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      • Libra Libros Proyectos

        LIBRA LIBROS PROYECTOS S.A.S es una empresa colombiana, fundada en el año 2015. Su Editorial LIBRA LIBROS cuenta con lineas temáticas en la historia, música y patrimonio del Caribe colombiano. Se presta servicios a otras empresas o entidades privadas y públicas en realizar proyectos editoriales propios.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2024

        Mid-century women's writing

        Disrupting the public/private divide

        by Melissa Dinsman, Megan Faragher, Ravenel Richardson

        The traditional narrative of the mid-century (1930s-60s) is that of a wave of expansion and constriction, with the swelling of economic and political freedoms for women in the 1930s, the cresting of women in the public sphere during the Second World War, and the resulting break as employment and political opportunities for women dwindled in the 1950s when men returned home from the front. But as the burgeoning field of interwar and mid-century women's writing has demonstrated, this narrative is in desperate need of re-examination. Mid-century women's writing: Disrupting the public/private divide aims to revivify studies of female writers, journalists, broadcasters, and public intellectuals living or working in Britain, or under British rule, during the mid-century while also complicating extant narratives about the divisions between domesticity and politics.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2023

        Surrealist women's writing

        by Anna Watz

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        Conceiving bodies

        Reproduction in early medieval English medicine

        by Dana Oswald

        Despite reliance on ingredients like horse dung, Old English remedies for women's medicine speak to contemporary reproductive concerns. Previous translators reduced the remedies to a general category of women's medicine, but sustained examination of language reveals important distinctions: remedies for menstruation indicate social concerns about fertility, where remedies for 'cleansing' do not provide a clear path to conception, but rather foreclose it. Rarest of all are the remedies for childbirth, but their rarity is compounded by the practices of translators who conflate the language for women's reproduction into an amorphous singularity. Through an original method of hysteric philology-the combining of traditional philology with contemporary feminist and medical epistemologies-this book situates itself in the historical treatment of reproductive people as both objects and subjects of medical practice, and gestures forward in time to the contemporary struggle for bodily autonomy.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2021

        Catholic nuns and sisters in a secular age

        Britain, 1945–90

        by Carmen M. Mangion

        This is the first in-depth study of post-war female religious life. It draws on archival materials and a remarkable set of eighty interviews to place Catholic sisters and nuns at the heart of the turbulent 1960s, integrating their story of social change into a larger British and international one. Shedding new light on how religious bodies engaged in modernisation, it addresses themes such as the Modern Girl and youth culture, '1968', generational discourse, post-war modernity, the voluntary sector and the women's movement. Women religious were at the forefront of the Roman Catholic Church's movement of adaptation and renewal towards the world. This volume tells their stories in their own words.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2025

        Women’s Troubles

        Gender and feminist politics in post-Agreement Northern Ireland

        by Claire Pierson

        How do feminist movements develop and organise in ethno-nationally divided societies? How does this challenge our understandings of contemporary fourth wave feminism? Women's Troubles sets out to answer these questions using rich empirical data and analysis in an examination of feminist activism after the Northern Irish peace agreement. Utilising feminist frameworks and debates on movement building, policymaking, abortion rights, gender-based violence and the UN women, peace and security agenda, Claire Pierson interrogates the opportunities and challenges in articulating a feminist voice and creating feminist spaces in the conflict transformational politics and society. Capturing the complexities of contemporary feminist movement building in a divided society, Women's Troubles contributes to ongoing analysis of contemporary global feminisms.

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        April 2022

        Tillys Kinderkram. Tilly trickst Corona aus

        by Jasmin Schaudinn, Angela Gstalter

        In "Tillys Kinderkram. Tilly trickst Corona aus" taucht Jasmin Schaudinn tief in die Welt der fünfjährigen Tilly Appelboom ein, die zusammen mit ihrer Familie den Alltag während des Corona-Lockdowns und die Zeit danach meistert. Trotz der Herausforderungen, die die Pandemie für Kinder mit sich bringt, verliert Tilly nie ihren Optimismus und ihre Lebensfreude. Mit einer gehörigen Portion Witz und einer unerschöpflichen Fantasie findet sie kreative Wege, die neuen Alltagsbeschränkungen zu umspielen. Von Übungen, „aus der Flasche zu trinken“ mit Mundschutz bis hin zum Bau von Hängematten für Spielzeugfiguren aus demselben, zeigt Tilly, wie man die Welt auch unter schwierigen Umständen bunt und lebenswert gestalten kann. Ihre Geschichten bieten nicht nur Unterhaltung, sondern auch einen frischen Blick darauf, wie Kinder aktuelle Themen wie Gesundheit und Sicherheit wahrnehmen und verarbeiten. Dieses Buch verbindet auf liebenswerte Weise Humor mit der Realität des Lebens in der Pandemie und ist ein leuchtendes Beispiel dafür, wie Resilienz und Kreativität Kindern helfen können, herausfordernde Zeiten zu überstehen. Kindgerechter Zugang zu aktuellen Themen: Veranschaulicht, wie Kinder ab 4 Jahren die Pandemie erleben und bewältigen, auf eine Weise, die gleichzeitig bildend und unterhaltsam ist. Kreativität und Optimismus: Zeigt, wie mit Fantasie und Erfindungsgeist Einschränkungen überwunden werden können, und stärkt damit die Resilienz junger Leser*innen. Humorvolles und lebensnahes Erzählen: Die Geschichten von Tilly bieten Spaß und Abwechslung im Alltag und sind sowohl für Kinder als auch für Vorlesende ansprechend. Interaktive Elemente: Mit einer Tipps- und Tricks-Seite von Tilly am Ende jeder Geschichte sowie einem begleitenden Podcast, der die Inhalte lebendig werden lässt. Ein sympathischer Charakter: Tilly Appelboom ist eine Figur, mit der sich Kinder leicht identifizieren können, und deren Abenteuer ihnen Mut und Freude schenken.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Corona Chaos. Confessions from a pharmacist

        by Simon Krivec

        More than two years of pandemic is more than two years of corona clutter. Only a staggering level of helpfulness, improvisation and flexibility prevented the healthcare system from collapsing completely. In this highly topical book, pharmacist Simon Krivec tells of his incredible experiences and the stormy ups and downs of pandemic madness, missing masks and disinfectants, and the feeling of having been totally abandoned by a helpless state. We learn, for instance, of the short-term procurement of large quantities of ethanol and the transportation of the highly flammable substance, and just what lured the author – and 71,400 euros in cash – to visit the port of Neuss at night.

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        The Arts
        June 2025


        Psychoanalysis, politics and the art of French feminism

        by Rakhee Balaram

        Counterpractice highlights a generation of women who used art to define a culture of experimental thought and practice during the period of the French women's movement or Mouvement de Libération des Femmes (1970-81). It considers women's art in relation to some of the most exciting thinkers to have emerged from the French literature and philosophy of the 1970s - Hélène Cixous, Luce Irigaray and Julia Kristeva - forcing a timely reconsideration of the full spectrum of revolutionary practices by women in the years following the events of May '68. Lavishly illustrated with over 200 images, the book also features an illuminating foreword by art historian Griselda Pollock.

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        Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) For Survivors of Traumatic Stress

        by Maggie Schauer, Frank Neuner, Thomas Elbert

        The new updated manual from the originators of NET is full ofeven more valuable, practical advice• Written by the originators of narrative exposure• therapy Fully updated 3rd edition• Step-by-step guidance through NETExtensive evidence shows that six to ten sessions of narrativeexposure therapy (NET) can be sufficient to provide considerablerelief from events such as organized violence, torture,war, rape, and childhood abuse. The new manual is evenmore clearly structured and easy-to-follow, and includesnew figures that help illustrate and guide the reader throughthe steps of NET. The theoretical sections offer a solid basisfor carrying out the therapeutic intervention. The reader isthen shown the NET approach step by step, with robust andstraightforward practical advice and tools, including how todeal with challenging situations, e.g., how to go deeper whenfaced with the challenging dynamics of remembering trauma,and how to manage dissociation, avoidance, strongemotions, lost memories, or the sudden emergence of unexpectedrecollections from the past.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2005

        Early modern women's manuscript poetry

        by Jill Millman, Gillian Wright

        'Early modern women's manuscript poetry' is an anthology of texts by fourteen women poets writing between 1589 and 1706. It is the only currently available anthology of early modern women's writing which focuses exclusively on manuscript material. Authors include Mary Sidney, Lucy Hutchinson and Katherine Philips; central figures in the emerging canon of early modern women writers, but whose work appears in a fresh and very different light in the manuscript context emphasised by this anthology. The volume also includes substantial excerpts from a recently discovered verse paraphrase of Genesis, thought to be by the previously unknown seventeenth-century writer Mary Roper, as well as selections from the unjustly neglected poet, Hester Pulter. The mix of canonical and non-canonical writers makes this book ideal for use on undergraduate and early postgraduate courses, while specialists will be particularly interested in the sophisticated and varied material taken from less familiar sources. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2020

        The free speech wars

        by Charlotte Lydia Riley

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        Biography & True Stories
        July 2024

        As Good as a Marriage

        by Jill Liddington

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        March 2024

        Anything Is Possible, Nothing Is Working

        Why we are having less and less sex

        by Juliane Burghardt

        Many would agree that we are living in one of humanity’s most permissive times. Sex seems to be available anywhere, anytime. These developments can lead to the conclusion that we are all having all the sex we want today. In fact, though, a number of international studies have shown in recent years that our mobile phone and pornography consumption in particular, as well as women’s empowerment, have led to a decrease rather than an increase in sexuality. In her entertaining book, Juliane Burghardt analyses and evaluates the situation in our bedrooms.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Pocket Hazel's Money Guide

        Wie du easy deine Finanzen regelst

        by Hazel, Pocket

        1. Auflage

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