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      • Hannele & Associates

        Hannele & Associates is a French publisher’s agency specialized in children’s books and coffee-table books. We represent French independent and creative companies, offering a wide range of titles from novelty books to picture books, non-fiction, fiction, etc. With such a variety of quality books, our bet is that everyone can find the right addition to their list!

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      • American Diabetes Association

        The American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2024

        Humanitarianism, empire and transnationalism, 1760-1995

        Selective humanity in the Anglophone world

        by Joy Damousi, Trevor Burnard, Alan Lester

        This is the first book to examine the shifting relationship between humanitarianism and the expansion, consolidation and postcolonial transformation of the Anglophone world across three centuries, from the antislavery campaign of the late eighteenth century to the role of NGOs balancing humanitarianism and human rights in the late twentieth century. Contributors explore the trade-offs between humane concern and the altered context of colonial and postcolonial realpolitik. They also showcase an array of methodologies and sources with which to explore the relationship between humanitarianism and colonialism. These range from the biography of material objects to interviews as well as more conventional archival enquiry. They also include work with and for Indigenous people whose family histories have been defined in large part by 'humanitarian' interventions.

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        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        August 2016

        Culture in Manchester

        Institutions and urban change since 1850

        by Janet Wolff, Mike Savage

        This book brings together studies of cultural institutions in Manchester from 1850 to the present day, giving an unprecedented account of the city's cultural evolution. These bring to light the remarkable range of Manchester's contribution to modern cultural life, including the role of art education, popular theatre, religion, pleasure gardens, clubs and societies. The chapters show the resilience and creativity of Manchester's cultural institutions since 1850, challenging any simple narrative of urban decline following the erosion of Lancashire's industrial base, at the same time illustrating the range of activities across the social classes. This book will appeal to everyone interested in the cultural life of the city of Manchester, including cultural historians, sociologists and urban geographers, as well as general readers with interests in the city. It is written by leading international authorities, including Viv Gardner, Stephen Milner, Mike Savage, Bill Williams and Janet Wolff.

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        August 2021

        Die Aufdrängung


        by Ariane Koch

        Eine junge Frau fristet ihr Dasein in einem zu großen Haus in einer zu kleinen Stadt neben einem dreieckigen Berg. Als dort ein Gast auftaucht, nimmt sie ihn kurzerhand bei sich auf. Der Gast ist ihr so vielversprechend neu wie fremd und wird schnell zum einnehmenden Mittelpunkt, aber auch Opfer inquisitorischer Machtfantasien. Bis er den Fängen der Hausherrin schließlich entkommt und sie selbst, wieder allein, eine lang ersehnte Reise antritt und nun ihrerseits zur Gästin wird. Die Aufdrängung ist ein wunderbar eigensinnig erzählter Roman, der Fragen nach dem Bekannten und Unbekannten, nach Herkunft und Heimat, nach Assimilation und Integration, nach Privatsphäre und Gastfreundlichkeit stellt. Ein Debüt, dessen Lust am Fabulieren und Fantasieren mitreißt.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2024

        Culture is not an industry

        by Justin O'Connor

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2023

        A culture of curiosity

        by Leonie Hannan

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        June 2001

        Leo Baeck 1873–1956

        Aus dem Stamme von Rabbinern

        by Fritz Backhaus, Georg Heuberger

        Der reich illustrierte Band, mit vielen bislang unveröffentlichten Bildzeugnissen, würdigt erstmals umfassend das Leben und Wirken Leo Baecks – des Mannes, der zur Symbolfigur des deutschen Judentums im 20. Jahrhundert wurde.Leo Baecks Lebensweg führte vom Kaiserreich über das NS-Regime bis in die Nachkriegszeit. 1933 wurde der Rabbiner zum Präsidenten der neugebildeten »Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden« gewählt. In dieser Position stellte er sich den nationalsozialistischen Machthabern trotz wachsender Ohnmacht entgegen und versuchte selbst noch in Theresienstadt den überlebenswillen der Deportierten zu stärken. Von vielen als Lehrer in dunklen Zeiten verehrt, wurde er im Zusammenhang mit der Kritik an der erzwungenen Kooperation jüdischer Repräsentanten mit dem NS-Regime später auch angegriffen. Wissenschaftler aus Deutschland, den USA und Israel gehen in ihren Beiträgen zu Leo Baeck charakteristischen Widersprüchen deutsch-jüdischer Existenz in der Moderne nach: Orthodoxie und Reform, Zionismus und Assimilation, Patriotismus und antisemitische Ausgrenzung, Apologie und Kritik in der christlich-jüdischen Auseinandersetzung – die Persönlichkeit Leo Baecks steht paradigmatisch für ein deutsch-jüdisches Leben im 20. Jahrhundert.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2021

        Anti-racist scholar-activism

        by Remi Joseph-Salisbury, Laura Connelly

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        Industrial / commercial art & design
        April 2017

        History through material culture

        by Series edited by Simon Trafford, Leonie Hannan, Sarah Longair

        History through material culture is a unique, step-by-step guide for students and researchers who wish to use objects as historical sources. Responding to the significant, scholarly interest in historical material culture studies, this book makes clear how students and researchers ready to use these rich material sources can make important, valuable and original contributions to history. Written by two experienced museum practitioners and historians, the book recognises the theoretical and practical challenges of this approach and offers clear advice on methods to get the best out of material culture research. With a focus on the early modern and modern periods, this volume draws on examples from across the world and demonstrates how to use material culture to answer a range of enquiries, including social, economic, gender, cultural and global history.

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        The Arts
        August 2007

        The public culture of the Victorian middle class

        Ritual and authority in the English industrial city 1840–1914

        by Simon Gunn

        The public culture of the Victorian middle class looks at the creation of a distinctive 'high' culture in the industrial cities of Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester in the mid-nineteenth century and its incipient decline from the 1880s. The history of urban bourgeois culture has been relatively unexplored and under-theorised compared to popular culture. This volume therefore represents a significant contribution both to the study of middle-class cultural forms and to an understanding of the relationship between culture and power. In particular, it argues for the importance of ritualised modes of social behaviour in understanding the construction of authority in the nineteenth-century city. As well as many original arguments, the book provides a clear and useful overview of the public cultures of Victorian 'respectability'. The book will be of interest to scholars and students in the areas of social history, cultural history, urban history, cultural studies, urban studies and the sociology of culture. ;

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        The Arts
        September 2009

        Nature and culture

        Objects, disciplines and the Manchester Museum

        by Samuel J. M. M. Alberti

        This is a vital new work; the first to take the University of Manchester's Museum as its subject. By setting the museum in its cultural and intellectual contexts, Nature and culture explores twentieth-century collecting and display, and the status of the object in the modern world. Beginning with the origins of the Manchester Museum, accounting for its development as an internationally renowned university museum, and concluding at its major expansion at the turn of the millennium, this book casts new light on the history of museums. How did objects become knowledge? Who encountered museum objects on their way to museums? What happened to collections within the museum? How did visitors use and respond to objects? In answering these questions, Nature and culture illuminates not only the history of one institution, but also contributes to wider discussions in the history of science, cultural history and museology. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Culture is bad for you

        by Orian Brook, Dave O'Brien, Mark Taylor

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        February 2000

        Feminism, femininity and popular culture

        by Joanne Hollows

        Accessible, introductory student guide which identifies key feminist approaches to popular culture from the 1960s to the present.. The only introduction to both feminist cultural studies and feminism and popular culture published in the UK.. Presents its information in a reader friendly series of case studies on: women's film romantic fiction soap opera consumption and material culture fashion and beauty proactices youth culture and popular music. Will appeal to students across a wide range of disciplines as a variety of popular cultural forms are discussed. ;

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        What is sex? Or: why don't we just let it be?

        by Bettina Stangneth

        Above all else, and despite all the enlightenment of the age, sex in the 21st century seems to be a problem. Abuse, MeToo, human trafficking, circumcision, role-playing, body cult... But if sex is a mere abyss for modern humans, then why not just let it be? We are the first generation that could actually do it without endangering the survival of the species. And voices are getting louder that once again call for abstinence in a supposedly over-sexualised society. Artificial insemination and artificially intelligent technology for the safe removal of instincts should finally pacify what humans cannot control: instinctive nature. Sex is not the epitome of our animal nature. Every attempt to control the animal in us, either by taming it or by freeing it from tamers in a sexual revolution, inevitably misses the point. Bettina Stangneth asks the quite simple question: what is sex? If every culture of prohibition has failed so far, clearer ideas are obviously needed. Even if we prefer to ignore it, attempts to establish a culture through desire instead of the cultivation of desire have been around for a long time. After all, if you don't want to learn to talk positively about sex, you can't talk meaningfully about coercion and violence.

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