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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        Eleventh-century Germany

        The Swabian chronicles

        by I. Robinson

        Three of the most important chronicles of eleventh-century Germany were composed in the south-western duchy of Swabia. The chronicles reveal how between 1049 and 1100 the centripetal attraction of the reform papacy became the dominant fact of intellectual life in German reformed monastic circles. In the abbey of Reichenau Herman 'the Lame' composed a chronicle of the reign of Emperor Henry III (1039-56). His pupil, Berthold of Reichenau, continued his master's work, composing a detailed account of 1076-1079 in Germany. Bernold, a clergyman of Constance, continued the work of Herman and Berthold in a text containing the fullest extant account of 1080-1100. Herman's waning enthusiasm for the monarchy and growing interest in the newly reformed papacy were intensified in Berthold's chronicle, and writing in the new context of the reformed monasteries of south-western Germany, Bernold preached total obedience to the Gregorian papacy. The Swabian chronicles are an indispensable resource to the student of the changing loyalties and conflicts of eleventh-century Germany.

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        January 1987

        Die Sklaverei in der Antike

        Geschichte und Probleme

        by Finley, Moses I

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        October 2016

        My Child and I

        by Thorsten Macha, Franz Petermann

        How is my child developing? Where can I turn for guidance? How can I stimulate my child’s development? Do I actually need to stimulate it? As a parent, what is my role in promoting development? And cares what it’s like for ME? “My Cild and I” addresses parents’ elementary questions on parenthood and the development of their child. It provides a clear summary of what can be expected from a child, what one can hope for, and what the child needs to be protected from. The parents themselves are not forgotten. Parenting young children is a stressful task: the book therefore contains basic recommendations that show how parents can contribute to their child’s development and where the boundaries of appropriate developmental encouragement lie. It also describes the challenges of parenthood and how parents can avoid becoming overwhelmed. Numerous tips help the reader identify and cope with the developmental risks and crises faced by both children and parents. Target Group: Parents of children between the ages of 0 and 6.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1995



        by Ulrike Draesner

        Ulrike Draesner, geboren 1962 in München, ist Romanautorin, Lyrikerin und Essayistin. Studium in England und Deutschland. Sie erhielt für ihr Werk zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, u. a. den Literaturpreis Solothurn 2010, den Roswithapreis 2013, den Joachim-Ringelnatz-Preis für Lyrik 2014 und den Usedomer Literaturpreis 2015. Sie lebt in Berlin und Oxford. Seit 2018 ist Draesner Professorin am Deutschen Literatur Institut Leipzig.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century

        Lives of Pope Leo IX and Pope Gregory VII

        by I. Robinson

        The eleventh-century papal reform transformed western European Church and society and permanently altered the relations of Church and State in the west. The reform was inaugurated by Pope Leo IX (1048-54) and given a controversial change of direction by Pope Gregory VII (1073-85). This book contains the earliest biographies of both popes, presented here for the first time in English translation with detailed commentaries. The biographers of Leo IX were inspired by his universally acknowledged sanctity, whereas the biographers of Gregory VII wrote to defend his reputation against the hostility generated by his reforming methods and his conflict with King Henry IV. Also included is a translation of Book to a Friend, written by Bishop Bonizo of Sutri soon after the death of Gregory VII, as well as an extract from the violently anti-Gregorian polemic of Bishop Benzo of Alba (1085) and the short biography of Leo IX composed in the papal curia in the 1090s by Bishop Bruno of Segni. These fascinating narrative sources bear witness to the startling impact of the papal reform and of the 'Investiture Contest', the conflict of empire and papacy that was one of its consequences. An essential collection of translated texts for students of medieval history.

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        April 2014

        Frau mit Waffe

        Zwei Geschichten aus terroristischen Zeiten

        by Ulrike Edschmid

        "Sie dachten an Freiheit und gerieten in äußerste Unfreiheit." Die Rede ist von Astrid Proll, die sich 1968 mit Andreas Baader und Gudrun Ensslin zusammenschließt und für die das Leben in der Illegalität zunächst ein befreiender Ausbruch war. Und von Katharina de Fries, die 1968 in Berlin die Kinderläden mitbegründet, Hörspiele und Kinderbücher schreibt und 1980, 46 Jahre alt und Mutter von fünf Kindern, beim Überfall auf einen Geldboten verhaftet wird. Jenseits der deutschen Grenzen beginnen beide ein neues Leben. Ulrike Edschmid hat die weithin unbekannten Lebensgeschichten zweier Frauen geschrieben, die in der Öffentlichkeit mit dem Begriff "Terroristin" gebrandmarkt wurden. Mit dem sympathisierenden, dennoch distanzierten Blick der Zeitgenossin beschreibt sie Kindheit und Jugend in den Kriegs- und Nachkriegsjahren, kommt Erlebnissen auf die Spur, die den Schritt zur subversiv-befreienden Tat vorbereitet haben, und zeichnet ein klares Bild der Zeit der Studentenbewegung und der Jahre danach.

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        September 2022

        Der gestohlene Weihnachtsbaum

        by Hans Fallada, Ulrike Möltgen

        Was tun, wenn Weihnachten kurz vor der Tür steht und immer noch kein Baum im Haus ist? Oder der Wunschzettel lang ist, aber man »immer so mit dem Pfennig rechnen muss«? Und ob die Tiere draußen auch das Fest feiern können? Der Bestsellerautor Hans Fallada erinnert in seinen Erzählungen an die schönste Zeit des Jahres: »Dies Gefühl aufzuwachen und zu wissen: Heute ist wirklich Weihnachten. Wovon wir seit einem Vierteljahr geredet, auf was wir so lange schon gehofft hatten, nun war es wirklich da!« Und mit den wunderbaren Illustrationen von Ulrike Möltgen kann man sich die Geschichten zum Fest gemeinsam anschauen und lesen!

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        by William K. Wohlgemuth, Ana I. Fins

        About 40% of the population experiences difficulty falling or staying asleep at some time in a given year, while 10% of people suffer chronic insomnia. This concise reference written by leading experts for busy clinicians provides practical and up-to-date advice on current approaches to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of insomnia. Professionals and students learn to correctly identify and diagnose insomnia and gain hands-on information on how to carry out treatment with the best evidence base: cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and the American College of Physicians (ACP) both recognize CBT-I as the first-line treatment approach to insomnia. Appendices include useful resources for the assessment and treatment of insomnia, which readers can copy and use in their clinical practice.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Kleider machen Leute

        by Gottfried Keller, Ulrike Möltgen

        Der junge Schneidergeselle Wenzel, mittellos, aber gut gekleidet, ist auf Arbeitssuche und wird unterwegs von einem Kutscher mitgenommen. Bei seiner Ankunft in dem Städtchen Goldach hält man ihn prompt für den Besitzer der Kalesche und bewirtet ihn im Gasthaus »Zur Waage« als »polnischen Grafen Strapinski«. Aus Schüchternheit und Scham wagt er nicht, seine wahre Identität preiszugeben. Als er sich gerade aus dem Staub machen will, trifft er die reizende Amtsratstochter Nette und die Lage spitzt sich zu …Gottfried Kellers Novelle aus dem Zyklus Die Leute von Seldwyla gehört zu den bekanntesten Erzählungen der deutschen Literatur, sie erscheint erstmals illustriert in der Insel-Bücherei mit den wunderbaren Bildern von Ulrike Möltgen.

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        The Arts
        February 2022

        "I am Jugoslovenka!"

        Feminist performance politics during and after Yugoslav Socialism

        by Jasmina Tumbas, Amelia Jones, Marsha Meskimmon

        "I am Jugoslovenka" argues that queer-feminist artistic and political resistance were paradoxically enabled by socialist Yugoslavia's unique history of patriarchy and women's emancipation. Spanning performance and conceptual art, video works, film and pop music, lesbian activism and press photos of female snipers in the Yugoslav wars, the book analyses feminist resistance in a range of performative actions that manifest the radical embodiment of Yugoslavia's anti-fascist, transnational and feminist legacies. It covers celebrated and lesser-known artists from the 1970s to today, including Marina Abramovic, Sanja Ivekovic, Vlasta Delimar, Tanja Ostojic, Selma Selman and Helena Janecic, along with music legends Lepa Brena and Esma Redzepova. "I am Jugoslovenka" tells a unique story of women's resistance through the intersection of feminism, socialism and nationalism in East European visual culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        What I Like About You

        Mitten ins Herz

        by Kanter, Marisa

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