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      • Adriana Hidalgo editora

        Adriana Hidalgo editora is one of the most prestigious publishing houses in Argentina, with great recognition in Latin America and Spain. Founded in 1999, it specializes in literature, essays, philosophy, art and illustrated books. It publishes both argentine and translated authors. Its catalogue currently holds more than 400 titles and it stands out for its literary profile and for the constant discovery of new authors. In 2009, and with our publishing house’s 10th year’s anniversary, Pípala was created: an illustrated book’s imprint of Adriana Hidalgo editora Pípala is now an independent imprint for illustrated books for both children and adults, based on a powerful catalogue that is in permanent development. It publishes translated works from all over the world (Corea, France, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, etc.) as well as original works in Spanish from Latin American and Spanish writers and illustrators.

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      • Peter Lang Group

        Peter Lang Group specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student textbooks.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Potentials of disorder

        by Peter Lawler, Emmanuel Pierre Guittet

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2012

        Justifying violence

        Communicative ethics and the use of force in Kosovo

        by Naomi Head, Peter Lawler, Emmanuel Pierre Guittet

        When is the use of force for humanitarian purposes legitimate? The book examines this question through one of the most controversial examples of humanitarian intervention in the post Cold War period: the 1999 NATO intervention in Kosovo. Justifying Violence applies a critical theoretical approach to an interrogation of the communicative practices which underpin claims to legitimacy for the use of force by actors in international politics. Drawing on the theory of communicative ethics, the book develops an innovative conceptual framework which contributes a critical communicative dimension to the question of legitimacy that extends beyond the moral and legal approaches so often applied to the intervention in Kosovo. The empirical application of communicative ethics offers a provocative and nuanced account which contests conventional interpretations of the legitimacy of NATO's intervention. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2009

        Outback Bastard

        Ein Emily-Tempest-Krimi

        by Adrian Hyland, Peter Torberg

        Emily Tempest, Weltenbummlerin, kehrt an den Ort ihrer Kindheit zurück: Moonlight Dawns tief im Outback Australiens. Doch die Aborigine-Gemeinschaft, die sie vor vielen Jahren verließ, hat sich verändert. Als innerhalb von Stunden nach ihrer Ankunft ein alter Freund ermordet wird, beginnt sie Fragen zu stellen, die ihr Leben gefährden. Aber Emily ist schon als kleines Mädchen keinem Ärger aus dem Weg gegangen … - Beginn einer Serie um die schlagfertige Emily Tempest - Für Leser von Peter Temple und Garry Disher - Ned Kelly Award für das beste Krimidebüt 2007

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Kühle Pfötchen für Piet

        by Peter Wohlleben, Carina Wohlleben, Stefanie Reich

        Lerne mit Peter & Piet die Natur kennen! Puh, ist das heiß! Förster Peter und Eichhörnchen Piet schwitzen vor dem Forsthaus um die Wette. Während Peter sich mit einem Eis erfrischt, macht sich das Eichhörnchen auf die Suche nach einem kühleren Plätzchen. Unterwegs begegnet Piet vielen anderen Tieren, die ihm verraten, was sie machen, wenn ihnen zu warm ist. Der Frosch springt ins kalte Wasser, das Wildschwein suhlt sich in der großen Matschpfütze, und der Grashüpfer versteckt sich im Schatten der Grashalme. Doch diese Tipps sind nichts für Piet. Schließlich erreicht das Eichhörnchen den alten Buchenwald. Wie angenehm kühl es dort ist! Das muss Piet unbedingt seinem Freund Peter erzählen. Ein neues Abenteuer im Wald von Erfolgsautor Peter Wohlleben und seiner Tochter Carina Wohlleben. Ganz viele Klappen, hinter denen du spannende Infos rund um den Wald entdecken kannst. Das erste Pappbilderbuch von Bestsellerautor Peter Wohlleben und seiner Tochter Carina Wohlleben. Macht Lust, die Wunder der Natur zu erleben. Eine sehr charmant und liebevoll erzählte Sachgeschichte. Klimapositiv produziert. Wenn du Lust auf weitere Peter Wohlleben Kinderbücher hast, schau dir auch diese Bücher rund um Wald und Tiere an: „Hörst du, wie die Bäume sprechen“, „Weißt du, wo die Tiere wohnen“, „Kommst du mit nach draußen“ oder „Weißt du, wo die Baumkinder sind?“ an.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2010

        In/security in Colombia

        Writing political identities in the Democratic Security Policy

        by Josefina A. Echavarría, Peter Lawler, Emmanuel Pierre Guittet

        Based on geo- and biopolitical analyses, this book reconsiders how security policies and practices legitimate state and non-state violence in the Colombian conflict. Using the case study of the official Democratic Security Policy (DSP), Echavarría examines how security discourses write the political identities of state, self and others. She claims that the DSP delimits politics, the political, and the imaginaries of peace and war through conditioning the possibilities for identity formation. In/security in Colombia offers an innovative application of a large theoretical framework on the performative character of security discourses and furthers a nuanced understanding of the security problematique in a postcolonial setting. This wide-reaching study will benefit students, scholars and policy-makers in the fields of security, peace and conflict, and Latin American issues. ;

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2012

        The social construction of Swedish neutrality

        Challenges to Swedish identity and sovereignty

        by Christine Agius, Peter Lawler, Emmanuel Pierre Guittet, Martin Hargreaves

        Since the end of the Cold War, and particularly in the post-9/11 international environment, neutrality has been conceptualised as a problematic subject. With the end of bipolarity, neutrality as a foreign and security policy lost much of its justification, and in the ongoing 'War on Terror', no state, according to the Bush Administration, can be neutral. However, much of this debate has gone unnoticed in IR literature. This book, newly available in paperback, examines the conceptualisation of neutrality from the Peloponnesian War to the present day, uncovering how neutrality has been a neglected and misunderstood subject in IR theory and politics. By rethinking neutrality through constructivism, this book argues that neutrality is intrinsically linked to identity. Using Sweden as a case study, it links identity, sovereignty, internationalism and solidarity to the debates about Swedish neutrality today and how neutrality has been central to Swedish identity and its world-view. ;

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