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      • Tamer Institute for Community Education

        TAMER Institute for Community Education is an educational non-governmental non for profit organization established in 1989 as a natural and necessary response to the urgent needs of the Palestinian community during the first intifada (uprising). The most important of these is the need to acquire means to help people learn and become productive. Focusing principally on the rights to education, identity, freedom of expression, and access to information,Tamer works across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, primarily targeting children and young adults to encourage and deepen opportunities of learning among them. Our program aims to contribute to enhancing reading, writing and all forms of Expression among children and young adults. It also aims at contributing to a Palestinian environment that is supportive to learning processes, and at supporting the literary and scholar production on child culture in Palestine.

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        The Arts
        September 2012

        Julio Medem

        by Robert Stone, Nuria Triana-Toribio, Andy Willis

        This thorough account of the life and films of the Spanish-Basque filmmaker Julio Medem is the first book in English on the internationally renowned writer-director of Vacas, La ardilla roja (Red Squirrel), Tierra, Los amantes del Círculo Polar (Lovers of the Arctic Circle), Lucía y el sexo (Sex and Lucía), La pelota vasca: la piel contra la piedra (Basque Ball) and Caótica Ana (Chaotic Ana), Initial chapters explore Medem's childhood, adolescence and education and examine his earliest short films and critical writings against a background of a dramatically changing Spain. Later chapters provide accounts of the genesis, production and release of Medem's challenging and sensual films, which feed into complex but lucid analyses of their meanings, both political and personal, in which Stone draws on traditions and innovations in Basque art, Spanish cinema and European philosophy to create a complete and provocative portrait of Medem and his work. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2009



        by Ángeles Mastretta, Petra Strien-Bourmer

        Ana sieht keinen Grund, sich zwischen ihrem zuverlässigen, zugegebenermaßen etwas eintönigen Ehemann und ihrem phantasievollen Liebhaber zu entscheiden; Natalia beschleicht mit einem Mal das Gefühl, ihr Körper werde alt und ihr Herz dagegen immer jünger; Señora Fez hat ihre Pflicht an dem Tag erfüllt, an dem sie ihren Mann zu Grabe trägt – in den kurzweiligen, amüsanten, manchmal nachdenklichen und bewegenden Geschichten von Angeles Mastretta geht es um Frauen jeden Alters, die Enttäuschungen, Trennungen, aber auch das kleine Glück des Alltags und solche Ehemänner erlebt haben, die einen auch nach Jahren noch überraschen, in jeglichem Sinne …

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2006

        Buenos Aires

        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Sieglinde Oehrlein

        In Buenos Aires blühte seit jeher das kulturelle Leben. Hier lebten nicht nur Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar, der Tangokönig Carlos Gardel und Diego Maradona, hier logierten Ana Pavlova und Manuel de Falla im ersten Hotel der Stadt, die Großen der Opernwelt – Caruso, Karajan, Toscanini, Callas – gastierten am Teatro Colón, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry entwarf seinen Vol de nuit in einem der ersten Hochhäuser der Stadt und Federico García Lorca war monatelang die Attraktion der Theaterwelt. Sieglinde Oehrlein führt den Leser auf den Spuren dieser und anderer Persönlichkeiten durch die Stadt und an so manche versteckte Orte, an die es normalerweise keinen Touristen verschlägt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        The personalisation of politics in the UK

        by Ana Langer

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2012

        The personalisation of politics in the UK

        Mediated leadership from Attlee to Cameron

        by Ana Langer

        What does it mean to say that modern politics is personalised? To what extent is it more personalised than in the past, what is distinctive about contemporary forms of personalisation and are these changes enduring? This book addresses these questions. It re-thinks the concept of personalisation and develops an analytical framework for its study, in the process challenging current theorisation and bridging the political science and media studies approaches to the subject. Moreover, it presents new, rich and rigorous empirical data about how personalisation has developed over time in the UK, from 1945 to 2009. Its conceptual depth and empirical range makes the book a must-read for anyone researching the phenomenon of personalisation internationally, and a benchmark for future studies. It is also highly accessible to undergraduate and graduate students in political communication, British politics and media studies. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2022

        Twisted Dreams

        by Ana Huang

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2011

        Das Lied des Kolibris


        by Veloso, Ana

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Future Family

        Familien am Limit - neue Impulse für mehr Vereinbarkeit

        by Hoffmeister, Ana

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2015

        Krieg der Bastarde


        by Maia, Ana Paula

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        International relations
        September 2013

        EU foreign and security policy in Bosnia

        by Ana E. Juncos

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        June 2003

        Der kaukasische Kreidekreis

        by Bertolt Brecht, Ana Kugli

        Text und Kommentar in einem Band. In der Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek erscheinen literarische Hauptwerke aller Epochen und Gattungen als Arbeitstexte für Schule und Studium. Der vollständige Text wird ergänzt durch anschaulich geschriebene Kommentare.

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