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      • AlFulk Translation and Publishing

        AlFulk Translation & Publishing: An independent publishing house, launched in October 2015 and based in Abu Dhabi. It specialisation is translating children and young adult literature from different languages into Arabic. AlFulk aims for:1. To enrich the Arabic library with diverse cultural collections, in order to aware the readers of the intercultural communication importance. 2. To establish a reading habits base for children from 0-4.3. To increase the level of YA books -both Fantasy, fiction and non-fiction- in terms of their content and illustrations.As the majority in the publishing industry, we have been affected by COVID-19 epidemic. However, we have decided to participate at Frankfurter Buchmesse this year to look at what is new in the industry and to expand our network. We seek long term partnerships.

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      • Literature Translation Institute of Korea

        LTI Korea is a government-affiliated organization that aims to disseminate Korean culture and literature throughout the world in line with the government’s efforts to shape Korean literature in the world culture.  website:  Korean Literature Now(literary magazine):

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      • Trusted Partner
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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        The elementary structuring of patriarchy

        Bolivian women and transborder mobilities in the Andes

        by Menara Guizardi

        Based on an ethnographic study on the Andean Tri-border (between Chile, Peru, and Bolivia), this volume addresses the experience of Aymara cross-border women from Bolivia employed in the rural valleys on the outskirts of Arica (Chile's northernmost city). As protagonists of transborder mobility circuits, these women are intersectionally impacted by different forms of social vulnerability. With a feminist anthropological perspective, the book investigates how the boundaries of gender are constructed in the (multi)situated experience of these transborder women. By building a bridge between classical anthropological studies on kinship and contemporary debates on transnational and transborder mobility, the book invites us to rethink structuralist theoretical assertions on the elementary character of family alliances.

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        The Arts
        February 2022

        "I am Jugoslovenka!"

        Feminist performance politics during and after Yugoslav Socialism

        by Jasmina Tumbas, Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon

        "I am Jugoslovenka" argues that queer-feminist artistic and political resistance were paradoxically enabled by socialist Yugoslavia's unique history of patriarchy and women's emancipation. Spanning performance and conceptual art, video works, film and pop music, lesbian activism and press photos of female snipers in the Yugoslav wars, the book analyses feminist resistance in a range of performative actions that manifest the radical embodiment of Yugoslavia's anti-fascist, transnational and feminist legacies. It covers celebrated and lesser-known artists from the 1970s to today, including Marina Abramovic, Sanja Ivekovic, Vlasta Delimar, Tanja Ostojic, Selma Selman and Helena Janecic, along with music legends Lepa Brena and Esma Redzepova. "I am Jugoslovenka" tells a unique story of women's resistance through the intersection of feminism, socialism and nationalism in East European visual culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2024

        Diaspora as translation and decolonisation

        by Ipek Demir

        This innovative study engages critically with existing conceptualisations of diaspora, arguing that if diaspora is to have analytical purchase, it should illuminate a specific angle of migration or migrancy. To reveal the much-needed transformative potential of the concept, the book looks specifically at how diasporas undertake translation and decolonisation. It offers various conceptual tools for investigating diaspora, with a specific focus on diasporas in the Global North and a detailed empirical study of the Kurdish diaspora in Europe. The book also considers the backlash diasporas of colour have faced in the Global North.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        Empire, migration and identity in the British World

        by Andrew Thompson, Kent Fedorowich, John M. MacKenzie, Andrew Thompson, Keith Povey

        The essays in this volume have been written by leading experts in their respective fields and bring together established scholars with a new generation of migration and transnational historians. Their work weaves together the 'new' imperial and the 'new' migration histories, and is essential reading for scholars and students interested in the interplay of migration within and between the local, regional, imperial, and transnational arenas. Furthermore, these essays set an important analytical benchmark for more integrated and comparative analyses of the range of migratory processes - free and coerced - which together impacted on the dynamics of power, forms of cultural circulation and making of ethnicities across a British imperial world.

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        The Arts
        October 2020

        Charlotte Gainsbourg

        by Felicity Chaplin

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        Contemporary Spanish cinema and genre

        by Jay Beck, Vicente Rodríguez Ortega

        This volume is the first English-language collection exclusively dedicated to the study of genre in relation to Spanish cinema. Providing a variety of critical perspectives, the collection gives the reader a thorough account of the relationship between Spanish cinema and genre, drawing on case studies of several of the most remarkable Spanish films in recent years. The book analyses the significant changes in the aesthetics, production and reception of Spanish film from 1990 onwards. It brings together European and North American scholars to establish a critical dialogue on the topics under discussion, while providing multiple perspectives on the concepts of national cinemas and genre theory. In recent years film scholarship has attempted to negotiate the tension between the nationally specific and the internationally ubiquitous, discussing how globalisation has influenced film making and surrounding cultural practice. These broader social concerns have prompted scholars to emphasise a redefinition of national cinemas beyond strict national boundaries and to pay attention to the transnational character of any national site of film production and reception. This collection provides a thorough investigation of contemporary Spanish cinema within a transnational framework, by positing cinematic genres as the meeting spaces between a variety of diverse forces that necessarily operate within but also across territorial spaces. Paying close attention to the specifics of the Spanish cinematic and social panorama, the essays investigate the transnational economic, cultural and aesthetic forces at play in shaping Spanish film genres today.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Contemporary Spanish cinema and genre

        by Jay Beck, Vicente Rodríguez Ortega

        This volume is the first English-language collection exclusively dedicated to the study of genre in relation to Spanish cinema. Providing a variety of critical perspectives, the collection gives the reader a thorough account of the relationship between Spanish cinema and genre, drawing on case studies of several of the most remarkable Spanish films in recent years. The book analyses the significant changes in the aesthetics, production and reception of Spanish film from 1990 onwards. It brings together European and North American scholars to establish a critical dialogue on the topics under discussion, while providing multiple perspectives on the concepts of national cinemas and genre theory. In recent years film scholarship has attempted to negotiate the tension between the nationally specific and the internationally ubiquitous, discussing how globalisation has influenced film making and surrounding cultural practice. These broader social concerns have prompted scholars to emphasise a redefinition of national cinemas beyond strict national boundaries and to pay attention to the transnational character of any national site of film production and reception. This collection provides a thorough investigation of contemporary Spanish cinema within a transnational framework, by positing cinematic genres as the meeting spaces between a variety of diverse forces that necessarily operate within but also across territorial spaces. Paying close attention to the specifics of the Spanish cinematic and social panorama, the essays investigate the transnational economic, cultural and aesthetic forces at play in shaping Spanish film genres today.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017

        Sport in the Black Atlantic

        Cricket, Canada and the Caribbean diaspora

        by Janelle Joseph. Series edited by John Horne

        This book outlines the ways sport helps to create transnational social fields that interconnect migrants dispersed across a region known as the Black Atlantic: England, North America and the Caribbean. Many Caribbean men's stories about their experiences migrating to Canada, settling in Toronto, finding jobs and travelling involved some contact with a cricket and social club. This book offers a unique contribution to black diaspora studies through showing sport as a means of allaying the pain of ageing in the diaspora, creating transnational social networks and marking ethnic boundaries on a local scale. The book also brings black diaspora analysis to sport research, and through a close look at what goes on before, during and after cricket matches provides insights into the dis-unities, contradictions and complexities of Afro-diasporic identity in multicultural Canada. It will be of interest to students and scholars in sociology, sport studies and black diaspora studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2004

        Wir und die Anderen

        Vom Blick der Deutschen auf Migranten und Minderheiten

        by Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim, Ulrich Beck, Raimund Fellinger

        Die Welt ist in Bewegung geraten, die Bevölkerung vieler Länder wird demographisch bunter gemischt. Dies gilt auch für Deutschland. Während auf der Ebene der Politik sich allmählich die Einsicht durchzusetzen beginnt, daß Deutschland ein Einwanderungsland ist, steht in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung ein vergleichbarer Bewußtseinswandel aus.Ihr Buch handelt von den Bildern, die in Medien und Alltag über Migranten und ethnische Minderheiten kursieren: zum Beispiel die enge Traditionsbindung, die für Einwanderer charakteristisch sein soll; oder das traurige Los der unterdrückten Ausländerfrau; oder das Schicksal der zweiten Generation, verloren im Kulturkonflikt. Warum können sich solche unbegründeten Vorstellungen halten? Weil, so Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim, die Einheimischen »die Anderen« aus dem mononationalen Blickwinkel der deutschen Mehrheitsgesellschaft betrachten. Die Erfahrungen der Migranten und Minderheiten dagegen sind transnational: sind aufgespannt zwischen mehreren Ländern, Kulturen und Zentren, sind geprägt vom Nebeneinander mehrerer Sprachen, Heimaten, Weltbilder. Dort mononational, hier transnational – aus der Diskrepanz dieser Blickwinkel erklären sich viele Kontroversen, die die Migrationsdebatten in Deutschland kennzeichnen.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2007

        Wir und die Anderen

        Kopftuch, Zwangsheirat und andere Mißverständnisse

        by Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim

        Die Welt ist in Bewegung geraten, die Bevölkerung vieler Länder wird demographisch bunter gemischt. Dies gilt auch für Deutschland. Während auf der Ebene der Politik sich allmählich die Einsicht durchzusetzen beginnt, daß Deutschland ein Einwanderungsland ist, steht in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung ein vergleichbarer Bewußtseinswandel aus. Ihr Buch handelt von den Bildern, die in Medien und Alltag über Migranten und ethnische Minderheiten kursieren: zum Beispiel die enge Traditionsbindung, die für Einwanderer charakteristisch sein soll; oder das traurige Los der unterdrückten Ausländerfrau; oder das Schicksal der zweiten Generation, verloren im Kulturkonflikt. Warum können sich solche unbegründeten Vorstellungen halten? Weil, so Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim, die Einheimischen »die Anderen« aus dem mononationalen Blickwinkel der deutschen Mehrheitsgesellschaft betrachten. Die Erfahrungen der Migranten und Minderheiten dagegen sind transnational: sind aufgespannt zwischen mehreren Ländern, Kulturen und Zentren, sind geprägt vom Nebeneinander mehrerer Sprachen, Heimaten, Weltbilder. Dort mononational, hier transnational – aus der Diskrepanz dieser Blickwinkel erklären sich viele Kontroversen, die die Migrationsdebatten in Deutschland kennzeichnen.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2012

        The European Union and industrial relations

        New procedures, new context

        by Emil Kirchner, Stijn Smismans, Thomas Christiansen

        This is the first book to provide a clear overview and innovative analysis of the multiple ways the European Union affects industrial relations. It frames the EU as the provider of both a new institutional framework and policy context for industrial relations. It first examines the European level institutional framework for industrial relations, namely the European social dialogue at cross-sectoral, sectoral and company level, as well as interactions between these and transnational developments. It then focuses on the EU's role as a driver for institutional change in industrial relations at the national level, and subsequently analyses how the EU's policy framework, such as the common market freedoms, economic governance and Agenda 2020, influences industrial relations. The book will be of great interest particularly to all those involved in industrial relations and EU studies and more generally to anyone interested in the EU's debated and contested role in socio-economic governance in the face of an economic crisis that puts into question existing national and transnational governance structures. ;

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        Business, Economics & Law
        September 2024

        Global solidarities against water grabbing

        by Caitlin Schroering

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2024

        How the other half lives

        by Samuel Burgum, Katie Higgins

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