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Promoted ContentThe ArtsNovember 2023
Colouring the Caribbean
Race and the art of Agostino Brunias
by Mia L. Bagneris
Colouring the Caribbean offers the first comprehensive study of Agostino Brunias's intriguing pictures of colonial West Indians of colour - so called 'Red' and 'Black' Caribs, dark-skinned Africans and Afro-Creoles, and people of mixed race - made for colonial officials and plantocratic elites during the late-eighteenth century. Although Brunias's paintings have often been understood as straightforward documents of visual ethnography that functioned as field guides for reading race, this book investigates how the images both reflected and refracted ideas about race commonly held by eighteenth-century Britons, helping to construct racial categories while simultaneously exposing their constructedness and underscoring their contradictions. The book offers provocative new insights about Brunias's work gleaned from a broad survey of his paintings, many of which are reproduced here for the first time.
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Trusted PartnerNovember 1999
Wegbereiter zur Zeitenwende.
Letzte Beiträge. Hrsg. von Herbert Schambeck.
by Casaroli, Agostino Kardinal / Herausgegeben von Schambeck, Herbert
Trusted PartnerDecember 1989
Glaube und Verantwortung.
Ansprachen und Predigten. Hrsg. von Herbert Schambeck.
by Casaroli, Agostino Kardinal / Herausgegeben von Schambeck, Herbert
Trusted PartnerMarch 1981
Der Heilige Stuhl und die Völkergemeinschaft.
Reden und Aufsätze. Eingel. und hrsg. von Herbert Schambeck.
by Casaroli, Agostino Kardinal / Herausgegeben von Schambeck, Herbert