and exhibition design. Describes the interaction between the world of mass culture and the fine arts. ;
Tattoos in crime and detective narratives examines representations of the tattoo and tattooing in literature, television and film, from two periods of tattoo renaissance (1851-1914, and c1955 to present). It makes an original contribution to understandings of crime and detective genre and the ways in which tattoos act as a mimetic device that marks and remarks these narratives in complex ways. With a focus on tattooing as a bodily narrative, the book incorporates the critical perspectives of posthumanism, spatiality, postcolonialism, embodiment and gender studies. The grouped essays examine the first tattoo renaissance, the rebirth of the tattoo in contemporary culture through literature, children's literature, film and television. The collection has a broad appeal, and will be of interest to all literature and media scholars, but in particular those with an interest in crime and detective narratives and skin studies.
Wer redet? Sabetzky, der Geschichtenerzähler, der Fantast, Linkshänder mit der schönen Rasierklingennarbe, der, den die Schule zum Rechtshänder dressierte und zerbrach? Oder der Erzähler, der Maler, der schreiend seine erfolgreiche erste große Ausstellung verläßt und Sabetzky nachfährt, nach München, in die Diskothek »Fifth Dimension«, wo der Freund am Ende seines Weges als Kellner untergekommen ist? Im Zug, während der langen sonntäglichen Fahrt durch Westdeutschland, erinnert er sich an die Stationen seines Lebens. Im preußisch strengen Vaterhaus stirbt die lebendige Mutter qualvoll langsam an Krebs. Der mißratene dritte Sohn zieht aus, geht auf die Kunstakademie, bleibt auch dort Fremdling. Er arbeitet in einer Werbeagentur, wird als Wandmaler gemanagt, paßt sich an, hat Erfolg und haßt sich dafür. Er arbeitet auf eine Ausstellung hin - aus der er dann flüchtet, nach München. Dort findet er Sabetzky in seinem Zimmer, tot. Er wird Sabetzkys Job, Kellner in der Fünften Dimension, übernehmen. Aber wie der Linkshänder, die Brüder, wurde er eingespannt, zurechtgerückt, fixiert, zum Schweigen gebracht. Es gibt keinen Ausweg. Die fünfte Dimension bietet keinen.
At the heart of the European integration process is the political economy debate over whether the EU should be a market-making project, or if it should combine this with integration in employment and social policy. What has been the impact of the 2004 and 2007 rounds of enlargement upon the political economy of European integration? EU enlargement, the clash of capitalisms and the European social dimension analyses the impact of the 2004 and 2007 enlargements upon the politics of European integration within EU employment and social policy. This book analyses the main policy negotiations in the field and analyses the political positions and contributions of the Central and Eastern European Member States. Through analyses of the negotiations of the Services Directive, the revision of the Working Time Directive and the Europe 2020 poverty target, the book argues that the addition of the Central and Eastern European states has strengthened liberal forces at the EU level and undermined integration with EU employment and social policy. ;
»Die Politik Gorbatschows hat tiefgreifende Veränderungen in der Sowjetunion eingeleitet. Sie ermöglicht nicht nur radikale Reformen in Staat und Wirtschaft der osteuropäischen Länder; sie scheint auch die Grundlagen der kommunistischen Utopie nachdrücklich in Frage zu stellen. Angesichts der Krise des sozialistischen Projekts im Osten wie im Westen dürfte es angebracht sein, über die historische Dimension und die aktuelle Bedeutung der ihm zugrunde liegenden Utopie nachzudenken. Ebendies ist das Thema der in diesem Band enthaltenen Studien Richard Saages.«
Edmund Spenser and the romance of space advances the exploration of literary space into new areas, firstly by taking advantage of recent interdisciplinary interests in the spatial qualities of early modern thought and culture, and secondly by reading literature concerning the art of cosmography and navigation alongside imaginative literature with the purpose of identifying shared modes and preoccupations. The book looks to the work of cultural and historical geographers in order to gauge the roles that aesthetic subjectivity and the imagination play in the development of geographical knowledge: contexts ultimately employed by the study to achieve a better understanding of the place of Ireland in Spenser's writing. The study also engages with recent ecocritical approaches to literary environments, such as coastlines, wetlands, and islands, thus framing fresh readings of Spenser's handling of mixed genres.