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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJune 2019
Critical theory and epistemology
by Anastasia Marinopoulou, Darrow Schecter
Promoted ContentPhilosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledgeJune 2017
Critical theory and epistemology
The politics of modern thought and science
by Anastasia Marinopoulou. Series edited by Darrow Schecter
This volume in the Critical Theory and Contemporary Society series explores the arguments between critical theory and epistemology in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Focusing on the first and second generations of critical theorists and Luhmann's systems theory, the book examines how each approaches epistemology. It opens by looking at twentieth-century epistemology, particularly the concept of lifeworld (Lebenswelt). It then moves on to discuss structuralism, poststructuralism, critical realism, the epistemological problematics of Foucault's writings and the dialectics of systems theory. This unique work takes a comparative look at structuralism and post-structuralism's epistemological theory with special reference to scientific reason. It also investigates Luhmann's works in epistemology. The aim is to explore whether the focal point for epistemology and the sciences remain that social and political interests actually form a concrete point of concern for the sciences as well.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJune 2010
Beyond hegemony
Towards a new philosophy of political legitimacy
by Darrow Schecter
Since the Enlightenment, liberal democrat governments in Europe and North America have been compelled to secure the legitimacy of their authority by constructing rational states whose rationality is based on modern forms of law. The first serious challenge to liberal democratic practices of legal legitimacy comes in Marx's early writings on Rousseau and Hegel. Marx discovers the limits of formal legal equality that does not address substantive relations of inequality in the workplace and in many other spheres of social life. Beyond Hegemony investigates the authoritarianism and breakdown of those state socialist governments in Russia and elsewhere which claim to put Marx's ideas on democracy and equality into practice. The book explains that although many aspects of Marx's critique are still valid today, his ideas need to be supplemented by the contributions to social theory made by Nietzsche, Foucault, the critical theory of the Frankfurt School as well as the libertarian socialism of G.D.H. Cole. What emerges is a new theory of political legitimacy which indicates how it is possible to move beyond liberal democracy whilst avoiding the authoritarian turn of state socialism. Schecter points out the weaknesses of the many extra-legal accounts of non-formal legitimacy now on offer, such as those based on friendship and identity. He then argues that the first step beyond hegemony depends on the discovery of forms of legitimate legality and demonstrates why the conditions of legitimate law can be identified. ;
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2011
Sovereign states or political communities?
Civil society and contemporary politics
by Darrow Schecter
Explores the ideas, meaning and history of civil society, its role in the 1989 revolutions, its role in new social movements and its relationship with the state and the economy.. Distinguishes between security and freedom and illustrates how the latter is a political issue.. Draws on the writings of a wide range of political thinkers including: Kant Hegel Feuerbach Marx Weber Schmitt Adorno Arendt. Offers sophisticated and illuminating analysis and seeks to redefine politics in new ways.. ;
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesNovember 2017
Critical theory and feeling
by Simon Mussell, Darrow Schecter
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesMarch 2019
Critical theory and legal autopoiesis
by Gunther Teubner, Darrow Schecter
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2021
Critical theory and human rights
by David McGrogan, Darrow Schecter
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJune 2022
Critical theory and dystopia
by Patricia McManus, Darrow Schecter
Critical theory and dystopia offers a uniquely rich study of dystopian fiction, drawing on the insights of critical theory. Asking what ideological work these dark imaginings perform, the book reconstructs the historical emergence, consolidation and transformation of the genre across the twentieth century and into our own, ranging from Yevgeny Zamayatin's We (1924) and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932) to Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange (1963) and Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games series (2000s and 2010s). In doing so, it reveals the political logics opened up or neutered by the successive moments of this dystopian history.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2022
Critical theory and demagogic populism
by Paul K. Jones, Darrow Schecter
Populism is a powerful force today, but its full scope has eluded the analytical tools of both orthodox and heterodox 'populism studies'. This book provides a valuable alternative perspective. It reconstructs in detail for the first time the sociological analyses of US demagogues by members of the Frankfurt School and compares these with contemporary approaches. Modern demagogy emerges as a key under-researched feature of populism, since populist movements, whether 'left' or 'right', are highly susceptible to 'demagogic capture'. The book also details the culture industry's populist contradictions - including its role as an incubator of modern demagogues - from the 1930s through to today's social media and 'Trumpian psychotechnics'. Featuring a previously unpublished text by Adorno on modern demagogy as an appendix, it will be of interest to everyone concerned about the rise of demagogic populism today.
Trusted Partner1979
Das Leben des Mannes
Werdenskrisen. Wendepunkte. Entwicklungschancen
by Levinson, Daniel J / Beiträge von Darrow, Charlotte N; Beiträge von Klein, Edward B; Beiträge von Levinson, Maria H; Beiträge von McKee, Braxton; Englisch Herrmann, Hans
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2017
Für immer zuckerfrei
Schlank, gesund und glücklich ohne das süße Gift
by Zampounidis, Anastasia
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Trusted PartnerApril 2014
Die Bindung der Bürger an die Grundrechte.
Ein Rechtsvergleich zwischen Deutschland und Russland.
by Berger, Anastasia
Trusted PartnerMarch 2017
PaperShape DIY Wohndesign aus Papier
30 Modelle zum Dekorieren und Verschenken
by Baron, Anastasia
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