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      • Trinity Publishing NZ Ltd.

        Trinity Publishing NZ Ltd has been producing children's books since 1997 in Australasia whilst sailing in the South Pacific islands. Since 2018 we have also begun producing work for a European readership..We love visiting the place where our book subjects live and play.

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      • Editora Trinta Zero Nove

        Editora Trinta Zero Nove is an independent press based in Maputo, Mozambique. It was started in 2018. This year the press debuted a kid lit and young adult collections translated from Arabic, Italian and English into Portuguese in print and braille.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        June 2020

        Das Herz der Zeit: Die vergessenen Geschichten

        The Heart of Time: The Forgotten Stories

        by Peetz, Monika

        Everything is lost. Lena’s enemies have taken over the invisible city and launched a witch hunt for time travellers. Together with Bobbie, Lena takes refuge in the future and tries desperately to find other rebels. The near future is already very different compared to her present life: in 2031 climate change is undeniable and people pay by using implanted memory chips, which is frightening enough. Then her chronometer picks up a faint signal – from Dante. Lena can hardly wait to see him again. But can she be sure the signal is genuine?  Things take a dark turn when she is visited by a group of time tourists; in a distant future, time travel is big business. But no one seems to care about the chaos and damage this kind of tourism can cause – or even that it could destroy humanity itself.   For Lena, everything is on the line: the existence of the invisible city, the fate of humanity’s forgotten stories – and even her love for Dante.     12+ years The finale of this enthralling fantasy trilogy. English sample translation available!

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Posthuman Journey Trilogie

        by Pat To Yan, John Birke, Ulrike Syha

        Das zentrale Motiv der Reise verbindet diese Trilogie: Wohin die Figuren auch gehen, sie sind in einem Transitzustand, in Umbruchssituationen, auf der Flucht und auf der Suche nach den Bedingungen für eine freie Gesellschaft. Eine kurze Chronik des künftigen China erzählt eine Bewegung gegen den Strom: Alle fliehen vor dem Krieg in den Süden des Landes, während »Der Außenstehende« die Rückreise antritt ins Zentrum der Katastrophe, um sich mit seiner verdrängten traumatischen Geschichte zu konfrontieren. Eine posthumane Geschichte beginnt mit einem Soldaten, der vom Homeoffice aus feindliche Gebiete bombardiert. Als sein Sohn ohne Gesäß geboren wird, reist er an den Kriegsort und versucht Verantwortung für die eigene Schuld zu übernehmen. Überall im Universum Klang ist der philosophischste Teil der Trilogie. Er spielt im All und auf einem noch unbekannten Planeten. Die Erde wird von einem schwarzen Loch geschluckt. Ein Mann versucht seine Geliebte wiederzufinden, die dabei in einen anderen Bewusstseinszustand transformiert wurde. Pat To Yans Szenarien sind bevölkert von mythologisch inspirierten und allegorischen Figuren, zwischen Mensch und Tier, zwischen Mensch und Androide. Sie bewegen sich stets in parallel existierenden Bewusstseinsebenen und Timelines. Seine vom magischen Realismus beeinflusste Schreibweise erzählt vom Sterben, Leben und Überleben in politisch repressiven Systemen. »Wenn du über die Grausamkeit der Realität schreiben willst, darf es nicht realistisch sein.« Das unheimliche Mädchen aus Teil 1, Eine kurze Chronik des künftigen China

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2003

        Nietzsche Trilogie. Lange Nacht

        Stücke und Materialien

        by Einar Schleef

        Nietzsche Trilogie In den drei Teilen, überschrieben mit Gewöhnlicher Abend, Messer und Gabel und Ettersberg, führt Einar Schleef den Philosophen als still gestellten Unruhestifter vor. Er zeigt ihn nach seinem psychischen Zusammenbruch als ein gestürztes Genie, ein Dämmern im Schatten der reinen Vernunft und in der beängstigenden Enge der Familie, in den quälenden Fängen von Mutter und Schwester. Lange Nacht Einar Schleefs letztes Stück setzt sich mit den Jahren 1979 bis 1995 auseinander. Erzählt wird die Geschichte zweier Brüder, die aus unterschiedlichen Gründen die DDR verließen und sich anläßlich des ersten Besuchs der Mutter im Westen wieder begegnen.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023


        by Annalena Küspert, Konstantin Küspert

        Der Reichsbürger – Wilhelm S. wehrt sich in seinem Monolog gegen diese Bezeichnung. Wilhelm S. ist ein Selbstverwalter, der stolz ist auf seine Verwandlung vom Schaf zur mündigen Person. Vor allem aber ist er kein Menschenfeind mit Aluhut, sondern jemand, »der einfach ein bisschen weiterdenkt« und Sie fragt – ja genau, Sie! –, ob Sie möchten, dass Ihr Kind das einzige in der 1. Klasse ist, das Deutsch spricht? Und, ob Sie in Frieden und Wohlstand, ohne Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung leben möchten? Was hat ein Einkaufswagenchip mit einem FDP-Politiker zu tun? Absurde Strategien zur Wählergewinnung des »einfachen Bürgers« sind Mittelpunkt der Dokuserie »Die Jürgen W. Möllemann Story« in Der Bundesbürger. Ein dreiköpfiges Writers' Room Team dokumentiert darin in Schlaglichtern den Aufstieg und Fall Möllemanns, ergänzt durch Recherchen, die die FDP als Wegbereiter für den Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland markieren. In Die Mitbürger geraten gebildete, soziale Menschen, die von sich selbst sagen würden, ihnen wäre jeder Extremismus »ob links oder rechts« zuwider, in Situationen, in denen sich unmerklich Verschiebungen mitten im vermeintlich Normalen vollziehen – ein Psychogramm des Extremismus der Mitte. Annalena Küspert und Konstantin Küspert bewegen sich auf der Deutschlandkarte zwischen den »extremen Rändern« und der »Mitte der Gesellschaft« und gehen den Verschiebungen dieser Koordinaten nach. Ihre Bürger-Trilogie ist ein Panorama bundesdeutscher Identitäten und politischer Entwicklungen – direkt an uns Bürger:innen adressiert. »die BRD-gmbh ist eine art kapitalistisches erlebniswunderland, wie ein freizeitpark. und sie alle sind gleichzeitig parkbesucher und aufsichtspersonal.« aus Teil 1, Der Reichsbürger

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2014

        Pariser Trilogie. Abendgesellschaft, Außenbezirke, Familienstammbuch

        Drei Romane

        by Patrick Modiano, Walter Schürenberg

        Drei Bücher hat Patrick Modiano unter dem Titel Pariser Trilogie zusammengefaßt: Abendgesellschaft, Außenbezirke und Familienstammbaum. Wie wird man zum Verräter, wie läßt es sich verhindern? Diese Fragen stellt sich ein junger Franzose, der sich, für die Gestapo arbeitend, einer Résistance-Gruppe anschließt. In einer ebenso sanften wie unnachgiebigen Erzählung nähert sich Modiano einer Vergangenheit an, die er selbst nicht erlebt hat. Mit seiner unverwechselbaren Musikalität erweckt er Worte zum Leben und überführt sie in eine fantastisch anmutende Abendgesellschaft. In den Außenbezirken, außerhalb von Paris, sucht Serge Alexandre seinen Vater. Wieder befinden wir uns in der Zeit der Besatzung. Wer ist dieser Vater? Was macht er, als Jude unter all den zwielichtigen Gestalten? Warum erkennt er seinen Sohn nicht mehr? Bis zuletzt folgt der Erzähler den Spuren seines geisterhaften Vaters. »Ich war siebzehn, und es blieb mir nichts anderes übrig, als ein französischer Schriftsteller zu werden«, schreibt Modiano im Familienstammbuch und legt uns in 14 Erzählungen seine Jugenderinnerungen vor. Autobiographisches, aber auch Imaginiertes.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2012

        Moliere: L'imposteur de 1667

        A critical edition

        by Robert McBride

        This book is the second part of an important experimental trilogy in text archaeology of all the various ideas about the 1664 and later versions. Tartuffe ou L'Imposteur, (Tartuffe or the Hypocrite), is Molière's most famous play and was first performed at Versailles in 1664. It attacked religious hypocrisy and as a result caused much scandal and was then banned. Tartuffe means 'hypocrite' especially one who shows affected religious piety and exaggeratedly feigns virtue. Revised versions of Tartuffe were performed at various times between 1667 and 1669. McBride provides a reconstruction of the 1667 version in this book. McBride's work is meticulous and nuanced and he provides a scholarly reconstruction of one of Molière's masterpieces. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2000

        Contemporary Australian cinema

        An introduction

        by Jonathan Rayner

        Provides an introduction to the products and context of the new Australian film industry which arose toward the end of the 1960s. Traces the development of Australian film, in terms of prominent directors and stars, consistent themes, styles and evolving genres. The evolution of the film genres peculiar to Australia, and the adaptation of conventional Hollywood forms (such as the musical and the road movie) are examined in detail through textual readings of landmark films. Films and trends discussed include: the period film and Picnic at Hanging Rock; the Gothic film and the Mad Max trilogy; camp and kitsch comedy and the Adventures of Pricilla, Queen of the Desert. The key issue of the revival (the definition, representation and propagation of a national image) is woven through analysis of the new Australian cinema. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2017

        Contemporary Australian cinema

        An introduction

        by Jonathan Rayner

        Provides an introduction to the products and context of the new Australian film industry which arose toward the end of the 1960s. Traces the development of Australian film, in terms of prominent directors and stars, consistent themes, styles and evolving genres. The evolution of the film genres peculiar to Australia, and the adaptation of conventional Hollywood forms (such as the musical and the road movie) are examined in detail through textual readings of landmark films. Films and trends discussed include: the period film and Picnic at Hanging Rock; the Gothic film and the Mad Max trilogy; camp and kitsch comedy and the Adventures of Pricilla, Queen of the Desert. The key issue of the revival (the definition, representation and propagation of a national image) is woven through analysis of the new Australian cinema.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2005

        Pat Barker

        by John Brannigan, Daniel Lea

        This book provides a comprehensive account and critical analysis of the literary career of Pat Barker. It offers readings of Barker's innovations in narrative form, her revisionist perspectives on history, class and gender, and her preoccupation with themes of trauma, haunting and terror. It also analyses the reasons for her success and significance as a novelist. The chapters draw on contemporary theories of critical realism, gender and social identities, memory and narrative, in order to outline the debates with which Barker's work has consistently engaged. Brannigan argues that Barker is one of the most important writers in modern English literary history. She is principally renowned and widely acclaimed for her 'Regeneration' trilogy, the last volume of which, 'The Ghost Road', won the Booker Prize in 1995. In recent novels, Barker has continued to deal with controversial and shocking themes, including child murderers and the meanings of 'terror' in the contemporary world. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 1994


        by Federico Garcia Lorca, Rebecca Warner

        The second of Lorca's trilogy of rural dramas, Yerma, is a blend of contrasting moods through which Lorca charts the increasingly destructive obsession of a childless young country wife, and probes the darker zones of human fears and desires. The play's rich mode of expression - a combination of verbal, visual and auditory images and rhythms - is also geared to celebrating sexual attraction and fertility, creation and procreation. Through his characterization of the play's central figure, Lorca raises the question of women's social status - a controversial question both then and now, and one to which Robin Warner pays particular attention in his critical introduction to the play. He also examines the links between the dramatic structure of Yerma and the importance of cultural politics during the course of the Second Spanish Republic. The Spanish text is supported by an introduction and notes in English, as well as by an extensive vocabulary and section of discussion questions. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        Lukácsian film theory and cinema

        A study of Georg Lukács' writing on film 1913–1971

        by Ian Aitken

        Lukácsian film theory and cinema explores Georg Lukács' writings on film. The Hungarian Marxist critic Georg Lukács is primarily known as a literary theorist, but he also wrote extensively on the cinema. These writings have remained little known in the English-speaking world because the great majority of them have never actually been translated into English - until now. Aitken has gathered together the most important essays and the translations appear here, often for the first time. This book thus makes a decisive contribution to understandings of Lukács within the field of film studies, and, in doing so, also challenges many existing preconceptions concerning his theoretical position. For example, whilst Lukács' literary theory is well known for its repudiation of naturalism, in his writings on film Lukács appears to advance a theory and practice of film that can best be described as naturalist. Lukácsian film theory and cinema is divided into two parts. In part one, Lukács' writings on film are explored, and placed within relevant historical and intellectual contexts, whilst part two consists of the essays themselves. This book will be of considerable interest to scholars and students working within the fields of film studies, literary studies, intellectual history, media and cultural studies. It is also intended to be the final volume in a trilogy of works on cinematic realism, which includes the author's earlier European film theory and cinema (2001), and Realist film theory and cinema (2006).

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2019

        Find me in the Storm

        by Kira Mohn

        Not a single soul as far as the eye can see. Just sea, cliffs and the beach. And a lighthouse. It’s a wondrously beautiful place – not that Airin has a chance to enjoy it. The lighthouse has been converted into a cosy living space available for rent, and 24-year-old Airin has to look after the property while at the same time running her own bed and breakfast in Castledunn. It’s a lot of work for one person, but normally everything runs smoothly. Until Joshua, the nephew of the lighthouse owner, moves in. Arrogant and priggish, he complains ceaselessly about everything. Airin feels like strangling him. Or kissing him. Who cares, just as long as he stops talking!   16+ years The third volume of a unique romance trilogy about three young women, a lighthouse and love. All titles can be read separately! Rousing characters and a fine dry humor For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Colleen Hoover! More than 60.000 copies of this series were sold!

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Save me from the Night

        by Kira Mohn

        After a terrible blow of fate throws her life into confusion, Seanna needs desperately to get away from it all. She’s come to the village of Castledunn in the hope of getting her life back in order. The wild countryside of Ireland’s west coast and the slow pace of rural life give her new energy. Her job behind the bar in the village’s only pub provides a comforting sense of routine. Then the pub changes hands, bought by the attractive, but stubborn Neall Kennan, who throws Seanna’s feelings into turmoil. Not only is she attracted to him, she’s also reminded of her own past. It’s more than Seanna can bear.   16+ years The second volume of a unique romance trilogy about three young women, a lighthouse and love. All titles can be read separately! Rousing characters and a fine dry humor For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Colleen Hoover! More than 60.000 copies of this series were sold!

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2012

        Lukácsian film theory and cinema

        A study of Georg Lukács' writing on film 1913–1971

        by Ian Aitken

        Lukácsian film theory and cinema explores Georg Lukács' writings on film. The Hungarian Marxist critic Georg Lukács is primarily known as a literary theorist, but he also wrote extensively on the cinema. These writings have remained little known in the English-speaking world because the great majority of them have never actually been translated into English - until now. Aitken has gathered together the most important essays and the translations appear here, often for the first time. This book thus makes a decisive contribution to understandings of Lukács within the field of film studies, and, in doing so, also challenges many existing preconceptions concerning his theoretical position. For example, whilst Lukács' literary theory is well known for its repudiation of naturalism, in his writings on film Lukács appears to advance a theory and practice of film that can best be described as naturalist. Lukácsian film theory and cinema is divided into two parts. In part one, Lukács' writings on film are explored, and placed within relevant historical and intellectual contexts, whilst part two consists of the essays themselves. This book will be of considerable interest to scholars and students working within the fields of film studies, literary studies, intellectual history, media and cultural studies. It is also intended to be the final volume in a trilogy of works on cinematic realism, which includes the author's earlier European film theory and cinema (2001), and Realist film theory and cinema (2006). ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2016


        Schlaflos / Olavs Träume / Abendmattigkeit

        by Fosse, Jon / Übersetzt von Schmidt-Henkel, Hinrich

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2019

        Show me the Stars

        by Kira Mohn

        Take Some Time Out! The headline grabs Liv’s attention as she browses, depressed, through the job ads. Although she’s only 22 and just starting out in journalism, a recent disastrous interview cost her a new job. The ad sounds like a dream come true: someone needs a house-sitter to mind a lighthouse on the Irish coast for six months!    Taking time out is exactly what Liv needs to clear her head and recharge her batteries. She sends off her application and a few weeks later finds herself standing in front of her new home. Next to a good-looking Irishman who makes her heart beat faster. She doesn’t know it yet, but he’ll break her heart, too…   16+ years The beginning of a unique romance trilogy about three young women, a lighthouse and love. All titles can be read separately. Rousing characters and a fine dry humor For all fans of Mona Kasten, Laura Kneidl and Colleen Hoover! More than 60.000 copies of this series were sold!

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1972

        Bayrische Trilogie

        Jagdszenen aus Niederbayern. Landshuter Erzählungen. Münchner Freiheit

        by Martin Sperr

        »Martin Sperr besaß das Talent, mit pointiert gesetztem Dialekt an einer neuen, sozialistischen Heimatsaga zu schreiben. Er war, noch vor seinem Landsmann Franz Xaver Kroetz, ein Wiedererfinder des realistisch-poetischen Volksstücks: Nachfahre Ödön von Horvaths und der damals gerade wiederentdeckten Marieluise Fleißer.« Der Tagesspiegel

      • Trusted Partner

        Pariser Trilogie

        Abendgesellschaft, Aussenbezirke, Familienstammbuch. Drei Romane

        by Patrick Modiano

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