Franz Steiner Verlag / Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Academic publishing house (ancient history of economics, history of science/medicine, geography, musicology, philosophy of law). Berliner Wissenschaft-Verlag is an imprint.
View Rights PortalAcademic publishing house (ancient history of economics, history of science/medicine, geography, musicology, philosophy of law). Berliner Wissenschaft-Verlag is an imprint.
View Rights PortalAtrium Verlag was founded 1935 in Switzerland in order to be able to continue publishing Erich Kästner's work, who was by then a forbidden author in the so-called Third Reich. Since the beginning Kästner's children's books are a world-wide success story and continue to fascinate readers in more than 25 countries all over the world. Moreover, he has written famous poem collections and adult novels reaching a broad audience. Atrium has started to publish more children's books that share Kästner's spirit and instantly connect with our young readers. Furthermore, Atrium publishes important contemporary fiction, mystery and non-fiction. WooW Books is focussed on children's books for readers aged 6-11, ranging from timeless classics to modern adventures and unconventional stories. As the name suggests, the program stands for special and surprising children´s literature that conjures a »wow-feeling« while reading. Arche Literatur Verlag is a traditional literary publisher that started in the 1940s with authors such as Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Max Frisch and Gottfried Benn. Today Arche publishes novels by outstanding international and German writers, telling stories about the rich variety of human relationships. Arche aims to reach women readers of all ages, both through content and through clear cover designs. The core of the brand is the “rich variety of human relationships” – deliberately targeting a female readership that feels addressed and entertained in a unique way by Arche.
View Rights PortalMedia reports often praise movement as a cure-all. But apart from its undisputed positive effect on health, does movement really make us smarter? Consider a national football team, for example – are these excessively sports-driven players automatically the smartest people? Should we simply replace all school subjects with sports? The authors provide a detailed summary of the latest scientific findings on the influence of movement on cognitive ability. They describe the effects of movement, on old age, embodiment, emotion, school as well as other factors that influence cognition. Target Group: teachers, lecturers, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists, movement therapists.
Recent decades have witnessed major changes in gender roles and family patterns, as well as a falling birth rate in Ireland and the rest of Europe. While the traditional family is now being replaced in many cases by new family forms, we do not know the reasons why people are making the choices they are and whether or not these choices are leading to greater well-being. While demographic research has attempted to explain the new trends in family formation and fertility, there has been little research on people's attitudes to family formation and having children. This book presents the results of the first major study to examine people's attitudes to family formation and childbearing in Ireland. Based on a nationwide representative sample of 1,404 men and women in the childbearing age group, the study was carried out against a backdrop of changing gender role attitudes and behaviour as well as significant demographic change.
"HipHop ist die erfolgreichste und folgenreichste Popkultur, die die globale Kulturindustrie hervorgebracht hat. In Is this real? geht es nicht um die Werke, sondern um die kulturelle Praxis des HipHop; Lebensstil und Lebensgefühl stehen im Mittelpunkt. HipHop wird als eine hybride Kultur vorgestellt, die sich im ›Dazwischen‹ von Ethnizität und Authentizität, Globalisierung und Lokalisierung, von Bild und Wirklichkeit, von Theater und Realität, von Ritualität und Profanität entfaltet. Die Frage nach der Herstellung von Wirklichkeit wird in medien-, kultur- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Debatten der spätmodernen Gesellschaften besonders diskutiert. In der HipHop-Kultur ist die Frage »Is this real?« besonders virulent, weil HipHop eine theatrale Kulturpraxis ist und als solche Wirklichkeit herstellt. Das Buch entwickelt also nicht nur eine neue Perspektive auf die HipHop-Kultur. Es macht am Beispiel dieser Popkultur auch kulturtheoretisch aktuelle Fragen anschaulich. Damit ist das Buch zugleich ein unverzichtbarer Baustein zum Verständnis von Populärkultur und alltagskulturellen Praktiken in Mediengesellschaften. "