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        November 2015

        Das italienische Desaster

        by Perry Anderson

        Auch im sechsten Jahr der großen Krise ist Italien noch nicht wieder auf die Beine gekommen. Die Kennzahlen sind alarmierend: 44 Prozent der Italiener unter 25 Jahren haben keine Arbeit; nach 2012 und 2013 schrumpft die italienische Wirtschaft 2014 erneut. Die ökonomische fällt mit einer fundamentalen Krise der staatlichen Institutionen zusammen. Das Vertrauen in Politik und Parteien ist auf einem historischen Tiefstand, die Protestbewegung des Kabarettisten Beppe Grillo wurde bei den Parlamentswahlen zur zweitstärksten Partei; Matteo Renzi, von den Medien als Hoffnungsträger gefeiert, kungelt mit seinem skandalumwitterten Vorgänger Berlusconi und feiert den ehemaligen englischen Premierminister Tony Blair als Vorbild, obwohl dieser in seiner Heimat längst zur persona non grata geworden ist. In seinem vielbeachteten Essay präsentiert der Historiker Perry Anderson eine Chronologie des italienischen Desasters. Italien betrachtet er dabei nicht als »Anomalie innerhalb Europas, sondern als eine Art Konzentrat« der Probleme eines Kontinents, der zunehmend von Entdemokratisierung, Korruption und Wachstumsschwäche gekennzeichnet ist.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2018

        Shakespeare for the wiser sort

        by Steve Sohmer

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2004

        Subversive Spinoza

        Antonio Negri

        by Timothy S. Murphy, Gerard Greenway, Michael Hardt, Edward Stolze, Charles T. Wolfe

        In Subversive Spinoza, Antonio Negri spells out the philosophical credo that inspired his radical renewal of Marxism and his compelling analysis of the modern state and the global economy by means of an inspiring reading of the challenging metaphysics of the seventeenth-century Dutch-Jewish philosopher Spinoza. For Negri, Spinoza's philosophy has never been more relevant than it is today to debates over individuality and community, democracy and resistance, and modernity and postmodernity. This collection of essays extends, clarifies and revises the argument of Negri's influential 1981 book 'The Savage Anomaly: The Power of Spinoza's Metaphysics and Politics' and links it directly to his recent work on constituent power, time and empire. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2009

        The Trial of Treasure

        By anonymous

        by Peter Happe

        This edition of The Trial of Treasure will be a photographic facsimile of one of the five extant copies of this apparently anonymous play which was printed in 1567 by Thomas Purfoote. It will reproduce the copy at the Harry Ransome Library, Austin, Texas which has an anomaly in the printing not found in the other copies. In considering typographical characteristics of the text the Introduction discusses the place of this play in Purfoote's extensive output. It also addresses the relationship with William Wager's Enough is as Good as a Feast with which it shares some seventy lines, and considers the possibility of common authorship. The text is rich in stage directions and aspects of performance are discussed including the doubling scheme for five players and the role of the Vice which is exemplified here. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2014

        The humanities and the Irish university

        Anomalies and opportunities

        by Michael O'Sullivan

        This is the first book-length study of the humanities and the Irish university. Ireland was a deeply religious country throughout the twentieth century but the colleges of its National University never established a religion or theology department. The official first language of Ireland is Irish but the vast majority of teaching in the arts and humanities is in English. These are two of the anomalies that long constrained humanities education in Ireland. This book charts a history of responses to humanities education in the Irish context. Reading the work of John Henry Newman, Padraig Pearse, Sean O Tuama, Denis Donoghue, Declan Kiberd, Richard Kearney and others, it looks for an Irish humanities ethos. It compares humanities models in the US, France and Asia with those in Ireland in light of work by Immanuel Kant, Pierre Bourdieu and Jacques Derrida. It should appeal to those interested in Irish education and history. ;

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