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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJanuary 2025
‘Ten Pound Poms’
A life history of British postwar emigration to Australia
by A. James Hammerton, Alistair Thomson, Becca Parkinson
A riveting history of the 'Ten Pound Poms', a wave of British citizens who migrated to Australia and New Zealand after the Second World War. Between the 1940s and 1970s, more than a million Britons migrated to Australia. They were the famous 'Ten Pound Poms' and this is their story. The authors draw on a vast trove of letters, diaries and personal photographs, as well as hundreds of interviews with former migrants, to offer original insights into key historical themes. They explore people's motivations for emigrating, gender relations and family dynamics, the clashing experience of the 'very familiar and awfully strange', homesickness and the personal and national identities of both settlers and returnees. Filled with fascinating testimonies that shed light on migrant life histories, 'Ten Pound Poms' will engage readers interested in British and Australian migration history and intrigued about the power of migrant memories for individuals, families and nations.
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General & world historyMay 2005‘Ten Pound Poms’
A life history of British postwar emigration to Australia
by A. James Hammerton, Alistair Thomson
More than a million Britons emigrated to Australia between the 1940s and 1970s. They were the famous 'ten pound Poms' and this is their story. Illuminated by the fascinating testimony of migrant life histories, this is the first substantial history of their experience and fills a gaping hole in the literature of emigration. The authors, both leading figures in the fields of oral history and migration studies, draw upon a rich life history archive of letters, diaries, personal photographs and hundreds of oral history interviews with former migrants, including those who settled in Australia and those who returned to Britain. They offer original interpretations of key historical themes, including: motivations for emigration; gender relations and the family dynamics of migration; the 'very familiar and awfully strange' confrontation with the new world; the anguish of homesickness and return; and the personal and national identities of both settlers and returnees, fifty years on. Accessible and appealing, this book will engage readers interested in British and Australian migration history and intrigued about the significance of migrant memories for individuals, families and nations.
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March 2004Das kleine Buch fürs Wesentliche
Weisungen für ein spirituelles Leben (nur Innentitel)
by Dass, Ram
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1992Emanuels Buch
In Harmonie mit dem Kosmos leben
by Rodegast, Pat; Stanton, Judith / Vorwort von Dass, Ram; Englisch Höner, Rita; Illustriert von Rodegast, Roland
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October 2013Ursprünge des modernen Wirtschaftswachstums
England, China und die Welt in der Frühen Neuzeit
by Vries, Peer
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October 2001Spanische Universalmonarchie oder "teutsche Libertet"
Das spanische Imperium in der Propaganda des Dreißigjährigen Krieges
by Schmidt, Peer
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January 1990Die Privatisierung des Besitzes der Toten Hand in Spanien
Die Säkularisation unter König Karl IV. in Andalusien (1798-1808)
by Schmidt, Peer
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September 2021Blut und Schokolade
by Peer Martin
Als die 18-jährige Manal auf der Suche nach ihren Wurzeln an die Elfenbeinküste reist, ändert sich ihr Leben auf einen Schlag: Hinter einem von Hunden bewachten Zaun steht Issa, mitten im Urwald. Und braucht ihre Hilfe. Er will seinen kleinen Bruder nach Hause holen, der, wie viele andere Kinder, zum Arbeiten auf die Kakaoplantage verschleppt wurde. Doch so einfach ist das nicht, denn in der Welt hinter dem Zaun herrschen eigene Regeln, und viele der Kinder haben Angst vor der Freiheit. Schließlich gelingt ihnen jedoch mit Manals Hilfe die Flucht. Und eine gnadenlose Verfolgungsjagd durch ein ausgetrocknetes Land beginnt ...
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June 2013Schizophrenie ist scheiße, Mama!
Vom Leben mit meiner psychisch erkrankten Tochter
by Berg-Peer, Janine
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