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      • AlFulk Translation and Publishing

        AlFulk Translation & Publishing: An independent publishing house, launched in October 2015 and based in Abu Dhabi. It specialisation is translating children and young adult literature from different languages into Arabic. AlFulk aims for:1. To enrich the Arabic library with diverse cultural collections, in order to aware the readers of the intercultural communication importance. 2. To establish a reading habits base for children from 0-4.3. To increase the level of YA books -both Fantasy, fiction and non-fiction- in terms of their content and illustrations.As the majority in the publishing industry, we have been affected by COVID-19 epidemic. However, we have decided to participate at Frankfurter Buchmesse this year to look at what is new in the industry and to expand our network. We seek long term partnerships.

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      • Literature Translation Institute of Korea

        LTI Korea is a government-affiliated organization that aims to disseminate Korean culture and literature throughout the world in line with the government’s efforts to shape Korean literature in the world culture.  website:  Korean Literature Now(literary magazine):

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 1997

        Philosophie der Logik

        Eine Einführung

        by Read, Stephen

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        Diaspora as translation and decolonisation

        by Ipek Demir

        This innovative study engages critically with existing conceptualisations of diaspora, arguing that if diaspora is to have analytical purchase, it should illuminate a specific angle of migration or migrancy. To reveal the much-needed transformative potential of the concept, the book looks specifically at how diasporas undertake translation and decolonisation. It offers various conceptual tools for investigating diaspora, with a specific focus on diasporas in the Global North and a detailed empirical study of the Kurdish diaspora in Europe. The book also considers the backlash diasporas of colour have faced in the Global North.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 1994

        The Black Death

        by Translated and edited by Rosemary Horrox

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2016

        Flesh and Spirit

        by Rachel Adcock, Sara Read, Anna Ziomek

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2025

        Translating Petrarch in early modern Britain

        Canzoniere and Triumphi, c. 1530–1650

        by Marie-Alice Belle, Riccardo Raimondo, Francesco Venturi

        Translating Petrarch in early modern Britain gathers twelve essays by international scholars focusing on the translation of Petrarch's vernacular verse (Canzoniere and Triumphi) into English, from the Tudor age to the mid-seventeenth century (and beyond). Approaching translation as an interpretive process, but also a mode of literary emulation and cultural engagement with Petrarch's prestigious precedent, the collection explores the complex and interconnected trajectories of both poetic works in English and Scottish literary milieux. While situating each translation in its distinct historical, material, and literary context, the essays trace the reception of Petrarch's works in early modern Britain through the combined processes of linguistic and metric innovation, literary imitation, musical adaptation and cultural and material 'domestication'. The collection sheds light on the origins and development of early modern English Petrarchism as part of wider transnational - and indeed, translational-European literary culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1989

        Im Strom des Lebens

        Roman einer französischen Familie durch drei Generationen

        by Read, Piers P / Übersetzt von Hans, Alfred

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2018

        Living displacement

        by Mateja Celestina, Alexander Smith

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2021


        by Silvia Pasquetti, Romola Sanyal

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        Teaching, Language & Reference
        October 2023

        Conceptualising China through translation

        by James St André

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1973

        The Great Transformation

        Politische und ökonomische Ursprünge von Gesellschaften und Wirtschaftssystemen

        by Karl Polanyi, Heinrich Jelinek, R. M. MacIver

        The Great Transformation, 1944 erschienen, geht von der These aus, daß erst die Herausbildung einer liberalen Marktwirtschaft mit ihrem »freien Spiel der Kräfte« zu jener charakteristischen »Herauslösung« und Verselbständigung der Ökonomie gegenüber der Gesellschaft geführt hat, die historisch ein Novum darstellt und die bürgerliche Gesellschaft von allen anderen Gesellschaftsformationen unterscheidet. The Great Transformation - das bezeichnet den Übergang von »integrierten« Gesellschaften, in denen die wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten der Individuen in einen übergreifenden kulturellen Zusammenhang eingebettet waren, zur nicht integrierten Gesellschaft vom Typ der freien Marktwirtschaft.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Crisis and Transformation

        by Jean-Pierre Wils (Ed.)

        We live in an age of upheaval and crisis; our existence is at the threshold of a new epoch that leaves nothing as it was before. It became clear that the natural materials of our world in transformation were a finite and exhaustible resource. The ambitious projects of humankind were already beset by doubts and the optimism of something better in store for us in the future became ever more subdued. An era of sceptical thinking dawned. What was only recently celebrated as an achievement is today placed in question: democracy, human rights and the bond of solidarity between the generations. But the art of dialogue must always be preserved. The capacity for critical reflection must be repeatedly practised and the sensitivity of our perception deepened.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2011

        The Transformation of European Football

        Towards the Europeanisation of the national game

        by Arne Niemann, Borja Garcia, Wyn Grant

        The book examines the transformation of European football in recent years by focusing on the impact of Europe in general and the EU in particular on the way that the game has evolved in a broad cross section of European states. The book brings together two significant research agendas: first, that on the governance of sport in Europe/the European Union; secondly, that within European integration studies on 'Europeanisation' (most commonly understood at the process of change in the domestic arena resulting from European integration). The concept of Europeanisation and in particular' top down' Europeanisation is used to shape the individual country case studies. Other transformational factors such as globalization are also assessed. The three chapters in the introductory section set the context within which the transformation of European football has occurred with particular emphasis on the role of UEFA and EU institutions. The ten country studies in the central part of the book include the five leading football nations in Europe and smaller countries that are facing new challenges in the competitive environment of modern European football. They include an example of a country that is a recent accession state and one outside the EU. What emerges from these chapters is both the shaping influence of Europeanisation but also the extent to which it is countered and modified by national culture and structures. What is also noticeable the sense of decline amongst some of the small and even larger footballing nations in the continent. This book will be of interest to students of European politics, sports governance and football, it also represents a substantial contribution to the debate on Europeanisation. ;

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        Little Unicorn Finya Brightstar. Read-Aloud Stories from the Wishing Wood

        by Mila Berg/Marina Krämer

        In the secret Wishing Wood, a wonderful world of unicorns is just waiting to be discovered! Enjoy magical adventures in the company of the little unicorn Finya Brightstar and her friends, Trixie the goblin girl and Kalle the bat. When they leave their tent one night, the three brave friends find out the cause of some strange noises. They come up with a clever plan to help the big unicorn Elara, who has been feeling horribly sad for several days. And when Finya and Trixie have a nasty quarrel, Kalle succeeds in getting them to make up. Because after all, best friends are always there for one another! Twelve stories to read aloud, on a wide range of subjects, all sheer delight! With beautifully designed four-colour illustrations by Marina Krämer on every page, and fine foil embossing on the cover. Ideal for bedtime reading.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2022

        In den Stürmen der Transformation

        Zwei Werften zwischen Sozialismus und EU

        by Philipp Ther, Ulf Brunnbauer, Piotr Filipkowski, Andrew Hodges, Stefano Petrungaro, Peter Wegenschimmel

        Die gigantischen Kräne der Werften in Gdynia und in Pula waren bis vor Kurzem der Stolz dieser Städte. In Polen entstanden 300 Meter lange Ozeanriesen, in Kroatien Schiffe, auf denen Tausende Schafe lebend aus Neuseeland nach Europa transportiert werden konnten – Meerwasserentsalzungsanlage inklusive. Doch all der Erfindungsreichtum und das im Sozialismus eingeübte Improvisationstalent halfen nichts: Bald nach dem EU-Beitritt gingen die Werften pleite, auch weil in Brüssel das Wettbewerbsrecht mehr zählt als eine global orientierte Industriepolitik. Das »Werftenkollektiv« um Ulf Brunnbauer und Philipp Ther taucht tief ein in den Alltag der beiden Betriebe. Die Sozialwissenschaftler und Historiker rekonstruieren ihren Niedergang und analysieren die große Transformation, die Europa seit den siebziger Jahren erschüttert.

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