SugarCane Publishing
Sugarcane Publishing amplifies diverse voices, nurturing unique narratives and bold stories that reflect the rich tapestry of our world.
View Rights PortalSugarcane Publishing amplifies diverse voices, nurturing unique narratives and bold stories that reflect the rich tapestry of our world.
View Rights PortalA sweet treat is tempting, but the lurking dangers should not be underestimated. However, it is just as wrong to demonise all types of sugar in general as to avoid it altogether. In this entertaining mini reference book, Reinhild Berger takes the reader on an interesting journey through the labyrinth of sugar, sugar substitutes and sweeteners and gets to the bottom of many questions in the process: How much is too much? What alternatives are there, and which are advisable? How can one select the right one from the deceptive variety in the supermarket? What is the right way to read the food labels on the packaging? What knowledge does one need to be protected against misleading advertisements? - Learn how to recognise differences between the many types of sugar - Read where dangers lie, and which sugar does us good – and in what quantity - Understand how to interpret nutritional values – and that “no artificial sweetener ” does not mean “sugar-free” Welcome to the promising world of the sweet taste!
Milli and her friend Lotte are looking forward to a school trip to Hohenstein Castle. As Lotte has not been in Milli’s class for long, she does not yet know that Milli has diabetes. Milli explains her condition to her with sugar dragons and insulin knights. But neither of Milli’s parents has time to come on the trip with them and they don’t believe Milli can do it alone. Lotte and Milli think about how they can convince her parents, but all their attempts fail. Then Milli has the idea of inviting her godmother, who agrees to travel with them. This means that the trip is saved and Milli begins the eagerly anticipated adventure. Milli learns that she can do anything, but even knights need help sometimes. Diabetes is not only a physical impairment; it also has an effect on the everyday life and situation of the affected child. Milli’s story illustrates the problems faced by a child with diabetes and how to find a positive way to cope with the condition. For:• children of elementary school age(between 6 and 12 years) who sufferfrom diabetes mellitus• parents and relatives• therapists
Daniel Defoe, geboren 1660 in London, arbeitete als Kaufmann, Journalist und Publizist. Mit seinem Roman Robinson Crusoe wurde er weltberühmt. Er gilt als Begründer des modernen englischen Romans. Defoe starb 1731 in London.
»Defoe hat mit seinem Robinson eines der schönsten Bücher der Welt geschrieben.« Hermann Hesse Illustrierte Ausgabe mit gekürzten Auszügen aus Daniel Defoes weltberühmtem Roman über einen Schiffbrüchigen, der sich auf einer Insel gegen die Natur behaupten muss.
Klassiker für starke Kids Robinson Crusoe landet als Schiffbrüchiger ganz alleine auf einer unbewohnten Insel. Zunächst ist keine Rettung in Sicht. Doch Schritt für Schritt richtet er mit viel Einfallsreichtum sein Leben auf der Insel ein - bis er eines Tages eine unbekannte Spur im Sand entdeckt … Nach dem berühmten Roman von Daniel Defoe - kindgerecht geschrieben und leicht zu lesen für Kinder ab 7/8 Jahren. Abenteuer auf einer einsamen Insel - Klassiker einfach lesen Der Titel ist auf gelistet.
This book focuses on British efforts to suppress the traffic in female slaves destined for Egyptian harems during the late-nineteenth century. It considers this campaign in relation to gender debates in England, and examines the ways in which the assumptions and dominant imperialist discourses of these abolitionists were challenged by the newly-established Muslim communities in England, as well as by English people who converted to or were sympathetic with Islam. While previous scholars have treated antislavery activity in Egypt first and foremost as an extension of earlier efforts to abolish plantation slavery in the New World, this book considers it in terms of encounters with Islam during a period which it argues marked a new departure in Anglo-Muslim relations. This approach illuminates the role of Islam in the creation of English national identities within the global cultural system of the British Empire. This book would appeal to those with an interest in British imperial history; Islam; gender, feminism, and women's studies; slavery and race; the formation of national identities; global processes; Orientalism; and Middle Eastern studies.
The master detective is after a cunning thief who steals colourful, random objects like Leonardo da Vinci’s paintbrush or antique sugar bowls. During a visit to Grandpa Pots, she uncovers the secret of Ghost Island and solves the puzzle of the floating teapot in Mr Goldrand’s junk shop. Only the nasty blackmailing letters from the mysterious “Magpie” present her with a seemingly insoluble mystery. Someone is testing the powers of the great investigator to their very limit…Will she be able to crack even this case? 15 original detective stories told in masterly fashion by the Spiegel bestselling author Andreas H. Schmachtl.
In "Vorsicht, die Herdmanns schon wieder" von Barbara Robinson sorgt die berüchtigte Herdmann-Bande erneut für turbulente Verwicklungen. Die sechs Herdmann-Geschwister sind bekannt dafür, die schlimmsten Kinder aller Zeiten zu sein. Dieses Mal muss sich Lisa der Herausforderung stellen, über jeden ihrer Mitschüler, einschließlich Eugenia Herdmann, etwas Nettes zu schreiben. Keine leichte Aufgabe, bedenkt man, dass die Herdmanns für ihre chaotischen Streiche berüchtigt sind – sei es das Verursachen eines Spuks im Schulbus oder das Platzieren einer toten Schlange im Klassenraum. Während Lisa noch grübelt, was an den Herdmanns überhaupt nett sein könnte, ahnt sie nicht, welche verrückten Ideen den Herdmann-Kindern als Nächstes einfallen werden. Die Geschichte entfaltet sich in einem humorvollen Chaos, das zeigt, dass hinter der rauen Fassade der Herdmanns auch gute Herzen schlagen können. Humorvolle und chaotische Abenteuer: Die unkonventionellen Streiche der Herdmanns sorgen für Lacher und halten die Leser*innen von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite gefesselt. Einzigartige und liebenswerte Charaktere: Trotz ihres rauen Äußeren zeigen die Herdmanns, dass jeder seine guten Seiten hat, was sie unvergesslich und sympathisch macht. Spannende Wendungen: Die originellen Einfälle der Herdmanns garantieren eine abwechslungsreiche Lektüre, die nie langweilig wird. Lehrreiche Momente: Zwischen den Zeilen vermittelt das Buch wichtige Botschaften über Akzeptanz, Freundschaft und das Finden von Positivem in jedem. Für junge Leser*innen ab 8 Jahren: Die zugängliche Sprache und die mitreißenden Geschichten machen das Buch ideal für junge Leserinnen und Leser sowie zum Vorlesen in der Familie. Teil einer erfolgreichen Serie: Als Fortsetzung der beliebten Herdmann-Geschichten verspricht auch dieser Band beste Unterhaltung und Spaß. Hochwertige Illustrationen: Die Ausgabe wird durch zahlreiche Illustrationen bereichert, die die verrückten Abenteuer der Herdmanns visuell untermalen.
Eating disorders always have a variety of causes. The aim isto track down dysfunctional thoughts, beliefs and inner attitudes.The book offers help for sufferers and their families,which has emerged from the author’s many years of therapeuticwork with women and men with eating problems.The author’s aim is to show ways in which those affected canfind a new way of dealing with food and gradually find theirway back to healthy eating behavior.
This book focuses on British efforts to suppress the traffic in female slaves destined for Egyptian harems during the late nineteenth century. It considers this campaign in relation to gender debates in England, and examines the ways in which the assumptions and dominant imperialist discourses of these abolitionists were challenged by the newly established Muslim communities in England, as well as by English people who converted to or were sympathetic with Islam. While previous scholars treated antislavery activity in Egypt first and foremost as an extension of earlier efforts to abolish plantation slavery in the New World, this book considers it in terms of encounters with Islam during a period which it argues marked a new departure in Anglo-Muslim relations. This approach illuminates the role of Islam in the creation of English national identities within the global cultural system of the British Empire. This book will appeal to those with an interest in British imperial history; Islam; gender, feminism and women's studies; slavery and race; the formation of national identities; global processes; Orientalism; and Middle Eastern studies. ;