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      • Dylan-Related-Books (Agentur für englishsprachige Dylan-Autoren und Literatur)

        Dylan-Related-Books is a literature agency only for books with a relation to the artist and the many different themes, which he´s able to connect with his songs. It´s about the aim to bring this special field in writing to a German readership, which might get the lyrics in a song, but have some struggle to get through a sophisticated analysis of a song. Dylan-Related-books is also a network of and for Dylan-authors and presents the new books of the Dylan-Kosmos in a series of musical readings, the ONE-MORE-CUP-OF-COFFEE-READINGS. To realize these projects, especially during the culture cutting times of Corona the agency is running a Crowdfunding-Campain which is explore on

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      • Relish Books

        Kate B. Gordon publishes middle grade fiction under the imprint Relish Books. The first book in the Unicorn King series, Lily and the Unicorn King, blends the unicorns of European mythology with Maori myths and lore, a trio of brave friends and their ponies. The second book in the series, Sasha and the Warrior Unicorn, will be out late in 2020 with the third book in 2021.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2024



        by Rainald Goetz

        WRONG ist ein Band mit kleineren interventionistischen Texten, die in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren, der Zeit der Arbeit am Buch SCHLUCHT, entstanden sind. WRONG: Auftritt, Vortrag, Lehre, Interview, Kritik: alles falsch, alles immer wieder: wrong. Und doch ist es wichtig, daß man sich als Autor auch direkt, mit solchen Textaktionen, am öffentlichen Gespräch beteiligt, lebendig, wirr, flirrend, das Ich ungeschützt präsentiert, nicht nur in die finale Totengestalt des Werks hineinkonzentriert. So schreiben, wie man reden würde, wenn man dem Gegenüber schnell erklären will, was man zu Joachim Bessing denkt, zu Michel Houellebecq, zu Albert von Schirnding oder zum Rechtsstreit des Suhrkamp Verlags mit dem Investor Barlach. In den Interviews geht es um die eigenen Bücher, den Fotoband elfter september 2010, den Roman Johann Holtrop oder das Theaterstück Reich des Todes. In zwei Reden und zwei Aufsätzen – der Antrittsvorlesung »Leben und Schreiben«, der Rede »Büchnerpreis«, der Produktionspoetik »Spekulativer Realismus« und der Rezeptionspoetik »Absoluter Idealismus« – hat Rainald Goetz seine Autorschaft grundlegend zu bestimmen versucht, aber vom Gestus her auch hier inspiriert von der Direktheit der mitmenschlichen Begegnung und dem Darlegungsfuror in mündlicher Rede. Dadurch ist WRONG ein helles Buch geworden.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2023

        The politics of male friendship in contemporary American fiction

        by Michael Kalisch

        How might our friendships shape our politics? This book examines how contemporary American fiction has rediscovered the concept of civic friendship and revived a long tradition of imagining male friendship as interlinked with the promises and paradoxes of democracy in the United States. Bringing into dialogue the work of a wide range of authors - including Philip Roth, Paul Auster, Michael Chabon, Jonathan Lethem, Dinaw Mengestu, and Teju Cole - this innovative study advances a compelling new account of the political and intellectual fabric of the American novel today.

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        October 2022

        From Dream to Trauma: Mental abuse in partnerships

        by Caroline Wenzel

        The level of domestic abuse has been increasing for years, but often only cases of physical abuse hit the headlines. Hardly anyone talks about the mental, or psychological, abuse that usually precedes a physical or sexual assault. Those affected do not usually recognise the destructive dynamic in their relationship until far too late. In this book, three case histories illustrate the typical forms of mental abuse in relationships. In addition, experts explain the topic from psychological, therapeutic, political and legal perspectives, and the head of a counselling centre for male victims of mental abuse also has his say. An important and startling book.

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        Biography & True Stories
        July 2024

        As Good as a Marriage

        by Jill Liddington

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Friendship among nations

        by Evgeny Roshchin

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2019

        The art of The Faerie Queene

        by J. B. Lethbridge, Richard Brown

        The Art of The Faerie Queene is the first book centrally focused on the forms and poetic techniques employed by Spenser. It offers a sharp new perspective on Spenser by rereading The Faerie Queene as poetry which is at once absorbing, demanding and experimental. Instead of the traditional conservative model of Spenser as poet, this book presents the poem as radical, edgy and unconventional, thus proposing new ways of understanding the Elizabethan poetic Renaissance. The book moves from the individual words of the poem to metre, rhyme and stanza form onto its larger structures of canto and book. It will be of particular relevance to undergraduates studying Elizabethan poetry, graduate students and scholars of Renaissance poetry, for whom the formal aspect of the poetry has been a topic of growing relevance in recent years.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2020

        The art of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Danson Brown, Joshua Samuel Reid

        The Art of The Faerie Queene is the first book centrally focused on the forms and poetic techniques employed by Spenser. It offers a sharp new perspective on Spenser by rereading The Faerie Queene as poetry which is at once absorbing, demanding and experimental. Instead of the traditional conservative model of Spenser as poet, this book presents the poem as radical, edgy and unconventional, thus proposing new ways of understanding the Elizabethan poetic Renaissance. The book moves from the individual words of the poem to metre, rhyme and stanza form onto its larger structures of canto and book. It will be of particular relevance to undergraduates studying Elizabethan poetry, graduate students and scholars of Renaissance poetry, for whom the formal aspect of the poetry has been a topic of growing relevance in recent years.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        The art of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Danson Brown

        The Art of The Faerie Queene is the first book centrally focused on the forms and poetic techniques employed by Spenser. It offers a sharp new perspective on Spenser by rereading The Faerie Queene as poetry which is at once absorbing, demanding and experimental. Instead of the traditional conservative model of Spenser as poet, this book presents the poem as radical, edgy and unconventional, thus proposing new ways of understanding the Elizabethan poetic Renaissance. The book moves from the individual words of the poem to metre, rhyme and stanza form onto its larger structures of canto and book. It will be of particular relevance to undergraduates studying Elizabethan poetry, graduate students and scholars of Renaissance poetry, for whom the formal aspect of the poetry has been a topic of growing relevance in recent years.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2019

        ABBA ABBA: By Anthony Burgess

        by Paul Howard, Andrew Biswell

        ABBA ABBA is one of Anthony Burgess's most original works, combining fiction, poetry and translation. A product of his time in Italy in the early 1970s, this delightfully unconventional book is part historical novel, part poetry collection, as well as a meditation on translation and the generating of literature by one of Britain's most inventive post-war authors. Set in Papal Rome in the winter of 1820-21, Part One recreates the consumptive John Keats's final months in the Eternal City and imagines his meeting the Roman dialect poet Giuseppe Gioachino Belli. Pitting Anglo-Italian cultures and sensibilities against each other, Burgess creates a context for his highly original versions of 71 sonnets by Belli, which feature in Part Two. This new edition includes extra material by Burgess, along with an introduction and notes by Paul Howard, Fellow in Italian Literature at Trinity College, Cambridge.

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        The Arts
        April 2007

        Henri-Georges Clouzot

        by Christopher Lloyd, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram

        Despite his controversial reputation and international notoriety as a film-maker, no full-length study of Clouzot has ever been published in English. This book offers a significant revaluation of Clouzot's achievement, situating his career in the wider context of French cinema and society, and providing detailed and clear analysis of his major films (Le Corbeau, Quai des Orfèvres, Le Salaire de la peur, Les Diaboliques, Le Mystère Picasso). Clouzot's films combine meticulous technical control with sardonic social commentary and the ability to engage and entertain a broad public. Although his films are characterised by an all-controlling perfectionism, allied to documentary veracity and a disturbing bleakness of vision, Clouzot is well aware that his is an art of illusion. His fondness for anatomising social pretence, the deception, violence and cruelty practised by individuals and institutions, drew him repeatedly to the thriller as a convenient and compelling model for plots and characters, but his source texts and the usual conventions of the genre receive distinctly unconventional treatment. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        Vom Kontinent zur Union

        Gegenwart und Geschichte des vereinten Europa

        by Luuk van Middelaar

        Euro-Krise, »Flüchtlingskrise«, »Brexit« – die EU befindet sich an einem historischen Scheideweg. Nachdem es jahrzehntelang den Anschein hatte, die »Verwirklichung einer immer engeren Union der Völker Europas« sei nur eine Frage der Zeit, stellen unvorhergesehene Ereignisse die Logik der Integration infrage. Nationale Interessen rücken in den Vordergrund, das Ringen um gemeinsame Lösungen wird immer verzweifelter. Luuk van Middelaar, ein exzellenter Kenner der Brüsseler Praxis, verwandelt eine vermeintlich trockene Materie in den Stoff einer faszinierenden Erzählung. Beginnend mit dem 18. April 1951, als die Vertreter der sechs Gründerstaaten im französischen Außenministerium am Quai d’Orsay den Vertrag über die Errichtung der Montanunion unterzeichneten, schildert er die wichtigsten Etappen – und Krisen – auf dem Weg vom Kontinent zur Union. Er lässt die Atmosphäre dramatischer Gipfelnächte lebendig werden, zeigt, wie Politiker immer wieder versucht haben, die Öffentlichkeit von Europa zu überzeugen, und erinnert uns daran, welch einmaliges historisches Projekt aktuell auf dem Spiel steht.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        In defence of councillors

        by Colin Copus

        In defence of councillors is an unashamed defence of local representative democracy and of those elected to serve as councillors from the often ill-informed, ill-judged and inaccurate criticism made by the media, government and public, of councillors' personal, political and professional roles. By using qualitative research from a number of related projects, the book examines the roles, functions and responsibilities of councillors and the expectations placed upon them by citizens, communities and government. It also examines the impact council membership has on other facets of the councillor's life. The book examines how councillors develop strategies to overcome the constraints and restrictions on their office so as to be able to govern their communities, balance their political and public life and democratise and hold to account a vast array of unelected bodies that spend public money and develop public policy without the electoral mandate and legitimacy held by our councillors.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Women of the English Nobility and Gentry, 1066-1500

        by Jennifer Ward

        While there is increasing interest in the lives of medieval women, the documentary evidence for their activities remains little known. This book provides a collection of sources for an important and influential group of women in medieval England, and examines changes in their role and activities between 1066 and 1500. For most noble and gentry-women, early marriage led to responsibilities for family and household, and, in the absence of their husbands, for the family estates and retainers. Widowhood enabled them to take control of their affairs and to play an independent part in the local community and sometimes further afield. Although many women's lives followed a conventional pattern, great variety existed within family relationships, and individuality can also be seen in religious practices and patronage. Piety could take a number of different forms, whether a woman became a nun, a vowess or a noted philanthropist and benefactor to religious institutions. This volume provides a broad-ranging and accessible coverage of the role of noble women in medieval society. It highlights the significant role played by these women within their families, households, estates and communities.

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        Civil service & public sector
        May 2017

        The absurdity of bureaucracy

        How implementation works

        by Nina Holm Vohnsen. Series edited by Professor Rod Rhodes

        The absurdity of bureaucracy offers a humorous ethnographic account of policy implementation set in contemporary Danish bureaucracy. Taking the reader deep into the hallways of governmental administration and municipal caseworkers' offices, the book sets out to explore what characterizes policy implementation as a mode of human agency. Using the notions of absurdity and sense-making as lenses through which to explore the dynamic relationship between a policy and its effects, the book reclaims 'implementation studies' for the qualitative sciences and emphasizes the existential dilemma that any policymaker and implementer must confront. Following step-by-step the planning and implementation of the randomized controlled trial, Active - Back Sooner, the book sets out to show that 'going wrong' is not a question of implementation failure but is in fact the only way in which implementation may happen.

      • Trusted Partner

        A 'special relationship'?

        British foreign policy in the era of American hegemony

        by Simon Tate

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