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        How to Deal With Cutting in Adolescents

        A Guide for Families, Educators, and Adolescents Who Self-harm

        by Dr. Eduardo Aratangy

        This guide provides patients with self-harming behavior as well as their families with information on the possible causes, progression, and treatment options.   The content of this book is clearly structures and outlines different strategies to deal with cutting. Additionally, an informative overview of the complexity of the disorder, written for non-professionals, helps readers gain a better insight into the different characteristics.   Target Group: teens exhibiting self-harming behavior, relatives and laypersons interested in the subject, clinical psychologists, mental health professionals

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescents

        A Guide for Teens and Their Parents

        by Wewetzer, Gunilla; Bohus, Martin

        This guide, written for adolescents with borderline personality disorder and their parents, informs the readers about the symptoms, causes, treatment options, and especially the course of treatment of a Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A). Many examples make the content easy to grasp and detailed descriptions of different self-help exercises that can be done at home. The appendix also provides worksheets and useful contact information. This guide wants to encourage affected teens and their parents to seek help early on, as it has been proven that an early diagnosis and subsequent treatment positively influence the progression of the disorder.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        Das Teenager-Gehirn

        Die entscheidenden Jahre unserer Entwicklung

        by Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne / Englisch Vogel, Sebastian

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2012

        Teens für Kids

        Ein Teamerkurs für 12- bis 15-Jährige

        by Herausgegeben von Koch, Thomas; Herausgegeben von Merkel, Simone

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2017

        Teens and territory in 'post-conflict' Belfast

        by Madeleine Leonard

      • Children's & YA
        March 1905

        The Crimson Sweater

        by Ralph Henry Barbour

        The story of a schoolboy who proves himself through rugged feats in football and hockey.

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        Nutritional Practice Infants, Children, Adolescents

        Concise advisory knowledge

        by Dr. Ute Alexy, Dr. Annett Hilbig and Frauke Lang. Edited by Prof. Dr. Martin Smollich

        Anyone giving responsible advice about questions on nutrition must have sound expert knowledge. This must not only be scientifically reliable, but must at the same time be relevant and practicable in the individual context. The concept behind the book series Nutritional Practice is to provide the necessary translation of current research results and guidelines into recommendations suitable for everyday use. In accordance with this consistent, practical approach, the focus is on the individual person in his or her particular stage in their life. The present volume is based on the various stages in life between infancy and adolescence. It therefore covers all questions about nutrition in health and disease from the first day of life to young adulthood

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Rise up!

        by Li, Amanda

        Von starken Kids und dem Mut, anders zu sein! Ungewöhnliche Geschichten von Schicksalsschlägen, Herausforderungen, Widerstand und einer neuen Zukunft. Greta Thunberg (Schweden): Ein Teenager ruft eine internationale Bewegung für den Klimaschutz ins Leben. Phiona Mutesi (Uganda): Ein kleines Mädchen kämpft sich aus den Slums und wird zum international gefeierten Schachprofi. Boyan Slat (Niederlande): Ein Teenager hilft mit seiner Erfindung, die Meere vom Plastikmüll zu befreien. Lizzie Velasques (USA): Ein durch Krankheit entstellter Teenager kämpft weltweit erfolgreich gegen Mobbing. William Kwamkwamba (USA): Ein Junge sichert die Stromversorgung in seinem Dorf, mit Schrott und einer Anleitung aus einem geliehenen Buch. Dieses Buch stellt coole und unglaublich starke Kids vor, die Schicksalsschläge meistern, ihre Not in Mut umwandeln und für ihre Ideale einstehen. Ob es um die Verwirklichung eines Lebenstraums geht oder um die Veränderung der Welt - sie alle lassen sich nicht von ihren Zielen abbringen. Mit Kurzbiografien von: Greta Thunberg, William Kamkwamba, Laura Dekker, Joel Kioko, Poorna Malavath, Boyan Slat, Yeonmi Park, Abraham Keita, Juliane Koepcke, Desmand Doss, Phiona Mutesi, Rain, Malala Yousafzai, Pelé, Molly Kelly, Ally Swinton, Lizzie Velásquez, Louis Braille, Bethany Hamilton, Mohamad Al Jounde, Pratima Sherpa, Kevin Breel, Frida Kahlo, Nona Siblings, Ellie Simmonds, Pierre Demalvilain, Juliana Ossa, Sheku Kanneh-Mason, Ayesha Farooq.

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        Films, cinema
        December 2014

        Interpreting rock movies

        Pop Film and Its Critics in Britain

        by Andrew Caine

        Andrew Caine details the reaction to British and American pop films during the 1950s and 1960s. By examining the British reception of films such as Rock Around the Clock, Love Me Tender, A Hard Day's Night and Summer Holiday the book provides a valuable insight into British film criticism, teenage culture during the 1950s and 1960s and the generic status of rock films/teen movies and cultural hierarchies. Interpreting rock movies not only contains an extensive account of how the film and music press reacted to rock 'n roll films, but also fully explores issues about taste and distinction within reviewing practices. The movie output of Elvis Presley, the Beatles, and numerous others is located within the context of popular music during the 1950s and 1960s.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Birds in the Mind

        Life Stories from Adolescents with Mental Health Issues

        by Bernd Gomeringer,Jessica Sänger, UlrikeSünkel, Gottfried M.Barth, Max Leutner

        Mental health problems in children and adolescents are a taboo subject. “As ever, there are social misgivings”, says child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. Robin Funke. “Many families find it tough when they first come to us. They feel this is a failure.” But what is it like living with depression, compulsive behaviour, anxiety and panic attacks, or with eating disorders, bulimia or anorexia? Schirm e. V., the friends association for child and adolescent psychiatry in Tübingen (Germany), asked young patients to share their stories. A moving book was created about living with mental health problems, about the dayto- day routine in psychiatric practice and the power of confidence.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2022

        Cowboy Hamlets and zombie Romeos

        by Kinga Földváry

      • Trusted Partner
        Child & developmental psychology

        The Captain Nemo Stories

        by Ulrike Petermann

        Even at a primary school age, children can suffer from anxiety and stress with symptoms ranging from feeling tense to problems concentrating or sleeping. The stories of Captain Nemo help children relax and learn to let go of their anxiety and restlessness. The relaxation stories, written for children ages 5-12, can be either read aloud to the child or by the children themselves. The main character, Captain Nemo, invites the children to come along for his adventures on his submarine the Nautilus. The stories take the children to visit a coral forest, ride a giant tortoise, or explore the lost city of Atlantis. Through the stories, the children learn strategies to calm themselves and relax which they can then re-use in difficult situations in their daily lives. This widely successful book can be used at home, by teachers, social workers, school psychologists, child and adolescentpsychotherapists, and psychiatrists. For:• child and adolescent psycho-therapistsand psychiatrists,social workers, school psychologists,teachers, parents

      • Trusted Partner

        Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety in Children and Adolescents

        A Treatment Manual for Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Specific Phobias, and Separation Anxiety

        by Sigrun Schmidt-Traub

        This title provides a semi-structured guide for an evidence-based cognitive-behavioral treatment of children and adolescents between the ages of 9 and 17 who suffer from panic disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobias, or separation anxiety.   It describes each step of the therapy in details, pays special attention to fear management, and enables the children to largely cope with the fears by themselves. The treatment modules can be used in the context of short-term therapy in individual or mixed individual and group setting. The manual allows for the therapy to be adjusted to the individual needs of the child or adolescent and some parts can be used also when working with younger children. Parents are trained to be co-therapists, supporting their children during the confrontational exercises but also insuring that parents do no unknowingly enable their child to maintain the anxiety disorder. All necessary worksheets can be found on the accompanying CD-ROM.   Target Group: child and adolescent psychotherapists and psychiatrists, students and teachers of psychology, pediatricians, psychotherapists, specialists for psychosomatic medicine, school psychologists

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2024

        »Wenn du wüsstest, was ich weiß ...«

        Der Autor meines Lebens | Eine Wiederbegegnung mit Uwe Johnson, dem »Erzähler der beiden Deutschland«

        by Charly Hübner, Uwe Johnson

        Die Mauer ist gerade erst gefallen. Im mecklenburgischen Neustrelitz verlässt der 19-jährige Charly Hübner sein Elternhaus im Streit. Er findet Zuflucht am Theater und in der Literatur, liest wie besessen und landet nahezu unumgänglich bei den Jahrestagen von Uwe Johnson. Er taucht darin ein – und sehr lange nicht wieder auf. 40 Jahre nach Johnsons Tod und 90 nach dessen Geburt hat Charly Hübner Johnsons Großwerk als Hörbuch eingelesen. Wieder ist er vollkommen darin eingetaucht und war erstaunt, wie aktuell es nach wie vor ist – literarisch und politisch. Eher durch Zufall landete die wuchtige Buchclubausgabe der Jahrestage in Charly Hübners neuem Zuhause. Ein dicker Wälzer, der trotz der manchmal sperrigen Sprache und verwinkelten Erzählweise einen so noch nie erlebten Sog auf den damaligen Teenager ausübte. Da erzählte jemand aus dem fernen Sehnsuchtsort New York und verband das wie selbstverständlich mit einer Familiensaga in Mecklenburg – Weltliteratur aus der Heimat quasi.Aus dem Teenager von damals ist einer der beliebtesten Schauspieler des mehr oder weniger vereinten Deutschland geworden – während Johnson mehr und mehr in Vergessenheit geraten ist. Zu Unrecht, findet Charly Hübner, denn die Lektüre dieses Autors, eines genauen Beobachters seiner Zeit, der wie kein anderer die Sprache und Denkweise der Menschen um ihn herum zu Papier gebracht hat, ist heute noch aktueller denn je.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Bob Dylan

        Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Conrad Roset, Svenja Becker

        Bereits als Teenager schwärmte Bob für Instrumente: Gitarre, Mundharmonika, Orgel, Klavier. Und für alle möglichen Stilrichtungen: Rock, Folk, Country, Blues, Gospel ... Mit zwanzig zog er nach New York und begann, seine selbstgeschriebenen Songs zu performen. Er gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Musiker und erhielt für seine Texte sogar den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Malerin, Sänger oder Architektin, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.

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